Rating:  Summary: Even Adam West laughs at this movie. Review: Don't blame the actors. Even Joel Schumaker isn't totally to blame, despite his apparent quest to turn Batman into a gay pornstar. It's whoever scripted this ... MOVIE that deserves to be beaten with clubs.A learning-disabled child on a bad day couldn't possibly write plot or dialogue as bad as this. I defy you to watch this movie and not want to KILL the writer. Mr. Freeze (Arnold) has been transformed from a sadistic-yet-tragic villain into a big, goofy retard. Poison Ivy (Uma) went from a sexy, deadly seductress to a brain-dead .... Bane (some dead wrestler) gets demoted from being a strategic genius to a big, fat, mono-syllabic, green (???) steroid case. Batman has a Bat-credit card. And his costume has nipples on it. And his boots had ice-skates in them before he even knew what a "Mr. Freeze" was. I swear to God above. Think about every ice-related pun that anybody could possibly make. "Freeze", "chill", "cold day in hell", etc. Multiply whatever number you come up with by 5, and you're already as good a writer as whoever scripted this drek. Fun fact: if you freeze somebody from head-to-toe in ice, they will die in five minutes. But if you can thaw them out in four minutes and fifty nine seconds, then they will be just fine. Alicia Silverstone was chunky and had a mustache. Add that to the fact that Batgirl had nothing to do with this movie and came WAY out of left field, and you get yet ANOTHER thing wrong with this movie. Elle Macpherson plays Bruce Wayne's girlfriend for about five total minutes in the film. Why? I dunno. What happened to Nicole Kidman's character? I dunno. The novelization of the book took a hint from the comic books and explained that she was just eye candy that Wayne kept around for appearances, which is actually what he does. How you're supposed to ascertain that from the movie? I dunno. I could go on and on, but I'm only allowed 1,000 words here. There are two saving graces about this movie. The first one is how easy it is for you to make fun of. Y'know, put on your own little MST3K routine. The second is that it makes "Batman Forever" look like cinematic genius.
Rating:  Summary: Not the best batman movie Review: Well, I guess I'm a big Batman fan, so in my opinion it was a good movie. Sadly, it wasnt. Although the movie included great starts such as George Clooney, Alicia Silverstone, and Arnold, it really didnt help much. They all did a good job, but not amazing, the plot was, well, it really wasnt "all there". Sometimes it made no real sense really. Well, Mr.Freeze needs a big diamond for his dead wife, and a "earth lover" poison ivy wants to turn gotham into a green house. That way it makes sense, but once your going thru the movie, you get sort off lost. Action and adventure, there is, ok special effects to, like when people get frozen. So all in all, ok movie, bad plot, great stars, but average acting. Of course, if you have a batman collection, you definetly need to add this movie to it.
Rating:  Summary: Fourth Chapter Is A Visually Impressive Guilty Pleasure Review: I know I'm probably going to get some flack for this, but I actually enjoyed this movie. It's kind of a guilty pleasure though because most people (including most of my friends) hated it. It is not my favorite BATMAN film by any means. I liked the darker Tim Burton movies the best, but I enjoyed this film simply for the eye candy it offers and for also Arnold Schwarzenegger. The movie is beautiful to look at (it was the most expensive BATMAN flick to date) and I although I'm not really a Schwarzenegger fan, I thought Arnold was very effective as Mr. Freeze, totally overshadowing George Clooney's portrayal of Batman and also Uma Thurman's Poison Ivy. (Did you ever notice Clooney's rather annoying acting style of tilting his head to one side while shaking it at the same time?) Now the really bad news: Joel Schumacher (who also directed BATMAN FOREVER) was absolutely relentless with his flamboyant camp style in this chapter. BATMAN FOREVER hinted at the camp, but never took it to the extreme that this film does (think Superman II vs. Superman III). Some of the action sequences are really unbelievable (the embarrassing kind of unbelievable that is). There are also some very cheesy lines that could've been left out, particularly some of the Batgirl / Poison Ivy dialogue that's exchanged when they're fighting in Ivy's lair. Things are generally a little too bright in this movie which takes all of the mystery out of the "dynamic duo", making the film more of a live-action cartoon than a comic adaptation of the Dark Night. Of course, the constant change of actors playing the title role didn't help either (Clooney is currently the third actor to portray Batman in this series). This is why most people panned the movie, I guess. So with all that said, hopefully this will be Schumacher's last turn as director. Supposedly there are two new BATMAN movies in the works right now. A live-action version of the animated series BATMAN: BEYOND (about the new Batman of the future-Terry McGinnis, under the guidance of a very senior Bruce Wayne) and in the opposite direction, BATMAN: YEAR ONE (about Batman's first year of crime fighting).
