Rating:  Summary: The first is surprisingly a lot better Review: I'm not sure why Roger Ebert hated the first one, yet he was softer on this one eventhough he didn't recommend it. The first wasn't great don't get me wrong but it was still superior. The Matrix wannabe action was cool even if it didn't make sense that they can dodge bullets when they actually aren't inside the Matrix. In this one though it's even more silly though. I mean dodging bullets when you're jumping in the air on a motorcycle ? It's funny finding a movie entertaining but lame at the same time. That's a weird combo lol. I guess when you have Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, Luci Luu and Demi Moore in one movie, it's just hard to hate it, well when you're a guy anyway lol. They all are having fun and they at least make the movie watchable. I must say I hated the whole Cape Fear spoof thing though with Drew's ex con/ex b/f getting out of prison to get revenge on her. It just didn't work and was like is this an action movie or a spoof ? Bernie Mac as Billy Murrie's brother who has the same name as him doesn't work either. The first didn't have much of a plot don't get me wrong but next to this one it had a great script. This one was actually even more over the top in silliness than the first one.
Rating:  Summary: This is as bad as it gets Review: First, I was slightly entertained by the first Angel's and had high hopes for this one after seeing the trailer. Those hopes were dashed by the first ten minutes and I was looking for someone to hurt after 40 minutes. This has got to be the worst effort in film making ever. Sure Demi,Cameron,Drew, and Lucy are some of the best looking women in Hollywood. But that does not excuse this waste of money and film. I am not even going to give you a plot summary, because you don't even want to have a sliver of interest in this film. Watcher beware, unless you are in the fake-looking stunts or girls gone wild production genre.
Rating:  Summary: Demi and the Angels deserved better... Review: I enjoyed the first Charlie's Angels movie. It had some good laughs and the fight sequences were so well done, it didn't matter that the plot was non-existant. Unfortunately, everything that worked in the first movie is hardly used in "Charlie's Angels - Full Throttle" The biggest problem is Demi Moore... or rather, THE COMPLETE LACK OF DEMI MOORE!! After months of advertising this movie as Demi's big comeback and hyping how Demi would play an Angel gone bad, Demi only appears for about 7 minutes of screen time. Despite that it was told in advance that Demi was the villain, the movie is played as a whodunit, where Demi doesn't even appear until towards the end (except for a brief cameo on the beach). Even worse, her character is poorly written, and the interesting idea of an "Evil Angel" is completely misused. The only saving grace is Demi Moore herself, who is such a great actress, her performance alone makes you care about her and distracts you from how awful her dialogue is. Another baffling decision is the lack of martial arts sequences. While the first movie was packed with great Angel fighting, this movie only has two fight scenes. One in a warehouse that is shot rather poorly and nowhere near as good as what we saw in the first movie. The second one is at the end, and ends way too quickly. Instead of fight sequences, this time the director went with vehicle chases instead, which are not well-filmed or exciting at all. (A certain dirtbike sequence especially seems to drag on forever.) Also, the movie is stuffed with lame subplots. If you think it's not at all funny when Alex's (Lucy Lui) father (John Cleese) thinks his daughter is working as a prostitute, just wait for the almost sickening moment when the father APPROVES of his daughter being a prostitute... "as long as it makes her happy". Natalie (Cameron Diaz) doesn't fare much better, with a drawn-out subplot involving her boyfriend that fizzles to a unsatisfying ending. Instead of going off in these directions, the movie should have used this time to delve more into Madison Lee's (Demi Moore) character. And don't get me started on Bernie Mac, who's talent is wasted as much in this movie as Bill Murray's was in the first one. Speaking of underused characters, why is The Thin Man (Crispin Glover) even in this movie??? The Thin Man has absolutely nothing to do with the main plot, and after being a villain in "Charlie's Angels", now he's suddenly a good guy. It feels as if the Thin Man was only thrown in for the audience to go, "Cool, that's the guy from the first movie"! Only Dylan (Drew Barrymore) is spared, as her subplot involving an abusive ex-boyfriend is effective enough to give her more depth Still, the movie isn't a total waste. The acting is actually very good. Demi Moore wasn't given much screen time but made the most of what she had to work with. Also, all three angels were well-played, especially Drew Barrymore, who I truly think is one of the most under-rated actresses in Hollywood. Drew makes you feel for her character. Justin Theroux also comes through with a truly frighting performance as Drew's violent ex. And for every 10 jokes that don't work, there is one that actually does. So if you lower your expectations enough, you just may find yourself enjoying this movie...
Rating:  Summary: Charlie's Angels Full Throttle Fails. Review: I am a huge fan of the first Charlies Angels. It was funny, exciting, clever, and Drew, Lucy, and Cameron were hilarious. However, what made the first film so much fun is completely gone in the second and it gets old real quick. The slow motion special effects, the constant giggling between the 3 girls, and the lame jokes all get annoying. Theres barely a plot, and the film just moves from one fight scene to another, so after about 20 minutes, I lost interest. Demi Moore is the only thing the film has going for it. She is evil and sexy, but is underused. I recommend seeing this film for Demi Moore only.
