Rating:  Summary: Batman Down the Tube Review: Adam West would've done better than George Clooney at his old age. Mr. Freeze and Poison Ivy were the worst villains ever. Robin needs to have his wings clipped. Warner Bros. needs to put this movie in the 'cooler' and keep it there 'forever'. AHHH!
Rating:  Summary: Holy Failing Franchise Batman! Review: I'm a devoted Batman fan, but even I could not get past how awful this movie really is. When it debuted 1997, I was excited to see Mr. Freeze put on the big screen, even though I suspected Arnold Schwarzenegger was not the ideal choice to play the villain. How Warner Brothers could have passed up the opportunity to cast Patrick Stewart in the role is beyond me. Nevertheless, I was optimistic and never before or since have I been more disappointed by a movie. Even as the opening credits rolled, I thought to myself "Sure the reviews have been bad, but this is a Batman movie! It could never be THAT bad!" Boy was I wrong. "Batman and Robin" is quite possibly the worst movie ever made. Although I was disappointed that Joel Schumacher had turned "Batman Forever" away from Tim Burton's darker vision of the first two films, I still found the third installment to be rather enjoyable. However, with the fourth installment, Schumacher did not hold anything back and turned the franchise into a campy, confused, homoerotic joke. This man should never be allowed to direct again. I'm disappointed that Tim Burton and Michael Keaton abandoned the franchise. Let's hope that the fifth installment will have a director at the helm who knows what he's doing. ... "Batman and Robin," the film was a cluttered mess. One villain is fine thank you...look to the first movie if you need convincing. For Batman fans, it behooves us all to pretend that this fourth movie never existed.
Rating:  Summary: Let me tell you the point of this movie... Review: Don't try to appreciate this movie in the typical adventure sense as everyone did originally. Rather, see Clooney in the Bat-suit with his nose being clamped down, producing a nasal, nerdy voice when he says unconfidently ...get this- "You're losing your 'cool', Freeze!" before rushing into battle with the heavy burden of a suit. I have a wav of it and listen to it often. It reminds me of the camp joy of BandR. George Clooney looks perpetually embarrassed to exist in this movie, let alone in the starring role, and well he should be (the clear embarrassment is another plus). Other lines include 'Kill the Heroes!', 'Ice to see you' and 'The Iceman cometh'. Battles have BandR skating, playing hockey and even surfing. It's hard to believe this was made in 1997. The homosexual overtones to BandRobin's characters is stronger, why does Batman not want Robin to kiss Poison Ivy? The close-up of the bat-cheeks, and their relationship is getting weaker, Robin tries to go it alone. heh. They even take on a scary 'Neon Gang'. It's a very colorful movie with cool costumes and vehicles, and I guarantee, you'll laugh all the way through it, hysterically.
Rating:  Summary: It was really the fault of the studio. Review: By this time, Warner Brothers thought they could get away with anything in the Batman films, thus they rushed this film through production, and boy was it awful. Clooney and Silverstone being miscast. Arnold and Thurman also hamming it up. Very cheesy effects work and a Gothom City that looked like it was drawn from cheap comic book paper. This film was too silly. The first two by Burton were too dark and depressing. Only Batman Forever tried it's best to be as faithful to the Batman comics as it could. In the end, both the Batman and Superman film series failed to live up to their full potensial.
Rating:  Summary: Actually 3 1/2 Review: Ok so the 4th installmetn of the Batman series isnt what everyone expected. I to was dissapointed with all of the neon lighting, terrible acting, and complictaed and tiring plot. But still the movie itself and the action scenes werent that bad. The only reason this movie got such bad reviews is because its hard to make a realy good Batman movie with the original hogging all of the spotlight. Yes the 1st Batman was by far the best and it was so good that it made this one look and seem so much worse than it really is. I have to admit though the acting did [smell]:George Cloony; 5 - He is the newest Batman but in my opinion he was a little to old for the part. Chris O'Donnel; 3 - The boy wonder isnt so wonderous in this movie. The way he acts in this movie you would think he was reading from a que card. He also complained to much. Alicia Silverstone; 2 - Way to overrated. The only reason people even recognized her in the movie was because of typical popularity. Uma Thurman; 5 - Probably the only one in the cast that wasnt a complete drag. Still not to good though. Arnold Schwarzenegger; 1 - Im sorry but he pretty much made me throw up. All those cheesy lines he used and how he was actually to nice to be a villan made the movie [smell] more than it should have. And the plot [smelled] as well: Mr. Freeze taking over the world to find a cure for his wife; 1 - Is nice or evil? Hmm dont know. Alfred dying; 2 - Made the movie more dramatic but the thing is that his disease was uncurrable but somehow, the cured him in a matter of hours. Batman & Robin's partnership problem; 2 - Why would they even think about making this part of the plot. Batman is supposed to rise higher than Robin thats why he was the first superhero to begin with. They could never be equal. Poison Ivy wanting to make the whole world a giant plantarium; 1 - Probably the worst villan plot ever. Yes all of these things [smelled] and so did the scenery but still I give credit to the movie itself. Except the director, Joel Shumacher. Quit now before you completely jinx the entire Batman legacy and he totally just dies off.
Rating:  Summary: Cringe-inducing to the max. Review: Batmand and his erstwhile partner Robin must face the villainous likes of Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, and Bane. This time, the caped crusader and the boy wonder have another partner, Batgirl! Fourth film in this once lucrative franchise is like Superman IV, it's hilariously awful. George Clooney seems completely out of place as Batman, the dialogue is painful to listen to, the action scenes are badly choreographed, and for some reason director Joel Schumacher decided to film half the scenes on a tilted angle. Garish, unintentionally funny, and unbelievably silly, this is among the worst summer blockbusters to date.
