Rating:  Summary: A fun ride for everyone Review: This movie was one of the most pleasant cinematic surprises I have ever had. I went to see it prepared to wince through the entire thing. Instead, I started smiling and laughing at the beginning, and ended up smiling all the way through. The word that most succinctly and accurately sums this film up is: FUN. It's not a movie you have to think a lot about (although there are a few twists and turns of the plot). It's not the kind of movie that will be known for its great writing. But it is an incredible amount of fun. The action is quick, the pacing keeps you engaged. The acting of the main stars was surprisingly good -- in particular, Cameron Diaz played the air-headed blonde role to the absolute hilt, and it came off very well. The sound-track was extremely entertaining -- I believe they must've played at least a little clip from every song ever made with the word "angel" figuring in it. In addition, the DVD has lots of extras in it, including 3 deleted scenes (they're very short, so don't expect anything monumental), and documentary-style clips on how they did the martial arts, the special effects, and wardrobe. And it also contains a short clip with some very funny bloopers. In all, the DVD is well worth the purchase price, and I will probably watch it several times in the coming weeks.
Rating:  Summary: cameron diaz in her underwear i think im in love Review: this was sooo funny but only two scenes were great cameron diaz dancing in her underwear and drew berrymore distracting that guy in the race car. the yodeler scene was soo darn funny also. overall this is a cheesey action flick just what i expected. tom green should have had a bigger charector. i liked his charector. he was funny. stay tuned after the movie seems over there is some bloopers. just watch it.
Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly fun!!! Review: I must addmit i did not wanna see this movie, but when i was dragged to see it, I was plesently surprised. This movie ia alot of fun. What I liked most was that it really dosent take itself too seriously, like most action movies do, so when they do all these things and still end up alive and not hurt, you dont go "What the hell!!". It's all in fun!!! The DVD has a LOT of extras, which is always a plus when buying a DVD. And the 3 stars are HOT, which again is always a plus!!!
Rating:  Summary: My 2nd review of the Angels Review: I apologize for dissing Bill Murray in my first review he did add some humor to the movie. Lucy Liu also is one great up and coming star, who should be given more oppertunites, hopefully a blockbuster like this should bring up her career. I can't believe that their are guys dissing this movie. First off all 3 women are HOT!!! Cameron is the hottest angel, followed by Drew and Lucy. The fighting scenes were extremely cool and fun to watch, and no they were not dissing the Matrix, which I own. Number 3 the movie is funny, Murray, and the Angels add great humor. I could have really done without Tom Green or Matt Le Blance. There are some movies, you just should go to have a good time. This movie is it! The DVD is packed with features, that occupied me for an hour. Just try this movie, it is not designed to be a serious movie, but I guarantee you will like it, especially guys.
Rating:  Summary: Charlie's Angels Review: Wow! Amazon shipped Monday 2 day and it arrived today Tuesday - The same day the stores released them for purchase. Saw it in the theater - great movie and soundtrack. I listen to the soundtrack in the car... Way to go Amazon
Rating:  Summary: Charlie's Angels Review: You don't need to see the original Charlie's Angels series to enjoy the movie. You don't need to have a brain either. This film version of the series starring Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, and Lucy Liu is, well, awful. Many characters are wasted, including Bill Murray, Tim Curry, and each of the Angel's boyfriends, Matt Leblanc, Luke Wilson, and Tom Green. The end result is a fast paced, high adrenaline, borrowed movie. This film takes so much from others that it contains no real originality. Where would it be without the Matrix, as many of the fight scenes are choreographed in the same manner, with gravity defying kicks and punches, but beacuse it is set in a realistic universe, it just comes off as stupid. It borrows twice from True Lies, with the Jamie Lee Curtis hang from the helicopter, and Arnold's description of how he is going to kill people while tied up in a chair. Some countless other movies are stolen from. It would be more enjoyable to the viewer to watch the movies that it stole from, but that could take awhile.
