Rating:  Summary: Good Human Drama. Passable Science. Review: Deep Impact is a subdued film regarding what mght happen during a comet impact of the Earth. As such, its not a perfect movie by any means. There are several issues that are gotten wrong despite the fact that the Shoemakers (of Comet Shoemaker-Levy fame) consulted on the movie.That being said, a movie like this is always a tightrope between accuracy and entertainment and I think Deep Impact hit the right balance between the two, ultimately. The movie is accurate enough with its science, although there are some holes, yes. It is also sincere enough with its drama without going realistically overboard. Face it, done really realistically, this movie's content would depress you to suicide. Here I think the right decision was made to tone down the portrayal of panic that would accompany an announcement like this. And in the end, I think the film's best attributes - ironically - are in public awareness and education. Such a collison of another body with Earth will happen, its just a matter of time. We are the only species on the planet that MIGHT be able to do something about it, but only if we start searching and keep searching now. Why do I say "ironically" this film is good for public awareness and education? "Deep Impact" portrays a comet's collison with Earth. Even if we search really well a comet will, in all probabilty, be discovered too late to really do anything about. But we can also be hit by asteroids and those we can search for, plot, predict (to some degree) and push out of the way. That might give us a few more centuries. 8-)
Rating:  Summary: Best of the Meteor Movies Review: This film gets off to a terrible start, with a completely unbelievable plot device that has an astronomer die while rushing down from his observatory with news that the just-observed comet will strike earth a year in the future. It don't work that way folks-- It would require observation over a period of time just to determine the orbit of such an object, but I guess that's not exciting enough for formula disaster flicks. However, once we get that out of the way, we end up with a story about a junior tv journalist that stumbles into the biggest story of all time. Tia Leone's performance is greatly reserved and very believeable with just the right amount of hesitation. The pace of Deep Impact is brisk and we have none of the idiotic excess that totally ruined Jerry Bruckheimer's trashing of the meteor/asteroid/comet theme in "Armageddon". Instead, we get a sympathetic and somewhat realistic "what if" that has some very sympathetic characters, many of whom to not survive. Good quality digital effects and great music by James Horner combine to produce one of the better quality "disaster" films.
Rating:  Summary: Very good disaster movie! Review: This movie deals more (though not quite enough, in my opinion) with the reactions of ordinary people to impending disaster. Astronauts and presidents are all fine and well, but what I really want to know is what the family down the street would do in this scenario. While Deep Impact didn't go into it as much as I would like, it was still good, and fairly realistic. For instance, did you know there really is an underground complex (although it's in Kansas, not Missouri, I believe).
Rating:  Summary: The other asteroid movie - Enjoyable! Review: I have been wanting to watch this movie for so long and now that I have seen it, here are few things that came to mind. First, knowing that this movie and "Armageddon" were both going to be compared because they came out the same year and nearly the same time about the same topic, "Armageddon" is more action based and focusing about people trying to save the Earth. "Deep Impact" is somewhat the same but focuses more about people and their last days on Earth and impending doom. It focused on people and their emotions more than action. I really enjoyed the movie and there are a lot of popular people in this film which is a plus. The acting was good but Tea Leoni...I like her a lot but her acting in this movie was not at all involving and emotional. I really couldn't care less for her character because of the acting. I'm glad this movie is different from "Armageddon" because it would lose if it was an action film. You need action stars like Bruce Willis but in "Deep Impact" our heroes in Robert Duvall, Blair Underwood and others were still good to watch and again, this movie is about saving the world but knowing that doom is ahead. The video was very colorful and beautiful. The sound was awesome but I believe I got more out of my 5.1 in "Armageddon" but that doesn't mean "Deep Impact" is a slouch because it sounds good! As for special features, just only a teaser trailer and the theatrical trailer. I'm sure they could of added more to this DVD and that was the only thing I was bummed out about. Otherwise a very good movie!
Rating:  Summary: See Armageddon Review: This movie has a very slow start. I recommend Armageddon. Deep Impact is just plain copying Armageddon. They try to blow up the asteroid by drilling a hole and dropping a nuke. Sound fimilier? Over all, the movie wasnt that bad.
