Rating:  Summary: East Bound And Down Review: Edition: WidescreenAudio: Average 2.0 mono Video: Good to Very Good Pixelization Rating (The Highlander 10th Anniversary Factor): 4 (Private Ryan = 5, Highlander = 1) Extras: Trailers, Widescreen, Scene Index (not full motion), Bios, etc., Languages, Web, Subtitles Down south hotrodder bootlegs brew while running from the fuzz, proclaiming he's just "doing what he does best." It's not an anamorphic widescreen, but allows great shots of the full length of the Bandit's spledid mural-painted trailer. The video quality, while nothing spectacular, has very little pixelazation, the most annoying of faults of MPEG compression, so I give it a high rating. Widescreen Review says it's mediocre, but after reading their review of Highlander, I felt burned and wanted to let people know what the video really looks like. English and Spanish subtitles, french & spanish languages. The sound is sort of shrill but seems faithful to the original pre-digital soundtrack. WR is correct, the sound is spred over the front two channels, and not placed in the center channel. It's got some interesting production notes and the trailer was great, something I hadn't seen since it's original release but remebered as if it were yesterday. If you like the movie, this is a very good DVD. Sure, it doesn't have all extras one would hope for, but this is Smokey and the Bandit!
Rating:  Summary: Full-Throttle C L A S S I C Commedy! Review: I can not think of so much funny classic movies as good as Smokey and the Bandit! Back then Burt Reynolds drove everybody crazy with his black TransAM, light mood, funny character and brilliant moves! And Sally Field got the looks and attitude to heat everybody up besides Reynolds driving. Sheriff Buford T. Justice spiced everything up and drove us with "Smokey and the Bandit" into a Full-Throttle Commedy!!! What can I say more except it's a genuine masterpiece!
Rating:  Summary: A great cast, but undoubtably, Gleason steals the show! Review: This has fast become the king of a catagory I call "Saturday Afternoon Stupid Movies". I'm not saying this is a stupid movie, as this is probably one of THE BEST movies to come out of the seventies! Saturday afternoon stipid movies are whisical films you wouldn't pay $7 to see, but are good, brainless entertainment for those lazy satruday afternoons when there is nothing better to do. This movies has been played to death by the networks, and edited all to hell as well, which is a shame. I hgave to urege you to buy a copy and watch it without all the network senorship; it's almost a completely different movie! This is frome the era where Burt Reynolds was king of the "B" movies, and he is at the top of his game as a cool customer here. Sally Fields did this role before her acadamy awards, and played great opposite of Burt. Jerry Reed put in one of his best acting jobs as well as the musical score. Jackie gleason is the real scene stealer here, though, as Sherrif Buford T. Justice, the bumbleing, tenatious Texas Sherriff. I wish Gleason had more roles like this, as his timing and expressions are absoulutely priceless. This wouldn't have been half the movie it was without Gleason. At under $10, buy it! This movie belongs in everyone's collection!
Rating:  Summary: Gleason made this movie really shine Review: There are lots of great things about this movie. Sally Field is irresistably cute, Burt Reynolds is charming, Jerry Reed and his dog are great sidekicks....but Sheriff Buford T. Justice and his boy bring a large amount of the laughs. I may be a little bit biased as Jackie Gleason is one of my favorite entertainers of all time, but he was great as the sheriff. Its a shame there were no more similar (or even different) roles like this for him. He was a great actor and had a talent for making people laugh.
Rating:  Summary: Lota Laughs, Lota Fun, and Lota Action! Review: What a great movie. It has alot of action, so much laughter, and is just plain fun to watch. The story is about how a guy with a nickname of Bandit and his friend Snowman, are trying to smuggle Coors Beer from Texarkana to Atlanta. In this movie, they run into the Police and one of the Sheriffs who is always on their tail. There is laughter almost all the time in this movie. Go out and buy it!!
