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Mission Impossible 2

Mission Impossible 2

List Price: $14.99
Your Price: $11.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Amazingingly terrible, don't waste your time with it
Review: The only reason I gave this one star is because zero is not an option. First, the plot is feeble--same old story about killer virus in the hands of the badman. Yawn, how many times are we going to be put through that one again. Second, the movie steals virtually everything from previous films. The car chase on the winding road, between the two stars in their snazzy convertibles--ring a bell from a recent Bond movie, perhaps? They stole liberally from the Matrix, and then there's that tired ending with the dead guy coming back to life and grabbing a gun--how many times have we seen that? And of course, he lays there holding it and talking, giving Tom Cruise, of course, enough time to miraculously kick a gun up from the sand and kill his adversary (by this time you're hoping that the bad guy will win).

Third, the "mystical" rock music clamoring through every action shot reminded me more of an MTV video rather than a movie. Add in doves and endless pigeon scenes, trying to give Cruise an almost God-like entrance...it's enough to make you want to gag after a while.

Fourth, every action scene is slow motion. While this tactic can work to highlight a scene or two, IM2 employs it constantly. Plus lots of close up faces in slow motion. I don't know, is this the new artsy-thriller genre? The best way to watch this movie is to put it on fast forward--this way you can at least see the action scenes in real time and it will also shorten this horrendously tedious movie.

The face mask ploys also become old very fast. Once maybe, to create a surprise, but here it was used over and over, and rather unbelievably--especially when Cruise does a switcheroo in about five seconds time. And especially since he is carrying no equipment with him...

It is amazing how the two IM movies could be so unbelievably bad and totally lacking in plot. This is one of the worse films of the year.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: John Woo rules, better than the first film
Review: I think that "M:I 2" is better thn the original film. The main reason that this film is better is because of action director John Woo, nobody on the planet can direct action like this man, nobody. I enjoyed Tom Cruise more in this movie han I did in the first, he sems so much more alive in this movie, he barely did anything in the first movie. This movie does have it's problems though, it takes way too long getting started and a few parts of it are confusing. But once the film gets going it is an acion assault. The final mortorcycle chase sequence will have you on the edge of your seat. Though it has it's problems overall "M:I 2" is definitly worth a look.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Mission worth Accepting
Review: Seeing: Impossible -2 in theaters this past summer, the film took a long time to get out of its second act duldrums. Opening with a bang, the movie did slow down quite some bit into the first hour. I also, due to my own fault, saw a rather late veiwing of the film. This probably hindered my enjoyment factor, despite being a fan of director John Woo. However, with the relaese of the MI-2 DVD, I have a new found appreciatiion for the piece. The movie, although long and a bit slow at imes, delivers cinemattic action the likes of which have never been seen before. The stunts, gimmicks and unparalelled action sequences are more than entertaining, they explode across the creen. The John Woo stamp is obviously here. The ballet of slow motion sequencces that Woo is known for encite such emotions as romance, drama, intensity, and desperation. Seeing MI-2 was much more entertaining this time around. In adition to the film, the bonus materials are well delivered in their menus as well as being interesting. As we are repeatedly convinced of Tom Cruise' willingness to put himself in danger for the sake of his work, the bonus chapters take us through some of the film's over the top action sequences. This provides a treat to those fans of both Tom and the combination of unique stuntwork and film making. This mission, should you choose to accept it, is one worth taking.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the best action movie
Review: I think there are some negative comments regarding this movie and how there is no plot and such. But honestly, I didn't like MI1 at all and thought the plot is too twisted and didn't make much sense. Keeping the plot simple in this one and putting on the action pack was the key in this one all along. I mean, the choice to use John Woo is defn gear toward that. I think the film was worth the $$$ and I bought the DVD fresh off the press. The car chase scene and the bike scene was very well done, some new ideas here and overall, it was what one paid for, action pack movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: DVD packs a punch!!
Review: I've been waiting for November 7th to come around ever since I heard the DVD was announced. Today I picked this up and was not disappointed one bit. There is a lot of material packed into this disc. Besides the movie there is about an hour of supplimental material which gets into the making of the film and how some of the action sequences were accomplished. There is also a commentary track included, which is really nothing special. As for the movie itself, Paramount did a great transfer. The audio and video are perfect, no flaws whatsoever. I won't get into the plot of the movie, as many other reviewers have done so already, but my personal take on the film is that I absolutly love it. John Woo brought his patiented style into the film which makes this movie excel. Awesome action sequences which I have never seen anything like before make this a great movie to watch over and over. Definetly a movie everyone would love to have in their collection.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: m:i-2
Review: This movie does not compare with it's predecessor, the plot is very cheesy, and the love scenes even cheesier (especially that terrible car twirling scene). The action sequences are nice and tight, but that is all that John Woo knows how to do well. The entire movie is laid out, and predictable; which on the other hand, being what made the first one so good (all the back and forth temporal activity, much like a Pulp Fiction style). Worst of all, this movie has the feel that is was just made to make money, and boost Tom Cruises ego, stardom, and bank account.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Better than the first; one of Woo's best
Review: John Woo has brought his over-the-top action film style to America after honing his skills in Hong Kong. I think he's really done his best work with this movie. The plot is simple and straightforward, unlike the somewhat labyrinthine story in MI1, and Woo does a nice job of building up toward a torrent of wild, insane action sequences.

