Rating:  Summary: Horrible movie. Review: When I rated this movie I was wishing I could give it zero stars. Never in my life have I seen a movie that stooped so low. The racism thing was bad enough but add to that the lame jokes, sexual references, racial slang and cusswords it almost made me throw up. If you haven't seen this movie, don't bother. It had absoloutly nothing to compensate for it's bad language and racism. The plot stunk and was about some sort of war between the races. Even the characters were bad. The so called hero of the movie acted like an idiot and the bad guy (whose name was feather) spent most of the movie dancing around and acting just as bad. Conclusion: If you're in the mood to watch one of the worst made movies in history then watch this,otherwise save your money and watch,something, anything other then this.
Rating:  Summary: kemmiec from T-Town Review: I went to see this movie recently, and believe that it is a very funny movie!! I went to see the movie with almost no particular expectation. I needed to see a movie that made me laugh, and Undercover Brother did just that. It is a well written movie, and it hits right at the target of blaxploitation style movies and shows us just how crazy stereotypes are. If you remember the great -ploitation movies of the 70's you must honestly agree that it hit right at the heart of what those movies represented. It showed the insanity of life for all who lived during that time. Fifteen minutes is not enough time to see and really understand what the movie represented. It was just a movie that showed the viewer how damaging sterotypes can really be!! Go and see this movie if you just want to see a quality movie that spoofs life in a sometimes insane society!!
Rating:  Summary: A Solid Comedy Review: Undercover Brother is a hysterical film about, yes, racism, and I think that some folks seem to be missing the point of the film. Based on John Ridley's Internet series, the film is a spoof of blaxploitation films, but moreso it's an insightful satire that points out that there's still bigotry out there and that folks shouldn't be complacent about it. But don't see this film because it's got substance; see it because it's one of the funniest films (with only one gross-out scene, thank goodness) to be released in an age. Eddie Griffin is wonderful as the eternally '70s Undercover Brother, out to right injustice in the world. Normally, I find Denise Richards to be wooden and unconvincing, but in this role, it works for her. Chris Kattan, as Mr. Feather who does The Man's dirty work, occasionally overdoes it, but still overall is amusing. Neal Patrick Harris is the token white boy (affirmative action, you know), and the former-Doogie Howser is great in his apathetic-to-the-cause job. Check out the film for yourself. Solid.
Rating:  Summary: AWESOMENESS! Review: wow, where to start...the bottom line is undercover brother is thee coolest movie i have ever seen. THEE COOLEST. it is overwhelmingly funny. at the beginning i thought it was going to [stink], but OH BOY was i wrong. haha. i love the part where undercover brother is fighting the one guy and he steps on him and it makes a cruching sound and the guy goes "NOO!" and then they show his feet and he's really stepping on a bag of chips and the guy goes "I JUST BOUGHT THOSE" haha, during the whole movie i couldnt stop laughing, and i must've made the other people in the theatre extremely mad but i couldnt help it. awesome movie, everyone should see it. and for those of you who say that it [stinks] because of the racialness, well isnt that the point of the movie? if that makes you mad, you shouldnt see the movie in the first place. and like others have said, it wasnt THAT bad...geez...i would have to say...that as of yesterday...undercover brother is my new favorite movie! (and my birthday IS coming up...) *wink* heh.
Rating:  Summary: it was ok... Review: This movie wasn't nearly as bad or offensive as alot of reveiwers said. They made fun of black and white people...but in a lighthearted way that made the movie entertaining. The movie was not a rolling on the floor laugh out loud comedy, but it was entertaining. Quite frankly, if this movie offends you, you should find someone to talk out your problems to.