Rating:  Summary: One thrilling ride! Review: Thsi movie is my all time favorite movie of all time. But if your going to watch this movie make sure you watch it on tape or on HBO or something. Because it contains some very hilarious fowel language in it. Its such a simple story two funny guys bootlegging coors beer from Texarkana to Georgia for two stupit guys named big and little enos. All of the characters are great Burt Reynolds and jerry reed are funny and Sally Field is a babe. But I think the most funniest person is Jackie Gleason and his son traveling in a falling apart police car through the movie. Paul Williams is funny too but is only in a few parts. This movie is going to put in a good mood the music in it and everything. They don't make movies like this anymore.
Rating:  Summary: The "Lynyrd Skynyrd" of redneck movies! Review: "Smokey And The Bandit" is the epitome of the classic "good guy vs. bad guy" flicks. The starring cast fits this movie quite suitably, and the southern atmosphere and the car chases are out of this world! Jackie Gleason gives the finest acting performance of his career, and Burt Reynolds, Sally Field and Jerry Reed, who also provides the film's soundtrack, offer stellar performances as well. Smokey And The Bandit's two sequels don't hold up as well as this first one. So, if you're a fan of these "southern-fried" car chasin' comedies, then "Smokey And The Bandit" is one movie you gotta own! Now, I think I'll run out and grab me a Diablo sandwich and a Dr. Pepper!
Rating:  Summary: When Burt was cool and Sally was hot! Review: What can I say about this super cool movie that none of the other reviewers have not already said? It is one of the funniest flicks ever, it is a celebration of cool things from the 70's (and there were not too many) like CB radios, weird/wild looking cars, tight jeans and Coors beer. The story involves a pair of Truckers (Burt Renolds and Jerry Reed)and their dog Fred, who take a bet from an obnoxious Father/Son Texas oil millionaire team that they can deliver an 18 wheeler full of beer about halfway across the USA in 24hrs. They hook-up with the original runaway bride Sally Field along the way, she does the impossible before your eyes and changes out of a wedding dress into the tightest jeans ever to grace the silver screen inside a Trans Am! The jeans are so tight she might as well be naked!! It's great! They are chased by jilted groom Junior and his Daddy Texas Sheriff Buford T. Justice played by the great Jackie Gleason. The Great One plays the best southern sheriff ever as he and his son drive from one madcap scen to the next in the "evidence" as they chase the Bandit in his Trans Am from one state to the next. The cast of charcters encountered is hilarious, mobile cathouse, samurai trucker, friendly undertaker, biker gang and many keystone cops. A big 10-4 to all those who firewalled this film, a big steamy 10-200 to those who did not. Let's have a reunion Burt, Sally and Jerry could take on a new sheriff. Burts need to be in a jet black WS-6 Ram Air TA with a "screaming chicken" sticker on the hood. Pontiac should beg for it, they need an image boost. I'm outta here good buddies, look out for those "Kojacks with Kodaks"!
Rating:  Summary: Someone messed with the original Review: This is one the greatest movies ever. But for some reason or another somebody edited out some of the lines and substituted them with others. I have this on vhs from when I taped it off HBO years ago and some of the lines are different if you watch it on DVD. I was upset on that respect but otherwise its a great movie and I suggest you buy it, it's a classic.
Rating:  Summary: When Burt was cool and Sally was hot! Review: This is a great movie, what a cast Burt, Sally, Jerry, Jackie and that killer Trans Am!! About a "Bandit" truck driver trying to win a wager against father and son Texas millionaires by hauling an 18 wheeler full of beer almost halfway across the USA in 24 hours. The characters are fantastic and funny, the car chase scenes spectacular, Pontiac should beg for this film to be re-released. Sally Fields clothes are so tight that she is for all intent naked! If she does not make you sport wood then the car will! You will laugh your a** off as Sheriff Buford T. Justice and son chase Burt and company from one hilarious scene to the next. This film is a monument to the cool things of the 70's (and there were not too many) CBs popped up everywhere over night, "Kojak with a kodak" and "I got yer backdoor" filled the airwaves. A big 10-4 to all those who gave 5 stars, a big steaming 10-200 to all who did not! This film still kicks a** 23 years later! Lets have a reunion film with Burt and Sally in a new WS-6 Ramair (Jet Black) Trans Am and a new cast of annoying cops! PLEASE!!!!