Rating:  Summary: Perfect flop Review: This could better be described as the "poor man's Titanic." After the initial special effects wear off you realize that there really is no story here...it's dumb and those idiots who went back out to fish deserved what they got. Don't waste you time or money...
Rating:  Summary: Deserves ZERO stars for trashing a great book Review: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, I know that you're not supposed to expect a movie to be as good as the book its based on, but THIS is an absolute travesty that cheapens the memory of the real people who died. Has Hollywood no shame? There are so many factual inacuracies and utter implausibilities that they can't all be listed here. And the cheesy background music destroys whatever excitment the well done visual effects might generate. The only positive thing that can be said is at least George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg LOOK right for their perspective parts. But they are given lines of dialog so unbelievably hokey and cliched that you almost feel sorry for them as actors.Bottom line is if you loved the book, stay far FAR away from this totally disrespectful farce.
Rating:  Summary: Almost unwatchable rubbish. Review: It just goes to show that despite a good cast, including the resurgent Clooney, useful Wahlberg, and excellent John C. Reilly, a duff script will still give you a bad film. Revoltingly sentimental, cliched, trite guff. Every film convention has been wheeled out. A great dissapointment after Peterson's previous work.The only impression I got was that the fishermen deserved exactly what they got. Read the considerably more interesting book if you remain interested. and the special effects? Although I'm sure money was thrown at them from a great height, the huge waves still look fake. Don't waste your time. ...
Rating:  Summary: Just amazing Review: This is a tail of the Andrea Gail and its crew as the venture to find fish to fish for. It shows how much the Capitan Billy and its crew want to get home and bring home its huge catch of fish. George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg totally deliver in this exciting film about Hurricane Grace and three other storms combine to make "the perfect storm". The special fxs are just plain amazing, all those waves and the stormy sky and with the heavy winds! Despite the known fate of the 5 doomed seamen; it gives you the thrill ride of your life. At the end of the movie when Mark Wahlberg talks to his wife it really makes you feel for them. The DVD ROM extras make it better with links to web sites, and the Warner Store. The three commentaries give you the director's point of view of what he was thinking during the filming. There are two other commentaries but not was important as the directors. Who cares of it isn't that historically accurate? Its supposivily tells the tail about 5 men who loved to fish and needed to bring home that huge catch to support their families. When Clooney shuts off the radio, its to show how much he loves to fish and how he wanted to prove everyone wrong.
Rating:  Summary: The perfect nap Review: I don't know if I was just tired that day or what but this movie did not keep my interest at all. I saw it on home video and I walked away and came back toward the end when the people actually went out toward the sea. I'm sorry but this movie wasn't that good. Maybe you can see this movie in the afternoon when your bored or you don't have anything else better to do. Like take a nap.
Rating:  Summary: Acting and Action Review: The perfect storm is what an action movie should be. Lots of action and suspense. And if the acting is good its a plus. There has been so many action movies where you say to yourself, "well the action was great, but the acting..." The perfect storm has both of these things. With George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg you're bound to get star quality acting and that's what you got. The other actors did a superb job also. Also the director, Wolfgang Peterson, was able to make you care for 4 different sets of people: the crew with Clooney, another boat with 2 women and an older man, the helicopter rescue team, and the people back home worrying for their loved ones. It's not often that you can make 4 sets of actors be believable and have the audience care for them but that's what Wolfgang did. Yes, the ending was depressing and done quickly but the other part of the film made up for it. The perfect storm is nearly perfect but falls on its face a bit at the end. 4 1/2 Stars but forced to give 5.
Rating:  Summary: A REALLY GREAT MOVIE BASED ON A TRUE STORY Review: I got A Perfect Storm on DVD for Christmas from my mom. I really didn't know what to think at first being that I am not a big fan of Mark Whalberg and George Clooney. I was glued to the front of my TV for the entire movie when I finally watched it a couple of days after Christmas. The special effects in A Perfect Storm are nothing less than stunning!! The acting and character development of Clooney and Whalberg is fantastic- I didn't know these two guys had this much talent. I think many reviewers gave this movie a low rating because they were disappointed with the ending. Sorry, this movie is based on a true story and real life doesn't always give us the ending that we desire.
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining Review: I gave this film three stars for intense action and the special effects. It was very exciting, and the storm sequences kept me at the edge of my seat. But for those of you who are interested in the true story of the Andrea Gail, this isn't it. Reading the words, "based on a true story", makes you think there were survivors who described the actual events that took place. It was a real letdown to discover that all perished and the accounts were the figment of a Hollywood screenwriter's imagination. Although this film is for thrill seekers, not historians, it is entertaining, and entertainment is the reason movies are made.
Rating:  Summary: Perfectly Awful Review: If you thought tv fishing shows were boring, just wait until you see this film. The first part of the film is a pathetic attempt at character development. Mr. Nice guy loves his wife and Son despite separation. Mr. Ugly guy finally finds love. Mr. 2nd Lead has a girlfriend much too nice for a trawlerman and she is setting up home for them. None of this made me care one bit whether any of them lived or died. The second part contains the worst special effects I've ever seen. Just in case you still don't care about the boat crew, they throw in some dumb helicopter pilots; I cared about them even less. Worst movie ever. I just hope some fool buys this from me on an auction site.
Rating:  Summary: OK storm Review: It didn't reek, but there were absolutely no surprises. Even the Raging Waters themepark effects were only so-so, as most of them had been shown in the preview, and they weren't all that improved over "Das Boot", twenty years previous. To its credit, however, it was no "Twister." To its detriment, it was no "Das Boot." It seemed to stretch credibility at several junctures. Mostly, the characters seemed to be partaking in a centuries old tradition without any benefits of the twentieth century. Odd how the Andrea Gail never seemed to have its radio turned on. You'd think that a bunch of guys going out in late October into deep water might be just a teensy bit curious about the weather conditions. Odd how the boats and helicopters were equipped with neither inflatable lifeboats nor coldwater survival suits. The Andrea Gail didn't even appear to have any lifevests. And where did all the light inside the overturned hull of the Andrea Gail come from? And what was with those visual references to two massive freighters, which they even bothered to name and position? Were these ships also doomed? It looked to me like a storyline was cut out completely.