Rating:  Summary: It sucked. Bad. Review: I still haven't accepted the necessity of Robin's existence, as played by Chris O'Donnel. I had high hopes for this one, hopes that they would take what was good about FOREVER, drop the bad, and actually succeed in making a good Batman film, but the opposite happened. The sound is impressive. And George Clooney, I like, it isn't his fault. It's Akiva Goldsman. His script sucks unbelievably. And I used to like him. This is one of the worst scripts ever filmed. It is just plain bad.
Rating:  Summary: Mr. Schumacher, we need to have a little talk . . . Review: Once upon a time, there was a film called Batman. It was a dark, moody film, about a dark, brooding figure trying to find some kind of revenge for the death of his parents. It was about urban decay and the need for romance and mystery in tawdry, hum-drum lives. It starred two of the greatest pieces of casting of the eighties - Keaton as Batman, and Nicholson as the Joker. And what have we arrived at? A children's film, starring superheroes who attend parties, villains who mustn't be allowed to die, and lines that Pee-wee Herman would reject as improbable. Tim Burton was the man for this series - Schumacher is not. Ladies and gentleman, I give you one of the most badly written, trashily directed, awkwardly acted, stupidly plotted, and nauseatingly conceived mangled finger-painting of a film it may ever be your misfortune to gaze upon in disbelief. Be warned.
Rating:  Summary: Talk about a complete 180... Review: Standing directly opposite from Tim Burton's magnificent Batman & Batman Returns is this sorry piece of trash. While Batman Forever - as bad as it was - at least made *some* attempt to balance the cheesiness with some kind of serious drama, this movie jettisons all pretense of intelligence and depth. Blaming the actors for their performances is pointless and unfair, as they had a) a remarkably stupid story to work from (even making allowances for typical action movie plots), b) inane dialoge to utter and c) horrible direction by Schumacher. This movie truly is style over substance, and it's not even good style at that. The sets are ugly, the effects unimpressive and obnoxious, and the whole look of the film is enough to give one a headache. It doesn't get much worse than this.
Rating:  Summary: Worst movie ever made! Review: Batman is back,and please, somebody send him back where he came. Batman and Robin is the fou rth of the batman films and if you ask me, they should have left it at three and even that is pushing it. This time George Clooney plays the dark knight......... big mistake. Hey, I love George Clooney but he should know that his place is in the Emergency Room and not here. Don't even mention Robin or Batgirl, it's far too painful. Surprisingly, there is something good about this film. Arnold is excellent as Mr. Freeze, but he was written as a punch-line charachter, saying things like "Cool Off!"and then sending someone into deep freeze with his freeze gun. Uma Thurma is also great as the seductive Poison Ivy, but many of her lines are terribly written. The rest of the movie is ridiculous, with stunts that remind me of only one man........ Van Damme. If you're looking for a Batman flick, stick to the first two.
Rating:  Summary: Holy Commercial Ignominy, Batman! Review: 1- 2- 3- 4... The Duo Fails/ The Toys Don't Sell/ 'Cause This Film Laid An Egg/ The Batmobile Has Lost Appeal/ Now The Fans Have Gone Astray, Hey.... Just a little yuletide cheer before Y2K. What happened? Onamotapoeias that are conjured up, in retrospective of the campy Adam West "Batman" adaptation, are "Fizz" & "Gurgle." Imagine you're really thirsty- you crack open a Coca Cola bottle & take a sip... and your little sister snatches it and pours it down a sink drain. You would say "Hey, why'd you have to come screw things up! " This is the "Batman" series; it once showed promise but has now hit rock-bottom. Schumacher could have consulted "Batman: The Animated Series" for a decent plot and comic/TV-coherent character direction. But the movie itself... neither Clooney or O'Donnell are to blame. The actors aren't (not all of them) totally at fault for being dealt a bad script. It was obviously rushed and destined to fall victim to the "previous box-office smash" jinx. The downsets, if you pay meticulous attention, includes the use of the name Barbara Wilson (Pennyworth's niece), instead of the famed Barbara Gordon (the Commisioner's daughter). Alicia Silverstone comes complete with a lisp, egotistical superhero mindset, a lack of an English accent, and an inclination to die from a motorcycle accident. In my opinion, the bulk of this movie just plum stunk via cliched one-liners, that were fine to me at first, but then just utterly pathetic. Did I mention a special guest appearance, again, by the Flourescent Chain Gang? I must admit though, Arnold's stale humour actually contributes to it being funny (its saving grace). In retrospect, this movie is targeted to children 12 and under who have a fascination for stylish outfits, sleek vehicles, and boundless gadgets. But if you're an teen or adult, watch it on Saturday afternoon, when, most likely... you have nothing constructive to do. