Rating:  Summary: An Insult to the Character Review: If you're a Batman fan, you can't help but be insulted by this travesty directed by Joel Schumacher. Over-blown, over-done and over-acted, this film practically trashes all the elements that made this series popular. When this particular film series started there was a deliberate attempt to give fans a non-campy Batman after the old Adam West TV show. At least the 60's TV series was SUPPOSED to be over-the-top, but having a more "serious" approach to the character treated this way is inexcusable. Only George Clooney's underused Batman and Michael Gough's solid-as-always Alfred have any dignity to their roles. Everyone else overacts in one way or another. Schumacher's style was OK in BATMAN FOREVER, but he went overboard using a paint bucket rather than a brush in this travesty. (For those politically inclined, Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura has a cameo as an Arkham guard who gets poisoned by Uma Thurman's Poison Ivy.) A film to avoid, unless you want cheap laughs.
Rating:  Summary: Franchise Killer Review: After reading serveral reviews of this film online I know I am not alone in my loathing of "Batman and Robin". Even worse than Shumacher's "Batman Forever", this fourth Batman film grinds the series to a screeching halt. This film is all out camp and comedy and doesn't take the Batman myth seriously at all.I remember when this film was first released I saw interviews of Shumacher saying; "they're called comic books not dark books, hello! ". Hello what? Batman is NOT a comedy, it is not James Bond or Indiana Jones or even Superman. The best Batman stories were always about Batman exploring his dark nature in pursuit of a villian and the first two films touched on that. George Clooney suits in this time as Batman but is immediately over shadowed by two heroes and two villians. Clooney could have been an effective Batman, he's certainly more capable than Val Kilmer's, but he's trapped in an embarassing set of scenes one even involving Batman sporting a "Bat-Mastercard" with a "cha-ching". Where has this series gone? Ah-nold and Uma are the villians this time as Mr. Freeze and Poison Ivy. They don't really pose any real threat to Batman and Robin, they only stand around and say witty lines. The setting is a problem again this time. With neon glowing throughout the entire movie, the entire film looks like a cyber futuristic thriller rather what a Batman film should look like. There are many more things wrong with this film but I'm too angry to think about it. This film is a slap in the face to the franchise and to fans of Batman and is a blatant example of "so-called" Hollywood talent trying to reinvent something for the sake of trendy box office. This is the worst Batman ever, hopefully it will not be the last.
Rating:  Summary: This is the best Batman ever.....APRIL FOOL! Review: You call this a movie? There is just too many things wrong with this movie.I almost bust a gut after finding out that George Clooney was going to play the caped crusader. Gee, I wonder if they were going to get Eddie Murphy to direct instead of Joel Schumacher. WHAT WAS WARNER BROS SMOKING WHEN THEY CAST THESE PEOPLE? And wasn't Batgirl the daughter of Commisioner Gordon? Since when was she Alfred's niece. I must admit that Arnold Schwarzenegger was kinda okay as Mr Freeze and Uma Thurman was sexy as Poison Ivy, BUT WHERE WAS THE PLOT! I tell you these brain-dead Hollywood writers has butchered another franchise based on a TV show or a comic book. Batman creator Bob Kane died the year this movie came out, and rest his soul, he must have seen this garbage. You'll be better of watching the first two Batman movies with Michael Keaton, then again, you be better off watching the first Batman movie.......the one in 1966 with Adam West.
Rating:  Summary: Batman & Robin Review: This movie isn't totally bad, but it is the worst of the series. I liked the way in the first two Gotham was always dark and mysterious, but here it's too colorfull, and the characters and setting seem sort of like the comic book silliness of the 60's. I loved the way the first two were serious, and they were mature adult films. Batman Forever was good, and it fit well. This one had dull dialoge, and parts of it were unrealistic. This is a movie more for kids ages 5-12. The third one was good, and you would wanna be 7+ to see it. The first two are appropraite for the age group of 13+. But the movie wasn't a total loss. But next time, bring back Tim Burton!
Rating:  Summary: A Bad Movie! Review: This is the worst Batman movie I have ever seen! I am a big Batman fan and in this movie they just make a fool out of him! When I think of Gotham, I think of a dark, crime-infested town. But in this movie Gotham is a colorful, present day city instead of the 1960s type Gotham I know of. Also the script was horrible, the worst I've ever heard! The only reason I gave this movie two stars was because of the cool costumes, but overall this movie ....!
Rating:  Summary: Mommy, please make the bad man stop! Review: Oh God, and by the bad man i am reffering to Joel Schumacher, the director of this nightmare known as "Batman & Robin" My God, will he never learn? He should have gotten a clue after seeing what he did with Batman Forever. He can't direct, it is just not his knack, he wouldn't know style if it slapped him in his fat face. The dialogue in this film is worse than the one that preceded it, and by that i am talking about Batman Forever. I didn't think that the dialogue could get worse than it was in Batman Forever, but good ol' Schumacher proved me wrong with this mess that he calls a film. I mean Batman Forever was bad, but not as bad as this one, the reason this one was so bad is because it no longer had the input of Tim Burton who atleast was kind enough to produce Batman Forever. But everything hit rock bottom when Schumacher took full control of the reigns. I don't know if i have ever seen a worse film than this. Please folks, for your own good, do not see this film if you don't want your IQ to drop by 50 points, don't make the mistake that others including myself have made, i am just trying to help you.