Rating:  Summary: More than just a sci-fi movie Review: At first glance, this movie might just seem like another sci-fi movie about the destruction of the Earth. But really, this movie goes a lot deeper. The emotions expressed in this movie are teriffic, and the plot line is great. I admit it, this is one of those love-it-or-hate-it movies, but I loved it! The main plot of the story is that a comet,known as the Wolf-Beiterman, is discovered to be on a track for contact with Earth. After the US Administration keeps it a secret for a year, it is revealed that safety measures must be taken. A spacecraft Messiah is sent up to stop the comet. This movie goes a lot deeper then the astronomical/catastrophical cover. It is a story of self-sacrifice, family, and true love. Almost every character sacrificed someone to this, whether it be a child, a parent, or themselves. Families were broken up when parents gave up their children so that they could be safe. True love was a large part of this movie, between families and between couples. A very touching story, the first sci-fi movie that I have seen that jerked tears, Deep Impact is not to be missed!
Rating:  Summary: Script? What be that then? Review: In a rare occasion, I did not watch "Deep Impact" to the end. Why is this classed as a movie. The same branch of entertainment as "Raging Bull" and "Taxi Driver". It is NOT a film. It is one hour of my life I want back. Script, direction, production and cinematography aparently mean NOTHING to the "director". May he hang his head in shame at this mockery of culture. Morgan Freeman, I salute you for carrying on a successful career after unfortunately starring in this [stuff]. Take a guess at the end. Which one is more likely in this film: (a)The meteor(s) hit earth (b)They miss Earth (c)The makers of this abomnation ... themselves. although (c) is more preferable to any movie-goer, it would be patronizing to tell people which one. And if you can't guess, meet up with Bruce Joel Rubin and Michael Tolkin, (yes, apparently there WERE writers involved) and develop a screen-play. It will probably be a damn sight better than this [stuff].
Rating:  Summary: So bad, it's almost good. Almost. Review: "Daddy..." This word, uttered with faux emotion by Tea Leoni (one of the worst, and most overrated, actors of her generation) in the last ten minutes of this cheesefest made me laugh when it was supposed to break my heart. I was relieved when the fake-looking big wave wiped her out; too bad it didn't happen in the FIRST ten minutes and spare the audience her boring, monotonous performance. Jenny Lerner is supposed to be the movie's emotional center, but as played by the inept Leoni, she just comes across as a black hole. Oh, but the movie's badness doesn't end there. Despite the impeccable pedigree of the cast (Morgan Freeman, Robert Duvall, Vanessa Redgrave, et al), everyone seems to be sleepwalking through the movie toward their paycheck. The lousy script, the aforementioned fake-looking effects, and the transparent and sickening emotional manipulation (the repeated use of babies to melt our hearts) combine with the shockingly bad all-star cast to make a movie which is every bit as hollow and brain-dead as the oft-maligned all-star big budget disaster movies of the late 60s and early 70s--movies that "Deep Impact" was thought by some gushy critics to have risen above.
Rating:  Summary: Good, but not as good as Armageddon Review: I'm a total sucker for natural disaster movies, and I was excited when I heard that this one was coming out. However, it failed to please me and I found myself just sitting there after it ended and thinking, "How boring." The movie didn't do anything for me at all. If you want a good sci-fi/tear jerker, call on Armageddon, at least that movie didn't disapoint. :)
Rating:  Summary: DEEP IMPACT. Review: Yeah sure, this film has the same "earth killer" plot and storyline as most of those type of films do. But DEEP IMPACT is unique and a stand-out in some way. Some teenagers from an astronomy club at a high school discover a comet that is headed straight for earth (surprise, surprise!) and is powerful and large enough to destroy the earth and all of mankind (surprise, surprise again!). Now the world must find a way to stop the comet and destroy it before the comet destroys them! I know, I know...like I've said before: your typical "earth killer" film. But there is other stuff that happens in the film so it's not all about the comet. In DEEP IMPACT, the person who actually first discovers the comet is a young teenager named Leo (Elijah Wood) and when it is time to evaccuate his home, he is able to take his family with him to the shelter that the US government has built to protect a certain number of people but has to marry his girlfriend, Sarah (LeeLee Sobsiski), in order to protect her and her family, too. When files get messed up, and they can't take Sarah's family with them, Sarah must decide whether to go with her husband or stay with her family. The rest of the main cast includes Jenny Lerner (Tea Leoni), a young reporter in search for her father, and the president of the United States (Morgan Freeman). DEEP IMPACT is an excellent film with a good, solid storyline and plot, as well as a solid screenplay, and amazing visual and sound effects. Definitely a film worth debating on buying, and if not, than at least renting it (multiple times!). Fantastic film! I loved it a lot.