Rating:  Summary: You must overlook the obvious Review: In order to really appreciate this film you must overlook the obvious. Such as the fact that many times these tornado chasers somehow seem not to be effected when they are close to the whirlwind. The special effects are good overall.The chemistry between Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton really pulled me in to the feelings. The fight in the truck when they get together again is classic. The characters that they are portraying remind me of many average Jane and Joe's across the country. The wide variety of personalities that add to the supporting cast are excellent. Each one, in their own, adding to the overall mood of the movie. This movie is entertaining (as movies should be) and the flaws are very easily overlooked. It will be an enjoyable way to pass a few hours some night with the one you love.
Rating:  Summary: Has all the basic compoments of a good action film Review: The year 1996 provided audiences with a slew of films loaded with special affects and action. Just as Star Wars and Lord of ths Rings are dazzling us today, Twister caught the eye of audience in the sweltering summer of 96 and it was quiet impressive. When watched in widescreen DVD format on a larger televison, it's great. The films is basically about a man (Paxton) who returns to the part of Oklahoma where he grew up and met is ex-wife (Hunt), whom he chased and studied tornados with. Years later, he's a weather reporter and looking to get married again; but first, he must settle things with his ex. She, on the other hand, has other ideas. Before long, the two are drawn into chasing tornados as the Mid-West begins to experience a wave of severe weather unlike anything seen before. The key to all of it might be a special invention that our heros made when they were young lovers. Oh yeah, and a bunch of tornados tear everthing up and throw cows and tanker trucks around like Godzilla having a temper tantrum. It may seem odd for a film like Twister to include what seems like such a dramtic love story as the one above. Unlike Independence Day and Dragonheart, which came out around the same time as Twister, you have no bad guy or race of ... aliens trying to dominate the world. The special affects are all "weather affects", rather than a flying dragon or space ships. In short, Twister is more realisitic than those films, and in a way, better. If your one of those movie goers who could care less about the emotional themes of films and can't stand sappy scenes, however, don't worry. This film is mostly about some nuts who go around chasing tornados and trying to keep from being killed by them. The special affects are great and the landscapes are simply beautiful. The acting is good and well directed. A good film all around.
Rating:  Summary: The Twisters are the Stars Review: Kind of like in 'Jurassic Park', the actors in this film take a back seat(way back) to the real stars: the special effects. The twisters in this film are as close to real as movies can get, and they make youre hair stand on end just watching. The story starts really well, with a flash-back sequence that shows just why Helen Hunt's charactor is so obsessed with finding what makes twisters tick. However, the story kinda bogs and drags after that, although whenever a tornado appears, the film just kicks it into a higher gear. The actors involved try really hard to make something out of the weak dialogue they're working with, but the main reason to watch this for the twisters. They have a malevolence all their own, and seem to have minds of their own, as they chasedown the main good guys. Again, not much story substance, but with effects like this, who needs it?
Rating:  Summary: Fact or Fiction? Fiction. Review: Twister was written to bring light on the subject of storm chasing. Now, everyone who actually does this knows that not even the most expert storm chaser can run into 150 tornadoes in one day! Let alone are there any stupid enough to set the cruise control on their brand new, self-repairable Dodge Ram pickup (unless you're a Ford fan, that is) and let one of these monstrous storms eat it up. Helen Hunt made for an awesome "Jo." I think that she was incredible in this movie, going after what all meteorologists do, finding out what makes tornadoes tick. While getting ready for one of those chases that will take them half way through Kansas. Bill Paxton (as "Bill") shows up before Hunt's chase day begins with his new fiancée, Melissa. Hunt is still in love and not letting go, having been married to Paxton, she still wears his ring. Covering it with her class ring, she signs divorce papers that Paxton has asked her to sign; deliberately "forgetting" one page. Storms are a'brewin, and the chase team takes off. Melissa asks Paxton if Hunt signed the divorce papers, realizing that she didn't, Paxton and his fiancée take off chasing after the team to get Hunt's signature. The rest it nothing but chasing twisters, etc. I do believe that if this hadn't made out to be a love story (like Titanic and Pearl Harbor), it would've actually been fun. Of course, there are obvious traits this movie follows (flying "stuff" everywhere, incl. cows, combines, semi's, etc.), and you can tell when stunt doubles come in. Yes, there was even a stunt double for the Dodge Ram (or it's got some sort of cloning device allowing it to repair its own windshield in a span of nanoseconds). But, for us weather geeks, there's not a whole lot of other movies out there for us to watch and be happy with. Maybe next time?
Rating:  Summary: You need to have this DVD Review: Great movie that will not lose it's viewing appeal with age. The terror of a tornado is felt as well as the human bonds of the researchers studying this monster of a storm. The emotions are also obvious of the young girl that witnessed the loss of her father to a catagory 5 twister, and these emotions follow her into adulthood. This movie is extremely entertaining, keeps you on the edge of your seat, and it's also very educational towards the understanding of the technology and formation of tornadoes. I highly recommend owning this movie or at least watching it. It's great.
Rating:  Summary: ... Review: There are movies that can be carried by special effects or star power in the absence of good direction/script/SUBSTANCE. Twister wasn't one of them. Star Wars Episode 1 and Final Fantasy at least had great eye candy to distract you from the fact that the movie itself was really weak. Twister had... CG flying dirt. That combined with one of the most obstinately dumb scripts I've seen outside of MST3K adds up to a movie that I'd sooner drink sour milk than see again. Unless Mike/Joel and the 'bots were sitting in the front row.
Rating:  Summary: One heck of an action movie Review: Full of love, romance, and plenty of edghe of your seat action. This is one of Bill Paxtons movies. And definatelty worth to buy.
Rating:  Summary: You above me? It's not that great. Review: I own Twister, and have owned it since its release. I do admit, it is rather creative with the special effects and all, but the story stunk! "We can increase warning time to 15 minutes" as Jo said, yeah right, 15 min. to spend at the TV and watch the whole warning gives the Tornado time to reach you. Did you notice the growling sounds they used for the twisters? With the first tornado they actually used a Camel's snort. Also with the water spouts, notice when they are watching the cow blow by them, that in the background they are really on a highway and another car passes them. And the ending? Who can survive an F5 tornado while being strapped down on some pipes? Nobody for goodness sake. They would have been torn to bits. Anyway, you'll notice the flaws once you buy the movie. But please, it's a total loss of money.
Rating:  Summary: "We've Got Cows!....." Review: This 1996 blockbuster is full steam ahead adventure!. There's been many bashing remarks about there being no story at all. Well, with a movie like this, a decent plot is really not an important thing. I'm amazed at anybody going into this movie expecting it. Have they been to a movie like this before?. The plot, what there is of it, has a bunch of storm chasers, led by the always appealing Helen Hunt, are trying to get a machine they've created into a twister so they can research them and let people know when and where a twister will land. Helen's ex, Bill Paxton, shows up with his fiance(the always underrated Jami Gertz)and they get sucked into the adventure as well. The special effects are, of course, out of this world brilliant. They are the real stars of this film. It's the kind of movie that will have you on the edge of your seat with pure, heart pounding excitement. And, really, that's a good thing to have. A lot of people bash these kinds of movies for just being simple entertainment. What a horrible world this would be without films like this. Anywho, the actors, including the great Carey Elwes, Alan(Spin City)Ruck, and Phillip Seymour Hoffman, are all pretty decent. This is a wild ride that never stops!. Pure entertainment and nothing more. It doesn't need to be.