Rating:  Summary: Oh "Brother"!!!!!!! Review: What an awful, awful, awful movie "Undercover Brother" is. Here's a movie that's offensive not only with it's entourage of black&white jokes, but it's offensive to the audience that watches it. This is a witless attempt at humor. Thank God, I was smart enough to leave the theatre after 10 minutes of this piece of garbage. That's right, I didn't even watch the whole movie. Why on Earth would I?! "Undercover Brother", from what I saw, is about a Anton Jackson, I'm guessing like a "Shaft" type of character played by the unfunny Eddie Griffin. He has been seduced by, of all things, a white woman played by Denise Richards. Griffin is trying to get some character named "The Man" who is trying to get all black men with white women, so black men will act white, which in this movie means, basically a white nerd. Now, the way "The Man" plans on doing this is by putting some sort of poison in chicken. Since, "The Man" needs to get all black men, he needs to get his poison in something that would affect millions of people on a day to day average. As for what happens next, I can't tell you, I left the theatre. If the plot sounds absolutely mindless, that's probably because it is absolutely mindless. And this is not a funny mindless, pointless movie that's main purpose is to make us laugh. I know the difference between pointless fun movies, and movies that 'try' to be fun movies. "Undercover Brother" is just a slew of racist jokes that don't work and makes it's audience feel uncomfortable whether your black or white. To be fair Eddie Griffin is a terrible actor, but, if anything he is ONLY "good" at stand-up. That allows him to switch from topic to topic briefly. Commenting on a subject for 5 minutes or so, make his joke and go to his next topic. He's not a skilled enough comedian to be able to play a role where he has to stay in character for 90 minutes. The rest of the cast includes Denise Richards and David Chappelle, and I'm sure other people, but I left before they made their entrance. "Undercover Brother" is a real mess of a movie! Bottom-line: An offensive piece of "comedy" that insults it's audience's intelligence by trying to pull this off as a "comedy". Witless & mindless "Undercover Brother" is one of the year's worst films!
Rating:  Summary: Just Stay Undercover!! Review: This film was BAD BAD BAD it had nothing but bad black comedy and bad remarks towrd white people NOT ALL OF US WEAR PLAD EDDIE! As I watched this movie I got so [mad] at the plad jokes and the dorkey "Nutty professer" impression that i couldn't take it this movie needs help and the casting is just bad so folks dont waste your time and money seeing this Junk. the only high point in the film is a some what lesbo scene between the white devil and the black secret agent.
Rating:  Summary: Smart comedy uses '70s blaxploitation as springboard... Review: If you're a fan of those '70s blaxploitation movies like "Shaft", "Black Caesar", or "Foxy Brown", then this send-up movie will be drop-dead hilarious. But, even if you don't like those kind of films, this is still one smart comedy worth a look. The movie uses the blaxsploitation style as a springboard to discuss racial stereotyping. And guess what? It WORKS!Right from the opening credits with the '70s styling and retro alphabet they used, right through to the the few comedy snippets in the closing credits (stay and watch how Undercover Brother parks his car!), the movie will have you hooked and keep you hooked. A cross between those '70s movies, James Bond, and even a touch of "Naked Gun", "Undercover Brother" really delivers the laughs, as the pure 1970's retro and funky Undercover Brother joins up with the BROTHERHOOD to stop the evil plans of "The Man" and his henchmen. Billy Dee Williams plays a Colin Powell-like war hero who is in line to become the first black President before The Man steps in to stop him, and James Brown cameos. What makes the movie work so well is that, instead of getting all PC and shying away from racial stereotypes, the film throws them right in your face to show just how stupid they are. Another thing I like is that the film does not just center on the stereotypes that white people have; stereotypes that black people have about whites get -- er, equal treatment, so to speak. This gives the film an even-handed approach, where most filmmakers would have just tried to get mileage out of '70s jokes, or jokes aimed at white people. I noted that the audience was equally mixed at the showing I went to see, and the African Americans laughed just as hard as me, if not harder. Even as a white guy, I got a real kick out of Undercover Brother and the BROTHERHOOD as they were "takin' it to The Man", and you will, too. Smart comedies are pretty rare these days, so either get thee to the theater, or wait and get the DVD! You'll want to keep this one!
Rating:  Summary: sorry spoof Review: I was disappointed with this movie. To be fair, I don't like spoof movies, especially when the originals are already funny enough. This is a spoof of blaxploitation movies from the 70s. If you want to see the real thing, check out Cleopatra Jones, TNT Jackson, or almost any Pam Grier movie. These movies had a lot of style and the people in them were actually cool. Undercover Brother had people trying to act cool, but it seemed pretty flat to me. Style: none. I was especially disappointed with Chris Kattan's character. I can't think of a weaker villain in any movie, even in spoofs. Dr. Evil? Mogatu? Mr. Feather is a lightweight with very little evil to him, in fact he is boring. There were some fun parts to the movie, but overall I can't really recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: This movie is BLAH! Review: First of all let me say that I came in to this movie with high hopes! From the preview it looked funny! Well this movie combines scenes from Austin Powers(I LUV IT) and The Ladies Man(FUNNY)! But it made it horrible. IT is not origanal at ALL! It is also very descrimitive! This movie is not even worth renting let alone seeing. If you are looking for a good teen movie watch "The New Guy'(5*/5*)