Rating:  Summary: So horrid it doesn't deserve any stars at all Review: The movie was so bad it doesnt deserve any stars but unfortunately you have to pick one. The dialog through the whole movie was just a joke. It seems like a group of 5 years old wrote the script. There were so many cliché in the lines it was disgusting. They used a whole bunch of "funny" lines that you heard on commercials and other places that out grew their funniness after the third time hearing it. "The heat is on" "Take two of these and call me in the morning" Also, what was the whole deal of Freeze's men singing in part of the movie? So now you have a group of "bad guys" who are made to look like total idiots by singing a cartoon song that Freeze MADE them sing. Now how many "bad guys" could you see making their gang sing a perky little song and dance?!?! The acting, was BAD! This was definitely NOT Schwarzenegger or Thurman finest hour of acting. Their characters on the whole were unbelievable. And while Silverstone's (who may have been "Hollywood" chubby in this movie she still looks good because there are many women who still would have killed to be there) acting was fine in the movie, the fight with Ivy, it could have been done a lot better (especially the ending dialog of Ivy when losing "CURSES!!" oh please. Since they stuck most of the movie's dialect in the 90's they obviously put in a cheap shot in there by using something that would have been said in like maybe the 60's version of the movie or the comic). The action itself in the movie was bad. The beginning fight with Freeze's men in the museum, they are suppose to be ice skating, I'm sorry but how often and easily you could see their roller blades just ruined the whole effect of them suppose to be ICE SKATING. Plus, the point of the fact that every time they "flew" across the room or even an object, Freeze's ice gun, it was so slow that it just ruined the effect. They/it was no where close to being "whipped" across the room, which obviously suppose to be the whole result. This movie is a waste of time. If you feel like making fun of a movie then I would suggest watching this. Other wise, honestly, spend your time, money and effort on something else.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as it souould be for a Final Installment Review: I cerntnly hope their will somewear in time be a Batman V, Becuase if this as the fina installyment it sure could have fooled me if I wasent familler with the Batman world. Since this was ovesly the Final Installment, there is always the BIG SECRET!! of something always missing! I know this is usealy only play in Triligys but from Star Wars to Psycho and Scream 3 there is always some sort of secret always reveled.. In this nothing at all, I think Coleny makes a good Bruce Wayne but just like they pretty much did in Batman I stick with the stuntduble for the actual Batman..... Arnold does his usealy good job and Gothem city is no longer a dark,cold,snowy and a place thats constantly in the cross fire of evil plans it seems like anymore. Its a bright city..... All in all get it if you want
Rating:  Summary: Awesome ! Review: Let me tell you the real truth of this awesome movie ! When Tim Burton directed the first two, people found them awesome, but when the 2nd Batman came out in 1992, parents and places like McDonalds and Toys R' Us were upset at how dark the movies were and that they were upsetting people and children, and people were shocked that those kind-of places sold toys from two movies like that, especially the 2nd one, which is the darkest of all 4 movies. That's when Warner Bros. decided that they should make the future installments lighter, brighter, and less dark. So when Michael Keaton and Tim Burton departed, That gave them the chance to do that. They succeeded in doing that with Batman Forever, which came out in 1995, and with the release of that movie, the new director, Joel Schumacher ( The Client, Bad Company ) felt that people liked what Batman Forever was like, which was the action, excitment, bightness, campiness, etc., so they just decided to give the next one more of that and lighten up the Batman character, and I think Schumacher did the right thing doing that with this movie and Batman Forever, because he didn't leave kids out of seeing any of these movies, which was what some people liked about these two movies, because they felt Burton left kids out by making the first two very dark and