Rating:  Summary: The Avengers: IT STINKS!!!!!! Review: I am speaking to you as one of the unfortunate people who payed money to see The Avengers. It is my personal opinion that this tasteless spectacle is the all-time WORST movie ever made. The plot was unexistent, the screenplay was terrible, and it was tooooooooo long! Oh sure, you say, 100 minutes is too long, but we all could have done without guys dressed like huge teddy bears and five minutes of Uma Thurman running through the same room! Who shot this movie, some wacko experimental filmmaker trying to shock the public? But the biggest blow was the acting. Thurman and Ralph Fiennes turned in totally dispirited performances, and Sean Connery played the worst character of his great career, throwing his wonderful talents away like the garbage this "movie" is. I issue a word of warning to all film lovers everywhere: don't see The Avengers!!! (Unless you own a torture chamber and need something to really crush your victims)
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining , but a little lacking in substance Review: I thought the movie brought back a sense of 60's charm of the original avengers series. (If you have never seen the series you will think this movie is the biggest flop ever.) I think the director should have spent less money on special effects (especially the flying bug scene ?) Sometimes I think when making movies they think the namebrand actors like Connery , Thurman and Fiennes will just satisfy the audience, well this movie proves that wrong. It is very entertaining to see Connery in different roles rather than 007 and Fiennes in a different role than a SS officer. But, they still don't satisfy this movie watchers expectations. Nice try but this movie won't be a cult classic like it could have been.
Rating:  Summary: Incredibly Bad Movie Review: I am a big Uma Thurman fan, and a big Sean Connery fan. You'd think this movie couldn't miss but you would be WAY wrong. I watched it and couldn't even tell for sure what the plot was. This will not be in my library. Amazing.
Rating:  Summary: Different, but good!!! Review: I understand that most people think the film a flop. There's no accounting for taste and mine's never been normal. However what I don't understand are the people saying it was nothing like the original. It has the same innuendoes(just taken a bit further), the same wacked-out way of looking at things, and the same basic characters(although Thurman wouldn't have been my first pick for Emma and some of her lines didn't quite...fit.) The only difference is that it had to be modernized so that they could hit a larger demographic than just the Avengers fans from the 60's. I love the teddy bear disguise and the wierd way the story line goes. I'm rather upset it was a flop. I was kinda hoping for a sequel.
Rating:  Summary: Where is the director's cut? Review: I have never have seen the TV series so I wasn't sure what to expect. Connery is good but he doesn't get enough scenes. Thurman and Steed are average, not as horrible as the critics say. I think this movie was panned because of its incredibly high expectations. High budgets and big name stars sometimes result in average movies, and thats what the Avengers is, a so-so movie. WB apparently chopped off 30 minutes from the release and it shows, as the editing will leave you wondering about the two Emma Peels, the nature of the Prospero Project, and DeWynter's motives. I think a full director's cut that runs 2 hours would help.The art direction and cinemtography are great. The special effects are excellent, but I could have done without the mosquito scene. The opening credits are truly outstanding. The Avengers is not as bad as the critics would have you believe. If you like action/comedies, and want some silly nonsensical fun, this might do the trick. The DVD transfer is excellent, you get pan & scan, and widescreen versions. There are 6 trailers on the CD, but 5 are for other WB movies.
Rating:  Summary: Have a plot next time Review: i enjoyed the visuals (Steed and Peel's apparel, the set, the atmosphere), and thought they nailed the quirky Steed/Peel dialogue, but, GOOD LORD, the story was awful. Even when you knew why people were doing thins you didn't care. A fake Mrs. peel, men in teddy bear costumes, weather blackmail, but who cared.
Rating:  Summary: Beautiful to watch Review: Terrible movie, to be sure, but the art direction and special effects are pretty terrific. And, although they're not given much to work with, Fiennes and Thurman give decent performances. Frankly, it's no better or worse than any of the Batman films.
Rating:  Summary: The Avengers: The Promise of What Might Have Been Review: The Avengers, the major motion picture version of the classic television series, has all the right elements to be a really great film. The cast, headed by Ralph Fiennes, Uma Thurman and Sean Connery, are excellent. The conceptualization, a sort of Averngersland 1999, is inspired. The chief plot device, man made murderous weather, is lifted right out of the original series. So why then does the film fail so badly? What dooms this film is the unspeakable work of a studio hatchet job: editing by lowest common denominator, butchery by public opinion pole. What turns up on screen is not the vision of the writer, as presented in his shooting script, nor that of the director, as evidenced by the number of scenes shot and then later discarded whole. What the film, as presented, is, is what is left of the project after nearly a quarter of the movie, all those slow bits that are generally referred to as "the plot", have been chopped out at the say so of studio executives who wouldn't know their bowler from a bowling ball. The segments that survive at times seem to be little more then a hurried hodgepodge of scenes, racing toward a climax. Still, in those scenes one sees the promise of what might have been and one can only hope that all the hacked out segments and scenes are one day restored in a director's cut. Only then will we see the film that this one could have, should have, been. Meanwhile this is all we have, a mere promise of what the big screen Avengers might have been.
Rating:  Summary: notice, not even Patrick McNee would show his face! Review: I used to love the avengers series as a kid but could not believe this video. Thurman was still with none of the style or appeal of Diana Rigg. Fiennes had no savy at all - way too stiff. And what was with the sauna scene or the scenes when they kept taking one another to thier apartments. The relationship between McNee and Rigg probably gave way to classic TV relationships like Sam & Diane on cheers and others. No innuendo and no need for it. What about Sean Connery? Does this guy need the money? Nice bear suit but I would have left the head on so my face wouldn't have been show. No wit, no savy, just nothing. Even Patrick McNee played the invisible man. Not much fun!