Rating:  Summary: This movie is BEYOND bad! Review: This has to be one of the worst films I have ever seen. The attemp at "camp" is even bad. Don't waste your time with this one...Buy Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park instead. At least that one never attempted to be legit...
Rating:  Summary: Eye candy, but good! Review: This movie is more better than "Batman Forever," though Nicole Kidman was pretty hot as Dr. Chase. This action-thriller delivers bright colors, almost as bright and garish like "The Cell," but it delivers some humor, drama, and plain good kicks. Uma Thurman is the deliciously sexy Poison Ivy, "Perfect Storm"'s George Clooney as the Big Bad Bat, and Chris O'Donnell has returned as Robin, The Boy Wonder. Alicia Silverstone also delivers a knockout performance as Barbara, and Terminator Arnold as the cold Mr. Freeze. Rated PG-13 for violence and language.
Rating:  Summary: this movie is so aweful! Review: OK, this movie is the worst, i dont know if it was just badwritting, bad acting, or both. probably both. Clooney is the worsetBatman to-date. Kilmer wasnt much better in Batman Forever, but thatmovie at least had good roles from Carrey and Jones. Batman and Robinhad NOTHING! Worset part was Silverstone, i swear, i got a cavityafter seeing this movie, she was way too sweet, made me wanna PUKE! The whole story-line was confusing and pointless. If there is aBatman 5, i sure hope the kill off Robin and Batgirl, and get KeatonBACK, HE was the GREATEST Batman of all time
Rating:  Summary: oh dear god!there's a statue of a naked man on the streets! Review: Ed Wood is alive and working under the name Joel Schumacher! Run for your lives! "Batman and Robin" is the fourth film in a movie series which, in a span of only eight years, has managed to go from good to outstanding to bad to stomach churning retartedness. As the "film" begins, Batman and Robin are summoned to battle a new villain, Mr. Freeze, who has broken into a museum and is attempting to steal a big diamond to power his freeze machine (oh so THAT'S what diamonds are good for). The opening scene manages to rival the opening scene of 1996's "Romeo and Juliet" as the most ridiculous movie sequence ever put to film. Anyway, soon they have to battle other villains as well, Poison Ivy (Thurman) and Bane (Swenson). George Clooney steps into the Batsuit this time and it's now official, Batman has no personality whatsoever. It's not Clooney's fault, he's just going by the script and by Schumacher's (shudder) direction. Batman is known as the Dark Knight, meaning that Batman is supposed to have a dark, brooding personality. Joel Schumacher (vomit) has managed to change all that over the course of two films, as Batman is now a cartoon. He always has a lame pun to spout out or an afterschool special message to deliver. Speaking of puns, that's all Mr. Freeze has to say. He hardly has one line of dialogue which doesn't involve a pun using any of the words: cool, cold, ice, freeze or chill. After the first two, you're sick of it. But, alas, it continues. As with "Batman Forever", there are way too many characters. One villain is all that's needed, not three. Bane is the worst of the three, which is surprising because of what little I know of the comic books, Bane was a major force. Here he's just a masked goon, grunting like Frankenstein's monster. And he's also amazingly easy to defeat, as his weakness are these big tubes coming out of his head. Pull one out, and he's dead. If he walks into a coat rack, he's a goner. Poison Ivy is way too talky, and most of the time she's babbling to herself, which is even more irritating. Gotham City now represents a city which must exist on some other planet other than Earth. The laws of gravity seem to have little effect in this world. Also, it seems that no one really lives in Gotham, except for street criminals, which makes me wonder why in a city protected by Batman would there be the highest crime rate ever in the history of civilization? Batman's not protecting anyone, as there's mass terror constantly going on in the streets. Perhaps it's Joel Schumacher's (gag) views of capital punishment at play here, because in both "Batman Forever" and here, long speeches are given about how it would be wrong to kill the main villain after he's been captured. Instead, to punish them for their crime of attempted mass homicide, villains in Joel Schumacher's (puke) vision of Gotham City get locked up in an asylum, which everyone knows they will break out of in no time to kill more people. To go into further detail about all the ridiculous aspects of this movie would take a review longer than the written screenplay itself. So I'll just mention the worst of the bunch. Now, when Alicia Silverstone becomes Batgirl, she shows up late in the film to help Batman and Robin defeat Poison Ivy. Now, keep in mind that Silverstone has been living in Wayne Manor and chatting with Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson for the entire film. Also keep in mind that her Batgirl "disguise" wouldn't fool an infant. Anyway, she arrives, cleans house, and then chats with Batman and Robin... who DO NOT RECOGNIZE HER! She actually has to tell them who she is. But the moment which made me groan the loudest comes at some sort of charity auction where old men are bidding on scantily dressed women on stage. Poison Ivy arrives and puts the audience under some sort of spell. Batman and Robin, who are actually at a party dressed as Batman and Robin, are also captivated by her spell. Soon the audience starts to bid on her, and Batman and Robin join in on the bidding. Batman increases the bid to something like seven million dollars, and then whips out, I kid you not, a Batman credit card, complete with the Batman logo on it as well as "BATMAN" typed out on it. This is absolutely the dumbest thing I have ever seen. Think about this for a moment won't you? What bank honors this card? Did they call Batman to offer him this special card? Only Batman can use this card, so do you think Batman does his own shopping? Perhaps goes to Ace Hardware to pick up some more Batapults and charges them to the Batcard? At that moment it became true, the Batman movie series, which once prided itself from being 180 degrees different in tone and style from the campy 60s TV show, is now just as good as the WORST episodes of that TV series. I do give the film credit for two things. One is the casting of Arnold Schwarzenegger as a villain, but I only give credit to the concept, not the actual performance. Also, as with "Batman Forever", the film looks great. It looks like every penny of the budget was spent on the look of the film. The set design, costumes, and special effects are all top-notch. I'm all for a silly summer movie. Sometimes I like shutting down most of my brain and just enjoying a fun movie. But to consider "Batman and Robin" to be fun, you'd have to completely tear your brain out of your head and throw it away, never to be used again. Please someone stop Joel Schumacher before he vomits into a film cannister again and tries to pass it off as a movie.
