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The Running Man (Special Edition)

The Running Man (Special Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: terrible
Review: I'm usually an Arnold Schwartzenegger fan, liking his action films like Terminator and Total Recall. I used to like this film as well, but then i read the book from which this movie came and found myself not liking this adaptation at all.

This is a very weak adaptation of a truly classic thriller novel. and i wish someone out there would take that action and put it on the screen--or maybe it is best read.

This movie feeds more off the established stature and persona of Arnold. we arent supposed to see Richard, the main character, when we see Arnold, but rather a Terminator-esque, Commando-esque guy who you should not mess with. and the fact that he is messed with at the beginning of the film already establishes that we are gonna see him kick some butt as the film trudges along. unfortunately that takes away any and all feeling of suspense and thrill that is found in the book and makes the film a waste of time and money.

So dont bother with this hapless adaptation of a truly thrilling book. Read the book instead and just imagine what action could be taking place as Richard tries to free himself of this game.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: The Dumbing (of) Man
Review: Arnold Schwarzenegger is revered for his association with some of the finest science fiction / action films (the TERMINATOR films, TOTAL RECALL, etc.) committed to celluloid, and it's no surprise that he might've been wooed to this premise: in the future, the best man doesn't run for President ... he runs for his life!

Based on a novel by Stephen King (written under the pseudonym of Richard Bachman), THE RUNNING MAN should be called THE DUMBING OF MAN.

Sadly, the story lags (as did the book) throughout significant portions of the narrative. The performances are carbon copies that could be plucked from almost any genre film. The special effects are far less than ... well ... special. The single greatest flaw to the film is the fact that it is so poorly spaced; you'd think that a reality series where men run for their lives would have good pacing to build the suspense and tension, but that's not the case here.

With reality shows on the rise these days, are we really far off from this premise?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Sadistic!
Review: The most sadistic game show on television in the future is "The Running Man". Contestants run away from goofy-looking men that try to kill them. Survival is the name of the game and nobody has won. But, that changes after an innocent man named Ben Richards (Schwarzenegger) goes on the show. People hate him because they think he killed some innocent people during a rescue mission. Naive people! When Schwarzenegger enters the arena, he brawls with a Christmas tree, a gigantic hockey dude, a flamethrower and Jesse "The Body" Ventura, yes! This movie spawned many reality television shows like "Survivor" and "The Mole". Please, those shows are nothing without Arnold Schwarzenegger. The man, no immortal always brings something new to the movie theaters and this movie based on a Stephen King novel is pure ever-lasting!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A tasty helping of Arnie action megacheese!
Review: Although I don't consider 'The Running Man' to be one of Arnie's better pieces of action fare, it does have more than its fair share of those silly cheeseball moments that I ofttimes crave. I especially enjoy the part where our hero and his fellow contestants/captors take out the first obstacle: Sub-Zero, a deadly blade-wielding hockey goalie who looks a lot like that Odd Job guy. His referring to the late SubZero as "Now, just PLAIN zero!" is a prime example of bad action one liners at their best (worst?)!

Then there's Richard Dawson as the main heavy: a futuristic game-show host with all of the fake glee and smarmy oiliness you can bear! He also gives the best rebuttal to our hero's famous "I'll be back!" here, so be on the lookout for it! And not to go off on a tangent, but does anybody out there imagine how 'The Running Man' would've looked like had present 'Family Feud' host Louie Anderson played Killian, or am I the only one? Um... anyone? A little help here...?

Oh yeah, let's not forget future Minny guv Jesse Ventura as one of the game announcer/enforcers. His raucous, obnoxious blather and uber-macho posturing really adds a pro-wrestling feel to the competition as it unfolds! You'll definitely be feeling Minnesota (or is it FLEEing Minnesota?) after watchin' "The Mind's" performance here!

All in all, 'The Running Man' is one enjoyable waste of an hour-and-a-half for all you testosterone-driven action megacheese buffs out there... dig in!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Well that hit the spot
Review: Smart and intriguing concept (based on a novella by Stephen King's alter ego Richard Bachman) buried in a sea of horrible puns ("Give you a lift?"), wild and crazy action set pieces, day-glow jumpsuits, cheesy acting ("It's about code of the gladiators!"), celebrity cameos (Mic Fleetwood and future Govenor Jesse Ventura? No way!) and of course there's AHH-nold. Aforementioned plot tells of a future where a police state keeps the masses in line by supplying their daily need for a violent outlet with a sadistic gameshow called "The Running Man," where enemies of the state compete for their very lives, by squaring off against some nasty thugs that make the WCW look like the puppets on Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. Wrongfully convicted Ben Richards (Schwarzenegger) escapes from prison only to be caught again while in the company of a network employee (Alonso, whose full name, along with Armand Assante's, just screams to be read aloud by a dramatic-voiced preview narrator). Long story short: Richards, his new "girlfriend," and the two guys who helped him escape from prison (including the always enjoyable Yaphett Koto) are now playing the game. As predictable as you would think, but the film has some genuinely decent acting (yes, even Arnold does a good turn), especially Richard "Family Fued / Hogan's Heroes" Dawson, who gleefully roasts the image of a self-absorbed celebrity with power over millions, and manages to deliver a great retort to Arnold's infamous "I'll be back" line (I won't spoil it for those not in the know). Yes, with chainsaws to groins, exploding heads, and bodies slammed against spikes this one racks up the violence, but, as Gomer Pyle might say, "SURPRISE, SURPRISE, SURPRISE!" -this film actually provokes a thought or two. So sit back, set your brain to intermittently switch on and off at the appropriate moments, enjoy the festivities...

