Rating:  Summary: Total Recall Review: Okay, where do I start?1. Great movie. Super violence though very disguting, brutal, ane extremely bloody. But what can you expect when you see a movie with Arnold Schwartzenegger. Schwartzenegger acts great and so does Michael Ironside, great villain. 2. HORRIBLE DIRECTING! It was just so plain. Again, what can you expect. VErhoeven is like 80 now. Still it was okay. 3. Dumb. Some ideas were completely idiotic and hard to understand. Watched it over 50 times and still don't understand some parts. 4. Kids and parents: THIS MOVIE IS RATED R: STRONG VIOLENCE, LANGUAGE, NUDITY(Sick idea with the women on mars having three....um....um.....well, you findout yourself.
Rating:  Summary: TOTAL RECALL Review: TOTAL RECALL is a big-budget, ultraviolent, science-fiction/action movie. Arnold Schwarzenegger plays Doug Quaid, a happily married construction worker who is constantly dreaming about Mars. Suddenly, Doug is confronted with the realization that his memory was probably erased and that he is actually a secret agent from Mars. Now, a group of Mars Intelligence agents are out to kill Doug, including his own wife, and the only people who can help him are a mysterious woman named Melina and an army of rebellious mutants. The movie manages to keep you guessing whether these things are actually happening to Quaid, or if he is having an elaborate Mars-influenced dream? At the end of the film you are not sure if it's all a dream or reality?
Rating:  Summary: A nice ride Review: Although the characters were all very shallow, I found that I enjoyed the ride of this action packed movie. The one thing that got me kind of hooked was trying to figure out exactly who Quaid (Arnold) really was. Was he the bad guy? Was he the good guy? Everytime I watched I found new "clues" that just seemed to point to different conclusions. The other reviewers are right about the fact that there is absolutely no effort given to following the laws of physics, making for some very... "interesting" ... scenes.
Rating:  Summary: The highest body count since Robocop Review: It a fair rendition of the story. Plenty of action, a sizzling scene with Sharon Stone, an interesting idea of reality versus fantasy. I like it because it's a guy flick. No romance (really)
Rating:  Summary: Come ON - it's fun to watch! It's not REAL! Review: Everyone who hates this movies seems to hate it because many of its scenes contain inprobabilities. Who cares, it's a movie and it never pretended to be factual! The whole point was to enjoy the ride and if you're so worried about the 'reality' of it remember you never know if it is real or if it's a dream! Nobody's dreams are 100% realistic either so just think of the whole movie as Quaids' dream that he paid for and enjoy it. If you want "reality" than stay FAR AWAY from the Movie Theater!
Rating:  Summary: Appeals to the lowest common denominator Review: First off, let me start by saying that I am not the biggest fan of true science fiction. True sci-fi is deeply rooted in science fact, with an eye toward where the leading edge of those fact may take us all. Science fantasy serves my tastes better. Contact, for example, was much more of a science fact film. When it opened next to Men In Black, however, there was no contest as to where I wanted to find my entertainment. And MIB was about as far out there as sci-fanstasy gets. That said, this is one of the lowest browed science fantasy films ever produced. Thick with camp and cliché, it barely kept my attention in the theater. The 'adventure' was packed with unlikable characters quipping moronic lines, following unbelievable motivations, and ignoring some of the basic laws of physics with reckless abandon. The ending was completely God awful, with Arnold getting sucked out of a climate controlled area (with air) into the Martian landscape (no air) and getting saved in 30 seconds (as he slowly and unrealistically starts to facially expand from the pressure difference) by a generator that he just turned on (which is kicking out enough air - from the hill right behind him - that in 30 or so seconds the entire planet has enough air to save him). If you don't see the multitude of glaring problems here, it is back to 7th grade World Science for you. All in all, this is just another movie that was written to be one thing, and then was mauled by Arnold Inc. into Just Another Easily Forgotten Arnold Action Vehicle. I like Arnold, but this tripe he should be ashamed of only second to his Mr. Freeze in Batman Forever (that one hurt, I was looking forward to a good Batman flick and I got lines like "everrry bod-dee cheel" from Ah-nold). If you want to see Arnold do something with a lot more fun and/or excitement to them in the sci-fantasy department, check out the Terminator films, Predator, etc. This one was just awful.
Rating:  Summary: Schwarzenegger at his worst Review: The worst movie I have ever seen. I absolutely hate this movie. It has no plot, poor character development, and an awful story line. If you have too much time on your hands and nothing to do with your life, I highly recommend this movie for you.
Rating:  Summary: Best Sci-fi Movie of 1990 and best Verhoeven Movie ever. Review: Arnold Schwartzenger stars in the 1990 Unforgettable Sci-fi Masterpiece " Total Recall", one of my personal Favorite movies. It's about a man named " Doug Quaid" ( Arnold) who goes to a futuristic Vacation Clinic that sents his Brain into another place but ends up being a Fugitive on the run and must go to Mars to give all the people air, and to kill the bad Guys. Very Exciting, Spectacular and Gore-Infested to not let you down. This Special Edition has awesome extras including the TV Spots, Trailers, Teasers, Behind the Scenes footage, Stills, commmentary by Arnold and Verhoeven himself and more, This is like " Akira" in live-action form and it truely kicks Butt. ...
Rating:  Summary: Some Parts Are Better Forgotten Review: I recieved this dvd for christmas and up to that point i had only ever seen it on tv. i'd never witnessed the cheezy glory of the 3 boobed lady or the sweet subtlty of over exaggerated gore and blood. The movie was almost a B movie on TV and now that i've seen the cinematic masterpiece in digital, it is definately a B movie. The disc itself looks beautiful and sounds great. the over saturated red tones on the vhs now play nicely with th evideo. The extras are entertaining enough and give you something to do if you really liked the film. In fact the disc is a 4 1/2 to 5 star disc. My gripe is actually of hte movie itself. THe dialogue grates on me after a while, somethng i never noticed on tv, b/c they bleep it. but the script write stuck hte F! word(can i say it in a review, into every sentence. Most of the time a threat or DAMN! would have been more appropraite and meancing, but they use FOOK instead (wink). i ain't against swearing, in fact i'm all for it. But this movie jsut uses it way to much and in inapropriate places. Also the blood is way overdone and looks like huge clumps of strawberry jam. But it is still a good sci fi flick. and the story is pretty interesting once you get past all the crappy dialogue. Watch it jsut for the 3 boobed chick and memorable lines such as "im gonna drill you sucka". If you love Arnold, buy it. Otherwise rent it first
Rating:  Summary: Total Sharon Review: This movie was terrific, but Sharon Stone steals the show. She just looks absolutely stunning. This role, in my opinion is the best she has ever done. This definitely sets precendence over Basic Instinct. In my opinion all of the other characters should have given way to Sharon's character. This also includes the best girl fight in cinema history. It is well acted by her and if you only get one Sharon Stone film, let this be it!