Rating:  Summary: Too mind-numbing to think about... Review: I'll keep this brief, as I'm still recovering. This movie has terrible acting, little to no plot, special effects that do absolutely nothing to disguse the two points mentioned above, the world's worse one-liners, and is nothing more than a coloful picture on a Burger King cup.
Rating:  Summary: The most underated, heavily criticised Batmovie of all time. Review: Seems like most critics and, indeed, "wannabe" critics had something bad to say about this film, obviously just being totally blind to the whole purpose of this fourth Batman movie. Everyone loved Schumacher for Batman Forever because he gave the Batman movie a new, "lighter" lease of life after director Tim Burton's supremely dark and personal approach to the first two Batman movies. But with "Batman & Robin", Schumacher and, very unfairly I feel, Clooney (and the rest of the cast) got it in the neck. Why? Apparently, because it is "too silly", "too childish" and "without plot and coherence" according to the many reviews and criticisms I have read over the last few years. Well, all I can say is that people are totally looking at this film with the wrong state of mind... The way to see "Batman & Robin" is not as a follow-up to the first 2 Batman movies, but as a great attempt at a more light hearted approach, very much in the same vein as the classic sixties Batman TV series starring Adam West & Burt Ward. I say this because it is so obvious this is where Schumacher takes his cue from, and I think he is to be congratulated for making the movie work in this way. All my life I have been an avid fan of comic books and their various tv and movie spin-offs, so don't think I don't know what I am talking about. George Clooney was slagged off so unfairly for his debut as the "dark knight", when I have to say he has got to be the most perfect looking movie Batman ever. Ironically, I just don't think he looks the part of Bruce Wayne!! But as Batman, he is the tops. My only criticism of the movie is Uma Thurman, who, in my opinion, is basically replaying her character from Pulp Fiction. The rest of the film is awesome in terms of looks and effects. The plot, as with most/all Batman movies,i is obviously gonna be a bit thin on the ground - but I think most comic book fans would rather be immersed into plots and twists when they are reading the comic books rather than watching the movies anyway. I doubt Clooney will play Batman again, and I don't blame him after the unfair treatment he got from the world's press, but take it from me, if you haven't seen this film, it is definitely nowhere near as bad as what the majority seem to think... CLOONEY RULES AS THE BATMAN!! :)
Rating:  Summary: Loud, Trashy, Pointless Eye-Candy. Review: Michael Keaton an AWFUL Batman? Oh please..! Some people obviously don't know ANYTHING about good acting. Sure, Keaton is not 6 foot 2 inches at 225 pounds, but look into his eyes... Besides, have you seen how he's buffed up these days? His physique is certainly almost there compared to the comic Batman. George Clooney is okay as Wayne/Batman, but that's all he'll ever be: okay. Still, if he'd had a really good script, it's interesting to think how he might have been. That's all I can say about this film. The title of my review says it all, really. And I still think if Alec Baldwin hired a physical trainer, he'd be an excellent Batman. If you wanted someone younger, how about Mark Wahlberg?