Rating:  Summary: Very bad movie . Review: I was so excited to see this when it came out in 1997 but this movie was the worst out of all of them. I thought BATMAN RETURNS was bad but It looks like this batman movie took its spot. It was so unrealistic and the action ... BATMAN was realistic and had great action. BATMAN RETURNS went a little bit off course with a man who was 1/2 human 1/2 penguin and there was a lady who became cat like because she was bit by so many cats, this wasn't was not so bad but the action stunk. BATMAN FOREVER was so unrealistic because we have a man where half of his body was Freddy Kruegered and there is a man who steals brain waves but above all that the action was great. The action in this movie was so bad it made Arnold Schwarzenegger look like he wasn't the man who played the Terminator.
Rating:  Summary: Bat to the excess... Review: The fourth episode in the Bat legacy is like BATMAN FOREVER an underachiever. This film however has a more specific audience. Boys ranging from 8 to 14 will probably find this to be the best in the series as it offers several simple plots all connected by extended action scenes, cool cars, Arnold Schwarzenegger, puns and catchphrases galore, awesome gadgets and Batgirl in a tight leather suit. So, if you are buying this film for that age group, consider this a five star review. For those outside that range... BATMAN & ROBIN & BATGIRL is an overplotty mess. In this film, the Bat needs to: 1) Bring down Mr Freeze 2) Bring down Poison Ivy 3) Salvage his partnership with Robin 4) Get a cure for his manservant, Alfred 5) Avoid marriage to the beautiful Julie Madison 6) Save Gotham 7) Save the world With this many conflicts bouncing around the film, the audience remains in a colorful blur of nonsense. This film, which escalated the budget returns Gotham to the ageless era it held in the first two films, the third film had transplanted it to the present. The costuming and Bat-toys are designed for quick merchandising return. Director Schumacher (FOREVER) returns to the helm he was unceremoniously handed and tries to sort through the screenplay by Akiva Goldsman (Oscar winning screenwriter of A BEAUTIFUL MIND). New to this installment is George Clooney. His physical presence certainly makes him look great in both the Batsuit and a tuxedo, and his 'bouncy head' acting certainly sticks to the light tone of the film... but gone completely is the Dark Knight. Chris O'Donnell is excellent as Robin. Schwarzenegger is the focus of the film as Mr. Freeze and is given the most lackluster dialogue since the origin of film; he only speaks in icy catchphrases and horrific puns. Poison Ivy (Gorgeous Uma Thurman) seems more of an unstoppable distraction then a true Super villain and at her side, a silly super strong sidekick Bane. He has dialogue like "Bomb!" "Bane!" and once he even says "Exit!" Added to the mix is the introduction of Batgirl. Alicia Silverstone is unable to pull off a moment's reality, even in this free for all environment. But, she had popularity on her side just before the film was made, and that could generate money, the ultimate goal... Oh, yeah, if you don't blink, you'll see Elle McPherson is in it too. If I have one nice thing to say about the film is that, unlike all the previous Bat-villains, Freeze has a sympathetic side and offers the film some much-needed duality. The DVD is the fourth in the BATMAN legacy and comes with a nice audio and video transfer. The video will certainly test the color rods on your television.
Rating:  Summary: Quite literally, this is the worst film ever. EVER!!! Review: Well, where to begin. OK, my main gripe about this film is the complete lack of storyline. And characterisation. And humour, tension, interest, and any other adjective you'd care to mention. A cardboard batman would have more fascinating. I could write pages and pages about why this film is so terribly, terribly bad. But I'll be brief. (And by the way, I liked the first two batman movies and thought the Val Kilmer one was pretty bad). George Clooney actually acts fairly well, but he has no material to work with. The only amusing joke comes in the first ten minutes or so (Robin's real name is Richard, which can be shortened to....I won't elaborate). Arnie and the other actors/actresses are completely appalling. The storyline jumps from place to place, without a care in the world or any desire to maintain narrative cohesion. Or anything. I can't explain how badly I hate this film, or the fact that I spent two hours watching it. Most bad films have something to recommend, but this quite literally has nothing. It's actually hard to think of things to say about it, since it's so incomprehensibly, utterly dull. I won't explain the storyline. There is none. A half-hearted attempt at one has been blu-tacked on. That's all I can bear to say. If you want to be able to say "I have truly seen the worst film ever made, ever" then watch this film. Otherwise, for the sake of your sanity, steer so, so clear of this film. Please!
Rating:  Summary: Oh yeah.. its the worst movie ever Review: Where do I start? Well, first, the entire Batman movie franchise has been pretty awful. Beginning with the first one. Why? If you are going to take something like Batman and adapt it to the bigscreen, get the story and characters right. Thats really all I ask. Batman is NOT a normal looking guy, he's a man in the very best physical condition possible who trained in the martial arts for years. His phyiscal body would be more comparable to someone in a Mr. Universe competition. Batman does not kill. Ever. He could not even contemplate the thought, and that is the reason Gordon lets him continue to be Batman. And yet.. Batman killed the Joker in the first movie. Stupid. Although.. the Joker was entirely wrong anyway, since when did he kill Bruce's parents? I wonder. And since when would Alfred let ANYONE into the Batcave? Especially some chick that Bruce was dating? But back to Batman and Robin.. a few things: Gotham IS Dark, not colorful. The Batmobile doesn't have neon lights. The batsuit does not have kevlar nipples. Mr. Frias is not buff beyond belief. Batgirl is DEFINITELY not Alfred's neice. Bane is NOT stupid. Would it really have hurt to get at least a few things right? Top it off with bad acting, a horrible script and other random idiocies, and this is easily the worst film EVER! No real Batman fan would watch it more than once. This movie is suitable for kids, until they grow up and understand movies.