Rating:  Summary: Big Trouble In Little China: Special Edition Rocks! Review: ...People back in 1986 did not understand Big Trouble In Little China. It's the kind of film you either "get" or you "don't get"...They were ahead of their time. Big Trouble In Little China is no different. Basically a Hong Kong action picture with stabs at humor, magic, mysticism and a touch of romance, "Big Trouble" clashed with the heroic heroes of the time... and instead gave us a lead character who's big on talk but usually not good at much else. Kurt Russell's Jack Burton is the type of character with an over-evolved sense of ego that never seems to match his less than perfect grasp of how to deal with real situations. The other difference here is that Jack is not the real hero, it's really Wang Chi(Dennis Dun), who shows us all the great Kung Fu moves and sword fighting styles... Jack Burton is more of the sidekick who thinks he's the head honcho but never seems to do anything right and when he does do something right it's usually because of blind luck. But that's the kind of character Carpenter wanted and he knew Russell would be the best person for the job because he's not afraid to let his hair down and look foolish. Looking tough with smeared lipstick on his face, rolling backwards in a wheelchair screaming or shooting his gun straight up causing small rocks to fall down, knocking him unconcious. No ego is involved with Kurt Russell...The DVD transfer looks wonderful (widescreen 2.35:1) and even comes with DTS sound which you've got to listen to to believe. As for the special features, the biggest gem on this 2DVD Set is the Audio Commentary by John Carpenter & Kurt Russell. These two have done commentaries before and hinted at doing one for "Big Trouble" during the commentary they did for The Thing (1982). I love listening to these guys! It's just so much fun, it's like being in the room with them and you're just being quiet and listening. Their comments tend to take off from "Big Trouble" and aim more towards where their careers have been, where they're going and how their children are doing in regards to sports and music. Carpenter laments that his son, Cody, can play the keyboard better than he can now and Russell talks about his son, Wyatt winning a hockey champianship and how he'd rather see a twenty-something do action films instead of people like himself who are in their fifties (this is him saying this, not me). There's a lot of respect between the two and some hinting that they might work together again soon...I wrote a review about Escape From New York and how I felt it was Carpenter's and Russell's best collaboration out of the five films they've done together. Well on this commentary, Kurt Russell said that working on Escape From New York was the best experience of his career. It would seem we're in agreement. There's also talk about how the styles of directing has changed over the years and how it seems to be going downhill. You need a director who believes in his vision and sticks by it, otherwise you're in for trouble, Big Trouble. Sadly, no mention whether or not they'll do commentaries for Elvis and Escape From L.A.(the only films they haven't made commentaries for), but I'm sure they'd jump at the chance. These guys are such good friends, you can feel it...Carpenter even said he thought "Captain Ron" was Kurt's best performance! I wish the film was twice as long just so I could hear more from them! The rest of the features are basic: trailers, TV spots, featurette, music video by the Coup De Villes(love Carpenter's low voice!), interviews, still gallery, magazine articles, production notes, cast & director film lists and some interesting deleted scenes, including an extended version of Jack in the Chinese bordello with an added line about the green-eyed girl that's hysterical...The actual ending, however, is still the same. There are even some trailers to Aliens & The Fly hidden on page 2 of the special features section (just click to the left once you're positioned on the Richard Edlund Interview and press "Enter"). This Special Edition rocks and is second only to the collector's edition DVD of The Thing by Universal Pictures. That DVD included a retrospective documentary with most of the original cast & crew returning for a look back. Ennio Morricone's Score is given it's own isolated track during this documentary as well, so those are the main reasons why The Thing is still the best John Carpenter Special Edition DVD out there, but Big Trouble In Little China is very impressive as well. Some of you may be wondering why they couldn't fit all the special features on Disc 1? Well, normally you could, but DTS Sound takes up a lot of room and this is why they had to split it all into a two disc set. So add this Carpenter masterpiece to your collection. It is truly one of his all time bests!
Rating:  Summary: "Big Trouble in Little China" gets its due on DVD! Review: When this movie was initially released in 1986 the public had its fill of the action /adventure genre due to the Indiana Jones pictures and countless rip-offs. Also, martial arts movies were on the decline in the states waiting for the second coming of Jackie Chan. Maybe that is why it was ignored comercially but it did develop a loyal cult following. Big Trouble in Little China is Ghost Busters meets Enter the Dragon. Kurt Russell's Jack Burton is an exaggerated John Wayne and he could have played him like Indiana Jones or like his other famous character Snake Pliskin. However, Russell opted to make Jack Burton clumsy and comical, yet well meaning and brave. His comic swagger makes up, or is a front for his inexperience. Kurt Russell's performance is very memorable and effective, all the while giving equal screen time to his Asian co-stars (especially Dennis Dun). John Carpenter's direction is fast and funny with the martial arts action (years before The Matrix technology) very effective for its time. Also, the dialogue equals the pace of the movie. Overall this is a great and fun movie to watch especially in widescreen format.
Rating:  Summary: Fun escapism not to be taken seriously. Review: Anyone who whines about this film and claims it is a piece of junk are missing the beauty of this film. It is a total joke and it is hysterical from begining to end. My favorite line is Kurts line to Kim Catrall when she says she can't come with them and Kurt just says "We know, Because there is a problem with your face." If you haven't seen the film that will mean nothing to you but watch it and see if you are not laughing at it. Films do not have to be beautifully acted nor artfully filmed to be good. If it takes you away from your bills and rent and other day to day issues than it is a good film. AND if you like this film get Buckaroo Banzai! Another big favorite from that era...
