Rating:  Summary: HOLY [CRUD], BATMAN! Review: Please, for the sake of 2 hours of your life, AVOID THIS... MOVIE! The first time I saw it (I was 9 or so) I thought, this movie is the BEST! As I am now 13 and obtained stronger knowledge of Batman's mythology, this...movie is an insult to the Dark Knight and the supporting details that go with him. Even approaching this...movie as just a movie, not a comic adaptation will result in a constant barrage of vomiting for rage at how bad this...movie is. You want a live action, GOOD Batman? watch Tim Burton's classic (and it's sequel which is pretty good too). Joel Schuemacher's vision of Batman is NOT accurate in the least bit, INCLUDING Batman Forever, which I have not even seen all of, because it was so boring. Do you want PERFECT BATMAN? Watch the animated series. It is spectacular at how mature it really is compared to this. Joel describes his movies as homages to the corny tv Batman tv series of the 60's. Jeez, the 60's tv show was more mature than this (well, maybe not, but I can at least watch the series without cringing and throwing my soiled brains at the screen). I also noticed that a lot of adult reviewers have chimed in about how "clean" this movie is... They could not be more wrong. Kids would be better off watching Burton's Batman. At least it's entertaining. This...movie, has lots of sexual undertones. It's pathetic. Batman needs no sex appeal to be cool. Among other complaints, the villain Bane was so pathetically put to screen (as far as acting). Bane is an intelligent, very strategic villain, but in this...movie (your probably sick of that. I'll stop), he is pictured as the cliche "stupid but really strong and muscular henchmen." Bane is so cool in the comix, why not here? He should have been more of a force than what was depicted on film. I mean, in the comix, he broke Batman's spine, putting the Dark Knight out of business for a while! Some of you supporters of this movie are probably calling me a "fanboy", but I assure you I am not. A fanboy would be attacking every little aspect of this movie, which I am not doing in entirety...wait...I guess I am a fanboy. All I'm doing is pointing out the facts. The highlight of the movie is Michael Gough, the faithful actor who has always protrayed Batman's butler, Alfred, and yet he gets little screen time. Very sad. PLEASE, AVOID THIS MOVIE OR THE RESULTS OF WATCHING IT COULD DESTROY THE BALANCE OF THE UNIVERSE AND SEND THE EARTH HURTLING INTO A BLACK HOLE...thank you
Rating:  Summary: What's with all the neon lighting...... Review: One of the most annoying things about this film aside from it's terrible casting, was the insistence of the director to have so much neon lighting in this film. Everywhere both in Gothom City, Mr. Freeze's villian hideout, and even the Batcave. There is so much in your face flashing lights that give both the cast and the sets too much light. It gives you a migrain headage just looking at it. Kind of made it look like an over-rated attraction from the Magic Kingdom. Batman Forever also had neon lights in it, but the film's more moderate budget toned it down a lot. Here the movie just explodes with so much neon lights, that it really is over-kill. Combined with the terrible music score, and you end up with a lot of eye candy that hurts your eyes. Oh and the costume design is the worst in the series. They look like they were difficult to wear and were made out of some shiny metal. What purpose was there to that?
