Rating:  Summary: Ok Summer Fun Review: While not the best of all films, it still fun for a hot summer day. Ford and Hartnet are funny as two mismatched cops. There's a few funny scenes in the movie. The best part has to be the satirical look at L.A.
Rating:  Summary: Skip it! Review: BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID remains one of my favorite films of all time. However I have quickly grown tired of Hollywood attempting to recapture that film's formula: two heroes for the price of one featured in a comedy posing as an action adventure. HOLLYWOOD HOMICIDE, a paint by the numbers formulaic cop flick featuring a sleepwalking Harrison Ford and a cute but shallow Josh Hartnett, attempts to entertain but only succeeds in curing one's insomnia. Ford and Hartnett play two tentmaking detectives investigating a rap stars murder. 'Tentmaker' refers to a minister who has to carry another job besides preaching to keep the wolf from the door. Because of budget cuts Ford sells real estate and Hartnett teaches yoga in hopes of becoming an actor in addition to catching bad guys. This plot set up only serves to deliver tired jokes about generational gaps, bad drivers, and Hollywood pretensions (a fine target better attacked in the original BEVERLY HILLS COP- another film HOLLYWOOD HOMICIDE tries to emulate). Harrison Ford, one of our classic movie heroes appears obviously bored with the listless direction and clichéd driven script. Josh Hartnett has shown promise before, but when faced with weak material like this can only deliver a flaccid performance. We've seen all the action scenes before and frankly much better. HOLLYWOOD HOMICIDE: skip this film and move on.
Rating:  Summary: ¿True¿ Hollywood Story: Homicide Review: After downloading it off Kazza (there is crap I'm willing to see at the show and crap I won't give two cents for!), and watching in it's entirety (besides the few annoying pauses), I actually enjoyed it. Had that "Lethal Weapon" vive to it while being somewhat original. What got me is the realism that it posses (filmed on location at Tinsel-town) toward Hollywood-land! Yes, scandals, palm trees, and wannabe actors do exist on the other side of the rainbow (anyone watch E!). The story flows with two tongue and cheek partners Sir Harrison Ford and boy wonder Josh Hartnett. While their unique partner up isn't quite as impressive or moving as Will Smith/Martin Lawrence, Danny Glover/Mel Gibson, or even Chris Tucker/Jackie Chan, however they still put on a good show. Every critic is haunted by Ford's choice of picking a cheesy film (but has anyone picked up Ford's one liners in Star Wars or has anyone remember the even more cheesy "6 days, 7 nights"?) but he is still the man and he did a fine job neither-less. Josh Hartnett is more of a dumb-witted sidekick who is enduring yet annoying, isn't as entertaining as "40 days, 40 nights" or as convincing however despite his stupid remarks, he still put on a good show. The Homicide involves even more dumb-witted characters including rappers and producers (should of titled this film, "True Hollywood Story: The 2-Pac mystery") isn't catchy but still has that edge-of-your-seat conclusion. It's not the best Ford film by a long shot, hell, he played a cop better in 'The Devil's Own" and he was more humorous in "six days, seven nights"...but regardless to that note...it's still worth downloading...I meant seeing..
Rating:  Summary: Great movie!!! Review: Hollywood Homicide was thrilling as well as funny. Josh Hartnett and Harrison Ford worked great together and played their parts well. Josh Hartnett is SO hot!!! The action and comedy ties together to make entertaining chase scenes. This movie was great, and I've seen it three times!
