Rating:  Summary: Oh dear... Review: I certainly didn't expect much from this movie, as I knew how poorly it had been treated by critcs and the public alike, but this unfortunate film could not even meet my already low expectations. The acting was poor all around, with flat jokes and cliches abounding. The sets, tastelessly overdone with neon lighting and mismatched coloration, were often painful to view. Even the special effects, which might have redeemed an otherwise mediocre movie, were far below the current industry standard. The vehicles, particularly, looked entirely unconvincing, resembling (perhaps intentionally) plastic toys. I don't think the storyline and plot even deserve mention: there was no suspense or tension, and no character (including Batman) ever had much to say beyond the corniest imaginable quips and puns. The only upside to the film is that the viewer may find him or herself laughing during the movie (as did I and several friends), not because of any humorous dialogue, but because it was so TERRIBLE!
Rating:  Summary: Batman and 40 of his Friends Review: That would be a very appropriate title for this criminallymisdirected piece of toxic sludge. I took a date to see this movieand she broke up with me one week later. I hold this film personally responsible. Would YOU stay with someone that took you to see such garbage? Mr. Freeze was the best tragic character in the series save for Two-Face and Batman himself. Here he is reduced to a singing, one-liner spouting idiot. There is more depth in a child's wading pool than this film. How in the hell did any producer sit back, watch this vomit and say, "Yeah, yeah, definately. Go with it."? Entirely too many characters as well. We're not given time to focus on anyone, because everytime we start to identify with a character they toss in another one. I won't even begin to discuss how nauseated I was by what Bane was reduced to. He should have had a movie of his own. The worst film ever made, hands down. Worse than "Manos, The Hands of Fate" because the guy who made that never had any idea how to make a film. Schumacher was responsible for one of my favorite movies, Falling Down, and then he hands us this. Many superior films are out of print, and yet this... film still exists. What a wonderful world we live in. Right.
Rating:  Summary: Don't buy this dvd Review: Don't buy this dvd cause Warner may release this title in a near future again with special features,trailers,notes and etc.Just like they did with Twister,Interwiew with the Vampire...and more to come....
Rating:  Summary: I thought it was just like the third one! Review: This was the worst Batman movie I have ever seen. It's just like Batman Forever except new characters. The acting is bad, it doesn't have a good plot, and the whole movie is just plain dumb. Alicia Silverstone was pretty disappointed I bet when she had to play in this movie. What are they going to do now make a fifth one and have a new charcter named Batgirl in it? If I were you don't even think about wasting your money on this movie because it's the worst Batman sequel ever made, stick with the others.
Rating:  Summary: Please get Michael Keaton and Tim Burton for the next film Review: Will somebody please get Michael Keaton back as Batman. And how about getting Jack Nicolson to once again play the Joker. And Tim Burton to direct.It will be the best batman yet combining REAL talent and the orignal movie formula.I am sure people wont think of my idea as a repeat but rather as a blessing because every new batman movie except the first gets worse. Batman And Robin was the worst and only Schwarzenegger 's character saved it.
Rating:  Summary: Calling Adam West Review: Long before the film premiered, when the casting was announced, I knew this film was gonna be in trouble. Not because of new Batman George Clooney, just simply from once again..too many characters. Everything including the kitchen sink is thrown into the mix here. George Clooney does the best he can with what's given him to work with which isn't much. Had he gotten the chance to work with Tim Burton, he might have succeeded. Chris O'Donnell's Robin is in the same boat. Flavor of the month Alicia Silverstone is slickly tacked on and compounds the problems of the film. Our ol buddy Arnold, looks really cool with blue skin and bald look and shiny silver armor, but is reduced to spouting dopey one liners. Uma Thurman's Poison Ivy is somewhat interesting and on top of that is the inclusion of Bane. Bane, a character who was part of an epic storyline in the comic books as a brainy yet monstrously juiced up on steroids criminal is reduced to Ivy's doormat here. The story? Akiva Goldsmith's paper-thin story is just an excuse to show off the characters and special effects. The film is filled with cheesy one liners amd you start wondering if Adam West is gonna pop up somewhere. The brief bit dealing with Alfred's illness is poignant but is given no room to work with. Joel Schumacher really went to town with this one. The production design is way overkill bordering on tasteless and tacky. The Batmobile and other vehicles are cheezy looking. The Bat costumes worn during the climax are silly as well. Elliot Goldenthal's music follows suite. Everything in this movie is style over substance. Enough fun and games Joel & Akiva, time to take a hike. If Batman is to return to the theaters, someone at Warner Bros. had best read Year One, and adapt that to the letter.
Rating:  Summary: Losing The Touch Review: Well, it finally happened. The Batman line of movies lost steam. I remember looking at this around Christmas 1998 and thought it stunk. It is not true to the comic book or the movies before this one. The one thing that got me was that, What are Batman and Robin doing out in public at a social function? Batman and Robin are vigilantes, and they stay away from the public eye. Also, the Character Bane is way off the mark of the comic book. He is portrayed as a lackey who can only say one or two words. He should have been given his own movie because in the comic book, he broke Batman's back. And why did we make Batgirl/Barbara, a relative of Alfred's. In the comic books, she is Commisioner Gordon's daughter. In the past, I let the minor variations slid, but this movie goes beyond minor. It ruins the mystique of the Batman legend. I just hope they don't make another sequel.
Rating:  Summary: What went wrong? Anyone? Review: I have been a Batman fan ever since the great days of Adam West. I just don't understand how something so great for so long, can go so wrong so fast.This film is prim example of a huge movie franchise hitting rock bottom. Batman & Robin has it's moments, very few, that are good. This movie just seemed to flashy. The dialogue is horrible, filled with cheesy on liners. I pity the writers. George Clooney, who I love, is not to blame for this flop. If he had known what he knows now about Batman & Robin, when he got that phone call asking...wanna be the next Batman?...he wouldn't have taken the role. I don't know who to blame this disaster on. If they ever make another Batman flick, god help them, I hope they remember the last Batman.
Rating:  Summary: What happened ? Review: This movie is a good example of when a franchise has hit rock bottom. For starters, it is WAY too colorful. There is a reason why Batman is called the Dark Knight. It also goes beyond over the top. Take away the dazzling visual effects and all thats left is a bunch of actors trying to make a cartoon.
Rating:  Summary: Have You Ever Loved A Puppy? Review: Although Batman and Robin was a mockery, of a tragedy, of a film it did have it's high points. Like when the credits first rolled. Imagine it. You're back in that theater, the lights dim. You're an avid Batman fan. The opening credits roll and the title flashes, BATMAN AND ROBIN. You almost throw your popcorn in the air with anticipation. And then the movie started and you caught up on some lost hours of sleep. But the n movie ended, and that same feeling came back. Because you stared death in the face and survived. Ahh, to be young again.