Rating:  Summary: Third Times a Charm, But This!? Review: This movie was bound to be different from the other three seeing how Mr. Freeze and Posion Ivy killed their victims in different ways such as freezing them or killing them with a venom kiss. The overall tone of the movie was good. Two villians trying to conquer or in this case freeze Gotham City and it's up to Batman and Robin to stop them. Sure overall it sounds unrealistic, but when you think about it almost everything about Batman is unrealistic. So no complaint over the plot. Where Joel went wrong was how he represented the characters. All the actors in this film were good no question, but Batman was actually happy through out most of this movie. He wasn't dark, depressing or angry at all. Mr. Freeze actually made jokes plus he had a sense of humor, the real Mr. Freeze wouldn't even laugh. People say Robin was horrible in this film. Well people fail to remember that's just Robin. He defies Batman whenever he doesn't get his way or when Batman isn't being a team player. He takes stupid risks just to show off and he states the obvious. The only thing Joel did wrong with Robin was his costume. They should have just stuck to the original look. Batgirl was by far the worst represented in the movie. She is related to Alfred instead of Gordon, she discovers the identies of Batman and Robin way to early, she never fights on her own, but rather teams up with Batman and Robin right of the bat and finally her costume look was just wrong. None of the things a stated clearly describes the real Batgirl. Rather then being witty and smart they made her defiant and reckless which I think we get enough of from Robin. Joel however did do Posion Ivy justice. Despite the Venom Kiss thing which they added everything else about her was just right. Uma Thurman played her perfectly. I never liked Bane so I personally don't care that they made him stupid instead of smart. Plus he had no real role in the movie except to destroy things anyway. This isn't the worst movie in the world, but I won't lie. It's pretty crappy in comparison to the three previous films. I'm sure hardcore Batman fans can apperciate it some what though. So if there's seriously still people out there who haven't seen this movie check it out.
Rating:  Summary: The Death of a Franchise Review: What can I say I am a BIG BATMAN fan and I don't mean I'm fat, I have been a fan since I was 6 and say the TV show in reruns in the early 70's. The movie sucked no other way to say it no plot no seperation of chareter, Clooney acted like he was just collecting a check, I could go on but why. The first two were the best and Forever wasn't bad, the commen thread, Tim Burton. This guy can direct. If you love batman and have to have it at least wait until a better DVD comes out, like some real special features (hint to AOL TIME WARNER)
Rating:  Summary: Batman and Robin take on Mr. Freeze and Poison Ivy!!! Review: Me and my brother were at a friend's house one night and it was late, probably around 2 in the morning and was scanning the late channels on the tube. I looked on the TV Guide channel and found on TNT: "Batman and Robin": The Dynamic Duo take on Mr. Freeze and Poison Ivy. "Oooooo! Mr. Freeze and Poison Ivy, 2 of my favourite villains! This is gonna be good!" I thought. It had a decent (and rather funny start after the beggining credits were done rolling). The Batcave was nicely designed, Batman's latest Batmoblie was the coolest car I ever seen, the new Batman and Robin suits were pretty cool, too (Batman's newest suit is now all blue-black rather than just plain black like it was in the previous 3 movies and Robin's new, mostly black outfit now has a large, red robin-shaped symbol on it instead of the traditional R on it). When Robin (an annoying, but good Chris O'Donnell) saw Batman's newest car, he whined, "I want a car! Chicks dig the car!!" Batman (a funny George Clooney) looks at him clearly with a face full of annoyance, "This is why Superman works alone!" he says and gets in the lit-up vehicle and zooms off. Robin's mode of transportation is an extremly cool-lookin' motorcycle called the RedBird. And when the film got to the scene where Mr. Freeze (a funny Arnold Schwarzenegger) made his chilling entrance, oh yes I loved that scene. I almost choked on the grape soda I was drinking when Arnie aimed ever so cooooooollllllllll Freeze-Gun of his at the security guards and turned them into blocks of ice (gosh, that part was absolutly breath-taking with those beautiful special ice beam effects and all)!!!! Also, Poison Ivy (the sexy Uma Thurman) and her hired muscle, Bane (a grunting Jeep Swenson) eventually arrive in the shinier than ever Gotham City from South America to make matters worse for the Bat and Bird. And did I mention that Bats and Bird Boy also get a hand from the unexpected Batgirl (a pretty, blonde-headed Alicia Silverstone) to take down Ivy and Freeze in the end. So, believe it or not, I actually enjoyed this one and I really beleive it would make a decent edition to anyone's Batman collection. The truth is: Batman and Robin is more "funny" than dark like the 3 movies before it. And has become one of my personal favourites! I only took off one star because the new actor of Batman was no good, if Shcumacher could have gotten me a better actor of The Dark Knight then I might've given this a 5 star review! Have fun Bat-fans!! I wonder what the up-coming 5th Batman movie is going to be like?
