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Memorex 32024750 CD-R, 80 Minute, 700 MB, 40x (Black, 50-Pack Spindle)

Memorex 32024750 CD-R, 80 Minute, 700 MB, 40x (Black, 50-Pack Spindle)

List Price: $24.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Misinformation
Review: This isn't really a review, persay - but I've long since used the normal Memorex brand - I just purchased the Black CD-R's for the first time, mainly because of an interesting article. For those of you who say that the 'color' of the disc doesn't effect anything - well, you're wrong.

A CD is reflective, that's how the laser reads the data. The less reflective (IE: Lighter color dye) the harder it is for the drive to read the data, where as more reflective (IE: darker color dye) makes it far easier.

Why do you think Sony chose the black CD's for the playstation? It wasn't for the copy protection bit - it was because they used inexpensive lasers and it's easier for them to read the black CD's.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Don't buy Memorex BLACK CD-R's
Review: Just so you know, I bought these with the assumption that they were the silver disks listed in the picture above but I received the "Black" version and about the only thing I can use these for is recording music for music CD players and my HP 820 burner. That's it. It writes data to the disk fine, reads fine in the burner but when I try to read it in a another desktop or notebook w/o a burner, it cannot read the CD in data or audio format. I've used the silver version of these CD-R's and they work great on all my CD devices.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent Media
Review: The black writing surface of these media lends itself to error-free writing, as the dark color absorbs the light emitted from the laser. 50 cd's written to without a single problem. Highly recommend if the price is right.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Great Looking, but....
Review: I was totally psyched to burn CDs on these Black CDRs. I already picked up a box of ten and they worked great. The problems began when I got a 50 disk spindle--so far I burned about 40 and of those I now have 10 very cool looking coasters. I never had such a fail rate before, and I do a lot of burning. I used to use the Kodak Gold, and I was hoping these Memorex Black disks would replace those old favorites...Still, maybe my spindle was a clinker--also, on a couple of the CDs I sucessfully burned, there were skips and strange sounds when I played back on my stereo--I don't mind the occasional flukey CD, but when burning a lot (I run a CDR label) I need consistency and these lovely looking Black CDRs have me wondering. Still, they ARE way cool looking...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: High quality and low cost
Review: These Memorex blank CDs are simply the best combination anywhere of high quality and low cost. Three factors make these discs stand out as your best buy:

First of all, they are rated for burning at up to 16x, which is nice for those with fast CD-ROM burners. Sometimes you'll find that substandard media won't REALLY burn as fast as the label claims, which is very annoying. With these Memorex discs, however, I've NEVER experienced a problem with diminished burn speed. They cook perfectly at 16x every time.

Second is reliability. Out of my last spindle I had NOT A SINGLE DEFECTIVE CD. Not one defective CD out of fifty blanks! Quite remarkable, considering that many blank CD vendors consider a 10-15% failure to be acceptable.

Finally, the low cost of these excellent discs- just fifty cents each- is hard to beat...

If you are in need of blank recordable CDs, look no further. You won't find a better choice anywhere.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Um 40X? Not really...
Review: I was under the impression that 40X means that they can be written at 40X spped. My Drive (which is a 40X LiteOn) will only write them at 12X and Nero says it's only a 12X disc? Is this false advertising on Memorex's part??? Any ideas??

Good price though..but I like the Staples Gold better(Store brand of a sony I think) and they write at 40x ..

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Abort Retry Fail, Not!
Review: I bought these babies for when they where a little cheaper and haven't looked backed since, mainly using them for backing up my data as I reinstalled windows, burned anime down as my 20 GB drive filled up and I am happy to say that not one of the cds was a dud, i once thought i had one due to burning 702MB with nero and a data error came in the data verification process, put i checked personally the data and all was well ahh well indeed: Anyways this endless pile of blanks has finally come to an end an so i'm back for another round, keep em comming memorex, ill keep em burning

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Hundreds burned, never a coaster
Review: I buy spindle after spindle after spindle of these, and they're great. I never burn coasters (that is, end up with a CD that didnt burn correctly and cant be used for anything except my chai mug), and I never have trouble playing them elsewhere. Every other brand I've ever tried has had at least one of those problems. Memorex has always been problem-free.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Quality Blank CDs...
Review: Great blank CDs. Not really much to say, they're blank CDs. The black looks pretty cool, and doesn't show scratches as much as other light colored CDs if thats your concern... Maybe a tad bit overpriced.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Once you go "Black"...
Review: These CD's are in my opinion FAR superior to any other CD I've ever burned on. I got them just for the heck of it when they were on sale at a local retailer, and I haven't been able to bring myself to buy anything else. These things hold up the best of any CD-R I have in my collection. What about usability? My best friend has an older car stereo/cd player in his truck. The thing can read very few other burned CD's but with these, we haven't seen one problem to date! And c'mon, how cool is it to hand someone a BLACK CD? Most people have never even seen one, save those that own a playstation. BUY THESE!

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