Rating:  Summary: Don't listen to the hype Review: This movie was a total disapointment. It is a sad story, but the film does a poor job of getting us to care about the characters. The dialouge is poor, and overall the story is pretty weak. Save this one for a rental.
Rating:  Summary: drown this film- Review: Snore! I was excited to see this film for the special effects and expected to put up with the usual cliches- but my god! The entire first hour is dedicated to developing the fact that the fishermen have wives and children at home who love and miss them. The actual effects are great, all 20 minutes of them, but skip the rest of the movie.
Rating:  Summary: George Clooney es muy macho! Review: I'm just glad I didnt actually pay full price to see this in the theatres because it flat out sucked. George Clooney is too cool for school in this film. His character is irritating and filled with testosterone, but then again...arent all his characters? Marky Mark is o.k., but too much of a woos in this movie. The other guys did this bonding thing midway in the movie which was so pathetic it made me choke on my popcorn. All in all a horrendous movie. Instead of buying or renting this movie. Go out and go for a nice walk and treat yourself to some ice cream.
Rating:  Summary: A brilliant 3rd act saves the film Review: A terrific cast stars in what could have been a better movie, but is just fine the way it is. The other reviews are pretty much all correct- it starts out somewhat slow, picks up when they head out to sea, and becomes very intense and gripping during the final 1/2 hour or so. I did enjoy the movie overall (there were some particularly well done sequences, such as when John C. Reilly gets yanked off the boat momentarily), but it did have some cliched scenes and so-so dialogue sprinkled throughout... but not enough to dislike the film. Kudos to the filmmakers for great sets and very real atmosphere.. I thought the last 15 minutes were perfectly done- it may not have been the ending you wanted, but it closed the film very well. I enjoyed this film very much and hope you will too.
Rating:  Summary: An o.k start, but comes up short of a good movie Review: The Perfect Storm began without a good showing a character develpoment. We learned about their personallities, but nothing about them as in background. One person(nameless to my knowledge) didn't even speak until somewhere out in the middle of the ocean. After starting out on the wrong foot the beginning of the adventure made up for the lack of charcter development. Now we're off into the ocean and the crew is becoming distressed for the fish are not biting.The so called fisherman are running into all sorts of problems until they reach a excellent spot and catch a huge quanity of fish. Then all of the sudden the ice machine breaks and if they don't get home soon the fish will spoil. Even though they know there is a storm right infornt of them. They decide to go on any way and eventually run into all sorts of problems. The ending (which i will not mention) was just horrrible beyond immagination. The story is going on then all of the sudden it comes to a cliff and jumps off. The Perfect Storm is a waste of time and should not be sold.
Rating:  Summary: Perfect Storm is the unperfect movie! Review: This movie was not what I thought it would be at all. First of all, the fate of the seamen aboard the boat is shown in the first few minutes of the movie. Looking at a list of people who have died at sea is a pretty big hint of what your in for. So now you already know the ending. Quite frankly, I would have rather watched Titanic. At least that film had substance...a story line, interesting characters that you grow to know and care about... AND they knew how to use life preservers!The Perfect Storm was about a selfish guy who had no life but to fish. He practically forced his team of seamen to be "men" and leave their loved ones only to meet their doom. Not my idea of a blockbuster film by any means. On top of the story, you don't really get to know the characters well enough to really care what happens to them. Also during the second half of the movie, there is a rescue of some people on board a small sailboat. Who are they?? And why does their rescue take up a half hour of the movie?... A half hour that could have been used to help develop the main characters! The computer effects were like the movie... overboard in a big way. Some were impressive, but too much can be, well, too much. You get to the point where scenes don't look realistic at all. And then there is the acting... oh boy. Lane and Clooney went overboard before the storm ever hit. I'm curious to know what made this particular story (true as it may be) so intriguing that it needed to be made into a movie. I do feel for anyone who has lost a loved one at sea, and I think their rememberance is important, but I think this goes to show that some stories/memories are better left to be told on paper.
Rating:  Summary: Perfect Storm-Perfect Movie??? Review: The Perfect Storm is an excellent movie.Very much like the legendary Titanic:very gripping even though we already know the outcome.George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg are really fabulous in this film,as are the supporting cast.The music is eerily foreboding and perfectly fits the movie.However,there were a couple of things that bothered me.Diane Lane,who played Bobby Shatford's (Wahlberg)girlfriend Christina,tried desperately to speak with a good Gloucester accent.However,she failed miserably and did not sound like a true MA woman.She was a bit overreactant ,too,in her fitful rages.Another thing that sort of bothered me was the attitude adopted by George Clooney as Capt. Billy Tyne.At every opportunity he was given to save his life and the life of his crew,he acted as if he was too masculine to be defeated by the worst storm of the century.Other than these two things,the movie is a wonderful and heartwrenching film.
Rating:  Summary: A little hyped up, but good Review: This film once again proves that director Wolfgang Petersen is at the top of his game with a dazzling display of drama, special effects, and human sacrifice in the movie The Perfect Storm. This film demonstrates a masterful use of computer effects, brining to life the simulation of one hundred foot waves. Superb acting and heroics on the side of Clooney and Wahlberg, teaming up once again since their duo in Three Kings. Clooney, playing his character as a grizzly sword fishing boat captain with excellent skill. Wahlberg also puts on a good performance as Clooney's first mate, both of them put their wits up against mother nature and her hell bent hurricane. This movie was riddled with hype and deadly obvious cliche's, but all in all, it made up for it towards the end.
Rating:  Summary: Get the Widescreen Version Review: I have also written a review for the Widescreen version of this movie (having seen both) and as great as this movie is, something gets lost without the full picture. So much is made of Computer graphics these days that some movies are often slave to their design, but not this movie. As stunning and believable as the action sequences are, they take a back seat to an accomplished and gritty performance by a talented cast. The script is great, and the characters are very close to what one feels the real people this movie is based on must have been like. Apart from one small action scene, poetic license seems not to run amuk here and although you probably know how the storys ends, it is none the less engaging and gripping. I saw this movie at the theater and am still a believer that this is the best place to see a specatcle such as this, but was impressed with it's transition to VHS. The film also has an enduring quality that will mean it can be watched several times, and won't be a "watch it and let it gather dust on the video shelf". A great addition to anyones home collection, but the widesceen version gets the extra star on the rating.
Rating:  Summary: The movie was hyped, but it lived up to most of it Review: Personally I don't look for Academy Award winning acting in an action film, nor do I pay much heed to the "Industry Reviews" for a movie. I picked this one up expecting something to pass the time with and some decent special effects. Well I got more than I bargained for! The acting was decent, the story compelling, and the special effects were amazing. Cloony, Wahlberg, and Lane were good in this movie, but didn't stand out. The stand out was the drama of characters and what they do for a living. The character development part of the story brought me closer to the individuals paving the way for my desire to see them make it throught this storm. The storm scenes themselves were masterful to the point where I will never question the courage or guts of a member of the Coast Guard if I ever have the privlege of meeting one. I would recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys excellent action with a compelling overriding story. The previous reviews I think were a little off the mark..it doesn't take long for this movie to grip you, and it doesn't let go till the end. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!