Rating:  Summary: Batman Takes It Upstage For The 4th Time Review: Chills and Thrills: Will Gotham City be put on ice? George Clooney is Batman as the Dark Knight battles his greatest threat yet: cold-hearted Mr. Freeze (Arnold Schwarzenegger) and venomous Poison Ivy (Poison Ivy). Batman has more than Gotham City to protect: the youthful eagerness of crimefighting comrades Robin (Chris O'Donnell) and Batgirl (Alicia Silverstone) puts them frequently in harm's way. New very special effects include a wild sky-surfing sequence and Freeze's outrageous ice-blasting arsenal. It's state-of-the-art excitement from our Batfamily to yours!
Rating:  Summary: Forget what people say about it come see the dang thing. Review: ...One of the reasons in which is really the main reason this film didn't work is because of Tim Burton. He directed the first and second film and produced the 3rd one and that is why number 3 sort of really worked is because they had his funkeyness in it but now in this one they didn't have him in anything he wasn't involved in any of it. Many of the people from Forever came in for this one including Comissioner Gordon and the director and chris O Donnel as robin and Elliot Goldenthal for music. There is yes a problem with this one i mean Clooney is the worst batman but you have to give him credit for atleast a tiney bit and robin is the same as in the previouse one and now we have batgirl played by Alicia Silverstone and shes not too bad in this one. Uma Thurman is pretty good as the second female villian the other being catwoman from part 2 and she is not as sexy as catwoman. Mr Freeze is a good villian played by Arnold but he says the word "ice" too many times. The music(Goldenthal) is about the same as in number3's but it fits well with the movie. Also the first Batman was nominated and won an academy award for set and art direction,Batman Returns was nominated for visual effects and makeup,Batman Forever was nominated for sound and cinematography and sound effects edditing,and this is the only one that was't nominated for an academy award. Batman is the most popular of them all ... So in conclusion if you've seen all the others then you should definitely see this one and if you've baught any or all or none and if you plan to you really should buy this one.
Rating:  Summary: Golly Geez Batman, this movie stinks Review: All I can say about this movie is that is sucks big time! I thought Uma and Arnold did a decent job but the storyline and the other actors just didn't make it interesting. The picture and sound in this movie is fantastic though. I was very disappointed with this one. Do yourself a favor and rent it or borrow it before you lay the cash down for it.
Rating:  Summary: I walked out Review: The first Batman film was great, the second one was pretty good, the third one was bad but tolerable, but this one.... I admit it, I did'nt listen to anyone. I went to see this trainwreck of a movie at the theatre despite all the warnings. What an over-blown mess! I walked out right after the scene with the Ice-Batmobile or whatever it was, I could'nt take any more stupidity. The best actor in this mess was the guy who played Bane - he delivered his lines perfectly: "EEEEEUUUUGHARGH!" As for the rest of the cast: The Arnold was almost passable as Mr. Freeze, almost. George Clooney was a very bland Batman and O'Donnel needs another job, he's no good as Robin any more. I think that Mr. Freeze should have sealed Alicia Silverstone and Umma Thurman in a block of ice forever! What a bunch of Hams! Save your money, don't buy this crazy garbage. I would'nt be surprised if another Batman film is never made due to this mess.
Rating:  Summary: Not The Best Film Ever... Review: ...but not the worst film either. The only person I didn't mind watching was Uma Thurman who played her role really well. The rest of the cast are merely making up the numbers which considering the poor script is no surprise. It's a shame because Chris O'Donnell had possiblities as Robin when he starred with Val kilmer but him and Clooney just don't seem to have the same rapport. I say give it a go if you love anything Batman, if not then you're better off watching the first Batman film again!
Rating:  Summary: It's not ONLY the worst "Batman" ever made... Review: I won't be very original saying this, but that's not only the worst Batman ever made (even the TV series was better) but also the worst movie I've ever seen. They even made Bane (an intelligent, sophisticated and educated man) into a brainless zombie on steroids. Please, someone resurrect the Joker, so he can take out Clooney's "Batman", O'Donnell's "Robin", and especially the annoying team of Silverstone & Thurman - they're responsible in 40% for making this movie such a pile of waste. But, of course, the ones who deserve to be given a dose of Smilex are the two people responsible for killing the Batman series - director Schumacher and writer Goldsman (or whatever their names are spelled). For God's sake, bring back Tim Burton and Michael Keaton before Goldsman & Co. try to prove that they can make a Batman movie worse than "Batman & Robin" (and I'm sure they can!).