Rating:  Summary: Never Mind the Racism. This Movie Was Just Stupid! Review: I am glad that I saw this movie for free if I had to pay to see it I would've been very disappointed. As is I wasted time sitting through it so there was a price to pay. I've never seen Martin Lawrence in such a terrible stereotyped role. Of course there are people claiming that Martin is racist after watching this movie, I'm at least smart enough to know that Martin was playing a character, a very overthetop and throughly unlikable character at that. The issue of race shouldn't have been thrown in the face of the audience the characters were throughly unbelievable. This movie is waste of time to watch.
Rating:  Summary: Forgettable buddy movie that has its moments. Review: Forgettable buddy movie that has it moments of sincerity thanks to Martin Lawrence and Steve Zahn , whose chemistry is better than this really bad film that does not know what it really wants to be. Martin Lawrence is ok but overreacts way too much, and Steve Zahn is pretty good but is really giving nothing more to do than to react to Lawrence's stupidity. Eric Roberts hits a new career low as the heavy, and really does not do anything more than try to look menacing and the action scenes are so way over the top that it becomes ridiculous in certain places and in times way out of place. It would have been a better film if they had a script than made some sense and focus more on the chemistry of the two actors other than to make a very bad film with nothing for them to do.
Rating:  Summary: Horrible&another in the Eddie Murphy clone pile Review: one would think that since Martin Lawrence is a Prime time Player in Hollywood that He wouldn't have to dig up the old Eddie Murphy left-over pile out of the garbage can? this film is junk&been played to death by cats since Eddie pulled it off 20 years ago&sadly these days Eddie can't pull it off His ownself let alone anyone else.avoid it.
Rating:  Summary: awesome Review: I saw this one in theaters and i think it was worth the money. I rented it twice and still loved it. Why? Because it's hysterical even if the actions really cheesy.
Rating:  Summary: Hilarious comedy and great action. Review: I thought that this was great. I didn't think it was rasist at all (I'm not black, but srtongly apposed to rasicm.). I thought that it was very funny. I saw alot of reveiws saying that it was stero tyipcal, but of whites too so everyone was stero typed. It was a great film and it had some great action scenes although over all it was a comedy.
Rating:  Summary: what the problem is? Review: funny as hell all the way through, though is lags in some of the action parts and Eric Roberts seems like a dumb blonde with his blonde hair. my favortie part is when Zahn and Lawrence meet and then that damn bumblebee comes along and it looks like on a camera that Zahn is beating Lawrence up and he goes to jail. Zahn and Lawrence both have great one linersfavorite line Martin Lawrence- Ma'am, you can repracure your vehicle(then it blows up and he turns to her and says) what the problem is?
Rating:  Summary: An action excuse to racism Review: I was really amazed with the attitude of the character played by Martin Lawrence. It was absolutely racist to the point that the Lawrence character send an innocent cop to jail and that is supposed to be funny. His obsession about being black is showed during most of the scenes with special stress on his lack-of-brilliant conclusion to the white cop when he tells him that "being innocent in jail + your girlfriend dumped you + an underpaid job after that" means you're a black guy. Basically the simple action plot was just an excuse to portrait was the movie is about: A different version of racism, promoted by the black not-funny main character. Maybe I am not the target audience of this movie!. At least it was a rental
Rating:  Summary: NATIONAL STUPIDITY Review: When LA cop Hank Rafferty's (Steve Zahn) partner is murdered on a routine stakeout, the by-the-book cop finds himself newly partnered with a loud mouthed, loose cannon cop Earl Montgomery (Martin Lawrence), who always thinks people are against him just because he's black. And he's none too happy to learn that Rafferty's girlfriend is black too. So there's lots of reverse racist slurs present in the script, but hey; I live in NZ: Land Of The Half-Witted Foreshore Debate. Aeoter-farttaxicus. So I can handle it. No prob, Bob. The mismatched pair reluctantly (as is always the case) team up to catch the monotonous villain- played by Eric "Julia's brother" Roberts, a token drug dealer. Though Eric was admittedly good as "The Master" in that DR WHO TVM a few years back. Unfortunately he hasn't been good in much before or since. At first glance this appears to be LETHAL WEAPON with the races reversed- but that would be an insult to the "classic" series. You needn't worry, NATIONAL SECURITY is far too pedestrian to come close to reaching the heights of even LW4. There's lot's of crass humor- minus the laughs, car chases & general mindless stupidity. The leads have about as much onscreen chemistry as Stallone & Estelle Getty in STOP OR MY MOM WILL SHOOT & are just as obnoxious. Pretty formulaic, loud and predictable. You're better off watching LETHAL WEAPON or 48 HOURS again. And I'll cap off my review with a spoiler of sorts: there just happens to be a crane handy in the climactic fight scene... DVD bonuses include Director's Commentary by Dennis Dugan, deleted scenes & alternate ending and a music video.
Rating:  Summary: A really lame, overdone comedy Review: I was expecting something good out of National Security. Not groundbreaking, but somewhat entertaining. I was disappointed. This movie is totally over- done, and I have certainly seen the gags in it in other movies. Add to this non- stop profanity, sexual content and racism which more than warrants an R rating. I you are thinking about buying it, save your money and your taste for a good comedy. This movie [is bad], and should not be viewed.
Rating:  Summary: too many racist jokes, but good action Review: I was actually disappointed by this film. It was actually worse than what I expected, which I initally would've thought would been great. It was one thing to put up with all the racial jokes if you're white like me, but when it's excessive like in this film, it may leave you in disgust. I actaully couldn't belive the odds for Steve's character; the jury being ALL black people, the jury cheering when they found him guilty, That damn Earl turning on him, and for Steve to have a black girlfriend who ALSO turns on him. I thought the movie was far-fetched. I mean c'mon, what're the odds?!?!?????!!!! It would've been nice to see the white guy get back at Martin after the hell of 6 months of prison he put him though, but he never really did get his revenge. I kinda thought that maybe most of the movie cast was black, to allow all those offensive racial jokes, like when the 2 guys were at a party Earl said there were so many white people that his pupils still couldn't adjust, strange but offensive. Yep, other than some decent action and the pleasure of watching a little revenge out of Steve when he punched Earl of the sidewalk, this movie disgusted me. It didn't even show any love-making scenes or Steve getting his black girlfriend back, or at least find some white girl instead. If not for the good action, I would've given this 1 star. Steveman