violent. My brother even thinks Schumacher did the right thing. So, Schumacher didn't ruin the series by making family movies out of these two movies in the series. That was just fine. And Val Kilmer and George Clooney were great Batmans also. Clooney wasn't a terrible Batman, neither was Kilmer. But, no matter what, the first two are my most favorite, Tim Burton really showed what Batman was meant to be, and Michael Keaton was the real Batman, but I'm not putting Schumacher, Kilmer, or Clooney down. Both Batman Forever and Batman & Robin have great special effects, dazzling production design, great acting, and occasional cleverness. And you might look at these two movies, and say, "They've both got their faults, they're not perfect, and they're not the best of the series." But the other two aren't perfect either. No movie is perfect. But the first one always has been and always will be the best of the series, and the second one will always be the best sequel of the series. And these two do well with them. But I do think the first two are the best of the series. The story has a lot of plots: Like Batman has to learn to trust his partner, and if he does learn that, he can win his battles with villians. It's like if you were in the war, and you were working with someone you could count on to do their job, you could win the battle. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It's like Alfred, Robin, and Batman say in the movie: SOMETIMES, COUNTING ON SOMEONE ELSE IS THE ONLY WAY YOU WIN. Also, people have asked how Mr. Freeze can turn the world into a forever ice cube and Poison Ivy can turn it into a green house in the process, well, use you imagination, like I did, and I think of it as, Mr. Freeze freeze all the major cities of the world and all of population of the world, and Poison Ivy uses the rest of the world that's not frozen to turn into a green house. So,they share the world in a way. And not only does Batman have to deal with Robin and the villians and their evil plans, but he has to help his butler, Alfred, from dying. Alfred's the one person Bruce Wayne loves more than anyone else in the world, and to think he would die, then comes drama in this movie other than just action. So, how is Batman going to deal with all of this ? Then comes Batgirl to help and that makes Batman's job easier to have another partner. So, I do think this movie is pretty cool with several good lessons to teach you. All movies, even superhero movies, have lessons to teach you. That's why they're written and made. So, I think why each Batman movie is different is each movie shows every different way Batman can be presented as, either zany Batman, comical Batman, or dark disturbing Batman, sometimes a mix. So, this really isn't a bad sequel, like many people have said it is. It's fun, action-packed, entertaining, enjoyable, and good, even if it's not the best of the series. It's not really a big budget version of the campy 1960's TV show, even if some of that ice in the movie is sometimes obviously fake, it's not all that bad. This movie doesn't deserve to be treated so terribly. AND JOEL SCHUMACHER, LIKE TIM BURTON, IS ONE OF THE BEST OF THE BEST ! 3 1/3 stars.
Rating:  Summary: I refuse to accept this movie as a Batman movie! Review: This movie really deserves one-fifteenth of a star. I was really sad that the Batman franchise had sunk this low. After the fairly presentable Forever, Joel Schumacher apparently decided to mess up the series. There is only one word to describe this movie:BLEEEHHHHHHH! Next I will tell you 10 things that are wrong with the movie (are you ready?) 1. The aerodynamic, multipurpose, satilite tracking, fully disposable, iron ore, morphing, horrible Batsuit. The nipples in Forever were stupid, but at least the yellow symbol was still there. Now there is a giant, silver bat on his chest. It looks like he's wearing a football jersey. 2. Robin's symbol. Now THAT'S dumb! The gold "R" with the green circle may be bland, but at least its recognizable. The "robin" looks like an albatross. 3. Freeze's awful acting. As if he could never say anything NOT refering to his heat imparation. You never heard the Joker say stupid lines like "The joke's on YOU! HAHAHAHAHA!!!" By the way, he had the worst line of the series: "First Gotham, and then, the WORLD!" That is something I'd expect from a child's sci-fi cartoon. 