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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This is the best 007 movie ever
Review: This is the best James Bond movie you'll ever see! Roger Moore is undoubtedly the best! This has the best story line and the best actors and is much better than the rest!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It was awsome
Review: This bond film was great. Even without the presence of Sean Connery or Pierce Brosnan. This movie would be a great buy.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: EW! This isn't Bond
Review: Probably THE WORST James Bond movie in history. The movie is a slapstick parody of the series, with a cheesy villain, with probably one of the worst threatening lines in history. "Mr. Bond, you have the tedious inevitablity of an unloved season." COME ON! Not even a manaical Bond villain would say that. Plus Jaws would only intimidate an orthodontist. This is one Bond to skip. It is the sheer definition of lame.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Bond movie? don' t make me laugh
Review: This is probably the WORST James Bond movie in the series. Roger Moore puns and puns and puns, but does nothing spectacular. It is Star Wars with martinis. Bond was meant to be cold, cunning and ruthless. Not silly, joking and a pansy. Jaws is more of an orthodonist's nightmare than a Bond villain. If you want a good Bond see Goldfinger, From Russia With Love, or any of the UNDERRATED Timothy Dalton movies.... NOT THIS ONE

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not a bad adaptation of a book written 25 years before
Review: Moonraker, while not a typical Bond film, actually has some of the more entertaining sequences of all the films. If you have read the original Fleming novel, there are subtle references to it, that, because of the elapsed time, could not be feasibly put into the movie. The one that always stands out in my mind is when Bond, M, and Minister of Defense Grey go to the Ventian laboratory to see first hand the dead bodies and live animals. Grey makes the comment that he plays bridge with Drax, which is taken almost exactly from the book. In Moonraker(book) M invites Bond to his club because he thinks Drax is cheating at bridge. Bond uncovers that he is, and then Bond and Drax have a personal animosity from the start, similar to the Goldfinger situation. Richard Kiel does an excellent job as a return villian (joining a select number of actors to be in two Bond films), while Lois Chiles is a lame attempt to have a heroine that can hold her own. Bond should always rescue the girl, even in this new age of feminism. One last thing, Drax is German, not French. I have NO idea where they dreamed that one up.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not typical Bond , "Moonraker" is still grand entertainment.
Review: This very loose adaptation of Ian FLeming's awesome novel is barely an adaptation at all. The names James Bond, Hugo Drax, and Moonraker are about all the film has in common with the novel. After an exhilirating pre-credits sequence, "Moonraker" virtually ceases to be a Bond film. One of the most criticized films among Bond afficianados, "Moonraker" is deserving of most of its criticism. Next to powerhouse Bond fare such as "From Russia, with Love," "On Her Majesty's Secret Service," and even "The Spy Who Loved Me," "Moonraker" falls flat. But watched on its own, apart from any prejudices or pre-formed opinions about its content, it is quite enjoyable. Basically, you have to ignore the fact that it is a Bond film to truly enjoy it. It doesn't rank in the top ten, but, as far entertainment is concerned, "Moonraker" delivers.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of Roger Moore's best performances as James Bond
Review: This thriller (based on the novel by Ian Fleming, creator of James Bond) is a great adaption. The plot is intense and it keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time. In this adventure Bond battles with Jaws (who also appears in The Spy who Loved Me)and Hugo Drax, mastermind behind a plot to make a master race of humans. Working with sexy CIA agent Holly Goodhead, Bond goes into space and saves the world once again. END

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Good, but I liked the 1956 one better
Review: The one directed by Orson Welles and produced by Dayton Mace. It had Dirk Bogarde as 007 and Welles as Drax. Trust me, with the exception of some slip-ups that kept it from being released, the release is going to knock people's socks off. Sure, it doesn't compare with the current Bond series, but it's the quintessential original. It's also the first Bond film on record ("Casino Royale" on TV was a big mistake). With some small things being cleared up, the forgotten "Moonraker" will rightly see the light of day again, where it should and will belong.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Wow...
Review: A half-hearted... no, make that quarter-hearted attempt to cash in on the sci-fi craze of the late 70's. Jaws is back. Whoopee. He survives several five-hundred foot falls, and, get this, a re-entry into the earth's atmosphere. Without a spaceship. Roger Moore... sorry, but you're no Sean Connery. The special effects, well, maybe they looked really cool in 1979, but now they look more than primitive. A plot that makes no sense, too much silliness, and the most annoyingly slooooooow motion zero gravity scene ever. Skip it and Live and Let Die. Actually, no. Listen to the first couple minutes of Live and Let Die. Mr. McCarteny's theme song is worth the money paid to rent it. But this pile of... uh... bad stuff? Avoid it like the plague.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Lame Cashing In of Star Wars
Review: After the rousing success (and rejuvination of the series) of THE SPY WHO LOVED ME in 1977, I was again excited by the James Bond films and looked forward to the next one. At the end of SPY, the credits announced that the next film would be FOR YOUR EYES ONLY.
I should've known when they changed the project to MOONRAKER--to cash in on STAR WARS--it was an ominous sign.

The opening action sequence is the best part of the movie, an "eye-popping" stunt of Bond getting knocked out of a jet without a parachute. It was wild and exhilirating to see in the theatre...then the rest of the movie started.

MOONRAKER almost plays like a parody, and not a very funny one. The locations are beautiful but the story just lumbers along. Roger Moore, who's actually a couple of years older than Sean Connery, looked like 007 in THE SPY WHO LOVED ME (I've seen photos of his 50th birthday party while shooting that film), but he really began to show his age in this one (and he would go on to be in three more!).
Lois Chiles looks great but comes across as flat and embarrassed. Michael Lonsdale is probably the most narcoleptic villian in the series. Jaws, whose outlandish size and cartoonish teeth still managed to have some menace in SPY, is strictly played for laughs.

I'm a huge James Bond fan, but I still know when one is working and when it isn't. No matter how millions it makes.

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