Rating:  Summary: Perfect Excrement Review: To like this movie is to completely admit you know nothing about film, art, or anything of quality in the world. A script full of cheap cliches, George Clooney's monochromatic acting, idiotic dialog, and mawkish score do not add up to a good movie. This movie makes no attempt at sublety as it tries to move your emotions. The result is multiple cringing for any half-way intelligent person.
Rating:  Summary: AMAZING, FILM FILLED WITH THE STRUGGLE OF HUMAN COURAGE Review: This has to be one of the best films of year poingant and filled with enough emotional and suspense elements to keep the viewer entranced in this amazing spectacle of a film. Tired and frustrated Commercial Fishermen set out to the sea to retreive fish but they did not know they would encounter a massive storm that has devastaing tides of 20 to 30 feet high, but the men try to fight through the storm relazing it was impossible to defeat they head back but it was too late and all the men drowned. George Clooney and Mark Walhberg from THREE KINGS are together again and show the same screen impact & intensity as did in the previous film. One scene that made me jump when seeing was when the fishermen were trying to reterive a massive fish from the edge of the boat turns out to be a great white shark and it had Wahlberg`s leg in it`s mouth. A frighetning moment in the film. Mary Elizbeth Mastonio`s sad and emotoinal ulegy at the end of the film was done so well it looked real, and it proves that she is one of the best female actors around and it is a shame Hollywood doesn`t put her in the forefront of stronger leading roles for women. Amazing and packed with raw power it makes THE PERFECT STORM a film of an unforgetable & haunting journey through the uncontolable forces of nature. I can hardly wait to see this film on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: WOW is this a NOR EASTER or what Review: Well first off i'm from Philadelphia... Noreasters are very common here. In this storm of a movie it couldn't have felt more real. The reality of the Movie was well beyond excellent. Though the story line wasn't terribly great I came out of this movie soaking wet!
Rating:  Summary: Slow Start, Makes Up for It Though Review: This was a pretty sweet movie, although it would've been just as good if it was 10 minutes long. But I guess they wanted you to identify with the charcters...FOR 3 HOURS...before the storm even hits. Anyway, I'M getting the DVD, because this movie is more-than-cool in Dolby Digital Surround.
Rating:  Summary: Great effects but poor imitation of Titanic Review: Ok, most movies nowadays are special effects, which are great in this case, but this a script about a bunch of mediocre people who drown and nothing else. The only story line discernible is that of the Titanic. Two out of five for the special effects.
Rating:  Summary: "The Pointless Storm" is a more accurate title for this film Review: This film is dedicated to all the fishermen who have died at sea since the 17th century. Out in the Atlantic Ocean, three hurricanes have merged together and created "The Perfect Storm". Everybody away from dry land is plunged into a struggle for survival.At the beginning of the film, we are briefly introduced to the crew of the "Andrea Gale". Putting aside the drinking and tongue-kisses, we learn that one man is divorced with a young son; that another man is having trouble finding a home for him and his girlfriend; and finally, we discover that the old seawise captain of the Andrea Gale is played by the hunky George Clooney - who could just as easily be Dr. Ross from "ER". After thinking of every perfectly good reason for not going out and risking their lives at sea, the crew of the Andrea Gale set off for their "biggest catch yet". After an hour of clichés, they catch their fish, but hit a problem. The "perfect storm" is between them and home. They have a choice: stay out at sea and keep safe so that they can all return home to their families alive with rotten fish, (not realising that they could go back afterwards and get some more); or they could sail straight through the perilous hurricane, ride the waves and return home as heroes. Which do you think they chose? I found this one of the most tedious films I have ever watched. With a pathetic plot and weak characters, there is barely anything to watch except a very, very long and pointless blockbuster attempt to show boats and helicopters being tossed around at night. The computer-generated special effects are unimpressive and so transparent that some shots look like the opening sequence to "Blue Peter". It was not long until I was slumped down in my chair, looking around the stadium, studying the fire exit signs and biting my finger nails (not as an act of tension, but boredom). Even the fishing scenes earlier in the film are completely unrealistic. The moment that Clooney shouts "go fishing!" the crew are yelling, dancing and jumping about in an over-enthusiastic, ill-disciplined frenzy. This is a fishing boat in the middle of the Atlantic for heaven's sake. One small error could drown everybody. I had no sympathy for the characters, especially George Clooney, without whom the film would never have received so much publicity. If you are the type of person who enjoys low-key blockbusters with strobe, noise and sea water then The Perfect Storm might be worth a look. Otherwise this is a film that you can happily afford to miss. It is a shame how a film with such a good intention could sink so low. Yet that raises the question, what was their intention? Were they really trying to produce a tribute to the men who died trying to bring us fish? Or were they simply trying to produce a breath-taking blockbuster? To me, it didn't succeed in either.
