Rating:  Summary: I Like the Cali references... Review: While the surfer theme was cute (and should have been used more), this movie sucks. Does every case these girls work on involve an emotional backplot? Why not something more like 007, and less like Austin Powers?
Rating:  Summary: Non-stop action in a pathetic plot Review: This feature is a far cry from the funny, action-filled, successful first installment in this series. It's been nearly two days since I've seen it, and I am having a difficult time remembering the plot. That should give you some kind of idea of what this movie is all about. What it does best, it does really well. That would be the action scenes involving our three heroines. Of course, the fighting and chasing scenes are incredibly unrealistic, but this movie is definitely not about realism. Rent it if you'd like to see some incredible, albeit computer-generated, action sequences. However, to those discriminating movie viewers, rent something else.
Rating:  Summary: McG you suck!!!! Review: it doesn't matter if it's the original theatrical verison or the unrated it's still suck really??? yes really i very like the first one i can't say i didnt but this is 2 much!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Run For Your Life! Review: Along with Lara Croft: Tombraider 2, this is the worst sequel I've ever seen. Luckily I bought the DVD used or I would really be upset. As a chick I am all for chicks kicking men's butts in films, but Full Throttle was insulting to women, blacks and anyone with sense. I would love to explain the plot, but it was so overshadowed it didn't seem to matter. The action sequences were lame, boring and predictable. They did the same flips, turns and giggles they did in the first film. The only difference was that that film had a decent plot and was entertaining. Full Throttle is a full disappointment to the T. It was obvious that the directors and writers ran out of anything original. They relied on half-naked women, a desperate Demi Moore and an ignorant black character played by Bernie Mac who wasn't shown but a few times in the film. Unless you're a teenage boy with raging hormones, don't waste your time with this. Fans of the first one will be terribly dissapointed in this mess of a sequel. The filmmakers should have quit while they were ahead. I just hope there is not going to be another one. Full Throttle sort of bombed at the box office ( proving that you need more than trashy-dressed women to make a bad movie work ). Hopefully the bombing will keep them from making a third sequel. We can only pray! This film is just plain insulting to women and was obviously made for a cheap buck. I feel sorry for all the actors because they deserved a better film follow-up to the 2000 hit. I mostly feel sorry for Demi Moore. This horrid film was supposed to be her comeback role. Well, she didn't quite make it.
Rating:  Summary: Good, But Doesn't Compare With First Review: Like many other sequels, it was good, but just not quite as entertaining as the first. Jam packed with cameos... the second installment brings you loads of action. I didn't think the story line was that great, just ok... and some of the jokes I though to be cheesy, some hesterically funny. The acting was good, and it was a great come-back role for Demi Moore. I say, if you liked the first, go out and buy it!
Rating:  Summary: Please Make Them Stop. Review: McG got his start making music videos and that's clearly evident in this movie which only has about thirty seconds of screen time with no songs playing in the background. Not only that, but the movie really isn't a movie at all, but is more like a bunch of comical music videos lightly stiched together through a semi-decent plot. Besides the babes, the only thing good about the movie is the plot. Unfortunately, due to poor acting, editing, writing, and directing the plot is buried beneath landfill of pop-cultural mediocrity. The movie goes something like this. There is a list that contains all the files for people in the witness protection program on two separate titanium rings. These rings are worn by two separate individuals who have very little communication with each other. Some one is out to get the rings and make a profit and the Angels are called in to find out who and stop them. Bill Murray passed as Bosley on this one (Bernie Mac fills in as his adopted brother) and it's easy to see why. It's difficult to believe that this movie actually passes as entertainment. I mean, I thought the first movie was bad, but this film makes the first CHARLIE'S ANGELS movie look like a cinematic masterpiece. It's so sad, too. The series was much more intelligent and entertaining than either of the movies have been. Not only that, this film had a decent plot and could have made a decent movie. Alas, it wasn't too be. Instead, all we get is a film full of pretentious people who think they are funny and worth watching. I would have given this film only one star, but the premise that is presented in the plot was enough to make me give it one better. I don't recommend anyone buying this and unless you're a huge film fan and have two hours worth wasting, I wouldn't recommend renting it either.
Rating:  Summary: Light as Angel Food Cake, but with a Kick Review: If you didn't like this movie, chances are that you don't like comedies or "spoofs". This movie continues in the vein of the first one, defining the genre of comedy-action-spoof with well toned and muscular bodies everywhere. Drew, Cameron and Lucy obviously had a fun time making this movie, and why not? The soundtrack includes everything from disco to modern rock, and is really an exciting mix of music. There are a number of entertainers who played cameo roles, such as Bruce Willis, Pink, Carrie Fisher, and even the Olsen Twins, and the knock-offs of CSI, The Sound of Music, Matrix, Indiana Jones and others keep you glued to the screen. Demi Moore defies the aging process magnificently, and Bernie Mac helps keep the laugh meter ticking. I'll be watching this one again, because I'm sure there are punch lines that I missed the first time. If you're into comedies and watch movies for light entertainment, this one is for you. Buy, borrow or rent, relax and enjoy. If you take your movies seriously, and are looking for plot lines and intrigue, this isn't the one you should buy, but you'll be missing a bundle of reality-defying fun.
Rating:  Summary: Where Angels Fear To Tread Review: Okay okay! There is no plot really, the characters are pretty stereotypical, and the fights are live action cartoons. But sue me! I liked this one as pure gleeful entertainment. It's an excuse for four ladies to look good - Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu, Cameron Diaz, and the still buff and babe-worthy Demi Moore. And do they ever look incredible! The DVD has some extended violence (two minutes added to the fight scenes and that's the UNRATED material!), two commentaries, featurettes, trailers, a video jukebox, onscreen trivia, on-line features, and on and on. It's loaded! Picture is good and the sound is rocking! You could not ask for more from a DVD. So if you liked the movie at all - it's a bargain! And it's too funny to hear the WRITERS of the movie (at least 3 of them) discuss how this mish mosh came about. It's all cotton candy! If I wanted depth I would not have gotten on this ride of a movie! But in my book ... chicks who can look good fighting in heels? Good time!
Rating:  Summary: Stomach Cramps Review: I think the only other movie as bad as this one was this year was Tomb Raider: COL