4. Bat gadgets. Just in case the city freezes I'd better build a BATSLED! Just in case I run across 2 frozen scientists I better take along a couple of BATTHERMALDEVICES! Just in case I get stuck in a Blues/Red Wings game I better install some BATSKATES! 5. Color. There was so much color I was expecting to see the MGM. Batman Returns also had ice and snow. Why wasn't it colorful? Oh yeah. Burton. Right. 6. The soundtrack. It doesn't fit. You can't take fast Dick Tracyesque music and put it into Batman and Robin. Especially if you ALLREADY USED IT! It fits in Forever, though. 7. The insanely inaccurate rocketship scene. Freeze had FRIGGIN METAL WINGS!! He'd just fall to his death FASTER!! Batman and Robin would have been struggling to breath at their altitude. And IF the skysurfing on metal doors could happen, Robin would have shattered his legs landing on the side of that building. WHY DIDN'T FREEZE JUST FREEZE BATMAN AS A WHOLE INSTEAD OF JUST HIS HANDS?!?!?!? The stpidity would have ceased at that point. 8. Comissioner Gordon. Since when did he become a 4-star general? The part where he pulled the heat lever to save himself and his unit was bad. It sure took a long time to freeze their lungs but they thawed *snap* like that! And why did Freeze have a heat switch anyway? Gordon as a horny old man was disturbing. 9. Batgirl. I find it ironic that they DIDN'T put nipples on her batsuit! As you already know, Batgirl was supposed to be Gordon's daughter, not Alfred's neice. She was awful. She didn't have an English accent, she had corny lines, she didn't looked fazed when she found out about Batman, and it is absolutely impossible to run in high-heels. Finally 10. George Clooney. As Wayne he was OK, but as Batman? He didn't lower his voice, he sounded very assertive, and he ALWAYS MOVED HIS HEAD WHEN HE SAID SOMETHING!!! Watch the movie again, you'll see. And he had lines written by a rehsus monkey in a slave labor factory in Indonesia. That's my hypothesis. "Face it Freeze you've lost." "Hi Freeze. I'm Batman." Only 2 things I really liked: Alfred's sympathetic role and the subtile showing of the Riddler's and Two-Face's costumes. Face's suit should have been torn, warped, and blood-stained after that fall. This movie is perhaps the worst action movie of all time. Not the worst MOVIE. Home Alone 3 is. Oh yeah, and Bane (was bad). So did those 2 scientists screaming and encouraging the Bat. "You are doing it Batman!" God please.
Rating:  Summary: If you love comic-to-cinema adaptations...... Review: then stay as far away as possible from Batman & Robin because this isn't a comic-to-cinema adaptation. This movie is just another tired Batman sequel attempting to cash in on a popular franchise, and it fails in every possible way. The most obvious error is casting George Clooney as Batman. What were they thinking? Clooney doesn't look like someone who could portray a superhero. Arnold Schwartznegger was horribly miscast as the villain Mr. Freeze simply because he plays one of the most unknown villains in the Batman series. Uma Thurman did whatever she could with her role, but her role was pointless to begin with. The plot also made no sense. Trying to integrate the campy 1960's Batman with the Dark Knight Batman doesn't work. This was the movie that basically killed the Batman franchise and DC Comics' dominance in comic-to-cinema adaptation. With Marvel Comics now the frontrunner with Spider-Man, Daredevil, Blade (I and II), X-Men (I and II), and the proposed movies Ghost Rider and The Fantastic Four, DC Comics had better hope that their adaptation of Wonder Woman can do something to make them competitive with Marvel (though the way things are going with trying to get the project for Wonder Woman off the ground, I highly doubt that DC Comics will surpass Marvel Comics)
Rating:  Summary: Unacceptable Review: Oh, how the mighty have fallen. What I don't understand is how so many good actors can make one horrific movie. The plot is absurd, the characters ridiculous and cartoonish, and the backdrops obscene. See Robin race a motorcycle. See Alicia Silverstone lisping in a private schoolgirl uniform. See George Clooney smirking for two hours. HUH?!? If this is the future of Batman, the future is very bleak indeed. Do yourself and your sensibility a favor and stick with the first two in the series. Take comfort in Michael Keaton's masterful performances, Kim Basinger's unparalleled ability to scream, and Michelle Pfeiffer's absolutely breathtaking and superb performance as Catwoman.
