Rating:  Summary: Peter Pan is back Review: Peter Pan is back in another sequel from Disney, the question is why does Disney do this? Disney should start to work on more orginal movies instead of sequels all the time. But do we need any more sequels from Disney? In less, somebody can convice Disney to stop making sequels for a while, I guess we are stuck with them. As the movie opens, Wendy (Kath Soucie) now grown up is married, has 2 kids, and when her husband goes off to serve in a war, Wendy stays home with daughter Jane (Harriet Owen) and son Danny (Andrew McDonough) but London is also keeping the children safe, and so both Jane and Danny will have to take a train for safety. Danny believes Wendy's stories about Peter Pan, but his older sister Jane does not. The night before Danny and Jane has to leave home, Captain Hook (Corey Burton) shows up, and mistakes Jane for Wendy, and kidnaps her. In Neverland, she is rescured by Peter Pan (Blayne Weaver). But all she wants to do, is to go home. And even joins up with Peter Pan's rival Captain Hook, when she promies to take her home, when she finds Peter Pan's treasure.
Rating:  Summary: Why return from Never Land? Review: My family and I can safely say THIS IS THE BEST MOVIE PUT OUT BY DISNEY FOR KIDS IN YEARS. Absolutely the best! My 3 year old is very easily frightened by characters like Cruella deVille (101 Dalmations, Ursula (Little Mermaid), the witch in Snow White, etc. She absolutely loved this movie. While Capt. Hook is obviously the "villian", his humorous behavior and script is very suitable for her age. The crocodile has even been toned down a bit (it's now an octopus that wants Hook). Several childrens movies I've seen have double-entendres, subtle sexual tension, even swear words (Shrek), but this film has none of that. All 3 of my kids loved this film (5,3, and 1 year olds), as did my wife and I. I am preordering it today on DVD. So I ask again, why return from Never Land? It's a great trip, and my 3 year old daughter has been Peter Pan in my house now for weeks, and she calls me Hook and chases me around. Thank you Disney!
Rating:  Summary: I thought this movie was a good flick and so did my sister Review: I have never been a Peter Pan fan. I thought Peter was corny. I found this video in my house and I popped it in my vcr and started watching. I had negative thoughts in mind but I watched the whole movie. This movie was pretty good and people stop complaining about the voices, they were fine. Give those actors some credit! I really think this one topped the classic. I mean it is more modern and who needs a boring old classic? I liked this one better and now I became a Peter Pan/Cap'n Hook fan!!
Rating:  Summary: Wanting to return to Neverland? Review: How many good sequels does Disney put out these days? My answer would be: Not very good ones. A lot of them are direct-to-video, and not even worth renting from a local video store! But with "Return to Neverland", it's different. Disney has really pixie dusted this movie! It's a real family classic. Actually WORTH going to see! It takes place during one of the darkest times in history...World War II. Jane is a young teenager, writing down everything that interests her, while her little 4-year-old brother, Danny, listens eagarly as his mother, the now-grown-up Wendy, tells him stories about Peter Pan and Neverland. Jane thinks them pure nonsense, and tells her brother that all the Peter Pan things he likes, is childish. After a while, Jane lays down on her window seat in the nursery, and cries herself to sleep. Little does she know, that Captain Hook is about to kidnap her.... The whole movie is very interesting, funny, and great for the whole family! I am DEFINETLY buying it, when it comes out on video! :-)
Rating:  Summary: My kids love it Review: It must be pretty hard to come up with a sequel to a classic Dinsey film that will be a huge hit. After all, those of us who grew up with the original feel it can't be improved upon. Still, if you look at "Return to Neverland" as the continuing story of Peter Pan's association with members of the Darling family, you shouldn't be too disappointed. Wendy's daughter Jane is fed up with stories of "faith, trust and pixie dust", words that mean nothing to a girl who's just seen her father off to war and is meant to board a train with the rest of London's children as a means of protection from the bombs. Her Mother's stories of Peter Pan and his adventures only aggrivate her- until Hook shows up to kidnap her and use her as bait, thinking she's Wendy. You can pretty much guess how the rest will go. It certainly isn't the original- then again, I don't believe it's meant to be. My kids developed and interest in the original "Peter Pan"- even the live stage production with Mary Martin- after they saw "RTN". The enjoyment I received was watching my kids totally get in to the movie and interact with it. They're happy, and I'm happy with my purchase. DVD also includes deleted scenes, the making of the original song "I'll Try", and an extra-fun game- using your remote control, you have to find 5 lost boys and 2 treasures, then find Jane. My kids have asked to put the DVD on just to play the game. Your kids will love this, and after all, isn't that what matters?
