Rating:  Summary: Warner Brothers really blew it this time. Review: This movie....oh it wasn't a movie, it was a big joke, and Warner Brothers is still paying the price for having made it, by not getting their other DC characters made as movies....George Clooney plays a lousy Batman, Silverstone is a pathic Batgirl, Mr. Freeze is just awful (Really Arnold, you could have said No to this role), and Thruman's Posion Ivy is about as convincing a performance as weed spray used on a healthy Lawn. It ended the Batman series on such a sour note that no one can ever look at Batman again ever.
Rating:  Summary: Don't be fooled! Review: Oh come on people! You know you loved this movie! I mean come on, freeze couldn't get any better, ivy mm well i guess they have a point and batgirl was...oh yeah! Robin, a little annoying but kept making me laugh because of his stubberness. And couldn't get a better Batman than George Cloony. The buildings from it were pretty Bizzzzzzare yet creative. Bane was awesome! A human wrecking ball with a cool touch. They complained about the lighting. They mixed old with new which is risky but if it pays of it works. I mean Batman was never dark, until Hollywood came on the seen. The storyline was iffy but i liked it. I'm a huge Batman,Hulk, and Spider-man fan and i haven't seen the new hulk movie but so far it topps all of them off! So get this NOW!
Rating:  Summary: Batman and Robin...3 Stars is Too Generous. Review: As with all franchises, the peak hits at 3 or 4 and it has lost steam. The previous BATMAN FOREVER had Bruce Wayne coming to terms with his duality and Val Kilmer does a great job coming off the highpoint of his career in TOMBSTONE as Doc (I'll be your Huckleberry) Holliday! I guess everyone involved thought that if [he] is over his neurosis, we'll convert Batman into a model citizen vigilante. BATMAN AND ROBIN turns into the BATMAN of the 60's television show. George Clooney was brought in on the strength of getting ER fans to buy tickets. ER fans? - - Who cares?! Apparently Tim Burton's vision was too dark, but it is what the die hard comicbook afficionado's wanted and it was way better. Well, fans of the Adam West series got their wish and though there are some good visuals here, the film is cheesy and lame (like SUPERMAN III). Arnold Schwarzenegger is perfect to play Mr. Freeze and does a pretty good job here, but some of those one-liners a la THE TERMINATOR must be said with a straight face and not said winking at the camera. There is too much going on here especially when they add Alicia Silverstone (talking as if she has marbles in her mouth) as Batgirl (the producers have her as Alfred's niece instead of Commissioner Gordon's daughter-- Barbara Gordon, as in the comic books- -and it works for this film),and then Poison Ivy (Uma) and Bane are thrown into the mix. All this could have been great if they had toned down the camp and made Batman a real mystery man once again instead of a celebrity vigilante. Even Commissioner Gordon (Pat Hingle) who was more authoritative in the first two films is given a campy overhaul. If the series is ever to resume, hopefully they'll reassess it starting with this film and don't hire Joel Schumaker as director. Warner Bros Corp who owns DC Comics could have had a James Bond type franchise on their hands, but blew it because the decision makers know nothing about comic books. Marvel Comics have had recent hits because they are trusting to put their stable characters in the right hands of people who have a respect and knowledge of the genre.
Rating:  Summary: Don't waste your time! Review: George Clooney as Batman? BARF! Chris O'Donnel as Robin is sooo annoying. Schwartzegger is passable as Mr. Freeze, Uma Thurman is HOT as Poison Ivy and Alica Silverstone is piping hot as Batgirl. What's the plot? NONE! Forget it!
Rating:  Summary: Read a comic book instead. Review: The first three Batman movies weren't too bad, by superhero standards. In fact, despite some glitches and missteps (let's not talk about that whole Penguin thing, OK?), they remain among the best comic book adaptations on the market. That said, No. 4 was a mistake. Batman & Robin manages to spend 125 minutes without a single redeeming scene. Even the big bat battles are disappointing, looking campier than those from the old '60s TV series.
Rating:  Summary: No. No. No. Review: This movie was wrong on so many counts. Not one of the characters was well played. George Cloony played a good Bruce Wayne, but a bad Batman(alhtough better than Val Kilmer). Chris O'Donnell is the most annoying character of the movie returning as Robin. Alicia Silverstone brings her teenie-bopper fame to the screen, badly I might add, as Batgirl. Uma Thurman does an OK job as Poison Ivy. And Arnold Schwarzenegger does a TERRIBLE job as Mr. Freeze. The character couldn't get worse. The plot [was poor]. I don't even want to review the plot. And the scenery just got 1,000,000 times worse. There isn't one scene with a dark, gothic look. Everything is lit up. And what is with Batman and Robin attending banquits?? They only come out to fight crime, not socialize. But the only reason this movie got 3 stars is because it is Batman. Batman can never be a movie that you hate. No matter how bad they can get, no matter how bad the scenery, acting, or script can get, its still Batman and it is still fun. This is the worst of the series but still worth a buy to complete the Batman collection. "Batman & Robin" runs for 2 hours. It is rated PG-13 for scenes of some strong, yet cartoonish, violence, and very breif sexuality.