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good action film
Review: Ben Richards(Schwarzenegger) is a wrongfully accused felon who must compite in a deadly game show called the Running Man in order to pay its sentence.

The year is 2017 and this game is run by the goverment who wants to control the crowd in order to rule with iron hand.

Helped by two mates and a woman(Conchita Alonso) they must escape from the stalkers the game persuants that won't stop at anything to kill all the contestants.

With the help of the underground resistance they must decode a satellite link upcode to crack the show and reveal the truth to the audience.

With a cold and witty host Killian(Dawson) the show is the first game show in the US.

It's Showtime!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Sub-zero, Now plain Zero!
Review: I loved this one! it's a Funny, entertaining and action-packed
Science-Fiction movie set in the future. It's about Ben Richards
( Arnold) who is a Fugitive that is accused of a murder he didn't
commit and suddenly he gets in a dangerous game called " The Running Man".

Rent this one, it's great fun.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Behind T2, this is Arnie's best film
Review: Arnie has done some fantastic roles, and as an owner of the Arnie DVD four pack, I can say that I own some of his best work. Not only does he rip out some great one liners in this movie, but it's got some great action, and the social relevance to some of the "extreme" game shows out now is downright scary.

The basic premise of the film is just amazing. Arnie does his usual role of one man army, taking out some cleverly thought of enemies. While a lot of the effects look cheesy by today's standards, I think this film is perfect. The supporting characters are kind of weak, except for a very cool Richard Dawson, but what do you expect. Any movie with the balls to cast a Zappa is awesome in my opinion.

Ultimately, you need to own this DVD if you like Arnie. If you love Arnie, buy the DVD four pack instead. While Commando isn't fantastic (save for those great one liners), the other three movies are Arnie classics.

Rating: 3 stars
Review: Arnold Schwarzenegger does a great job as the "running man" which (if you've seen the movie know it's a game show.) I really did enjoy this movie. I have seen Arnold Schwarzenegger in better roles, but the action is really good and it's a movie I love to watch again from time to time. If you haven't seen it, GO FOR IT. I believe you will like it, if not love it.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Running Man- okay action movie but not one of Arnold's best
Review: This was an okay movie. I liked it okay. But it wasn't something I would watch over and over again. It is a good future movie. But I think it sucks how everything happens. The way the movie begins with Arnold getting set up for a crime he didn't commit and sent to prison for a year and a half. Then forced to go on an evil sadistic gameshow. I think that was too much abuse to Arnold's character. Trying to make an innocent man look like one of the most dangerous men in the world. A psycho who kills innocent people for no reason. Too much happened to him to make me glad I'm not him. He fought four tough guys: Sub-Zero, Buzzsaw, Dynamo, and Fireball. They seemed like real tough guys almost impossible to beat. Especially Sub-Zero. The way he knocked Arnold unconscious at first sight and the blck guy had to nearly do all the work. Buzzsaw seemed a little difficult at first but was taken out when Arnold used his own chainsaw against him by cutting hs balls with it. Dynamo didn't seem to hard. He just had that electric shock tht killed the nerdy guy. Arnold took him out like he was a piece of cake. But he didn't die and was seen roaming later in the film. Arnold's girl helper killed him by shooting a pipe and showering water sprinkles all over his elctronic armor. Fireball was pretty tough, but not as much as Sub-Zero. He had that massive flame thrower. I thought he would be a scary opponent if fighting him in real life. Buzzsaw and Dynamo seemed like Bebop and Rocksteady from TMNT. Two stupid super villains. But Sub-Zero and Fireball seemed like two tough guys if you weren't careful, you're a dead man. Arnold as Ben Richards, THE RUNNING MAN. Riding in a chopper of anti-hero cops. He was being ordered to draw fire uon innocent civilins, but resisted and said "The hell with you!" They all knocked him out and followed the command. The videos installed on camera were sabotaged and framed Ben Richards for murders he didn't commit. He sure went through embarrassment and humiliation as the evil gameshow host put him on the show and showed the forged video. But in the end the (...) gameshow host was taught a lesson when the true video was shown and the audience learned he was lying. I'm glad Arnold killed him the way he did. Great Movie. But not Arnold's best.

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