Rating:  Summary: Loved it, despite it's being a sequal.... Review: As a child I loved Peter Pan (didn't we all?). At 21, I still love it (yes, I'm a hopeless Disney buff). When they at last released a sequal, one strong enough to release to theatres instead of directly to video, I WAS ecstatic. Although this movie was directed more at kids than adults than the first one, I still enjoyed it very much. The animation is gorgeous. That is the film's biggest plus. Disney went all out to create a Neverland by today's standards, increasing on the beauty of the original that, in the widescreen theatre I attended, was perfect enough to dazzle my eyes. I felt I was flying along with them as they soared. Plotwise, even though it is somewhat thinner than the original Peter Pan (hence four stars instead of five) there are very intense emotional moments that seared itself into my brain. I have almost never cried at a movie before but this one had tears in my eyes at times. I forsee this as a classic in the making. They did a wonderful job. Captain Hook was a slight disappointment, but the humor surrounding him was funny enough (at least, for kids) to almost make up for it. I tend to see him as more of a side character than in the first one, and the main point, having Jane rediscover her child within amidst WWII, being more of the focus. I really enjoyed how the Lost Boys played a bigger part in this, as well. They spoke more and had more intelligence, though they were still funny. I definetly reccomend this DVD to anyone when it comes out. If I enjoyed it this much in the theatres, I doubt I'll enjoy it any less at home.
Rating:  Summary: A Disney sequel that deserves it's theatrical release! Review: Return to Neverland provides a fresh new perspective on a Disney classic. Decidedly better than other Disney sequels, this theater-released follow-up brings us a more refreshingly modern heroine. Jane (Wendy's daughter) has lost her childhood dreams due to war, but her spunk was evident in a scene prior to that--with her ambition to become one of the "Lost Boys," rather than follow in the footsteps of her mother. She is definitely a heroine, not a damsel in distress. Unfortunately, the more modern soundtrack is completely forgettable (they should have tried harder with this) and the story line rehashes some of the scenes from the original (but remember that Neverland is not supposed to change). In spite of these minor problems, the movie manages to remind us that even in times of trouble, we should never to let ourselves (or our children) forget the magic of childhood. This couldn't be truer in this post-September 11th world. Should you take your kids to see it? I took my two-year-old and four-year-old sons. The 72 minute run time was perfect--we were able to leave by the time my two-year-old was starting to get antsy. Were there any dark and scary scenes? There were a few scenes with Captain Hook (meaner and more menacing than before) and the octopus (which starts out menacing, but ends up as just a silly side character) that made my two-year-old nervous. Still he wasn't scared by the movie, and he tends to be very sensitive these days. (I was prepared to leave if I needed to, but all I had to do was hold him at one point.) They both had seen the original movie and loved that. After Return to Neverland, they played Peter Pan and Captain Hook for days! Bottom line? A pleasant (though brief) outing for the entire family.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Good, But Could've Been Better. Review: I absolutly LOVED the first Peter Pan story and was curious to see this as well. I never really though about how a sequel to J.M Barrie's classic Peter Pan would fare, but this movie was decent nonetheless. Peter's voice is different, (young) Wendy's voice is different (I thought so!), Cap'n Hook's voice is different (a little bit), and yes, Mr. Smee and the Lost boys sound different, too! And did mention that Hook managed to rid himself of his minor ticking crocodile problem? Well, with the croc gone, Hook doesn't half to worry about any ticking beast trying to eat him. WRONG! This time, Hook's got a GIANT OCTOPUS to worry about this time! (the octopus was amusing to watch, but the crocodile is funnier). Overall: Decent, 3 and a half stars for PETER PAN 2: RETURN TO NEVERLAND. Hey wait a minute! Where's Tiger Lily? I thought she was cute! My advice: If you really want a TRUE sequel created by Disney, buy The Rescuers Down Under Gold Collection DVD (it may very well ALWAYS be Disney's greatest sequel!
Rating:  Summary: I thought this would be junky... Review: ...but it is actually very nice! I usually hate Disney sequels because they are cheesy and ruin the first film. We usually stay away from movies that say on the cover, "All new feature-length adventure", because that's a sure sign of a cheapo sequel. That's what I was expecting when we got this movie, but I was impressed with the computer animation, the soundtrack and with the way Disney tried hard to get actors that sounded very much like the ones in the first movie. The one thing I didn't like though was the lack of indians! They didn't even mention the word "indian". Sure, they showed the camp, but it was as empty as a ghost town. Oh well. This is a good movie for the younger group, although the adults will probably enjoy it as well.
Rating:  Summary: Very Enjoyable. Review: Even though there are a few things that could have made this movie better, I still liked it. I thought the new voice of Peter Pan (Blayne Weaver) was better than Bobby Driscoll's voice (the 1st movie). The beggining was actcullay kinda heart-BREAKING than heart-WARMING (I REALLY ended up feeling very sorry for Jane {Wendy's daughter}). Now, about Neverland, the elusive "island of dreams" has not really changed all that much, (however, I don't remember that waterfall or river being there). Corey Burton (Captain Hook) was acutally the same as Hans Conreid in the 1st film, except Burton was more high pitched, also the vioces of Cubby, Wendy(young) and Mr. Smee were different too. (Plus Smee was still suprisingly goofy in this one, everything Smee did in this film cracked me up, HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!