Rating:  Summary: 5 Stars for originality!! Review: If you like deep thought provoking plots, and amazing story telling, this fim is not for you. This has the thinest plot I've ever seen, but that wasn't the point of a movie. This isn't even a movie, it's a series of skits to tell a very very thin plot, but it winds up being extremely hilarious! The opening sequence is classic! If you enjoy those old kung fu movies, you must see this! This is an incredibly stupid movie, but in a good way. It's a movie you can watch over and over again and keep laughing about how stupid it is. The sequel is in the works, and it looks good. Oh yeah, remember the bad english dubbing on those movies, this film takes it to the next level! A definate must see for slapstick fans. If you like long drawn out plots and great character developement, then don't see this, but if you just wanna have some fun, this is the film for you. KUNG POW: ENTER THE FISTS!
Rating:  Summary: A true contender to dethrone The Naked Gun! Review: I feel silly writing a review about this movie but it was not even close to being as bad as I thought it would have. You have to prepare yourself for this film. Expect something good and you may be disappointed. Expect nothing and you will laugh. The fun thing about this movie is it dares you to laugh at how stupid it is. The creators made an awfully silly film and thats the point. Some minor interations between characters had me laughing so hard I woke up my roomates. It's just so dumb that you have to laugh. I thought the special effects and the insertions into the old film were excellently done. In fact I was so shocked at how well done the effects were since the rest of the movie was so purposely done poorly. It was a neat context as they are making fun of movies that traditionally had awfull effects and acting by re-dubbing a film with awful acting yet great special effects. Anyway you can't really say much more about this film and many of the other positive reviews did a good job. Watch this film and just laugh.
Rating:  Summary: Hilarious if you like this kinda thing Review: There's a very definite crowd that will hate this movie, this rant isn't for them. Kung Pow! will most likely be loved by any loyal fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000. It's also great for fans of Monty Python, Dumb and Dumber, Ace Ventura, etc. Basically, it's stupid comedy. I'm talking, /really/ stupid comedy. That's why it's so funny, and some people just won't get this.So, what's Kung Pow! all about? Well, Writer/Director/Lead Actor Steve Oedekerk basically takes an old, unknown, laughably bad 70's kung fu movie and one ups MST3K by not only making fun of it, but throwing out the dialogue and sound. They redubbed the entire thing. They digitally added several characters, including the main character, into the film. Everything is then mercilessly hacked and ducted taped together to form one hilarious story. The jokes are certainly hit and miss, but that's to be expected in this type of film. More or less, it's a great comedy with a lot of action. The story, although very fragmented, is rather entertaining as well. It does manage to keep a sense of continuality though all the random fun. The end of the film, although unusual, will be well known to any anime fan. Suffice to say it's almost like watching Kung Pow! 2 in 30 seconds. It's very entertaining. So what else do you need to know? Go rent it! Keep an eye out for WimpLo, a great MST3K style humiliated character. "We purposely trained him /wrong/, as a joke!" The cow scene isn't nearly as lame as it seems in the previews. The cow itself is actually quite well modeled, and animates smoothly. It's somewhere around 5x-10x the detail of the Black & White cow, if that helps anyone. Have fun, and keep the scoffing movie critics out of the room while watching. Threaten them using various WimpLo quotes, that'll keep them away for awhile. - Rirath_com
Rating:  Summary: Really bad dialogue...but in a really good way Review: Yes this may very well be one of the dumbest movies I have seen...but that's really what's so great about it! Don't get me wrong, I love the high brow biscotti/cappuccino "films" just as much as the next self important, pretentious "film" goer, but this atrocity truly showed me how good a bad film could be, and how. First of all I think I should point out that this movie will mean alot more to a viewer that has some experience or (even better) is a fan of low grade Hong Kong action flicks. Because basically that's what your getting. I mean what better source material for a spoof of a bad Kung Fu movie, than an actual bad Kung Fu movie starring Steve Oedekerk? It's a brilliant move in my opinion. Basically what Oedekerk did was take an obscure Kung Fu film and edit it with the addition of his own "new" storyline, and of course himself...and tonguey. So what you end up with is one of the better "spoof" movies I have ever seen! They dubbed over all the old voices, including the newly shot scenes, to give that special 70's Kung Fu flavor, and that's where most of the fun really is. The dialogue, which ranges from odd placement adds: "Neo! Ban Na Na Na! Sporin!" to Oedekerk's main love interest who has the bizarre habit of making inexplicable noises when she talks: "Oh wheo wheo whee!" Oedekerk has successfully taken the characters of the original film and made them truly entertaining and memorable, just by adding his own comic voice and experimenting with as much crazy dialogue as he could...how can you not love guys like Wimp Lo and the evil Betty? At some point you can hardly tell that they are not even acting in the proper context, or even that they are people from a 25-year-old movie, they have become something new for sure. However this movie does have its problems. Discounting the possibility that this, basically really drawn out joke, is totally wasted on its audience...and I'm guessing this is the case with most people. You have to deal with the newly shot stuff, most notably the cow fight and the lion king gag which seem out of place and just a little too much for a film that basically had a good thing going for it, simple, but good. It almost seems like they felt they had to legitimize their work on the film by adding this poor computer rendered junk, simply because well...the majority of people wouldn't have been able to sit through an old 1970's Kung flick, not in this day age when movies like the "Matrix" and "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" are so popular. So it's no wonder so many people hate this, intentionally bad movie. But if you can see past whatever expectations you may have, and can enjoy a good Kung Fu fight or too (and there are surprisingly a couple good ones) then you should at least get a few chuckles from this movie. But if you are like me, and welcome this kind juvenile mind candy every now and then as a good change of pace, and keep an open mind, you should at least be able to enjoy this as a good rental.
