Rating:  Summary: I Do Belive In Faries, I Do, I Do! Review: When Peter Pan(Jeremy Sumpter) lands on the window sill of Wedny Darling(Rachel Hurd-Wood) nursery the Darling children are in for the ride of the lives. They get to fly, fight pirates, play with mermaids and even dance with the faries. Wendy captures the attention of Peter with her stories which are even loved by the pirate crew. Wendy has that hidden kiss whcih could just save peters life.This is a wonderful masterpice put together by Universal Pictures, Columbia Pictures and Revoultion studios featuring Jasson Isaacs, Jeremy Sumpter, Rachel Hurd-Wood and Carsen Gray is the Family movie of the Year
Rating:  Summary: Peter Pan Review: I love this movie! It rocks! If you have not seen this movie you are so not cool. This movie is so cool, my friends were sitting there saying my name and I tuned them out because I was intreasted in this moive. With all the money I spent on going to the movies I could of bought the DVD. I saw it in theaters 3 times! And Jeremy Sumpter is so hot! Fhew. And Rachel-HurtWood is so pretty. I am so jelous. Well I'll shut up now so don't forget go buy that movie/dvd cause if you dont you will regreat it. Love ya Jeremy Sumpter!
Rating:  Summary: pirates, sex, and psychology Review: Ever wonder what kept Capt. Hook's hook on his arm? Well, I never have, but I found out from watching this new movie! The new Peter Pan has so many different levels to it, and I love all of them. First of all, it's just so enjoyable to watch. It was like a combination of the old Disney cartoon and the Mary Martin musical. The movie captures the essence of the book with out copying it word for word. The characters and the spirit of the book are so exact in the movie, that the changes that have been made in the script are almost unnoticable. Secondly, this version does not ignore attraction that there is between Peter and Wendy. This always frustrated me in the older versions of Peter Pan and I am very pleased to see it finally addressed in this version. It makes the movie a little more sad because Wendy wants to grow up and love, while Peter wishes to stay a boy forever, never hearing of the word love. This movie also brings up the psychological aspects of the book as well. The idea that Neverland is the place children go in their sleep is more evident here and emphasized by the tradition of having the same actor play both Hook and Mr. Darling. Is it coincidence that Wendy flies off to fight the mean Hook the night after her father angrily tells her she must grow up? This movie also adds a little bit of sorrow to its characters. Captain Hook, although having light moments, is a darker, more sinister character. This is the first version where I, actually, did not want him to die. There is a scene where Hook, wandering through the forest, sees Peter and Wendy dancing. Looking at them sadly, he moans that Peter has found someone, and Hook, now, is all alone. Also, this film was superbly acted. Jeremy Sumpter played an adorable Peter, the only American actor in the film (Pan usually seems to be American, probably because he lives on an island with American Indians). All of the children in this movie were absolutely adorable, and I rarely like child actors. Each and everyone of them captured their characters perfectly. Jason Isaacs played Mr. Darling and Capt. Hook and was superb! To play such polar opposite characters in the same movie and play them as well as he did just re-established, in my mind, what a great actor he is. I really love the story of Peter Pan and could not deny my inner child the pleasure of seeing this movie. But as I watched it, my adult self was pleasantly surprised by the maturity of this film. I hope that you will put aside your doubts, if you have any, indulge yourself. See this movie.
Rating:  Summary: the best there ever was Review: i am at the age where this film was perfect for me. i have always liked peter pan and read the book and believed in fairies and everything but this film was just amazing.it was so beautiful.i loved watching it, but it made me so sad.i realised that i dont want to grow up.i sat there for the third time watching it with my friend, saying every line underneath my breath and meaning every single one, while she just laughed.i was heartbroken ,because it means so much to me.ive heard all these stories about children crying to their parents i dont want to grow up, but you have to and its so sad. i love the fairy dance in this film because its just so perfect-they're too kids who are really in love and nothing can hurt them for just that little amount of time because of the magic of it all.and the ending, when peter and wendy meet again.there is a couple of seconds when they just look at each other:wendy has her family behind her,all her friends,warmth and comfort and love,and all the joy she knows,and behind peter is the sky,neverland the moon and the rooftops of london-everything he knows.and there is a flute or something in the background and theyre just looking into each others eyes,and in that moment is a lifetime and you understand everything.and i left wanting to enjoy the rest of my childhood because its worth so much, but sad because most of its already passed me by.