Rating:  Summary: Painful to watch Review: Without a doubt this is the worst movie I have seen in years. Had I seen it in a theatre it would be a definite walk-out. I don't expect a story, but the stunts and effects were idiotic and were edited in that seizure inducing way that I guess is targeted at 16 year olds. Smug, unfunny, and a complete wast of time. Just because all the actors showed up, does not warrant this mess.
Rating:  Summary: One of the worst movie I've seen Review: Sad to say but this is one of the worst movie I've ever seen. I regret paying $4 to rent this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Angel cakes! Review: Lucy Liu, Cameron Diaz & Drew Barrymore steam up the screen again to retrieve 2 titanium rings which are encoded with the names of the Witness Protection Program. Demi (hubba hubba) Moore co-stars as "the angel gone bad" & tries to kill the angels. Great scenes: Demi in a bikini & Demi in skin-tight leather. MMM-MMM GOOD!
Rating:  Summary: Fun movie, good special effects, and poor extras Review: It seems the latest trend of mega-blockbuster DVDs is to have not only the movie but as many special "extras" as can fit onto a DVD or two. There were some special features, but none of them really interested me. They could have done more... the feature on the XXX-Treme was the best one. But I would have liked to see how they worked on some of the special effects or a "making-of" feature... Don't come to this movie expecting a huge plot because 1) it isn't there and 2) it shouldn't be there. The special effects were fun, as was the costuming. Seeing the three angels as Nuns was interesting and funny. There are a lot of explosions and a lot of stunt-men (and stunt-women) must have been used. The action scenes makes me NOT want to meet either of these girls in a dark alley. For a night of light-brained, high-special-effects entertainment I would recommend this movie. I wouldn't recommend it for the little ones...
Rating:  Summary: This sequel does not even manage to provide more of the same Review: The first "Charlie's Angels" movies was a lot of fun and rather endearing in a kitschy sort of way, which was rather surprising. But you know the ways of Hollywood. Instead of building on that strong beginning director and McG have opted for providing more of the same and end up serving up less than before. If you saw the first film and enjoyed it, then it is hard not to be disappointed in this 2003 sequel. You will probably want to go rewatch the original after seeing this one to remember why you liked the first one in the first place. All three of the Angels are back for this go around, but the rest of the cast of characters is a curious hodgepodge. "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle" brings back Luke Wilson as Pete only so Drew Barrymore's Dylan Sanders can fret that Cameron Diaz's Natalie Cook is going to leave the group (which does provide the biggest laugh in the film when Dylan pictures herself as the last of the trio to remain). I was surprised to see that Matt LeBlanc had returned as Jason since I thought Lucy Liu's Alex Munday had disposed of him, but he does have some fun scene with John Cleese, a welcome addition as Alex's father. But Bernie Mac as the new Bosley is a complete waste of talent (you can just imagine a cutting room floor filled with stuff that was too raunchy for the finished film), and Crispin Glover's Thin Man, who was so memorable in the first film, is back for no other reason apparently than he was so memorable in the first film. But his stylish sense of menace is now turned into a screeching joke. Then there is Demi Moore as Madison Lee, former angel. The idea of her being the villain is pretty good, although the betrayal element was part of the first film as well. But besides proving she looks better in a bikini than the three stars of the film, Moore is just not given anything great to do in this film. There is an overwhelming sense of "waste" that permeates "Full Throttle." The scene with the Angels dressed up as nuns to talk to Carrie Fischer is not only not as funny as the frauline scene in the first film, it is not as funny as the same scene in "The Blues Brothers." I would think that this might kill the franchise, but Barrymore is one of the producers and Diaz and Liu are clearly all having fun doing this so it will probably endure for at least one more film. But these films are heading downward, which is both the wrong direction for Angels and Hollywood franchises.
Rating:  Summary: Fun for the first thirty minutes then its more of the same! Review: First off, I'll start by saying that I hated the first CHARLIES ANGELS movie. I thought it had absolutely no story and, aside from starring Cameron Diaz and Lucy Liu, offered nothing noteworthy at all other than how bad I thought it was. So, of course I was hesitant to say the least to see the sequel, although I thought the trailers made the film look "fun". That "fun" vibe (and Lucy Liu and Cameron Diaz) is what made me eventually give the film a look see. What did I think? Packed with jump cuts, slow motion sequences, freeze frames, celebrity cameos (Bruce Willis, Robert Forster, The Olsen Twins, Eve, and more), song after song after song, and scantly clad women, the first thirty minutes of CHARLIES ANGELS: FULL THROTTLE are fun, exciting, and at times, even intentionally funny (something the first film never accomplished in my opinion). However, after the first thirty or so minutes the film begins to run out of steam. While the visuals are nice for a while, the film has no identifiable plot and the action and the visuals eventually become tiresome and repetitive. I like the style of the film and I thoroughly enjoyed the motorbike chase scene. One day I'm almost sure that director McG is going to make something that will blow me and everyone else away but this just isn't it. If the film had a thirty-minute running time I would have thought it was excellent but as a movie pushing two hours it had me constantly checking my watch for the time. While it would have made a great, kick a-- episode of the CHARLIES ANGELS television show it ends up falling flat as a film. D+