Rating:  Summary: Complete garbage! Review: Upon reading many of the other customer reviews for this film, and the Batman series in general, I felt compelled to put my spin on things. First and foremost, Michael Keaton WAS NOT, IS NOT, and NEVER WILL BE Batman to any true fan of the comic book. Anyone who's been a fan of the Batman "world" as long as I have cannot accept Michael Keaton as Batman. He simply cannot physically fill the role in any way, shape, or form. A short, skinny, aged Bruce Wayne? He was a terrible choice for Batman. Secondly, filmakers (with the exception of the brilliant Brian Singer) continue to make the same mistake time and time again. They take material that works, with a rich cast of characters built into it, and for whatever reason they feel the need to change it. Why? Obviously DC Comics has been doing something right or Batman titles would not have continued to sell uninterrupted since 1939. Why did Joel Schumacher feel the need to make Bane into a mindless gargantuan? Why did Batgirl, a classic character in the Batman universe, go from being Barbara Gordon to this Barbara Wilson whom no one has ever heard of? Lastly, why is there this formula when it comes to the Batman films that "more is better"? Beginning with Batman Returns and (hopefully) ending with Batman and Robin, the filmakers of this series seem to think that having 50 characters is going to somehow make the film more marketable. All it does is make the film more convoluted and sacrifices character development for "more bad guys". I actually went and saw this movie at the cineplex. I agree that the look of the film was nice, but it was like biting into a delicious looking cupcake and discovering it to be dry and tasteless. How disappointing is it to see your favorite childhood characters turned into something unrecognizable? The opening scene: Mr. Freeze is breaking into a museum to steal a huge diamond to power his freeze machine. Who is this guy? It's not the Mr. Freeze I know from the comics. This Mr. Freeze is mindless and full of bravado, not cold and calculating. Second villain-intro scene, a ridiculous looking Uma Thurman becomes Poison Ivy through a combustible chemical combination that delivers an even more ridiculous looking Uma Thurman with a shockingly red fright-wig on! Are they kidding us? And who is the mindless, Cro-Magnon sidekick she has with her? Surely it's not Bane, one of Batman's most formidable adversaries. The most disappointing of all though was the introduction of Batgirl to the film. I'm seeing Alicia Silverstone on the screen and she has blonde hair. Her name is Barbara Wilson and she's related to Alfred. She's his niece. Where's red haired Barbara Gordon? You know, the daughter of police commissioner Gordon? She no longer exists! Apparently none of these classic, established characters were good enough for Mr. Schumacher. He had to change them to make them work for this mish-mash he attempts to pass off as a film. Later in the film there's a scene where Batman and Robin are in attendance at a charity ball. What??? Batman and Robin shouldn't be standing in the spotlight.Why would they be mingling amongst people? The whole concept of Batman is that he and his cohorts stay in the shadows. They don't come into contact with individuals who might recognize them in different circumstances. Their interaction with regular people in public events should be zero. It's silly and it makes the whole concept of costumed characters even more ridiculous. The only way that this franchise will ever get on its feet again is if they allow the individuals who created the brilliant animated series to take over. They got it right. If you want to see a good comic book movie, go buy X-Men. If you want to see a good Batman story, go buy an episode of the animated series or try to catch it on Cartoon Network. Don't waste your time with these films if you're a Batman fan, you'll be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: "Freeze in hell, Batman!" Review: I just love that line! It's got to be one of the best lines in the history of film making! Anyway George Clooney (belive it or not) was way worse a pick for the Dark Knight than Michael Keaton was! Chris O'Donnell once again ruled as Robin. Arnold Schwartzenegger was great as Mr. Freeze ("Freeze in hell, Batman!") but his costume needed work (although I liked the way his mouth glowed!). Uma Thurman was OK as Poisin Ivy. Alicia Silverstone was perfect for Batgirl. Overall the cast was great except for George Clooney. The Script could have used a little tweaking, but overall a good movie. I remember I went to see this in a theater on an extreamly hot summer day and when the movie first showed Mr. Freeze ("Freeze in hell, Batman!"), the air conditioning seemed to get colder. I don't know whether the theater was reacting to the heat outside or they did it on pupose for his apearance, either way, it was a nice touch! I recomend this for only those who apreciated Batman Forever.
Rating:  Summary: An Awesome Movie!! Review: I don't understand why people aren't likeing this movie! I thought it was well written and excellent acting! Actually Alicia Silverstone is the BEST in this movie! I liked the villians and it has some funny parts in it also. Honestly, if you like Batman movies, action movies, or really any kind of movie I recommend this movie to you!!
Rating:  Summary: Best Batman Sequel Yet Review: Batman and Robin easily tops all previous Batman movies. George Clooney steps into his first movie roll as Batman and Chris O'Donnel returns as Robin, The Boy Wonder. As they Battle their way againt Mr. Freeze (Arnold Schwarzenegger) and Poison Ivy (Uma Thurman) they find a new motivation and a new partner to keep the streets of Gotham City safe. I love the combination of Clooney and O'Donnel and their new sidekick(???). Its unstoppable. Schwarzenegger and Thurman played their villian roles flawlessly. Casting deserves an A+ for this movie. The special effects also should be noted in this movie. I don't think they over did the special effects as many other movies do. Definitely a movie you can just sit back and relax to.