Rating:  Summary: If you missed it in the theaters... Review: Don't miss it on DVD! This is one super movie, and can be enjoyed by the whole family. The young lead actors (Jeremy Sumpter and Rachel Hurd-Wood) were terrific, and displayed a chemistry that is unusual for such youthful actors. And Jason Issacs was both fun to watch and just intimidating enough as Hook to rise above the previous incarnations of the character. I urge all parents who were concerned with the critical reviews of the movie when it was released in theaters to give it a chance on the small screen. It is a true classic-in-waiting. So don't wait---buy it and let the little child in you have some fun!
Rating:  Summary: Never, never worry about grown up things again! Review: My wife and I have seen Peter Pan many times since it opened on Christmas day. This is the definitive version of Peter Pan that any future production will be measured against. The casting is dead on the mark! Jeremy Sumpter is the perfect embodiment of Peter Pan. Wendy is portrayed with determination by Rachal Hurd-Wood. I can't imagine a better Hook than Jason Isaac delivers. He also plays the part of Mr. Darling. Lynn Redgrave as Aunt Millicent is quit funny in the shadow scene. As for those playing Mrs. Darling, John and Micheal, Nana, the Teacher, the Messenger Boy, the Bankers, the Lost Boys, the Pirates, the Mermaids, the Indians, and who could forget Tinkerbell are all wonderful in their respective roles. The sets are very detailed and beautiful but not necessarily realistic looking. This is as it should be in my opinion. The special effects are top notch. This is especially evident after Peter looses his shadow. At first impression something just doesn't look right as you watch Peter return to the nursery. Then it hits you why it looks that way as Peter and Wendy interact. He casts no shadow while she does. So making it look wrong makes it look exactly right! The script follows Barrie's book very closely except for the ending. Opting for a somewhat sad ending instead the downright tear jerker Barrie's would have produced. According to an interview with Jeremy Sumpter the Barrie ending was filmed, it will be included on the DVD release in the "extras" menu. If you watch the credits you will see this movie is dedicated by its executive producer Mohamed Al-Fayed to his son Dodi who died in a car crash with Diana, Princess of Wales in 1997. Dodi Al-Fayed was the executive producer on Steven Spielburg's 1991 movie Hook. Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Playground, dedicated in 2001 is in London's Kensington Gardens the birthplace of the Peter Pan story. It features a pirate ship, a water play area, and teepees. It's built on the former site of a playground donated by J. M. Barrie who authored Peter Pan. One of Diana's favorite charities was London's Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital. Before Barrie's death in 1938 he bequeathed the rights to Peter Pan to that hospital. In 1988 the rights ran out. In 1989 Parliment re-established those rights to Peter Pan as a 1 time special exception for as long as the Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital exists. So if you do purchase this great movie in a small way you are helping sick children all over the world. You see the Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital inturn supports children's hospitals throughout the world including Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital in Cleveland Ohio near where I live.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing Review: I expected a lot from this movie, and it didn't let me down at all. During one particular scene I literally got chills up my spine because it was so powerful. Never before has a simple, classic story been made so profound and thought provoking! I also recommend the soundtrack. The music in this movie added greatly to its charm and feeling. I am going crazy waiting for it to come out on DVD!