Rating:  Summary: Batman and Robin: Worst Film Ever? Review: I've been a Batman fan since I was two years old, and have watched the original 'Batman' so many times I can recite every line of dialogue. I loved the dark view of Burton's first two batman films. But then came a new director; Joel Schumacher, and a new film; Batman Forever. The film was good, but not as good as the first two. Then WHAM the whole Batman franchise down the drain with it's forth installment: Batman and Robin. Schumacher totally destroyed everything I loved about the Batman franchise; replacing the dark emotional movies, with campy, flashy lighted, spoofs of the 60s Batman TV show ("holy heart attack, Batman"). I can't stress enough how much I despise Joel Schumacher for his ruining of the Batman movies. The worst thing about this movie would have to be the dialogue; it's corny, it stupid, and it's fake. If they had rewritten the entire script the movie would not have been that bad. But they didn't, so during the movie you'll hear lines like: "Your about to become compost," "Your not sending me to the cooler," and last, but certainly not least "I'm going to put you on ice." It's this dialogue that destroys the movie. Making it seem more like the sixties TV show then the first three movies in the franchise. The bad dialogue also makes the acting seem bad; actors that are usually very good in their rolls are just horrible in this movie. The reason: bad dialogue and bad directing. The lesser faults would have to be the dozens and dozens of neon lights, and the glow in the dark face paint. While it does provide marvelous 'eye candy' it doesn't fit with the dark, depressing, crime-ridden Gothem City that worked so well in Burton's movies. It starts to turn the whole movie in to a brightly lighted cartoon. (Though, even the Gothem City in the Batman cartoons is more real then in the movie.) The only thing that actually works in this film is the costumes (Robin's new garb is 100% better then the original suit), but even in that department, the filmmakers find a way to destroy it; giving Batman a new Black/Blue uniform, making it look more like the comic book bat suit rather then the outfits worn in the motion pictures. I really hate to bash movies, and sound like a jerk, but this is one movie that certainly deserves it. It has very few, if any, gratifying qualities about it. I would not recommend this movie to anyone over the age of 11. Though if you'll a fan of the sixties style of Batman, this movie is an excellent reproduction.
Rating:  Summary: This is what BATMAN has become?????? Review: Growing up from a little child, watching Batman was amazing. I was obsessed and purchased every Batman figure and action toys i could find in stores. I just recently watched all 4 movies in a row. Loving every single seocnd of them all. Michael Keaton was an all-star in the first 2 (Batman, and Batman Returns)...and Val Kilmer was decent in Batman Forever. But George Clooney took over and WHAM!!! Batman is no more. Listen to his voice in the movie...he just isn't into it, he is too fake as Batman. AND THEY TAMPERED WITH THE ORIGINAL BATMOBILE TOO MUCH!!! What is this new one? No cover??? It may as well be a convertible with fire spewing from the back. The movie is composed of flashing stage lights and corny fights. " Everybody...CHILL!!!" this is what arnold has to work with "Gotham City may freeze...we must stop him" This is what Batman must work with The director tampered with a classic and has made it into something belonging in a child's book. I still am a Batman fan and maybe the movies will get better...because i know "Batman versus Superman" is coming out in 2004...maybe the director of this one will go work with Nickelodeon and not Warner Brothers. EVERYONE WHO GAVE THIS MOVIE A 1 STAR RATING YOU ROCK THOSE OF YOU WHO GAVE THIS MOVIE A GOOD REVIEW MUST BE UNDER 10 YEARS OLD long live Batman...but not the director of Batman and Robin
Rating:  Summary: It looked too much like a comic book.... Review: The production design of this movie was just over-kill. Gothom City looked like a neon lighting canyon, much more then it did in Forever, the Batcave looks l=ike it has machines that serve no purpose, the Batmoboile is horrible, it's the design from Forever only given new features that serve no purpose,Wayne Manor looks even more like a masoseum, Mr. Freeze headquarters looked like they were put together using drawings from the various comics, the list goes on. From a visual designer's point of view, this movie was the worst desigend film ever.
Rating:  Summary: Joel Schumacher: Savior of the Bat franchise Review: After the dissapointing Batman and Batman Returns, I was ready to give up on the Batman film series. Tim Burton had turned the campy, fun loving Batman of my youth into some kind of dark knight, seeking vengence, draped in shadows. It was simply horrible. Then Schumacher came along and showed a lot of promise with Batman Forever, which had some good parts (Holey Rusted Metal, Batman!) but for the most part was still too dark. It had Jim Carrey in it, I should have been rolling in the aisles! Then with Batman and Robin he gave me what I really wanted, Bat-nipples, comic-book dialogue and colors, and the thinly veiled sexuality references that I love so well. It's been five years since this movie came out, when will Schumacher direct another, and when will George Clooney stop wasting his time with garbage like Ocean's Eleven and Out of Sight. As Arnold might say: "This movie was cool as ice!"