Tom Cruise is impressive in his second bout as spy, Ethan Hunt, heir apparent to the role of Mission Impossible team leader. Most impressive about Cruise is that he performed about 90% of his own stunts in this film, many of them quite dangerous. The motorcycle chase has got to be one of the all-time great chase scenes in movies. The DVD version has a nice bonus feature showing how some of the more wild stunts in the movie were put together. Really fun stuff to watch if you're interested in the process of making movies. The DVD also has commentary and a "Making of MI2" featurette that round out the package.

Ving Rhames returns as computer hacker, Luther, and the beautiful Thandie Newton plays Hunt's femme fatale.

If you like a good, smart action film, MI2 is the ticket. A friend of mine recently said something to the effect that the Mission Impossible movies are what the James Bond franchise *should* be. I think that says it pretty well.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Mediocre Woo Flick
Review: I had extremely high expectations coming into this film, John Woo and Tom Cruise, how could they go wrong. They did and very badly. I am a huge Woo fan, I own all of his Hong Kong films and his previous american work. They all have the Woo touch, to put it bluntly, Woos action films need ultraviolence. A PG-13 rating isn't going to cut it in Wooland. True, the motorcycle chase is well done, and the mountain climbing at the beginning is handled with the skill of a master, but I still expect more action from Woo. The acting is passable, Tommy doesn't quite cut it, his hair flailing all over the place. Thandie Newton is sexuality personified, she is wasted also in a nothing part. The plot is dumbed down to a painfully basic level. The trademark masks are used as a primary plot device, which is disgraceful and manipulative. The movie drags in the middle very badlyThe last thing is the action sequences. Woo employs his standard two gun approach, and the pigeons are used to a ridiculous excess. The movie doesn't work as a whole, and is ranks just ahead of Hard Target as Woo's worst American movie. Go ahead, watch it, just don't expect much.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Deeply cynical,unoriginal...but entertaining
Review: A shameless and robotic concoction.Screenwriter Towne has taken the emotional core from Notorious,the bad guy number 2 secretly loves bad guy number 1 sub-theme from North By Northwest,and stapled them together to provide a few interludes inbetween the 16-year-old macho fantasy action scenes (doesn't Mr Woo Know that being hit is actually pretty painful - maybe he should try it some time).None the less,it is slick as well as cynical,Newton is an intelligent actor who makes the most of what scenes she is given,Cruise is lazily compelling,and,if you are in need of nothing more than a polished piece of nonsense to watch while you eat your pizza,this will probably do.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Bad!
Review: After I heard that John Woo was going to be making Mission Impossible 2. I new that it would be all action and no plot. Boy was I right and everyone else out there who predicted the same. I understand that movies are here for us to enjoy. But I predicted 98% of this film. The chase on the mountain with the car was ok but the motorcycle chase was totally unbelievable. Cruise is not at all believeable enough, to be able to flip a gun up in the air from the sand with his foot like he did at the end. I did not enjoy this film from the begining. The acting was cheap and bad. Only Anthony Hopkins was good. The sound and special effects were also bad. Grade:D+

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