Rating:  Summary: Great under-appreciated movie, but gets a little too absurd. Review: You've probably read this film's plot description already, but let me sumerize it briefly just to comment on it: Austin O'Brian is a huge Swartzenagger fan. Arnie's latest films (acording to this film,) are the Jack Slater movies, which (presumably) came out right after Terminator 2. Danny idolizes the character Jack Slater, a fictional L.A. cop, in the same way that so many of us idolized Han Solo. Then one day Danny's personal friend Mick, an elderly theater projectionist, gives him a magic ticket that was given to him by Houdini, just before Danny gets to watch the latest Slater film all by himself, before anyone eles does. (Jack Slater 4). Danny watches as the film introduces the two bad guys, who've kidnapped Slaters cousin Frank. The scene shifts to two nameless cops (who of course are sure-fire dead meat) who come to Frank's house after getting a false call about a drug deal. Slater arrives and wonders why they're here, he goes in and finds Frank tied to a chair, Frank gives Slater one last message before dying, Slater sees a note that turns out to be a count down and gets out just before the house blows up, the two red shirt cops...well, need I even say? A car full of dynomite-weilding bad guys drive up, Slater gets in his car and the chase is on! Then something strange happens. A stick of dynomite comes out of the screen and lands in the theater! It blows up, and Danny finds himself in Slater's car, now a character in the film! I couldn't understand why so many critics and audiences hated this. Naturally I was upset when it bombed in the theatre. It was the most origonal film to come along in quite some time. I mean, really, who hasn't fantasized about being able to actually go into the world of their favorite movie or T.V. show and interact with the characters? Thankfully I see most people on Amazon have given this between four and five stars, so I'm not alone. I loved the action, the humor, (which is basically making fun of typical action films and just how absurd they are, even the ones that are meant to be taken seriously) and the one-liners. O.K., here's one thing I _didn't_ like: the animated cat. I mean, what the @#&%?! The film works when it spoofs typical action films and ridiculous they are, but not when it goes all the way into the realm of farce and becomes something like Airplane! or Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Everything eles was fine, but the cartoon cat...well, when's the last time you saw a conventional action film with living cartoon characters? Really, what were they thinking? Also, there was the bit where (POSSIBLE SPOILER WARNING) we learn about half way through the film that Slater's son Andy was killed. This presumably happened at the end of Jack Slater 3. So Jack Slater 3, it would seem, ends with Slater shooting the Ripper (the bad guy from the last moive), and then the Ripper pulls Andy over with him. Would a typical Hollywood light-hearted action escapest film really have such a dark ending? Well, then again, I guess Lethal Weapon 2 had a simular ending. Anyway, don't listen to anyone who's told you not to see this. This is not another dumb action movie, this is a film pokeing fun at dumb action films (including some of the ones Swartzenagger's made). Check it out for yourself.
Rating:  Summary: amazing Review: saw this many times on tv
loved it
it was hilarious
touching and very powerful
I like the acting
the scenery
the direction and directing
I give all of Arnold's movies a chance
because you can't always please everyone.
and he did a good job on this in my eyes
it's a classic comedy/action movie and it's brilliant
I got this on dvd now and will watch it again and again. it's just too memorable to forget a movie like this.
Rating:  Summary: not nearly as good as it could have been Review: I was really excited about this film: being a big-ass geek I thought the concept of the boy being transported into the movie was really cool and I thought the movie would be one of those formulaic, but really enjoyable Disney-like adventures. Instead it trys too hard to be funny and just ends up feeling lackluster. Not only was the script poor, but there were next to no funny parts. The humor it attempted was either just plain stupid ("Arnold Braunsnegger???") or crude and out of place ("premature....). I think if it had not tried so hard to do little "funny" things like that the film would have been much more enjoyable. Still, it's an Arnold movie, there are some good cameos like Ian McKellan, Maria Shriver, and Van-Damme, and even a pre-"6th Day" scene with two Arnolds. But that still didn't take away from the fact that the film was a major disappointment. But I got it for $5.99, so it's cool. Unfortunately for me though, the imbecile clerk rang it up twice. Oh well.