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: A few flaws . . . Okay, more than a few . . . Review: With a few exceptions, this was really a terrific movie. Seriously, I mean it. Okay, it's not perfect mind you. It could have used a few improvements- Like in the directing. Acting too maybe. I'm not saying the script could have used work either. And the music left something to be desired. Sets weren't that great. Lighting was pretty bad . . . . Okay, you get the point. This movie was a total disaster. Of the four Batman films, none of which were particularly great, this one was the weakest for a number of reasons. Director Joel Schumacher's vision is more cartoony than Tim Burton's. Listening to some of Uma Thurman's vampish, over, over, over, over-the-top dialouge was a downright painful expirience. Arnold just looks silly in his Mr Freeze get-up On the plus side, George Clooney finally looked like how I had always envisioned Batman, but he seemed too stiff. The less said about Chris O'Donnell presence in this horror film, the better. In fact, while we are at it- the less said about Chris O'Donnell in general, the better. Oh, and a note to the screenwriters- the weather-related jokes that peppered Mr Freeze's dialouge were grating to listen to, both for their obviousness and their lameness.
Rating:  Summary: I can't believe I have to give this a star Review: This movie was a pile of mess! The acting sucked what hell kind of Gotham City is this anyway. It was way to flashy and ugly! What happened to Tim's vision. Joel Schumacher screwed up this Batman flick. Don't buy this garbage.
Rating:  Summary: Batman was not inspired by neon Review: When the change of directors brought us Batman Forever, I didn't mind too much what was done with the character. The extra colors in some parts (like the blacklit Robin / Street Gang fight) was kinda cool, but didn't seem right. With this film, everything about Batman was perverted into a too-cute version of a childrens comic book. Batman, who was driven by his parents death, ceased being the dark nightmare that he is supposed to be. The banter between EVERYONE, that means sidekicks and villians and heros, was so horribly cheesy that it sounds like a third graders dirty jokes. This movie was very obviously designed with one purpose in mind, to make money. Las Vegas was also, but at least Las Vegas has entertainment value, and the neon lights seen EVERYWHERE (freeze's costume, for example) in this movie. Dont waste your money here, get the originals with the Burton /Keaton team.
Rating:  Summary: Hey Look- They Soiled Batman Again! Review: My sweet children, this movie sucks so much. Talk about selling out Batman. George Clooney as Batman? That's just great. Lame actor mixed with lame lines. Chris O Donnel returns as an ok Robin, yet still very annoying. Poison Ivy and Batgirl had some pretty bad lines, yet were not too bad; hey what the hell, they look really damned hot in those costumes. And for some really weird reason, Warner Bros. hired Arnold Arnold Schwarzenegger! He is the lamest villian so far, but you have to admit, Arnold is the only one that can pull off those lame one liners and make them funny. All in all, very bad Batman. The 2 stars are for Ivy and Batgirl in those revealing, sexy costumes and for Arnold's stupid and lame yet funny lines. The Batman series has moved from the cool, dark humor, and great acting of the 1st 2 movies and has declined into lame, teenie bopper movies. WARNER BROTHERS- For the sake of saving one of the coolest superheros of all time, re-hire the genius director TIM BURTON and brilliant music composer DANNY ELFMAN, and FIRE the idiotic director Joel Schumacher and composer Elliot Goldhental. And get back to the script, not the effects, I mean what looks and sounds cooler: Nicholson saying to Batman: "Come on you winged son of a bitch!" OR Arnold saying to Batman: "Ice to See You!" I rest my case.
Rating:  Summary: Overrated Review: It was supposed to be the big box office hit of 1997. It didn't turn out that way and when I saw the movie I found out just why. They turned it into nothing more than a live action cartoon. I shudder everytime I see a scene of this movie