Rating:  Summary: Don't Blame George Clooney Review: After all the hype and anticipation, seeing George Clooney as Batman was disappointing. I think Clooney did all he could to keep Batman going, but with a poor script and even less dialogue than the other movies, he did the best he could. Like James Bond, there are certain actors who are Batman, and Clooney is Bruce Wayne. He was just saddled with a poor script and the director's desire for more special effects than ever before. Don't blame George Clooney for the fall of the Batman series; blame the writers and director. George Clooney is Bruce Wayne and with a better script, could've turned this franchise into a dynasty. END
Rating:  Summary: One of the worst movies I have ever seen. Review: I saw this movie when it first came out on the big screen in June of 1997. I wasn't expecting much, and I wasn't disappointed. This movie is awful! There is no plot; most of the dialogue consists of one-liners and bad jokes; there are far too many gratuitous butt-shots; and most of the acting is so bad that it makes what you might see at a high school play look professional. While there are a few good scenes between Bruce Wayne and Alfred, even these are spoiled by the frequent inclusion of hallucinations of scenes from Bruce Wayne's past (none of which, incidentally, seemed to have anything to do with his decision to become Batman.) Don't waste your money on this movie. END
Rating:  Summary: This Movie Sucks Review: This movie should never had been made. Arnold Schwarzenegger should have never been in this movie. This is his worst film ever, well besides the whole terminateor trilogy. George Clooney absoulutely sucks as batman. Chris O'Donnell is the worst actor in hollywood history. The only good actress' in this movie are Uma Thurman and Alicia Silverstone.Dont waste your money if you are thinking about buying this movie.
Rating:  Summary: What were they thinking? Review: I actually was not disappointed by this film. The Trailer made the movie look stupid and it was. However, I was actually surprised what I actually did like about it. Arnold, while still acting like every other Shumacher villain actually had some good scenes; the Sculpting of the Ice globe in Arkham, learning his wife was dead; and the only problem with Clooney was the script and direction. The same goes for Uma and Michael Gough. the biggest Problem, besides the script and director, was Alicia Silverstone as a really annoying person who thought she was Batgirl. Also Elliot Goldenthal's music is no match for Danny Elfman's contributions. The lack of extras makes the DVD pretty boring.
Rating:  Summary: Crapman and Slobin Review: The most entertaining part of this flick, was Clooney's rubber ariolas!!!!
Rating:  Summary: By far the worst Batman movie or movie ever made Review: I enjoyed Batman Forever when it came out. I was 7 years old at the time and was amazed by the dazzling visuals and super-cool bat-gadgets and awesomely grotesque villains, namely Tommy Lee Jones' Two-Face, who I thought was so cool I dressed up as the character the following Halloween (creepy huh?). Anyway, take into account that being 7 years old means several things. One, you're so naive you can only grasp what lies in front of you and can't evaluate things solely on the basis of what came before, such as Tim Burton's previous two movies or Frank Miller's THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS. Two, it all comes back to bite you in the ass when you get older and look back on the time you were so excited to see Batman and Robin just because Arnold Schwarzenegger played a villain. Now I firmly believe that the very little money it raked it at the box-office was due to two different audiences it favored. One audience was, like myself, eager to see Schwarzenegger and his cool ice-suit and just for that reason alone, since the rest of the film looked like it was taken from the original series, raped, and then spewed onto a screen through a multi-million dollar budget. The other audience were undoubtedly either starry-eyed 7-year olds, or just bored, psychologically-handicapped guys who had nothing better to do than ogle Alicia Silverstone as, ugh, Batgirl. Let's just say that our pain will quickly subside after Christopher Nolan delivers the movie we've all been waiting for this year with BATMAN BEGINS.
Rating:  Summary: Pow! Zoom! The Batseries goes back to Camp Review: Although diehard Batman fans would love to see the series continue along a more serious "Dark Knight" path, the general public still misses Adam West and the campy Batman of the 1960s. And so, old chum, Joel Schumacker was brought in to take the Batman franchise in a new direction, away from Tim Burton's vision (which, to be honest, has less of Frank Miller in it than you might think) and towards a campfest. In all fairness, the 1960s version of "Batman," starring Adam West and Burt Ward, did a far better job of entertainingly portraying the more childish side of the Batman comics than this film ever does.
I don't object to this film because it's campy. One of the unfortunate side effects of Tim Burton's "Batman" is that all superhero films are expected to be unrelentingly dark and grim, and after suffering through one unsmiling hero after another, a littl self-depreciation and comedy relief are welcome. I object to the film because it's poorly done.
