Rating:  Summary: SILVER UNICORN BLOOD, SILVER SCREEN Review: This movie is awesome. I loved it. The adult star - studded cast was marvelous. The fresh from the street actors were weak at times( lack of emotion, accent problems), but overall great. I am one of the legions of HP fans who went into the movie with a scar over my right eye and my favorite house's (Slytherin) crest on my shirt. The movie did not keep exactly true to the book, it would have been what? 6:30,but I didn't mind to to much.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as the book, but still worth seeing Review: There are a few things that annoyed me about the movie, like the few things that were changed in the movie, and the many scenes cut out. Ron, Hermione and Harry were great, but the attention focused too much on them, and a lot of the minor characters didn't have many speaking roles. Alan Rickman (Snape) was the best, in my opinion, but he also didn't have as much screen time as he should have. The time of the movie was long, but I didn't realize that the two and a half hours had gone by until the credits rolled. (It was only until I was in the car and saw the clock that I asked myself where the time had gone!) I definately recommend this movie, because it is more spectacular than it is annoying.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent film! Review: I have to admit that I was a little worried that the makers of the movie might have trouble making the transition from a book to a movie. But as a gigantic Harry Potter fan, I can say that the movie completely met my expectations. The actors couldn't have been better. Everybody did such an amazing job. The characters were just as I had envisioned them. I also really love the music by John Williams, it adds a lot to the movie. All of the sets were fantastic. Don't miss this film, even if you're not a Harry Potter fan. I'll probably watch it again.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter Open My Eyes To Books Once More. Review: I am 22 years old. I just saw Harry Potter yesterday in New York City at Loews Movie Theater. Since I never read any of the books my opinion of this movie is great. I usually see a lot of pictures but this one caught my eye. Not because everybody around the world is screaming for Harry Potter but it took me back to my imagination of magic, wizards and wonders of a possible another world besides my own. Yes I do have the 4 Harry Potter books and audio cassettes. But first I prefer to sit down and see where will my imagination go beyond here. I enjoy the picture very much. To be honest I never enjoy reading books in school. I still don't. Maybe this is a step towards possible getting back what I lost, a interest in reading once more. Thank You J.K. Rowling and who ever reads this. I can't wait for the next big adventure on screen.
Rating:  Summary: The Movie Was Great! Review: I really liked the movie, I have read all four books and some parts were left out, but if you watch the movie and forget about the book then you'll really enjoy it! The actors were great, and the special effects are amazing! Everything even the little things pop out at you. I really think the movie stayed true to the book except for some parts, people who liked the book will most likely love the movie!
Rating:  Summary: It's great - by a 14 year old Review: I waited in line for only 1 1/2 hours before I got into it. It was so worth it! I went with my dad, 11 year old sister, 7 year old brother, and best friend. It was awesome!!!!!Just in case you don't know, Harry Potter is an orphaned wizard who has grown up with muggles (normal people). They are especially nasty guardians, and he doesn't realize his power or fame until his 11th birthday, when Hagrid, a giant, carries him off to Hogwarts, a school of wizardry. There he finds he is the most famous 11 year old wizard ever - everyone seems to know more about him than he does! His name is spoken everywhere, and so is his mysterious scar. At Hogwarts, Harry makes some friends and has many adventures. They have captured the book well. Hogwarts is fantastic, and I love how there are ghosts floating nonchalantly around (iincluding Nearly Headless Nick, who you might recognize as John Cleese). The characters are fabulous. Harry Potter is aptly understated, and he comes off as an ordinary kid with extraordinary powers. As for Harry's friends, Ron is hilarious! He has great lines and facial expressions, obviously having a knack for comedy. Hermione is wonderful, too. She is very enchanting as a know-it-all. Ron and Hermione together make quite a few laughing scenes. Hagrid is perfect, not too bright but with a heart of gold (especially for very dangerous and ugly creatures). I, personally, was not dissapointed. However, when I watch a movie, it doesn't change my view of the characters. If it's well done, as this is, it actually helps me visualize certain scenes that are hard to pick up from a book. It was cool seeing the Quiddich game come to life. The kids are all so cute, and I can't wait to see the next movies to come!