Rating:  Summary: HOLY GOD-AWFUL MOVIE, BATMAN!! Review: And when I utter the word "God-awful," I am talking about an action film with a script so horrible and special effects so cheesy that you would have to pray on a rosary to survive the entire ordeal! ;q What made this film a box office dud is the complete absence of director/producer Tim Burton, who basically felt that Hollywood was responsible for killing the Batman franchise. Under the creative control of Joel Schumacher (CREATIVE?) this particular film was intended to juxtapose shallow elements from both the DC comic books and the 1960's TV series (which all on its own had enough corny good guy, bad guy dialogue). The over-the-top computer-generated effects, combined with brightly colored scenery and gaudy lighting, have assembled numerous cinematic environments that were unrealistic and poorly thought out. The film's story is predictable too. Basically Batman, Robin and later on Batgirl (a new character played by Alicia Silverstone) have to stop Mr. Freeze and Poison Ivy from reaching a goal rehashed to death by villains everywhere: to take over Gotham and the world. In this case, Freeze constructs a gigantic freeze gun to trap the city within a deadly ice cube, while Ivy attempts to have carnivorous plants outgrow the human population (who she feels is destroying all of Mother Nature). In the middle of all this madness, Bruce Wayne is struggling to find a cure for his butler Alfred, who is dying of McGreggor Syndrome! Asking ER's George Clooney to don the Caped Crusader's cowl was wrong from the start; if Mr. Schumacher was intelligent, he instead would have hired back Val Kilmer (who has both a handsome face AND a decent acting record under his belt). Batman's heroics are quite boring here; he even carries a credit card in his utility belt! A CREDIT CARD!! To be perfectly honest, I felt terribly sorry for Arnold Schwarzenegger. He is one of my most favorite big screen celebrities, and his vengeful Mr. Freeze character is pitifully one-dimensional, especially with all of the putrid puns & one-liners he had to say throughout the film. ("All right everyone...CHILL!") AND WHAT A HIDEOUS SUIT HE HAD TO WEAR! Uma Thurman's interpretation of Poison Ivy was EVEN WORSE! I am not blaming her, but I am placing full responsibility upon the writers who have given her such silly dialogue ("Bat face & Bird Brain?"). Also, the additional plot of her having Robin under a seductive spell (courtesy of a phermone dust she blows in his face) was simply ridiculous. In the end, "Batman and Robin" exhibits too much onscreen flash and not enough feeling. I must warn all future DVD buyers who are reading my review...AVOID THIS GOD-AWFUL MOVIE AT ALL COSTS!!
Rating:  Summary: WORST MOVIE EVER Review: I have said this before, but I'lll say it again that this is the worst movie I have ever seen. I once wrote a review on this movie back in 2002 but it wasn't helpful, maybe this one will be. I love batman but I hate this film. Seriously, Schumacher doesn't do it like Burton. Sorry Joel, but basically that is the bottom line, you don't do it as good as Burton did it. Schumacher's film (Batman Forever and Batman & Robin) are not dark and the plot is basically is something that is not humanly impossible. The first two films were dark and were realistic and look how good they were. Plus the dialogues are all bad. This film does consist of a wonderful cast but not even they can make their characters seem likeable. Example, Mr. Freeze saying stupid things and having an annoying laugh. No offense to Arnold Schwarzenegger, you are by far a great star but you being a villain in this movie was no way near as good when you played the evil terminator. And that is just one of the many things wrong with this film but I'll get to that later, here is the plot... A new villain enters gotham city, he has a gun that freezes possibly anything in its path. His name-Mr. Freeze (Arnold Schwarzenegger). This is one villain who will be a big challenge against Batman (George Clooney) and (Robin). But worst comes to worst when another villain enters gotham. Her name- Poison Ivy (Uma Thurman). She was a biologist who wants to preserve plants. Her skin was mutated with poison when her boss went psycho. Now she takes preserving plants one-step too far. Poison Ivy is by far the worst batman villain but she is definitely the sexiest villain (and woman) in the batman films. The two maniacs join together to set up a diabolical to turn Earth into one huge block of ice and inhabit the world full of Ivy's mutant plants that she created. Besides all the trouble of stopping villains, Bruce Wayne has a new occupant in his home. Her name is Barbara Wilson and she is Alfrd's niece, who will also later become Batgirl. That is the plot, now with the reasons why this film is bad 1. Mr. Freezes suit isn't so complicated that it needs diamonds o be powered up. 2. Poison Ivy isn't a sex crazed maniac who is obsessed to kiss a person. 