Rating:  Summary: Angel Cake Review: The Angels are back & there in full throttle mode as there hired by the Justice Department to retrieve a set of rings containing encrypted files of the witness protection program. This film is like the opera, you either like it or hate it (if you go into this thinking its Shakespeare then you've got a problem. Come on people! Its based on a jiggly 70's TV show!). The Angels sre great, Bernie Mac is hilarious as Bosley, & the soundtrack is great. The only serious problem is McG needs the action to be more reality based the next time around (that turned a lot of people off). FYI - I personally own a set of the H.A.L.O. rings (the ones used in the warehouse scenes. Yeah, there pretty cool too).
Rating:  Summary: Absolute Entertainment Review: McG and Drew, Lucy, and Cameron have made one of the most entertaining and fun movies I have seen to date. I have watched both movies more than any movie I have in my collection and can be sure no matter what mood I'm in, that this movie will always bring a smile to my face and put me in a good mood. This is genius in what McG has done and hope to see more in the Charlie Angels Series. Do not pass this up, this movie is pure entertainment at it's finest. Much love to all the cast and crew.
Rating:  Summary: Well, It Has One Benefit Review: "Charlie's Angel-Full Throttle" was like watching one long music video. After a while, you forgot whether or not there was a story line. You are so side-tracked with all the constantly changing visual affects every other minute. I believe the story revolved around the retrieval of two coded rings that held the names of those in the witness protection program. A former angel (Demi Moore) goes into business for herself in stealing the rings and then selling them to the highest bidder. There is one thing I have to give the movie credit for. It provides female action heroines. They can kick any man's butt. Although unrealistic is approach, it does provide motivation for young women.
Rating:  Summary: Charlie's angels rules Review: The charlie's angels full throttle movie was the best i think i even liked it better than the 1st movie. Drew, Cameron, and Lucy did a great job adding on to the characters, and i really liked the twist in Dylan's past. I loved charlie's angels and i can't wait till the special edition is out.
Rating:  Summary: The dreck that is Charle's Angels Review: The Angels must recover a pair of rings that hold the code for unscrambling the Witness Protection Program database. Naturally, this provides them with lots of opportunities to change their clothes and strike poses. I realize that this film is meant to be nothing more than dumb fun, but it had far too much "dumb" in it and not enough fun. Boo.
Rating:  Summary: A lot of fun Review: Ok - All of you who believe that the Charlie's Angels TV Show or Movies are meant to be serious will be disappointed with this movie. For the rest, with the understanding that Charlie's Angels has always been "just for fun" will love this movie. The girls click and deliver a fun action packed adventure. :) A Great "Fun" Movie.
Rating:  Summary: a terrible movie Review: This movie is a total mess. There really isn't very much good to say about it. It's loud, It's silly and the story is terrible. To sum it up this movie is a complete waste of time.
Rating:  Summary: Please? Review: This movie isn't even worth seeing hot chicks running around. It has no point, no story, the acting is worse than a soap opera's acting, and the dialogue is so bad Ed Wood Jr. couldn't even of dreamed of writing it.Maybe Roger Ebert was a little quick in naming The Brown Bunny as the worst movie ever?
Rating:  Summary: The Worst Movie Of All Time Review: Let me start off by saying one thing: DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME OR MONEY ON THIS WORTHLESS PIECE OF UTTER CRAP!!! That out of the way... I loved the first "Charlie's Angels" film, I thought it was very refreshing to see a new action comedy that was actually funny and had good action. "Full Throttle" is nothing like that. The only good thing about the movie is the eye candy. That's it. Period. Otherwise... Plot? Was there a plot? The CGI was some of the worst I've seen. Script...what script? Point? No point here. Action? Crap. Just atrocious. Terrible.
Rating:  Summary: A silly rehash of Planet of the Apes Review: This Planet of the Apes remake is just plain silly. There was no need to remake the beloved Charlton Heston classic; Michael Clark Duncan is a capable ape but the rest of the leads are wooden and seem comfortable playing monkeys. Tim Burton really messed up making this one. Now, I know this is supposed to be a review of Charlie's Angels Full Throttle but I got lazy damnit so this is a review of Planet of the Apes instead. Now, I have yet to see Full Throttle but I don't really like Cameron Diaz Bernie Mac or females in action pictures in general, So I give it one star. That out of the way, instead of wasting your money on Planet of the Apes rent the sci-fi masterpiece Tron instead; its like being born again.