Rating:  Summary: What a mess Review: George Clooney was on the Howard Stern show a few months after "Batman and Robin" came out and when Stern asked him about the film Clooney said, "Well, we killed that franchise". True enough. Because this movie flat-out reeked, and an accusing finger should be pointed at Clooney, because he must have known in the middle of production that he stood in the middle of disaster. But you can't hang this mess all on George. Oh no. There's plenty of blame to go around. Let's start with Joel Schumacher. This movie opens almost the exact same was as "Batman Forever", with a bad guy crashing a fancy party and causing mayhem. In both films every shot is quick-cutted so rapidly that you can't follow what's going on. Maybe this crap flies on MTV, but its so passé now in movies that it becomes a red flag that your film was made by a Bad Director. Turn to the villains, who always have more to do that Batman in these movies. Poor Arnold, playing Mr. Freeze, can't be faulted for saying terrible lines like, "OK everyone, chill!" Actually, that was the funniest line in the movie. So the writers stunk too. If Arnold is awful, he is Olivier compared to Uma Thurman. Uma concerns me. Does she have any talent, I don't know, but when she finds herself in a bad movie she rolls up her sleeves, determined to be the worst thing in it. She plays Poison Ivy as though she was very reluctantly coming down from a 60-hour acid trip. Overacting is one thing, but Uma practically climbs the walls so she can chew on the scenery up there. If she'd had enough screen time she easily could have destroyed the film all by herself, but there was plenty of help to be found. Plenty. I can't imagine any self-respecting superhero picking Chris O'Donnell as his sidekick. O'Donnell somehow makes a crime-fighting nutball in a mask and tights and a cape BORING. And in a movie that has a hero (Batman), a supporting hero (Robin), a villain (Mr. Freeze), a supporting villain (Poison Ivy), and a dying butler (Alfred), why do you need to introduce yet another main character? Why shoehorn Batgirl into this mess? And why Alicia Silverstone, who allegedly brought a few superfluous pounds to the role and had to indeed be shoehorned into her form-fitting outfit? Silverstone is just awful, but how could she not be? I'm sorry, but I don't think Batgirl should be played as a dumb, dippy Valley Girl. That brings us back to Clooney. George actually might have made an acceptable Caped Crusader, but with this movie as crowded as it is he's only onscreen for about 23 minutes. He should have known better than to take the part. But he did take the cowl, so he deserves the ridicule he received. What, he didn't read the script? It blows my mind that the Batman movies got so screwed up. Just have one villain in each movie, introduce Robin 3 or 4 films in, Batgirl 3 or 4 movies after that, and you'd have a money-making machine. One decent script every 2 years, say $100 million to make each picture, and you'd rake in three, four hundred million easy. They killed the golden goose. Golden bat, sorry.
Rating:  Summary: This movie totally ruins batman, bring back Tim Burton! Review: OK...I loved Batman, I loved Batman Returns, Batman Forever was okay, but it still didn't have that unique style of Tim Burton...but now this movie just sucked. It really ruined gotham. In Batman and Batman Returns gotham was always dark and it was always christmas and even though it was the eighties everyone dressed like they were from 1945. That was great stuff. Now on this movie batwoman, who really shouldn't have been brought into the movie, was motorcycle racing and robin was beating up neon gang members. It looked like the year 2000! And in Batman bruce wayne was actually human, on this he's some kind of super hero. He's like jumping forty feet, and then robin gets frozen and thawed out, that's just extremely unrealistic. Please please bring Tim Burton Back, and michael keaton.
Rating:  Summary: Tainted Batman Review: Batman & Robin, and absolute waste of time. I bought this title and could not even enjoy it. Ive watched it again and again and could find no way to even like a single scene. George Clooney and Chis O'Donnel did a horrible job in playing theyre roles. Arnold Schwarzenneggar should have taken more acting lessons, and Alicia Silverstone should have lost more weight. I feel Uma Thurman played a fair role but her lines were horrible as well as the others. This movie is full of cheeziness, and corny lines. I still believe that the director, Joel Schumacher, did a horrible job. I think he shouldent have even got paid for my nephew who is three years old could have done a better job. It seems like Schumacher like using bright neon colors, as in his prevous batman movie. The bright neon green and red seem to be everywhere. I still believe that they should have stuck with Tim Burton who directed the first two Batman movies. Batman is supposed to be dark and mysterious like in the first two movies. Unlike gay and loving in Schumacher's movies. I know everyone agrees with one batman actor would have been great instead of different actors. I still dont understand about the facination about changing the suits in Schumachers versions. Batman has been around for a long time and he still has the same suit. But Schumacher seems to have a different suit in the begining and ending of the movie. Burton's versons kept the actor, the suits, the car, characters a constant. im still pissed about the different batmobiles in the last two movies. If you like batman and you know what he stands for, DoNot buy this movie for it will taint and distroy your precious memory of batman.
Rating:  Summary: Don't know why but I enjoyed this Review: This is actually my favorite Batman film followed by Batman Forever. The reasons? Here they are: Mr.Freeze and Poison Ivy are excellent villains, one being powerful and cold (pardon the pun) and the other being nasty and seductive. Robin is a great addition in the series, and now is better-suited to the character after his debut. Clooney, however, is the third best Batman. It's about time they brought in Batgirl, too. Love the vehicles, the hardware, and especially the acting. The sets are lavish and truly amazing. The special effects are judst plain incredible and the sound and sound effects are ultimately cool (pardon the pun agin). The few problems are that the sense of epic that the first few films possessed (especially Batman Forever) is lost, and the screenplay is bad. But there are enough dazzling effects, great characters, and eye candy to dismiss those problems. Overall, Batman & Robin is a great movie to be watched over and over.