Rating:  Summary: The Perfect Storm Review: Stay away this movie is a joke and shows Hollywoods lack of creativity and good actors!
Rating:  Summary: Great special effects... Review: This was a roller-coaster ride of a movie. The first 20 minutes or so was sort of slow, it was mostly character development. But the last hour more than makes up for it; lotsa great scenes of man vs. the sea. I'm not even that big of a George Clooney fan, but he was fantastic in this film as the captain of the doomed fishing boat. After watching this, it made me glad I live in a land-locked state.
Rating:  Summary: Titanic Thrills N' Chills! Review: I did not expect to like this film considering I don't really like any of the stars in it. I've been going through a shipwreck phase lately, watching Titanic and other documentaries concerning the disaster. Even after exhausting my Titanic fix, my fascination continued so keeping within the same genre of films I elected to rent "The Perfect Storm". What I found was a haunting film with great special effects and an interesting true story to follow. You know your watching a good movie when you have to put it on pause when you leave the room. "The Perfect Storm" gets your heart racing with it's intense action sequences. An enjoyable movie worth the high price of a new release rental. Check it out!
Rating:  Summary: Interesting and Boring at the Same Time Review: There isn't much you can say about a movie about a storm. The only thing that I could really say it that there certainly were a lot of waves in this movie. I really like George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg. I think that the both of them are gifted and have done great work up until this film. I also love Wolfgang Petersen. You can't get much better than Das Boot and In the Line of Fire. But he fails to complete the total story. Leaving out various background stories and he really didn't develop some of the characters the way they should have. My main complaints with this movie was the jumpiness of the story. Petersen tried to tell three different stories in one movie. The people on the Andrian Gale, another set of people in a different boat heading to Bermuda, and the story of a crew of a rescue helicopter. To my taste, none of these stories were finished. The other thing I didn't much like about the movie was the lack of dialouge. What there was seemed to be forced and not even worth mentioning. The only good thing about this DVD was the fact that the sound really pushes your speakers. It was fun to hear the giant waves crash in the comfort of your own home. Maybe I should just listen to this movie while I sleep.
Rating:  Summary: A spectacular and thrilling movie Review: Ever since I first saw the previews to "The Perfect Storm," I was dying to see the movie. I finally got to rent the movie and see it. Before watching it, I had noticed that overall the movie wasn't getting that great of reviews on Amazon, and I had someone tell me that it was a rip off. After watching it, I honestly can't say that I saw anything that wasn't great about the movie. Every single thing about the movie is great. It's based on a true story of a tragedy that took place during Hurricane Grace in the 90s. A captain (George Clooney) and his swordfishing crew take to the seas around Bermuda to try and catch as many fish as they can in order to earn a lot of money and impress their main employer. Everything is smooth sailing until they are caught up in the middle of what many called "The storm of the century." It's a huge hurricane and they're heading straight for the worst part of it. If they turn back to avoid the storm, their fish will rot and they won't get much money. But if they ride the storm out, they could still get their fish to the docks in time to get a good load of money, but they would be risking their lives a lot more by doing that than they would if they were to turn back."The Perfect Storm" is a great movie in every way. The plot is easy to understand, it has some great special effects and suspense, and most of the actors do a great job to make this movie a success. I recommend anybody who wants to see a great movie to purchase "The Perfect Storm" as soon as they can. It's definitely one of the best movies of the year.
Rating:  Summary: Long Beginning, Good Storm, Depressing Ending Review: The first part of the movie is long and fairly repetitive, with a bunch of fishermen going into danger to catch a bunch of fish and there are lots of people who don't want them to go. Then they get out there and eventually they get caught in the storm, and while the action is a little farfetched (sending a guy out in winds that fast to fix an antenna? cutting the anchor off with a blowtorch in a big storm with raging waves and winds, and the torch manages to stay lit the whole time?) but it works. My real beef is with the ending. Everyone dies. I guess it has to be true to real life, but why not give us a happy ending? Heck, Hollywood has changed facts plenty of times in so-called real stories just for people to come in and buy tickets. So it wouldn't have been that much more accurate, but that wasn't what they were really shooting for in the first place, was it. At least I wouldn't have been disappointed. And I know others that agree. -m-
Rating:  Summary: Perfect Storm, Near Perfect Movie Review: The Perfect Storm is an excellent movie. The screenplay is based on a true story, which for many will add a degree of emotional attachment to the actors as they portray people that actually lived and died aboard the Andrea Gail. Elsewhere, the characters are described as shallow - I strongly disagree with that assessment. I found the characters very interesting, and superbly portrayed. Unlike most people, I read the book after seeing the movie. And, although I did enjoy the book, I consider the movie to be the better of the two - sacrilege! There are a number of reasons why I rate the movie so high. The story line is mostly factual. Yes, it is far from a documentary, but the film stays anchored in a degree of realism that serves to draw the audience in. Too many films go for the "knock out" punch - the "you're not going to believe your eyes," scene - only to have the audience detach from the movie. Industrial Light and Magic did an exceptional job with the special effects. I do not know what a "digital tare" is, but after working on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean for 25 years, and crossing Long Island Sound on a ferry shortly after the Halloween Gale, their digital ocean looked pretty convincing to me. The music is wonderful, James Horner is as good as it gets, period. Currently, there is no one better at expressing action and emotion through music. The "Your's Forever" photo montage on the DVD is a nice touch. George Clooney's portrayal of Captain Billy Tyne is very believable. The captain was a hardworking man with a fragile ego, a dangerous combination. The relationship between Mark Wahlberg (Bobby Shatford) and Diane Lane (Christina Cotter) captures the joys, hardships, and worries intrinsic of a romance between a women and a man in love with the sea. The ultimate test for any movie is it's ability to appeal to all genders and ages. Perfect Storm brought my 13 year old daughter and her friend to tears - which did not suprise me. But it also raised a tear from a coworker of mine (43 year old male)who never displays emotion. Perfect Storm is one of those movies that can be watched again and again, and enjoyed every time; I highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: close to Das Boot Review: If you liked Das Boot you'll like this movie too. Das Boot by Wolfgang Peterson (who also directed this movie) is one of the greatest movies I've ever seen. This one is not so great, but it definetely deserves 4 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Too bad I can't go below 1 star... Review: This has to be the worst movie I have ever seen. It is very boring & the "special effects" are to laugh at. 2 hours of my life that I will never get back. I would have rather played with a cardboard box! First off, singers can not act (mark walburg). Secondly, George Clooney is a bad actor to begin with, so..., Thirdly, The story plot stunk. Why would I want to sit & watch a movie about fishermen for 2 hours? I shut it off after 40 minutes, I could have cared less how it turned out. Whoever game this movie more than 1 star, is crazy!