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter stays pretty faithful Review: As an adult, I find the current Harry Potter books to be quite charming and entertaining. Therefore, I was excited at the prospect of a film version. The good news is that HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER'S STONE is pretty faithful to its source novel. (Of course, there areextreme fans who scream about missing elements and characters or abridgement, but the tone of the books is captured. Director Chris Columbus (HOME ALONE) creates a visual world exactly as described in print. That is quite a feat, especially when its time to break out the broomsticks for a fast game of Quittich. The story structure is rather episodic, as is the book, and so the pacing is different from most 'Hollywood' movies. But, to capture every element would have the film run into the 5-6 hour range. The cast is superb, from the 3 wonderful child actors, Robbie Coltrane as the giant Hagrid on to Alan Rickman as the suspicious Professor Snape. And the musical score by uber-composer John Williams adds the final textures to the film. But, with all these positive elements, the film remains pretty void of emotional attachment. None of the relationships are given enough time to establish. The film remains a visual and visceral feast, but shy when it comes to the heart. It seems apparent that the franchise will continue both in more books and a continued film series. So, Harry Potter might eventually be the most popular young boy ever. Younger Children might be challenged, not so much by the few moments of 'meanies', but by the 2 and a half hour running time. In closing, Director Columbus must be commended for doing the unthinkable, entertainingly and faithfully bringing the novel to the screen. But, we could've used a bit of the soft stuff...
Rating:  Summary: What else could Harry Potter get?? Review: I have just come home from watching the movie, and I have to say it is amazing!!! The movie is extreamly fathful to the book, but I was disapointed that the sorting hat did not sing. The lines of each character were also hacked up a lot, but my friends who have each read the books over five times didn't seem to notice, where as I, who listen to the audio tapes constantly, could notice every little change. Do not reread the books before going!!! Do not pay attention to the little details! The movie is wonderously fathful, for a movie! Look at Jurassic Park compared to the book! Try to enjoy the movie and not worry about the little changes, it really is wonderful. You have to see it, especially if you have never read the books. It didn't ruin a single thing for me! So go buy a ticket now! (and then come home and download the movie ...until it comes out on DVD!)
Rating:  Summary: Considering the Hype, Not too Bad but Could be Better Review: I know that the director had a monumental task of living up to the hype. I loved the books and watched the movie on opening day. I tried to keep my expectations low as not to be disappointed and to some degree I was not. The movie gets as close to the book as possible without becoming a six hour movie. The director does use some discretion to "modify" scenes to shorten the length of the movie -- no problem there. The Professors' acting are for the most part very good -- Snapes is excellent. The Dursleys are repulsively accurate and young Harmoine does the most spectacular job of the kids in the film. Ron Weasely is not too bad himself. On the other hand there is Harry... the kid who does the acting does so without feeling and its almost as if he is thinking to himself "I read the book... I know what happens next" There is little excitement. That boredom mixed with flow-of-though jumping from scene to scene create a skitterish movie ala Goonies, though Goonies seeemed to have more cohesiveness. Potter does a so-so job at best. OVERALL: The kids will love it but I dont know if I could watch this movie twice. Should it be the lead box-office hit of all-time? Personally I don't think so. If you are wondering whether or not to brave lines and watch it opening weekend, my suggestion is to wait till the crowds die down. I personally will be watching Monsters, Inc. for the second and maybe third time, but I won't be there for Harry Potter. if you are fan watch it once... but thats about it. Other than that, watch Monster's inc over and over and wait for Lord of the Rings.
Rating:  Summary: Talented, Magical, Original, Inspired Escapist Entertainment Review: Thank God for Harry Potter. Yes this is a phenomenon, yes this needed the book to be where it is, and YES it's been hyped, and good for it! Is that a sin? Not when I checked. I'll be honest, I've never laid a finger on the books, so regarding the accuracy and faithfulness of the book I can't comment on. But A) I understood it, thoroughly enjoyed it, and found it captivating and sweat inducing... it obviously stood on it's own. B) The production team, all of it, has created "muggle" magic. This has it's flaws, but what film doesn't? This is NOT a slapstick stupid children's movie. This has a plot, creativity, acting, and emotional weight. Remember what those are? This is a film that allows us to escape, forget our problems for a hunky fast moving 2 and a half hours, and dive into a startlingly realistic, not to mention bright and happy, world of children, magic, wizardry, and evil. I found myself applauding during the Quidditch (sp?) scenes, as if it was perfectly normal for kids to ride 70 feet in the air on broomsticks and get bruised up, that jellybeans come in every flavor (including certain excretory material, you'll see), and that kids can jump through brick walls onto a fractional train platform. What fun! Oh! For shame you critics who refuse to enjoy! This film is for enjoyment. This has lots of eye candy, beautiful stuff, dazzling stuff. But it's not at all empty. If you need serious content, I was surprised to find deep running currents, thematic elements, that are unusually mature. The pyschological effects of a child who has lived in an emotionally abusive environment for years on end were well portrayed in several scenes. Borderline personalities in several characters. The age old theme of giving one's life for another; the Faustian plot of giving your soul up for personal gain; the danger of dwelling in an inate state instead of movement to some form of action; and of destiny. Pretty heavy for so called (and here paraphrased) "hollow kid stuff". Are you gonna listen to complaining religious fundamentalists, snobs, and critics? God Bless Harry Potter for the balm of a movie that finally isn't afraid to be what it is.