Rating:  Summary: An Arnold flick that makes fun of Arnold!! Review: PURE GENIUS!!! This movie is clearly an exhasberated absurd joke that you either get or you don't. I think most critics(as always) merely scratch the surface and are incapable of grasping such a concept. It's lame and exaggerated and that's the whole friggin' point. What I don't understand is how critics laugh at this yet take seriously films such as Armageddon, Face/Off, Con Air, etc. These are the exact type of films that Last Action pokes fun at. Being an extraordinary fan of those types of films I couldn't help but appreciate the satire of this flick.
" The bad puns, the hard rock..."
It's a very quotable film as well.
I find something new everytime as if I'm watching a Mel Brooks or Jim Abrahams film.
Absolute genius!!
Get it!!
Rating:  Summary: Definetly Worth a Watch Review: First off, I just want to say that all these Amazon reviewers are right by giving this movie the credit it deserves. It really is a fun movie to just sit down and enjoy. As a kid, I loved this movie. Last Action Hero (and Conan) was what introduced me to Arnold Schwarzenegger. Even today I like it and think it's a really good movie for a number of reasons.
One of these reasons is the original plot. The idea of making alternate universes collide isn't that unusual, but the way it is used in this movie is pretty clever. When doing this, they are really able to show the differences in each world and it becomes very entertaining and plays a big part in the plot.
The acting isn't outstanding, but with an action movie like this it's good enough not to get on your nerves. Although the kid (Austin O'Brien)can get annoying sometimes, I kind of feel that's the way he's supposed to act. He's havin one really weird time and shows it.
For me, probably the greatest thing about this movie is what most people disliked; it is one of the most stereotyped action movies there is. But this was the point, that's the subtle humor, get it. This is what most people failed to see, the fact that Last Action Hero is making fun of those other lame action movies. Hopefully after reading this, you'll get it, and enjoy an underrated Schwarzenegger film.
Rating:  Summary: Meh Review: After a magical ticket blasts a young boy out of his seat and into the movie he's watching, his wildest fantasies come true -- battling the bad guys with his crime fighting hero.
Rating:  Summary: great film Review: this movie was under appreciated
it's a hilarious motion picture
arnold schwarzenegger played the part perfectly
it's making fun of a typical action style movie and that's what makes it so hilarious
if you want to see a movie appropriate for all ages that will make you laugh over and over again get this movie!
it should be part of everyones collection
Rating:  Summary: Simply the best! Review: WHAT IS HOLLYWOOD'S PROBLEM, ANYWAY? THIS IS THE GREATEST FILM EVER MADE. Okay, maybe I don't honestly believe that. Maybe "The Cable Guy" is a little bit better. Okay, maybe it's a toss-up. I can't decide. Oh, hell, never mind!
I guess what I'm getting at is I am damn sick and tired of listening to people rag this movie. I'm so sick of it, in fact, that I will outright lie through my teeth to people who dislike it and tell them that it is my favorite film, even though it really isn't. It isn't my favorite films of Arnold's by a long shot, but I still rank it in the top-ten. It isn't even one tenth as bad as they say it is. There were avid Schwarzenegger fans who actually came to loathe Arnold after he made this movie. Why, I ask? WHY? I DEMAND TO KNOW! Is it the acting? Is it the script? Is it the story and the premise? Special effects, car-chases, what? Okay, the acting is corny. I give you that. The story is far-fetched and the action is over-the-top. I give you that, too. But guess what, you stupid sh*ts? IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE THAT WAY! This film was intended as a social commentary. It is satire. It was intended to make fun of movies by example. It points out the most inherent flaw in all of cinema. Fantasy! That's right! It exposes the film industry for what it is. That is, a circus, a mad house, a rabid dog, a wild beast, a monolithic volcano of glamour, pretense, vanity, and and... AND just... shrill-shrieking-FRAUDS.