Just because focus groups reported that audiences wanted a campy Batman doesn't mean that YOU have to suffer through this mess, however. Schumacker threw everything imaginable into this mess of a movie. We have Mr Freeze (Arnold Schwarzenegger)and Poison Ivy (Uma Thurman)laughing it up as though this were 1967 and Cesar Romero was about to burst out of the Jokermobile. We have then-hot Alicia Silverstone badly miscast as Batgirl. We have a bizarre distortion of the Bane character, most likely because he figured in several episodes of the animated series. We also have George Clooney as Batman, bickering with his Robin like an update of Laurel and Hardy. The shame of it is, with his good looks and athletic build, Clooney could have been a fantastic Batman in a better movie. Instead, he's given unfunny one-liners and bad puns. He's not dark and brooding, but any Batman fan worth his salt knows that the Caped Crusader wasn't a grim vigillante for most of his comic-book career. Read any Batman comic written and published between roughly 1940 and 1970 and you'll immediately see what I mean.
Looking at this film now, there are two unbelievable facts. The first is that "Batman and Robin" didn't destroy anyone's career; despite the fact that these are among the worst performances you will see from A-list actors, everyone walked away from this project with paychecks and reputations intact. The second inescapable fact is that this film actually looks better now than it did in the 1990s. Compared to CGI-infested travesties like "Van Helsing" and "Dungeons and Dragons," "Batman and Robin"'s action sequences are positively fantastic.
"Batman and Robin" is the perfect antidote to anyone who's annoyed by the current critical attention given to Joel Schumacker, George Clooney, and Uma Thurman. (It's amazing that the same over-the-top set design and directing style Schumacker used here is earning him raves for his "Phantom of the Opera" film). There's really no reason why anyone else would need this when there's Tim Burton's original "Batman," as well as the excellent Batman animated films "Phantasm" and "Subzero."
Rating:  Summary: A pain to watch. Review: The movie was basically a stab in the back to Tim Burton, Batman TAS, and any other Batman forum. This movie tried to lighten Batman up rather than keep him the dark mysterious hero that haunts villains in the night. Nipples on the batsuit were a completely idiotic idea that the person who thought that was a great plan of action should take a punch in the face from us loyal Bat fans. Arnold even though I like him and all was in absolutely no condition to play Mr.Freeze following his heart surgery. They tried to make Freeze cool like Batman TAS did but didn't quite follow through with it. At least it wasn't as bad as the Freeze's on Adam West's Batman show. I do believe too many characters were introduced which watered this film down. Freeze, Poison Ivy, Bane, Batgirl, and I guess you can include Bruce's squeeze, too and maybe Nora should also be included. Tough to follow everybody's origin and have time to process it. Bane in the comics and in the cartoon is very vicious and strikes fear in anyone he faces with the exception of Batman. This Bane is clumsy and doesn't seem the least bit invincible or could damage the Bat in any way like he did in the comic Broken Bat. Poison Ivy was ok. Probably could have been better if there wasn't so many people involved in this movie. Michael Gough plays an awesome Alfred Pennyworth. He did wonderfully in all 4 Batman flicks. Never been much of a fan of Chris O'Donnell so I never saw him as an ideal Robin. Robin to me is a person who is just as important to Batman and vice versa. Sure Batman is a loner but he really needs Robin or he wouldn't let him hang around with him when he fights crime. There also a trust that the two share. Here it is more a father trying to protect his son from harm kind of thing. Not really the trust or the Batman & Robin relationship I had in mind. Next we have good ol' Batgirl. Barbara Gordon...oops my bad her is actually Barbara Wilson, huh? This is about as bad as Catwoman not being Selina Kyle but Patience Phillips in the Halle Berry movie. So instead of being Commisioner Gordon's daughter she is Alfred's niece. She believes that Alfred is pretty much a slave to Bruce and believes he deserves better, forgetting that Pennyworth was a second father to Bruce and is basically the one who raised the Billionare. Alicia doesn't do quite as bad as I thought she would so I will give her that. Which brings us to Batman. George Clooney as good an actor as he is is not dark enough to be Batman. He tries to Mickey Mouse Batman and make him a silly little Cartoon instead of a hero to be feared by all even though he has no super powers. His line to Freeze when he has been beaten, "Will you help us doctor?" almost made me wanna puke. Batman asking someone to help him even to help save Alfred is preposterious. O well this movie blew in my mind and would have been an undeserved nail in the coffin of this series if it were not for Batman: Begins that looks pretty good. 1 star and I am being nice by giving this movie that.
Rating:  Summary: Worst movie I ever saw Review: I can't say if it's the worst movie ever made, but it's certainly the worst I've ever seen.
It wasn't long into the movie before I wanted to slap the smirk off George Clooney's face as he put the nail in the coffin for this series of Batman movies.
Horrible acting, horrible dialog, horrible plotting...
I did think Uma Thurman did about as good a job as she could given what she had to work with.
Rating:  Summary: This is really bad, believe me Review: When i was a little tike i used to like batman and the batman movies this was my favorite one i dont have a single freaking idea why but i did. I was so young and so stupid! But we were all kids once, right! So dont let me wait ive heard all this before ive seen this over and over again. this sucks so bad i cant believe i loved it iam ashamed of myself. Ohhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Boo Yah!!!