Rating:  Summary: Glorified TV movie! Review: The Perfect Storm is not much more than a glorified TV-movie. Sure, it wasn't lacking goodlooking stars (George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg, Diane Lane) or money for special effects (the sea is quite terrifying), but really interesting, no. This movie tells the story of a group of fishermen, who go out into "one of the biggest storms of all times", to catch some fish because they have kids to feed, people to support, they need the money. the tragedy can easily be foreseen of course. What makes this movie attractive, is the emotional buildup, seeing the crew of the boat bond, set themselves over their prejudice, and risk their lives for each other, even those they thought they "hates". It is the story of courageous men who don't walk away, but face their enemy up to the point of losing, the real story of simple fishermen who risked their lives for others. Regardless of the big stars, the money that went in, and the great ratings, I don't think this movie is worth buying. If it's on tv on a friday night, turn the tv on, (or if you're a big George Clooney fan, go see it cuz he looks sexy) but other than that, don't waste your money on this, there are much better movies out there!
Rating:  Summary: An Incompetant Screenplay sinks this soggy tale Review: The Perfect Strom's true story, of Gloucester fisherman lost at sea is a terrible tragedy, this movie, is nothing more than passable Hollywood junk, but it could've been so much more.Geroge Clooney and Mark Whalberg head the impressive cast, but their characters never really come alive on the screen. The film tries to breathe life into these men, but it fails miserably. We just don't know, nor do we really care about those poor men as they embark on their final trip. The story tosses in ever cliche along the way for no reason other than make this film run for 142 minutes. Whether or not all the events contained in this film actually happend is unimportant, the story of this film, to recreate the tragedy of the Andrea Gail and its crew doesn't need the absurd subplot concerning three morons lost at sea and the attempts to rescue them. This takes a good 40 minutes of the story and whenever the story of the Andrea Gail gets really intese, we cut away to the laughable rescue mission plot with characters so paper thin they vanish when they turn sideways. Why should we even care about this, we don't know these people, their story never really crosses with the Andrea Gail's so the point is questionable. Another subplot, concerning the dopey weatherman who realizes that three storms are converging is unnecessary and silly. The acting hammy and the dialogue hilariously bad. With all of that garbage removed from the film, The Perfect Storm would've turned out to be more of a winner. At 100 minutes instead of 142, things would've been more intense and the tragic climax would've gotten to more audiences. As the film stands, at the finish, it leaves one too exhausted and tired to fully care about what has happened. The cast is excellent and this film is wonderfully directed by Wolfgang Petersen, the scenes at sea are intense and exciting, but many are unnecessary. This film may have been a blockbuster this summer, but I can't understand why exactly, it's just another case of a good movie lurking beneath all the Hollywood bull. Remove the junk scenes that exist only to please the action craving summer movie crowd, and a good movie lurks within, the movie we got, was a big, loud and dumb adventure based on a tragic story.
Rating:  Summary: This film is barely worth it. Review: When this film was being produced it was done with the flair and enthusiasm of that of a big Hollywood movie, which it is. But what is so disturbing is that this tragic story is based on a real event, and one fairly recent. Like "Titanic" the audience knows of this film's ending. But "Titanic" had 80 years for the world to heal a bit. The tragedy of "Perfect Storm" occured in 1991. I feel sorry for the families of the fishermen in the film, they have to relive this in their minds everyday and now it's on screen for everyone to laugh and cheer at. The subject matter of "Perfect Storm" is hardly appropriate for a big budget actioner. This film owes more to "Twister" than "Titanic" in that it is presented as a roller coaster ride type of film. Dealing with the film itself, it's full of story and acting problems. One major problem is the two separate storylines that have no relation to eachother. Two ships lost in the storm, one makes it one doesn't. But the biggest problem with this film has got to be Diane Lane's terrible accent. Man, the producers of the film must really be pushing for an Oscar nomination for her because you couldn't get her off the screen! Why are we so concerned about her when it's Clooney and his crew who are in jeopardy? Because the producers are going for that "Apollo 13" wife at home Oscar nod. The acting in the film is fair, Clooney and Marky Mark to a pretty good job in getting the audience to fear for them. The effects are first rate, sound, music... all of the technical stuff is good. But the overall effort is disgraceful. I hope that Warner Bros. seriously issues out some major royalties to the families of those dead fisherman for making a shameless entertainment based on their tragedy. And it wasn't even entertaining either.
Rating:  Summary: Is the perfect storm perfect? Review: The perfect storm has its high entertaining points and tons of mind bending waves, except the story is basically plain: They go out and get caught in a storm. Of couse the movie is entertainig if you would like to watch a storm for two hours. But with all the DVD features included this one may be a holiday top pick!