Rating:  Summary: Had a boring start, but got better. Review: This movie was soooooo much better than Armageddon. It was more unpredictable (Well, as unpredictable as a disaster movie can be) and it actually made you care about the characters. I didn't cry, but I came alot closer to crying than Armageddon.
Rating:  Summary: good Review: This movie is an intellectual version of Armageddon. It is gripping because the events and reactions of the characters are realistic. I was most impressed with the build-up and preparation for the mission as opposed to what was pulled off in Armageddon. Wheras Armageddon was pure Hollywood cheese, the plot in Deep Impact was well thought out. The most underrated movie of last summer.
Rating:  Summary: Holy Smokes! Great movie! Review: I loved this movie!! Elijah Wood was so hot. And if you thought he looked good in D.I., you shold have seen him in Oliver Twist!!!! Dang, that english accent made him ten times sexier!!!! GO ELIJAH! LOVE YA!!!! This movie had wonderful special effects and it made me cry. Leelee was so cool too. I think she could make alot of other good movies.
Rating:  Summary: deep impact time Review: Great movie!!!!!!!!!111
Rating:  Summary: Rodent Psychology By Dr.Duck Review: Deep Impact is so obviously aimed at people with low IQs, who don't actually think, but instinctively react to superficial stimuli, like experimental Lab Rodents. You see, lab rodents generally aren't provided with subtle suggestions that they may be hungry, or tired. They usually have sections of their brains lopped off, which control these motives - or be brutally deprived of these two necessities. Take Deep Impact for instance, subtle suggestions are totally rejected in favor of the targeted Low-IQ viewer being smacked over the head with a big brick, with blatant messages like "TEARJERKING EMOTIONAL PART", or "GRATUITOUS ACTION MOMENT" sprawled all over them. It is at this stage that the low-IQ Lab Rat viewer starts to appreciate the film, because he or she actually believes that they are people of reasonable intelligence, watching a good film. The trail of saliva at the movie theater left by the Low IQ lab rodents, who actually liked the film can be inductively "seen" on this very web page, for they are the same lab rats who award over two stars for this movie, in their reviews. In fact, it is thus proven that there is an INVERSE correlation between the number of stars the viewer gives for the movie to their IQ. (A correponding graph can be drawn.) The CIA or whoever was responsible for this experiment successfully managed to expose mass appeal amonst rodents, I was just overwhelemed at the unprecidented number of these furry beings. Q.E.D.
Rating:  Summary: Deep Impact is better than the movie Armageddon Review: This movie had some flaws but it was still a pretty decent movie, better than most doomsday movies. In my opinion it is better than Armageddon because there is more drama in the movie, the special effects were a little bit better and more dramatic with the comet actually entering the earths atmoshphere and hitting the ocean. In Armageddon, the asteroid was simply destroyed and that was it. There was no real action from the main focus of the movie except for not so impressive meteor showers and that was the best part of the movie. In Deep Impact, you actually have an impact and destruction of parts of the Earth but despite this some people did survive. To me this is what made it better than Armageddon. The second thing is that in Deep Impact the astronants did not spend most of the movie on the comet like they did in Armageddon. But both movies lack exact realism because in real life if this were to happen they would have to use nuclear missles to try to destroy the giant space object and this probably would not even work. Deep Impact is good but it may be boring at first but the second half of the movie gets interesting. If you like doomsday movies, you should check this out.
Rating:  Summary: It`s good. Review: The impact was very deep
Rating:  Summary: dgfsz,m;gfsdzm Review: 12ws
Rating:  Summary: Good movie. Not a no-brainer like Armegeddon Review: I really liked this movie. Its unfortunate that wide-screen format is the only way to get this movie on DVD so far. I know alot of people wanted to see more humor with less realism and less science, as in Armegeddon. Its a great movie, opening people's eyes to science and reality. I'd give the movie five stars if it was available in "normal" viewing.
Rating:  Summary: Don't waste your time Review: If you're a Sci-fi fan, DON'T see this turky. This is the most boring film I've ever seen. The giant wave is worth seeing but that's about it.