3. Barbara isn't Alfred's niece. She is Commissioner Gordon's daughter. 4. Bane is not stupid. 5. Mr. Freeze's gun isn't so big and complicated either. Normally, his gun would be only twice the size of a hand gun. 6. If the Earth was all ice, where would Ivy be able to plant her mutant plants? 7. What happened to the classic "R" symbol for Robin? 8. Why wasn't Barbara shocked when she found the cave? 9. Why was there CD-Rom that had all the Batman stuff on it. 10. When Mr. Freeze froze the Batmobile, shouldn't have Batman had gotten frozen too because he was in it? 11. How were Batman and Robin able to use emergency escape doors as surfboards? 12. Wouldn't anybody find it a bit disturbing to have a huge statues of a naked man in the middle of a city. 13. Bad dialogues. One of Mr. Freezes lines were You are not gonna send me to the cooler" 14. Bad Jokes. The good things in this film. 1. The motorcycle race that Barbara and Dick (Robin) were in was very intense. The only good scene in this movie 2. Uma Thurman. The bottom line-Poison ivy was so sexy. PERIOD! Anyway, I'll end it right here when I say this movie is bad. I wuld write more stuff but then you'll be here all day reading the review and editors won't post it. DO NOT GET THIS MOVIE.
Rating:  Summary: The BEST Batman Movie Made Review: Batman & Robin was and is by far one of the best Batman movies made. It has a great plot and great actors... Arnold, George, Chris, Alica & Uma all in the same movie--How could it possibly go wrong! One of my favorites... Great Job! :)
Rating:  Summary: Holy Dud Batman! Review: "Batman & Robin" will always be known for one thing: it officially killed off the Batman movie franchise for many years to come. That's a tremendous shame since there are decades of history to draw from. It wasn't so much the storyline that ticked off the die-hard Batman fans (though it was pretty bad), nor was it the poor special effects that turned people away (though seeing the film reverse when Robin was in the pool was really, really bad). What got most people was the casting of George Clooney as Bruce Wayne / Batman and the changing of the history and look of Batgirl. George Clooney made a terrific Bruce Wayne, probably the best of the three actors that played him in the movies. The coyness and playfulness that is inherent in his acting style blended perfectly into a billionaire playboy. But that same coyness and playfulness also crept into the Batman role, which did not work. I found him to be completely unbelievable in this dual role. More horrific was what was done to Batgirl. Changing her from being Commisioner Gordon's daughter to Alfred's niece (thus also changing the last name of the character, which was mercifully never spoken in the movie) was bad enough. But failing to incorporate the red hair into Barbara when she was Batgirl and not keeping the full cowl on her (instead of only the mask) was the straw that broke the camel's back. This DVD version is also a little bland on the extras. The best part of it was a little history lesson on the creation of the Batman comic book. Outside of that, there was nothing on here to make it worth the money.
Rating:  Summary: Who is Warner Brothers kidding....?! Review: You would think a large movie studio like Warner Brothers would make good Batman and DC Comics based films correct? Well No, they can't or they won't. With both the Batman movies and the Superman films, they started out with such great promise and possibilties, but each film they made, the characters got less interesting and the stories got weaker and weaker. Batman and Robin had a bad cast, bad script, overkill production design, and miles of corny dialoge that are hard to listen too without laughing at how bad it was. It's enough now to make me belive very strongly that Warner Brothers is not the right studio to do these movies. Maybe their sister film company, New Line Cinema can do it. Just try and do it better next time, please.