Rating:  Summary: One of the most entertaining films of the year !!!!! Review: My initial reaction to Charlie's Angels before seeing it was that this was going to be another over-budgeted flop. To my surprise, this is one of the most entertaining and fun films I have ever seen. It is not exactly the most thought-provoking of all movies, but it never claimed that it was. From the opening aeroplane scene to the conclusion on the beach, Charlie's Angels gives one hell of a rollercoaster ride, with visually captivating 'Matrix-style' action sequences and stunning costuming.The cast were perfectly chosen, with Cameron Diaz (There's Something About Mary), Drew Barrymore (The Wedding Singer)and Lucy Liu (Ally McBeal) contributing their unique talents to form the elite trio. Bill Murray was pleasing as Bosley, however, I feel that he could have done more with the character of Bosley, if he was given more lines. The support cast also showed promise, including Sam Rockwell, Kelly Lynch, Crispin Glover and television's funny man Tom Green. Not only is this an action feature, but rather a comedic showcase. Memorable moments include Cameron Diaz's dancing on 'Soul Train', Lucy Liu's dominatrix scene at 'Red Star', and Tom Green's character 'Chad'. Witty one-liners are concurrent throughout, that further contribute to the comedy element involved within the film. One improvement however, would be the soundtrack department. I am unsure what to think, as it contained just about every music style possible. A more consistant style of soundtrack would have been more appropriate, like providing more tracks from atrists Fatboy Slim, Lunatic Calm (who were also featured on 'The Matrix' soundtrack, and The Prodigy. Overall, a fast paced adventure, with plenty of hair flipping, martial arts, stunning costuming and endless comedy. Watch it if you're in the mood to just chill out, and not have to concentrate 100% on the film's plot (it's not that complex). Certainly a very impressive performance from Drew Barrymore as dual role co-producer and star, and first time feature film director MCG. Two Thumbs Up !!
Rating:  Summary: A thorughly hilarious movie! Review: I wasn't sure what to expect when I went to this movie. Would it be a classic "chick" movie? Would it be a sexy "guy" movie? It turns out that it was neither. It was a hilariously funny action movie. I was laughing out loud half of the time and holding my breath the other half. Cameron Diaz is her typically zany self and had me laughing out of my seat! The bottom line? This is a must have movie for your collection.
Rating:  Summary: Charlie's Matrix Review: Charlie's Angels is an exciting, entertaining film, if a bit stupid and unoriginal. But thanks to its willingness to make fun of itself, it manages to be a lot more endurable than it could've been otherwise. Overall, it's a very good action romp. First of all, the whole film is a parody. Every time the film employs cheesy '70s-esque montage sequences, every time the camera goes wicked slow when the girls toss their hair, and every time an action scene comes up (which takes things from films like The Matrix, Mission: Impossible, and True Lies), it's all a parody. In that sense, this is a funny movie. It has great self-awareness, and doesn't mind shamelessly exploiting its three central stars (Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz, Lucy Liu) in every way possible. And Bill Murray, as always, is funny and goofy as Bosley. However, the humor does get annoying sometimes. How many times do we have to see the same old girly-giggle jokes, like when Cameron Diaz is interrupted in a fight by a call from her boyfriend? Even if things like that are still meant as spoof, they aren't funny. As for the story, I'll only mention it in passing, because it's not the focus of the film and it's quite bad anyway. The plot overall seems taken from a bad Bond film: secret agents get assigned top-secret mission vital to ensuring the safety of the world, and then the "least likely" person turns out to be the antagonist (or, as Barrymore's angel once exclaims, "he's the bad guy!"). There are subplots involving the three angels falling in love, which seem pointless to the film and only provide some of the stupid girly humor I just mentioned above. Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, and Lucy Liu are fine. As far as acting goes, there's nothing good, but as far as monopolizing on male fantasy, they're skillful. Too bad some people will only see this film for that reason alone, because it is those people that this film makes fun of the most. (Still, I suppose it's required of me to comment on which Angel is my favorite. Well, as far as I'm concerned, Drew Barrymore. There you go.) I must mention a very pleasant surprise delight in this film: Crispin Glover, aka Mr. McFly from the Back to the Future series. He is simply awesome in this film. He doesn't speak a word, but he has a presence about him that electrifies the screen when he's on. It's partly comedic, and partly serious. The way he manages to look pathetic and threatening at the same time, how he brings a weird and quirky element to his character is great. He looks in command and at the same time paranoid of everything. He's my favorite performance in this film along with Murray. The action is very good, obviously the best part of the film: zany flips, kicks, chases, and explosions all covered by the interesting, if ripped-off, cinematography. Of course, the martial arts scenes are the best. I have to say that it is a compliment both to this film and, even more so, the film it lifts this from (The Matrix) that the action here, even though meant as mere parody, still remains quite entertaining and visually intense. You can thank the source film for that. If you like the action here, and I don't see why you wouldn't, and if you haven't seen The Matrix, you should. You'll be blown away. But I digress. In closing, the problem with films like Charlie's Angels (besides awful plot) is that, even though the action is fun, none of it is its own. The action can be good, but it can never be called great, simply because it's not original. It's the tragic flaw. But that doesn't prevent the film from being fun in and of itself. It's a good time.
Rating:  Summary: Charlie' angels Review: One of the worst movies I have ever seen. Couldn't seem to find it's way was it a parody? an action adventure? a comedy? It ended not being any of those and fell short of being entertaining.