Okay, that's it then. I just answered my own question. The reason Hollywood holds such disdain for this film is simply because it does not like being the subject of such debates as morality and ethics. It's not like it is any big secret, though, that Hollywood is full of phonies, Satanists, (...)and demon worshipers. The world knew that years ago. It doesn't seem to hurt the grosses, though, does it? People keep seeing the movies. They keep watching television. They keep tuning into that political media circus that is the Oscars. Holly weird is clearly doing okay. So, why did this film scare them so? Don't ask me.
All I can tell you is that Arnold Schwarzeneger had to have a lot of balls to be in a movie like this. Especially when he was still a relative new comer to the acting profession and to America. But hey, it's just an action movie, and it's got a good plot. Still, there seems to be no end to the contempt that film makers and critics have for Arnold. That isn't what pisses me off the most, though. What pisses me off the most is that the movie-going public could be so gullible and stupid as to accept whatever Hollywood tells them about a certain flick. Not critics, mind you. Nobody pays attention to critics anymore. Especially the stupid rich ones with their big thick books and their big thick mustaches. No, I'm talking about the entertainment industry, at large. Usually if every actor, every director, every producer, and every talk show personality gangs up on a certain individual, or a certain film and shouts at the top of their collective lungs "THIS PERSON'S WORK IS TERRIBLE. DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE," everyone believes them. What these people should be yelling is "WE ARE FEARFUL. WE ARE JELOUS. WE WANT TO SEE THIS PERSON FAIL" That's all entertainment is about. It's about one artist stabbing another in the back. It's not about teamwork anymore. Usually if enough people in the profession denounce a certain person's work, the rest of the world will think "Well, gee! Everybody in Hollywood thinks this movie sucks. It must be true. Well, I'm not going to waste my money"
That is why this film bombed. Not because of its quality or lack thereof, but because of quantity. That is, quantity of people in the business who SAID it wasn't any good. And the so called fans just like the toadying bunch of impressionable troglodytes and knuckle-draggers that they are, fell for it. They stayed away from the film in masses. And what do you think happened? Well, the film flopped of course. It is Arnold Scwarzenegger's most daring attempt at artistic genius and nobody went to see the ****ing thing. Well, let me tell you something. I DID SEE THE FILM, AND I LIKED IT! AND I'M NOT ALONE! But I'm sick of being made to feel like a doofus any time I defend this flick. I am tired of people laughing at me when I tell them that I am an Arnold Schwarzenegger fan, or a Jim Carrey fan, or a Norm Macdonald fan, or a Stephen King fan. I'm sick of it, and I won't stand for it. If anybody here needs to feel ashamed it is YOU POEPLE! I don't care what anybody says. So, you can all kiss my a$$ and go to hell. I love this movie, and I'll KILL ANYBODY WHO TRIES TO CHANGE MY MIND.
That being said, buy this DVD. It's certainly cheap enough (unfortunately for Arnold).
Rating:  Summary: One of Arnold's best movies Review: Action meets "tongue in cheek"-comedy meets Toontown. A Great movie that should have gotten more credit for it's wit, charm and guts to do something a little bit different. Some of the same idiot critic's that blasted it on first release, later praised the movie and wondered why it didn't do better.
Rating:  Summary: Clever "inside" humor, but DVD has a BIG flaw Review: I think I know why this film was so poorly received and tanked at the box office. It was TOO "inside". Much of this film is a series of jokes about the standard, conventional, formulaic, bombastic action film genre. But the humor was so tongue-in-cheek so often that it probably didn't bode well with the average action-junkie film fan. "Last Action Hero" made fun of itself as it unfolded, and one would need a certain sense of humor to fully appreciate it on its intended level. I dare say that most folks who went to this film just didn't "get it". Too bad for them.
The major flaw of the DVD is that the film is presented in the god-awful Pan and Scan format. Pan and Scan presentations of frenetically-shot widescreen films should be outlawed, it's just that simple. You almost get a headache watching this P&S version. The digital pan is so obtrusive and distracting that it can drive one to anger! It pulls you out of the film, to say the least. I like (but don't really love) this film, and the low price of the DVD makes the purchase a no-brainer. But it is too optically uncomfortable to watch in P&S.
Release it in widescreen and all will be okay.