Rating:  Summary: Put the final nail in the coffin for the series Review: There was no movie series I looked forward to more in my life than the "Batman" movies. Not "Star Wars", "Star Trek", "Superman", or any of the other adventure series. Batman was the one that had astonishing potential, and they did OK to start with the Michael Keaton original. But nobody can mess up a good thing like Hollywood, and they messed it up big time with Batman. While the first movie wasn't quite where I would have taken it, it was close enough, especially with what followed, to fondly look back on as the Golden Age Batman movie. The second one still had the vision of Tim Burton, but was already showing signs that eventually brought it's downfall. Number three confirmed that we were going to get style over substance shoved down our throats, and this one is painfully unwatchable. The big problem is the massive dumbing-down of the plots while trying to gloss over them with expensive special effects. The pattern for this was formed with the dreadful 60's TV series that took washed-up actors and did nothing but make fun of what is a complicated and potentially fascinating character. The second movie already started this, with scenes of the Penguin's gang apparently having nothing to do all day but lay around the hideout. When Burton left, it was all downhill from there. Jim Carey and Tommy Lee Jones were potentially good villains, and had some good moments. But Val Kilmer showed absolutely no interest in the role, and the general stupidity of most of the characters started the inevitable swerve back to the TV days. Then we have this abomination. And the center of it all is Arnold. It's incredibly painful to see the character reduced to a bunch of very bad one-liners. Uma Thurman is not much better. What could have been her big-time breakout role is ruined by way too much over drama in every line she delivers. Mr. Freeze actually freezing Gotham is a rehash of the TV shows, and Poison Ivy's turning guys into jelly with her sex-appeal also goes back to the TV villain Marsha Queen of Diamonds. There is absolutely nothing original in the plot. There is no real effort to work with the Batman character, who used his brain as well as brawn to get things done. Instead, they concentrated on big-time special effects, and when Batman and Robin just happen to have ice skates hidden in their boots, enough was enough. I have the same love/hate relationship with Batman as I do with James Bond. Both of these characters could be filmed to show real depth behind why they act the way they do, and I still watch the films, which occasionally show where they COULD have gone. Unfortunately, 90% of the time I'm embarrassed, insulted, and crushingly disappointed. This film is all that's wrong with the way Hollywood handles things, and the series deserved the fate it got after this one.
Rating:  Summary: Mouseboy Review: This movie wasn't one of the best movies I've ever seen. It wasn't as good as the other batman movies, but I did like the cast. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a really good guy for the part of Mr.Freeze, but George Clooney wasn't the best actor for batman. They should have chosen someone else. Overall this movie was three stars because it wasn't as good as the others.
Rating:  Summary: BATMAN'S GREATEST ADVENTURE! Review: For the fifth Batman feature, producers turned to then-hot tv actor George Clooney to follow in the bat-boots of West, Keaton, and Kilmer. Dubbed "BATMAN FAMILY VALUES" by some due to it's central message about the importance of maintaining strong, interpersonal ties with siblings and elders, this thrill-packed action spectacular remains as popular today as the summer it opened. More cerebral than previous installments, BATMAN & ROBIN boasts powerful performances, state-of-the-art effects and production design, and heart-pounding action sequences that rank among the finest ever put on film; to miss it would be criminal.
Rating:  Summary: The One BatMovie NOT to see, Review: I remember I had just turned 10 years old when this movie came out. As part of my birthday, me and my parents went to see Batman & Robin the day it came out. My parents wanted to leave about halfway through. I insisted that we stay. My parents acquiesced, and we stayed. That may have been a mistake. In B&R, George Clooney becomes the 3rd Batman in 4 films. He teams up with Robin (Chris O'Donnell) to thwart the one-line spewing Mr. Freeze (Arnold Schwarzenegger) and the seductive Poison Ivy (Uma Thurman) from using a new telescope to turn Gotham City into a really big popsicle. In a twisted turn of events, Ivy has a slave called Bane, who is no longer the big, lumbering, back-breaking beast from the comics. Instead, he grunts, growls, moans and does all of Ivy's bidding. Yes, the man who beat Batman withing an inch of his life is now a manservant to Uma Thurman. I'm not making this up. Oh, and remember Batgirl, and how she was surreptitiously Commissioner Gordon's daughter? No more; she's been written in as Alfred the Butler's niece, who's come to care for him, as he is dying. She *somehow* hacks into the Batcomputer and learns about Batman and Robin. She becomes Batgirl, and joins them in their quest. This movie showed a lot of promise going in. A cast with Clooney, Schwarzenegger, and Thurman is nothing to sneeze at. And the acting isn't what stinks this film up. It's the script. Akiva Goldsman doesn't seem happy unless she's putting one-liners and bad puns into everything she writes. She could get away with it in the last film, Batman Forever, because Jim Carrey was providing them and he played the sort of villain who might be so inclined. But Arnold Schwarzenegger, in a big silver-and-blue suit, saying things like "Chill!" while firing his cold gun? Please. I felt like I was watching the modern interperitation of the popular 1960's television show. It was a great show, but only because it was completely self-parody. It seems as though director Joel Schumacher forgot that there are Batfans out there over the age of 10. To sum up, Batman & Robin is meant to be a family film, and *sadly* is nothing more. If you want an artistic superhero film with substance and a good script, go watch Spider-Man, Batman, Batman Returns, or Blade. Steer clear of this one.