Rating:  Summary: As dumb as it gets... Review: This is pure, grade school sophomoric junk. If you think fart jokes and fighting cows are funny, you'll love this junk. If you think the main villain having a girls name is hilarity incarnate, buy the DVD. Just don't come crying to me if it stinks. I did however give this turkey 2 stars. Why is that This is perhaps the most original concept for a film in the last few years. While the market is saturated with formulaic junk that is guaranteed to make good at the box office, Steve Oedekerk, like Tom Green (FREDDY GOT FINGERED), risked having a bomb on his hands when he released this film. If you're not a fan of 70's Hong Kong chop-socky, and nobody explained this films concept to you, you would think it was just a bad bad attempt at spoofing a genre. But this is both a spoof and a sincere homage to the chop-socky of days past, before Jackie Chan killed off the Hong Kong chop-socky scene forever when he migrated to Hollywood and started making action-comedies with Chris Tucker and Owen Wilson. Now the problem here is with the comedy element. Quite simply, few of the jokes here are remotely funny unless you're 12 years old. Perhaps that was the intended demographic and perhaps it wasn't. Either way, if you are reasonably intelligent and old enough to see this film without your parents, you'll probably find yourself groaning, rather than laughing at the jokes. .... Now if you've gone and spent your money on something, you want to convince yourself that it was worth it. I know what that's like. So you go and give this the best possible rating and think of something, anything good to say about the film. But originality aside, this turkey is foul. Foul, fowl get it?...
Rating:  Summary: My favorite movie...ever... Review: That's right, you heard me. I can't believe this movie has only a 3.9 rating. I guess all the 40 year old yuppies who think the funniest movie ever is The Royal Rennenbaums .... Steve Oderkerk didn't make this film with hopes of beating the Fellowship of the Ring at the Oscars lasy year. Anyway, this has got to be the funniest movie I have ever seen. I saw it in theaters and laughin 'till I cried at least 3 times. The whole thing's funny, but what is really hilarious are the people's voices (which some people find "annoying") and what comes out of their mouth... Almost every single word a person says in this movie is something [funny], from the Animal Song to the "LOOK! A WHALE!", you will [laugh and laugh]even more with friends. Anyway, take my advice and SEE THIS MOVIE. It is hilarious. ...
Rating:  Summary: My stomache still hurts from laughing Review: I resisted this movie for a long time. The trailers looked way too stupid for me, but a guy I worked with insisted I'd like the movie. I finally watched this last night, and I haven't laughed so hard out loud in a long time. What I was unaware of was the fact that they had taken a 1970s chop-socky film and redubbed eth voices, re-cut the scenes, and digitally added actors, scenes and even funny props. Having been a fan of kung-fu cinema made this movie even funnier. The trailers for this film showed only the stupidest parts (like the cow duel). Do not be deceived grasshopper, for there are much funnier moments in the film, and the dialogue is priceless. Also, look for a lot of digital "easter eggs" like the Titanic under the waterfall. The slew of such digital treats culminates for me at teh scene where the master sings to himself about Taco Bell product placement while passing a table of students eating digital taco bell. This is a great film if you need a pick me up - it will get you laughing no matter how hard you try not to.
Rating:  Summary: Started off ok but runs out of steam Review: I had somewhat high expectations for this movie based on what some others told me about it. I'm a fairly big fan of general Kung-fu type movies, so was looking forward to seeing this one. It's kind of a mixed bag. The best way to describe it is its similar to a Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode but with new footage instead of just offbeat comments. There are several laugh out loud moments in it, especially at the beginning of the movie. But after watching half the movie, the jokes get kind of stale and repetitive and it gets less and less interesting. The last 20 minutes were just bad and there wasn't really anything funny at all going on in them. Overall I'm giving it 2 stars. It had good potential, but it just ran out of steam halfway through and made it a chore to actually finish it. It did have some great individual lines/parts though, especially during the first half. It's also incredibly short, just 81 minutes - which is good, because it would have been hard to really sit through anymore.
Rating:  Summary: So Bad It's Bad Review: You've heard of movies that are so bad they're good? This isn't one of them. This movie is wretched. A couple of eighth-graders with an Imac could have done at least as well. It's like they painstakingly went through the film frame by frame and removed anything remotely humorous. At the end of my life, when the Grim Reaper comes to take me, I fully expect to ask for and get this hour and fifteen minutes of my life back.
Rating:  Summary: Stop stop your killin' me with laughter!!! Review: I didn't see the ad's but was already a HUGE steve odekerek fan for ace venturea 2: When nature calls. This was better. If you can't apperciate fighting cows, fighting babys, lines that are irrelevent with the film, and spoofs galore then you have no sense of humor. In this film no one's abnormally stupid, or smart. It's great for all!!!