Rating:  Summary: A funny movie for children Review: I was surprised to see so many people criticizing Batman and Robin so seriously. This is a movie for children and those who wish to return to childhood - a la recherche du temps perdu. I don't care about Alicia Silverstone's non-English accent, or the differences between Batman-Clooney and Batman-Kilmer. As I watched this movie, the child within myself laughed, and I just stopped thinking to let him have fun for a while.
Rating:  Summary: J. Schumacher---You killed a legacy! Review: As a real true Batfan, I was so angry seeing how the myth of my favorite hero was destroyed by lousy direction and screenplay. Batman has always been a dark hero. For about 70 years he has been, in his own way, trying to avenge his parent's deaths. But in this movie, he is concerned more on adding nipples to his costumes, showing his behind to the audiences and acting stupidly while iceskating with the worst Robin ever. And Batgirl, why did you have to bring her up? Even in the comics strip she has never been an important factor. And what will be next Batdog?? Mr Schumacher, if you consider yourself a professional, leave Batman alone. Batman is not for laughs. Your directing was.
Rating:  Summary: Only thing that saves the film is Uma Thurman... Review: This movie was a terrible letdown. A waste on uneeded lavish sets, terrible direction and worthless acting (except on Uma Thurman's part). George Clooney is terribly boring and stiff as Batman and Arnold Shwartz (ah forget it! I can't spell his name!) turns in a stupid macho role churning out cheesy lines like "Chill, People!" and "Learn my name well, for it will be the chilling sound of your doom." God. The only thing worth it in this movie is the funny, outlandish Uma Thurman as Poisin Ivy, but even then uses cheesy one liners and has ridiculous plant costumes. Gotham is terribly overdone and doesn't live up to any of the other Batman movies. Except Batman Forever, which was just as bad.
Rating:  Summary: ARNOLD AS A BAD GUY?????????? Review: My mom and I could not stop laughing when we saw the big bad ''Terminator''playing Mr.Freeze.The storyline was OK,but did Batman and Robin really need to act this dramatic?I just hope that they get another director for Batman 5.
Rating:  Summary: The worst film ever based on a comic book Review: Batman and Robin was an overblown action film that was incredibly stupid. Easily one the worst film of 1997 and one of the worst of the decade, screenwriter Akiva Goldsman just couldn't put together a decent plot that's believable. The acting doesn't fair any better as we have a cheerful Bruce Wayne in George Clooney and a spouting one-liner Mr. Freeze.
Rating:  Summary: "THE BAT" AND "THE RED BIRD" VS. "THE ICEMAN" Review: 4th and BEST in series. Joel Schumacher returns as director (fresh from the 3rd film). George Clooney adopts cape and cowl from Keaton and Kilmer. Chris O'Donnell returns as "ROBIN". Uma Thurman SEXY & ALLURING in role of "POISON IVY". Alicia Silverstone EQUALLY ALLURING in role of "BATGIRL". BUT actor who makes movie WORTH WATCHING is Arnold Schwarzenegger in role of COOL,CRUEL cold-blooded "MR. FREEZE". Again 5 STARS.
Rating:  Summary: DIRECTED BY A 5 YEAR OLD Review: My god, who puts up the cash for these films and who the hell thinks they work? Who do I cuss out first? Ok lets bein with the stupid, dumb, boring, overacted sometimes underacted George CLooney as Batman. Boy Bruce Waynes got brains now-a-days. He foiled Freeze and Ivy's plan to destroy Gotham. At least in Forever Wayne respectfully figured out Riddlers plan, but this film doesent have ONE smart feature. Chris O'Donnell is an incompetant Robin. "I want a car, chicks dig the car". This is why Superman had a better script. Arnold sorry but you have lost a lot of respect after you did this hokey dreary cruddy "film(?)". Actually I lost respect for you after you did junior and jingle all the way. And this next line I'm really sorry cause shes so hot, but Alicia Silverstone was the worst of the bunch. A retarded monkey on acid could have done a better job then her as batgirl. Now to attack the guilty parties. Akiva Goldsman, hey man who taught you how to write? I'm guessing you wrote the script when you were having a moment of clarity. . And last but not least, the man who started it all, Joel "I have no idea what I'm doing but lets do it anyway" Schumacher. hey man, you ruined the beauty of heros in capes that which made Batman and Robin cultural icons. Sorry man, go help out Akiva with the windows. All in all you can tell how much I hate this film. And as for you reviewers who said to just loosen up and accept the fact that this film is a fantasy.....EVEN FANTASIES HAVE TO HAVE SUBSTANCE AND MEANING. just cause it IS a fantasy doesent give it any right to be liked by all. Wonder why this film never swept the oscars? I wonder.....
Rating:  Summary: Uma Thurman, the Best Thing in Here, is Awful Review: Uma Thurman has little to do but strut around in spandex and "seduce" the dynamic duo (I've seen more inspired love-sick expressions on my dog as he eats) and Arnold Schwartzenegger is downright pitiful. He's not funny, he's not cold, hell, he's not even frozen! As for Alicia Silverstone? Nice try, but let's stick to Clueless type films and Aerosmith videos. George Clooney? He was just too... boring sounded. He never seemed like he was having fun, while Chris O'Donnell took every oppurtunity to bitch about how great he would be on his own. Vendella and Elle Macpherson should also come to realize the "Cindy Crawford" film rule: supermodels are not actresses. Memo to Joel Schumacher- Batman Forever: good. BAtman & Robin: Bad. Next time, why not just have it Batman & Poison Ivy. No, let's just have it Poison Ivy!
Rating:  Summary: Clooney truly gives Batman what it's been missing. Review: George Clooney; some say its his chin, but the truth of the matter is that it is the whole package. He gave Bruce the charm he deserved which up to now had been better portrayed by Kilmer. His deep voice and great chin give Batman what its predecessors failed to achieve. He is the best Batman yet. The new gadgets are a vast improvement from the first two movies but a bad plot and script take away from what could have been a great show. Arnold was not suited to play this villain which suffered by using so many of those horrible one liners. O'Donnel portrays his character just as well as in the last Batman movie but Silverstone's acting needs help. On the good side Thurman was great as Poison Ivy giving the character the sexuality and evilness it deserved. On the other hand, the writer's have to give the main character (Batman/Wayne) the ability to speak. Clooney was underused in this film and should have had more to say and do with the plot. All in all, the action sequences are great but the acting and writing deflate from what could have been a great movie. I would love to see George Clooney in the next Batman movie, but would appreciate better writers and maybe even a new director.
Rating:  Summary: This movie refers to SNL's "Ambigously Gay Duo." Review: This is the worst movie to ever come into theaters. The acting is bad, the F/X are too computerized, and it's very gay. Arnold Schwarzenegger, as we all know, is a fantastic actor. His usual persona is horribly wasted as every time he opens his mouth, he has to say a joke. The bit with his wife: you can't even feel sorry for him. Alicia Silverstone is supposed to come from England. Where is her accent? Major movie mistake. Do not see this, as you will be bored, annoyed, and deeply disappointed. Oh, yeah, and Uma Thurman is a respected actress. I can't say anything bad about her. She tried, at least. It's just the terrible script. Don't waste your time and 13 bucks.