Rating:  Summary: Big Trouble in Little China Review: One of my all-time favorite movies. Right up there with Grosse Point Blank, Drop Dead Gorgeous and Rushmore with a little Buckaroo Bonzai thrown in. Fun and funny with some wonderful martial arts technique and action. Jack Burton is my hero.
Rating:  Summary: Kurt Russell Makes This Movie Review: Big Trouble in Little China is the story of hotshot cowboyesque Jack Burton (Kurt Russell) who winds up in the middle of a cosmic war raging in Chinatown while attempting the rescue of a friend who's been kidnapped. Burton doesn't comprehend most of what's going on around him but remains focused on his goal despite the distractions. Burton is aided in his quest by several meeker inhabitants of Chinatown who turn out to be quite the martial arts experts. The fight scenes in BTILC are of the type that defy gravity. They're intentionally given an otherworldly feel as the combatants twist and turn in multiple directions while suspending themselves in mid-air (ala The Matrix) and hurtling themselves across 40 feet of open space. The story isn't really that important to this movie. It is merely a vehicle used to give Russell a chance to flash his grin and break out with the comic lines every now and again. Kim Cattrall appears in this movie as Russell's annoying sidekick who seems to only be in the movie because she's good looking. Her part is neither interesting nor humorous. BTILC only pulls off a three star rating because of Russell. It's his obvious charisma and comic timing that give this movie any semblance of watchability. Without him, or the few actors like him, this movie is a horrible flop.
Rating:  Summary: Hello Mr. Burton Review: Great movie. The effects were spectacular for the time. The movie is non stop laughter. One of my 3 favorite movies of all time. Behind Goonies and The Fifth Element. If you liked this movie other you may like are Vibes, Evil Dead II and Army of Darkness.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Review: I'm happy to see there's a Special Edition DVD of this movie. It's the type of film you can watch again and again. I find it funny that someone describes the fight scenes as "Mortal Kombat" like, since the video-game (and films) were inspired by characters from this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Utterly hilarious Review: When I first saw this film with the discussion between an old Chinese man and an American, I was expecting a dark adventure story involving a man named Jack Burton ("Jack Burton...me!!") who made a great sacrifice. It then turns into a fantastic comedy film turned action that involves a wonderfully-created mythology (somewhat loosely based on actual mythology, I understand) that has somewhat off-color humor. For example, Jack Burton jerkily fires the Uzi and stares open-mouthed at the people he just shot. He's asked, "First time you ever plugged a guy?" Jack Burton just scoffs, "Of course not." You have to see it to appreciate it. And Kim...she is so damn funny!! Her breathless expositions run on as quick as her mind! The funniest moment in this film is where Jack Burton misses about half of the final battle as he fires his gun into the air and gets knocked unconscious by the falling debris from the ceiling. There is also the part where he drinks a power potion that an old Chinese man tells him can make him do things that others can't do and see things others can't see!! So, he checks out Kim Catrall so that he can see things other can't see in the elevator later--although this is pure imagination, but Kurt Russell's "take" on looking her up and down is great. The effects were pretty astounding for their time. Enjoy the film...it is just as escapist and funny as The Mummy is!
Rating:  Summary: Intentionally Silly, Unintentionally Stupid. Review: Anyone who says the words "People who don't Like this film just Didn't Get It" are Fooling themselves, We get it, There Isn't Much to Get, We just don't much Like it. It is Far from the Classic that many make it Out to be, there is a Reason it was a Mega-Flop, that reason is... It's a Stupid Movie. I Love John Carpenter, "Escape from NY", "Escape from LA" and "The Thing" are three of the Best films Ever. "Big Trouble in Little China" isn't. It's Barely even a Good film, only Kurt Russell's Likable Lead and Kim Cattrall's Comical and Beautiful Sidekick save the film from being an Utter mess. They are Funny, Adventurous, Charming and their Chemistry is Electric. I have Always thought that Cattrall was an Underrated Actress, but now with "Sex in the City" she is getting the Respect she Deserves. The Story is too Crazed and Confused to put into Words, but it Involves Martial Arts and Ancient Oriental Hocus Pocus. Kurt's Character wanders down the wrong alley in Chinatown and he is Hip-deep in it. The Action is Attention Getting at the very Least, lots of Flips and Spells from the Bad guys and lots of Punches and Wisecracks from the good guys. Carpenter doesn't handle the film very well; he has given Everyone too long a Leech. The Effects are Too Out There; the Performances are Too Overdone, (except for Russell and Cattrall of course) and the Script is All Over the place. It's as if he was Experimenting with the Question, "Does a Big Hollywood Blockbuster Even Need a Director These Days", the Answer is a Definite Yes. I am Certain had I seen this film earlier in life, as I was growing up, that it would be an Absolute Favourite, but Alas, I missed my chance and now I see it as it Is, a Miss-fire. They Aimed for Silly, It Came out Stupid, but If you know what you're getting In for, you can Sit back and Enjoy the Action, the Excitement and the Stupidity of it all.
Rating:  Summary: What a guilty pleasure this movie is. Review: This movie is nothing but pure fun. It's a parody of kung-fu movies with some sci-fi thrown in. It never takes itself too seriously (but don't tell the characters that). Is it a great movie? nope, but it's so entertaining, who cares!