Rating:  Summary: Action? Comedy? Chemistry? It doesn't even have one of these Review: I wasn't gonna go see this movie, but then Ebert and Roeper gave it "Two Thumbs Up" (and I typically respect Eberts reviews) so I figured maybe it's better than it looks. Nope. If you've seen the full trailer to this film, you've pretty much seen the movie. If your thinking not much happens in the trailer or there doesn't seem to be much sense of story, you're right. That's the movie. The first full hour of the film is almost completely pointless. The story seems void of any direction whatsoever. In the last quarter of the film, things finally seem to come together, but still it's about as climactic as anything you might have seen in an episode of T.J. Hooker. Many will likely be seeing this film with expectations of seeing a Lethal Weapon type movie. Let me advise you not to expect this. The Josh Hartnett and Harrison Ford have almost no chemistry and neither one are believable as cops and the comedy... well there really isn't any. There should be. You're watching, and scenes play out as if they were supposed to be funny, but you aren't laughing. ... All throughout watching this movie I could not help but observe that Harrison Ford and Josh Hartnett have no real sense of comedy. Judging by the rest of the performances of supporting characters, neither does the director. I kept wondering to myself, what is the point of this movie? It's definately trying to fill the shoes of an action/comedy, but there's as little action as there is comedy. And what is with the rap/hip-hop soundtrack? Even though this film is loosely about the investigation of some rap stars' murders, it seems completely out of place to the story and the target audience. None of the actors give poor performances (excepting their lack of being funny), and I'd even go so far as to say this is the best I've seen Josh Hartnettt perform. But the movie just isn't good. It's not even entertaining. Bottom line: it's been a long time since I was this bored in a theatre.
Rating:  Summary: I Want My Money Back! Review: This is one of the worst movies I have ever saw. No plot whatsoever..This movie goes nowhere. It's a terrible script, the acting is okay, but I don't have a clue why Josh and Harrison wasted thier talents on this piece of garbage.
Rating:  Summary: Entertainment at its best Review: What happens when you put into a blender seasoned actors like Harrison Ford and Martin Landau and (relatively new) highly talented stars like Josh Hartnett and Tom Todoroff, you end up with a frothy summer blockbuster. Never mind that the plot is insane, improbable and downright ridiculous, all of the great talent in this film, both young and old, pulled off an unexpected coup. It was funny, intriguing, irrational, off-beat, energetic and wildly entertaining. The plot was like a giant amoeba with too many pseudopods. Luckily the protoplasm didn't flow out entirely. There was no depth to the characters, nothing to endear me to them, no convincing backgound material or relationships other than the trivial. Normally, a film like this would tick me off. Instead, I found myself liking it and wondering at the same time if I had lost my mind. The action was over the top but thrilling, the rap music was fun, not my choice of music, but I need exposure to what's out there and the implausibility of the drawn out final triumph over the bad dude kept me laughing. I've read some of the reviews that panned this film. I say to these reviewers, where's your sense of humor? This movie is probably the nuttiest piece of junk but also one of the funniest in a long time. On a serious note, I would like to commend one particular scene right at the end. Josh playing the role of Marlon Brando in "A Streetcar Named Desire" and his supporting cast was excellent. It was sad that the script writer asked the theater "film critic" to shout out "You suck". It would have been better for the actor, James E Henderson, to applaud Josh's acting. Then Josh could have still made the decision to continue to be a cop even though he had potential to be an actor(within the framework of the story). That choice would have shown what stuff he was made of. In any event the showcase theater scene was a short piece of sanity and I enjoyed seeing Martin Landau, Harrison Ford and the new face James E Henderson in the little vignette. I left the theater having thoroughly enjoyed myself. Kudos to Ron Shelton and his crew!
Rating:  Summary: You Have Got To Be Kidding Me Review: Personal preferences (no matter how unfounded) aside, I do not understand why any logical being could truly have enjoyed this film. It is quite obvious by the acting itself that the movie was rushed. This may be Harrison Ford's worst role, and you can tell he knows it throughout the movie (Watch the scene where he is dancing in his condo.) The plot is ludicrous, with subplots sprouting up all over the place and dying before they reach their climaxes and half the time not even resolving themselves. Even if you tried to enjoy the film, and were conscious of what was going on, there would be no tangible storyline to really follow. If you like senseless action, or perhaps senseless action outtakes, there may be a sight chance you will enjoy this film. Do other movie-goers a favor and skip this one, your money represents a vote, and this vote would be for even worse tragedies in the future.
Rating:  Summary: Give it up! Review: Harrison Ford is losing his leading man attractiveness. This movie took forever to get going and the plot was so silly. I am obviously not a writer, but I think I could have written a better movie! Do not waste your money. I would not even rent it. Wait until it comes to regular TV...it is so bad you should not have to wait long.