Rating:  Summary: A Winning Film Review: This is an astonishingly clever take on the Peter Pan story. There is so much going on in this film that you might not notice the little gems the director lovingly tucked into each scene; The wisp of moustache cloud that blows away from Michael upon hearing the dreaded name "Hook!"; the literal theme of closing the window on childhood actually gets a scene in a wonderful, but brief, struggle between Pan and the parents at the nursery window. The palette and lighting are rich and candy-colored, and the cast is spot on. It also has a gorgeous soundtrack and a musical theme that suits it to perfection. The most stunning aspect of this movie, however, has to be the writing. The dark and sexual undertones are something out of Psych 101 - a refreshing view that makes this coming of age story hold even more weight. Bittersweet and beautiful. The filmmakers and cast should be proud. It's just a shame this came out at Christmas with all the big box office press and Oscar contenders overshadowing it.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome!!!! Review: This was the best movie I have ever seen!!! It's a pity you can only give this a 5 star rating. I would give a hundred!!!! Awesome acting, script and all!! And after seeing the movie, I read the book, wich is also very cool. I've seen it several times in theatres, and I have the soundtrack. I am already going to pre-order my movie!!! And Jeremy Sumpter rocks, too!!! It was just soo awesome, I can't wait for it to come out on DVD! May 4th is so on my calendar!!!!! If you love the movie, you should read the books. And besides Peter Pan, there is "Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens" and that rocks too, if you can't get enough of Neverland. I wish I could fly away to Neverland!!!
Rating:  Summary: The best (and truest) version I have ever seen! Review: Okay, I am going to say it: This trumps even the Disney version. THERE! This is by far the best visual interpretation of the story I have yet seen. For many reasons. First off, Peter Pan is FINALLY being played by an actual boy! YIPPEEE!! The first real exposure I had to this story was at the tender age of 7, when, while skimming through a Disney cartoon coloring book, I came across a drawing of Wendy attempting to give Peter a kiss. How deliciously scandalous! I was instantly intrigued, and after reading the book and seeing the movie, I soon realized, even at such an innocent age, that this was not your ordinary fairy tale. Indeed, for all the talk about children staying young forever, this story sure does touch heavily upon many grown-up situations. I have often insisted that the story of Peter Pan is NOT for kids! (But perhaps they realize this too, and that is why they have been entranced by it for almost a century....It's as close to adult material as their parents will allow!) Thank you thank you THANK YOU, Mr. Hogan, for seeing this as well and not being afraid to tackle it. I understand that child labor laws have long kept boys from playing the title role, but I'd be willing to bet that there was/is also an underlying desire to suppress the sensual themes explored in the original story by having the safety of a female playing Pan. As Roger Ebert so aptly put it, "The sensuality is there, and the other versions have pretended it was not." (I agree, although the Disney version walked that fine line very delicately, what with the playing up of Peter's "rock star" appeal to basically every female he came across, including the mermaids and Tiger Lily....the latter, in this film version, becoming a belle for John instead.) Another intertesting choice in this film was the decision to make Captain Hook almost sympathetic and also rather attractive in that oh-so forbidden way (which is subtley hinted at in the book). It was an effective choice though, as we are able to fully understand Wendy's moral dilemma when she is faced with the decision of staying underground with the emotionally detatched Peter or to become a pirate alongside the fascinating Hook, whom she describes as "a man of feelings." No longer is the pirate captain just a dark figure with an iron claw lurking about to seek some simple revenge. Now, he actually has LAYERS! Whoddathunkit?!?! To all the critics out there who have flown into such a tizzy about this movie being so "overtly sexual," alls I hafta to say is Please seek a therapist, because you obviously have some unresolved Freudian issues that you are taking out on this film. This is 2004, not 1904. The only place where I felt this film could improve was in the character (or lack thereof really) of Tinkerbell. Unlike the stage and cartoon versions, she is given little exploration and is basically a pint-sized "deus ex machina," swooping into the storyline whenever it needs a crucial plot point. (Indeed, this is rather how she was portrayed in the book also....perhaps Hogan was just sticking to the original story here.) But on the whole, I would have to rate this film just a hair under Perfect. Every character was portrayed suberbly...there was not a weak player in the bunch. The effects were a bit cheesey, but fortunately the filmmakers did not soley rely on them for the entertainment value. There were so many golden moments in this movie it is hard to pinpoint just which one is my favorite. The whole hour and 45 minutes is just an absolute treasure. :-)