Rating:  Summary: A memory i can't get rid of! Review: When I was still a young boy, I saw this movie. Since I've seen it I really was impressed with it. Such a beautiful movie. Trust me this is a movie that's truely worth your money!! I don't want to tell the whole storyline to people that haven't seen it cause that will make the first time less enjoyable! It only surprised me that it took so long to get this on DVD. I am waiting on it for over a year!!... And if you like this one, you must try Labyrinth!
Rating:  Summary: Greatest Movie Ever! Review: I Don't Care What Nobody Says,I LOVE THIS MOVIE! I first saw it in daycare when I was 4 and I did'nt understand it,but for some reason,I liked it,although I couldn't remember anything about it. When I was 12,I went back and bought it,and it made me cry,and I hardly ever cry! So if you love magic,YOU WILL LOVE THIS MOVIE!
Rating:  Summary: Where's the remastered soundtrack? Review: This is one of my all time favorite movies and I'm so disappointed that it's not being released with a 5:1 soundtrack! Or any extras for that matter.Otherwise a great film, viewers take note...some of the scenes with the wolf may be a bit scary for young children.
Rating:  Summary: The Inner Quest of the Hero... Alive and well. Review: I recently re-watched "The Neverending Story," not having seen it since I was a young kid, and unlike many TV shows and movies from my childhood, it was everything I remember (and more). The release of this classic on DVD is an event that I look forward to. The adventures of Atrayu and Bastian are truly our own, as the quest to defeat the Nothing is a mirror of the eternal spiritual quest discussed by Joseph Cambell in many writings. While Atrayu makes a physical journey, Bastian makes the journey internally, only to discover that he IS Atrayu and that the story is his own. The special effects are MAGNIFICENT, even by today's standards. In fact, they are better than today's glitzy 3D CGI, because they are a supliment to the storytelling, not a subsitute for it. As I watched the clunky anamatronic face of Falcor, I thought how beautiful he could be in CGI, but then I contemplated the fact that if the movie were made today, and animators spent time in CG making him, he'd HAVE to be the center of the movie, instead of a supporting character, which is where he belongs. There is also a realness, and emotion, on his mechanical face that CGI never seems to capture with its soulless perfection. Even though it was made in the early 80's, I was fascinated at how well they make me feel like I'm really there with Atrayu, standing beneath the monstrosity of the Southern Oracle, in all its bohemoth mammiary glory! We really feel like we're flying with Falcor to the top of the Ivory tower to find the little flower-shaped shrine of Moonchild. This film is visual storytelling at its VERY best. In short, if you haven't seen this film in a while, use the DVD relaease as an excuse to watch it again. You'll not regret it.
Rating:  Summary: Why not the whole Cake? Review: Like every other 80's child in the world, I am absolutely ecstatic about this incredible movie finally coming out on DVD, however, I am somewhat disappointed at the lack of special features added to it. With nothing more than Region 1 Encoding and Surround Sound, we are still left in mystery as to how they managed the breath-taking special effects, deleted scenes, or even a comentary by Peterson. Hopefully sometime in the near future, they will release a full-monty DVD of The Neverending Story and we will finally be at rest as to how this extraordinary movie came to be!
Rating:  Summary: A great film Review: One of my best film. I saw it when I was a kid, and this was my best movie souvenir. A great, breathtaking film. One regret: the DVD doesn't seems to include french subtitles or french track (which was really good) or other extras like the beautiful soundtrack.
Rating:  Summary: What did I just watch? Review: This movie is complete trash. First off, IT ENDS!!!!! How can a "neverending story" END?!?!?!?!?! People aren't stupid you know! A movie can't claim to go on forever and then come to a conclusion. Second, what does Bastion yell out the window at the end? I know it is "supposed" to be the name he gives to the child-like empress, but WHAT IS IT? For all the times I've watched it, I still cannot understand what he is yelling. What pisses me off the most about the scene is that the people who closed-captioned it for television and video couldn't even understand it!!!!! I MEAN FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!! Isn't it kind of necessary to understand the name he gives her? Did the people who made the movie just decide "Well, we can't think of a name for the child-like empress so why don't we just have him scream incomprehensibly?" I first saw this movie when I was a little kid and let me tell you something. It scared the HELL out of me!!!!! If the movie is going to be marketed as a kid's movie, make it enjoyable for kids and not something that gives them nightmares. Kids movies should be light and funny, not dark and forbodding. Let me say just one more thing. As terrible as this movie was, the other two are even WORSE!!!!! Please, in the name of all that is holy and sacred in this world, as well as for the sake of your own sanity, stay away from these movies.
Rating:  Summary: A movie you really want to neverend! Review: The Neverending Story is definatly my favorite movie. I don't think it deservervs only five stars, but twenty-five. That's how much I like it. The Neverending Story is about a young boy named Bastian who steals a book from an old book-keeper and hides in the school attic to read it. The book that Bastian is reading is called 'The NeverEnding Story' which is about a warrior named Atreyu who is sent on a quest to save Fantasia, (the world of human fantasy) from the Nothing. During Atreyu's journey he learns much and meets many new creatures like Engywook, the Rock-Biter, and Falkor the Luckdragon. Later on, Bastian realizes that he is a part of the Neverending Story. Not only does Bastian become part of the story, but the veiwer does as well. When I first saw this movie (I was about 5), I thought it was the best as I still think it is. I probably like the movie even better than before because it's easier to understand. This movie is for anyone who likes the fantasy world or adventures or anyone who likes to watch movies.
Rating:  Summary: One of the classic 80s fantasy films... Review: "Die Unendliche Geschichte" Released in 1984, this movie is perhaps the best of the classic 80s fantasy resurgence. Along with The Dark Crystal, Labyrinth and Ridley Scott's Legend, The Neverending Story lets us all escape from reality for a while. This film, however, rises above others in its genre by offering a somewhat postmodern examination of the desires and needs for escape from everyday life. Drawing comparisons between Bastian's storybook readings and our own cinema-going, the film ultimately condones such escapist daydreaming - disapproved of by Bastian's father early in the movie - and offers us hope that if we follow those dreams with all our heart, we will achieve them. Visually stunning with Ul de Rico's inimitable production design, and directed with a beautifully non-Hollywood flare by German director Wolfgang Petersen, The Neverending Story is a film to be not only enjoyed but cherished. On the surface it's an exhiliarating fantasy ride, below it's an examination of the childhood daydreams most of us have given up on or forgotten. Relive them. All the leads are strong, with some brilliant supporting performances from actors and creatures alike. Followed by George 'Mad Max' Miller's sequel in 1990, which was watchable but suffered from the lead-cast changes (unavoidable as the original actors were hitting twenty), and an abysmal third installment in 1994, which should be avoided at all costs. NOTE: This review was written just prior to the release of the DVD version. I hope Warners give the film the treatment it deserves - no film with $27m of production design in it goes without supplementary material. There are two versions of the film, the German version containing Klaus Doldinger's complete score and lacking Giorgio Moroder's memorable theme song. The musci video at least should be included.
Rating:  Summary: Utterly Fantastic... Review: I read the novel after I watched the movie, and while the novel was, of course, better than the movie, the movie was superb!