Rating:  Summary: A solid Bond film Review: The World in not Enough is a good Bond film and a great thriller. Pierce Brosnan continues to bring a more emotional side to Bond and succedes for the most part. Sophie Marceau also does and excellent job in her role. Fans of the Bond films can espect almost all of it's trademarks such as great action sequences, cool gadgets, and alot of whit. The film does have a few prblems that detract from it's overall presentation. For one thing, Denise Richards does a fairly lousy job and it's almost insulting that the film asks that we believe she is a nuclear scientist. Another problem is that while the plot is complex, it really isn't as epic as past films(instead of saving the world Bond is fighting for cheaper oil prices). The World is not Enouph is still a great movie but not quite as good as Tommorow never Dies.
Rating:  Summary: Good Bond Movie, wimpy villian. Review: This is a very satisfying Bond movie, that still holds up most of traditions of Bond: the ultimate secret agent.In this movie, we see most of the elements that makes bond great: Great Chase Scenes, good stelth spy sequences, swave and amusing dialogue, and beautiful women (that he sleeps with of course). One of these women makes a good villian, the other, Denise Richards is a little awkward, but welcome. Denise Richards, as a Nuclear Weapons Specialist? This was very amusing to watch, but she's attractive, so she makes a welcome bond girl. The only problem with this movie is the bad guy. He is hardly in the movie at all, he doesn't do most of his own dirty work, and he acts and looks wimpy. This hurts the film a little, cause most good bond films need a good counterpart. Overall this a good movie and a welcome addition in the bond series. The DVD is also a nice special edition.
Rating:  Summary: Is Seeing This Once Not Enough? Review: Micheal Apted's mildly entertaining, scantly exciting, and vastly unmoving new installment to the James Bond film legend can honestly be considered an action packed and cliche riddled cry for help. Plummeting to a new entertainment low, The World is Not Enough is pitiful shadow of the Bond series former glorioius self. The suave all-knowing secret agent, the tounge-in-cheek humor, scantly clad women, charismatic antagionists, amazing gadgets, and hard-broiled suspense that dignified the Bond series apart from the action pack in the 1960's has sadly been rehashed, repackaged, and constantly reused to the point of cinematic oblivion. Despite the obvious debonair charm of the ever-so-talented Pierce Bronson in the role he was made for, this new Bond adventure is noticably absent of the intelligence, sophistication, and film-making excellance that elevated the orginal Bond films to such unparalled fame and prestige in the 1960's. The film attempts to add mind-numbing and old-fashioned sentiment to an old-fashioned cocktail creating a very dry dry dry martina of out-dated cinema. Gone is the thrill of wondering what magnificent death trap will Bond get himself out of this time, gone is fun of watching each successively unbelievable stunt, gone are the insanely demented Goldfingers or Earnest Blowfields, and gone are all the many numerous pleasures of watching a James Bond film. Bond needs serious changes to the stiffling formulas of the past, or he'll eventually end up missing in action. P.S. Robert Carlyes Get The Worst Bond Villain of All Time Award For Femanine Performance
Rating:  Summary: Good, not great... Review: For those of you interested in action and the Bond that has developed over the last few decades, this edition will not disappoint. TWINE is better than Goldeneye but not quite up to the Brosnan standard of Tomorrow Never Dies- the villian, while played with gusto and verve, is a hackneyed character and totally unbelievable. Sophie Marceau makes up for it as one of the best Bond girls yet and the action sequences, though a bit tired and samey for me, will not disappoint most fans of the series. I recommend this for any Bond fan, it is definately above average, but I must say that after almost 40 years, I would like to see the producers move back towards a more traditional rendition of the character (ie: try to steer away from the gadgets and explosions and interpret Flemmings' characterizations a bit more faithfully). Brosnan, by the way, is second only to Sean as the real Bond.
Rating:  Summary: Could hardly wait till the end of the movie... Review: Contrary to the reviewer Mr. Dave, I would place my references in reverse order ("Goldeneye" first). All this storyline with Baku gas pipeline was ridiculous (and a Christian church in a cave! Guys, even Georgia does not live in the Middle Ages anymore), choppers with flying frame-saws and Mr. Bond who, despite all laws of physics, floats up and does not drown - it is more than I can bear. I also bet that Electra King was a better bedmate than Mr. Doctor Jones (an atomic physicist? Why not Mr. Einstain's daughter?): she at least has a sparkle of intellect in her eyes. Yes, James Bond is an immortal hero, but can't he suffer a little bit, get wounded at least? I heard Mr. Brosnan signed a contract for several more Bond episodes.At least I'll not waste my money on this rubbish anymore...
Rating:  Summary: Nobody Does It Better than Bond... Review: Pierce Brosnan returns for his third outing as James Bond in what might be the one of the best Bonds made in recent years. Sticking close to the classic bond formula of high action sequences, beautiful women, and exotic locales (and as far away from the embarassment known as TND). Not only does this film contain a great "bondly" plot, but one of the best bond cars, ranking up there with the Aston Martin DB5 (GDF) and Volante (TLD) and a great closing line which I won't ruin for you. My only problem with the film is the scary resemblence the theme song has to TND's. In conclusion, with 007 you alway know what your getting when it comes to action, suspence and humor. And you know, nobody does it better.
Rating:  Summary: The Bond series is on the right track... Review: I've read all the reviews, and I am not surprised at the diversity of opinions from long-time Bond fans about this movie. The series has been around for so long, and James Bond has undergone so many incarnations, that no film will meet every fan's expectations. Some liked the slower plots of the 1960's films; some prefer the tongue-in-cheek slapstick of Roger Moore; others want non-stop action like "Tomorrow Never Dies". TWINE combines elements of all past Bond films (fast action, easy girls, throwaway one-liners), as well as its own additions to the franchise (a darker and lonelier version of Bond). It also has the same kind of convoluted, intricate plotline that the early movies used. They were all utterly preposterous, of course, but this one makes viewers think hard to sort it all out. For my money, this movie is the best since the early Connery days. Brosnan's Bond is tough, but more human and vulnerable than any of his predecessors. The villains, while not as outrageous as some would like, were more complex than usual. I thought Sophie Marceau was the best Bond girl actress in the history of the series, and her character possessed the same balance of brains and sex appeal that made Octopussy so popular. Even Denise Richards was superior to the Bond girls of such classics as "Diamonds Are Forever" and "Man With the Golden Gun". I think, when Brosnan finally steps down, his movies will stand the test of time better than Roger Moore's or Timothy Dalton's. Fans will probably rank him second only to Sean Connery, who had the insurmountable advantage of having been the first.
Rating:  Summary: What are you people talking about??? Review: Man, what a bad movie. I was looking forward to this movie from all these good reviews, but I was so bored that we didnt even finish it. Did I rent the same movie as all of you? There was not a single character that I cared much about. The plot was so boring with this tunnel, or whatever, in Kazakstan...Villains with bullets in their heads (that make them smarter daily until they die) what the hell is this? Some crazed science fiction. Ok, the skiing scenes were cool, but thats all I liked. Denise Richards, although I wanted to like her, deemed to be close to impossible. Judi Dench was a bore with no good lines. The nuclear scenes were laughable and hardly interesting. Again, I wanted to like this film, but I cant. And what's with that guy with the caviar?
Rating:  Summary: THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH DVD Review: TWINE DVD AUDIO PROBLEM! 1) There is VERY LITTLE BASS! Especially clear during explosions. There is close to NO BASS at all! It seems like the DVD mixer deliberately turned down the bass in fear that the noise would scare his audience! I thought my speakers was the cause of this. I listened to GOLDENEYE and TOMORROW NEVER DIES without changing the audio settings on my system.....they both sounded fine. The explosions in these 2 DVD's knocked my socks off! And they should! What's wrong with TWINE? Was it a bad mix or did I get a defective copy? I'm in Toronto, did anybody else notice the same problem? 2) And the overall audio level on TWINE is quite a bit lower than the other two DVD's and others. I had to crank up the speakers 3-4 units compare with a regular DVD. 3) The auido level drifts in and out. Especially clear before sound effects or dialogue. Music and effects level dip WAY TOO EARLY. After the dialogue they both come back up. It's so obvious that both my friend and I looked at each other and said...."did you hear THAT? " That sounds like a very BAD sound mix! 4) This is not an audio problem....but I can't turn the storyboard alternate video feature option OFF! The option is always ON, but the 007 icon never shows up during the screening. If the feature option is ON, the 007 icon should come up at apprpriate points. But I never saw one......That means this feature doesn't work at all!
Rating:  Summary: "The World" is not nearly enough ... to make up for this. Review: I was very excited to see this new installment of James Bond b/c of the two femmes. But during its viewing I realized that this was nothing more than dumb. I have come to the conclusion that i dont care much for the recent Bonds ... they really havent struck my fancy in any way, but I would like to think that one day i will again. Now Peirce has the looks and accent for Bond and does it fine ... as for the co-stars ... Denise Richards is one of my favorites, but who would believe her to be such an eccentric, Robert Carlyle is a villain to forget ... BUT! The one new and great thing i think was the very talented Sophie Marceau ... She had her own style that ravished ... only that was the only thing ... and it couldnt save the world ... even if there was enough.