Rating:  Summary: no anchovies on that pizza, dude. Review: I've seen this DVD a few times with my son, and I can tell you it's not half bad. I really enjoy the movie, despite it's reputation as camp. The plot makes sense, and moves along at a reasonable pace. New York City residents are living amid a crime wave. Thieves are quietly stealing televisions, appliances, etc. all over the city. Rumors say that an organization called the Foot Clan is responsible. Of course, the many teenage thieves employed by the Foot Clan are organized by the ubervillian called Shredder. Beneath the city streets, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles live with their master Splinter, and old and wise rat. The Ninja Turtles work with Splinter to foil the plans of the Foot Clan, and defeat Shredder. What's not to love? -The Turtles talk like surfers.("gnarly! cowabunga!") -They eat a lot of pizza. -They know martial arts. These guys take take crap from NOBODY. -They have cool weapons, like the bo staff and the sai. -They are teenagers, but they don't have to obey any parents. -Their home is adjacent to a sewer line. -They fight the forces of evil, helping people whenever they can. and, of utmost importance: -They are turtles. What's a kid, or a kid at heart, not to like? The action looks great, the humor is often corny (but still it's funny), and the soundtrack is great! Elias Koteas (who ever told him he could ACT?) is serviceable in the role of Casey Jones, a vigilante who joins forces with the turtles. Judith Hoag (hubba hubba hubba) is fine in the role of April, a TV reporter determined to expose the Foot Clan. But the real heroes here are the Ninja Turtles! Parents, there's nothing more objectionable in this than occasional mild swearing, and cartoonish violence. All but the youngest moviegoers deserve a chance to entertain themselves with some T-U-R-T-L-E power. Give this movie a chance; it's excellent.
Rating:  Summary: Good at when i was 8, Good at 20 Review: I was walking around in Target, killing some time, when I wonder the toy department. Sitting there on a shelf was, ::Gasp:: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figures, new ones! Turns out there is a new animated series on fox. Out of a spontaneous urge to watch this movie I went out and bought it. TNMT was a great movie Thirteen years ago and still is today! Having grossed 130 million, it successfully intertwine both the original black and white, bloody comic book and the mid 1980s kiddy cartoon, taking the story and the look of the Shredder from the comic book and the look and attitude of the turtles from the cartoon. The film starts with April O'Neils news narrative about the sudden increasing 'Silent Crime Wave' then on the way home she gets mugged, suddenly the lights go out and all the assailants are hog tied! Sitting in the shadows in a Sais, a pitch fork like marital art weapon. Not far a way a man hole cover pops up and some one with a red bandana looks on. April picked up the sais and stashes it into her hand bag. A muttered curse comes from the man hole'ENTER THEME MUSIC four short actors in green turtle outfits start blabbering away with stupid one liners: 'And I thought insurance salesmen were pushy!' Even with its cheezy dialog and censured voilence this film still gets smile out of me. It went out on a limp showing young boys behaving badly such as smoking cigars, gambling and stealing. What is really amazing is the anamatronics on the turtle heads, this is a 1990 film, compared to Attack of the Clones with the full CGI Yoda, I prefer TNMT to Episode II. The cinematography is mind blowing as well. The seen with the grand entrance of the Shredder is one long unbroken crane shot, shadow, bright light reflecting off of his helmet and that wacky cape he wore gives of a massive sense of nemesis. This guy is a real badass, not to be massive with.
Rating:  Summary: Cool movie! Review: The comic book and cartoon heroes come to life.Back when this movie first came out I was like 5 or 6,so I loved the Ninja Turtles from watching the cartoon and having the action figures.The movie is still enjoyable,even though I am now 19.The characters were develped very well,and the movie does a good job introducing the story of how the turtles came what they are.Besides the turtles and splinter,there is also Casey Jones and the Shredder of course.The movie is dark,made where it can be appealing to adults as well as children.The DVD version of the film is pretty cool!The picture in nice quality,not grainy,and you have your choice of viewing it full screen or wide screen.The sound quality is pretty good too.A real bargain and a real treat for Turtle fans.
Rating:  Summary: A Fantastic Film With Action, Comedy, And Heart Review: Yes, I'm a huge turtles fan, but all biases aside, I love this movie. When it was originally released, kids loved it, some parents enjoyed it, and critics hated it. People viewed the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as a fad. Yes, the Turtles did die out, but people still remember them to the point where they are ever present. This live action version of an epic cartoon series is done perfectly. The characters are portrayed excellently and the onscreen comedy and action is great. The one liners and wisecracks are often hilarious and memorable. The action sequences are also full of slapstick and just good plain ninja action. Perhaps the other thing that strikes me is the heart featured in this film. Splinter and the Turtles have a relationship that everyone should take to heart, the relationship between a father and his sons. This puts the movie over the top, giving it drive. This is a movie everyone should see, young and old alike. Give it a go.
Rating:  Summary: This is a very bad movie..... Review: Mostly in the brainless dialoge, the video game special effects, and the terrible script. The Turtles are a bad comic book to video game to movie adapatation, and were the forerunner of that completely shallow industry that we have today called video games.
Rating:  Summary: A Great adventure! Review: This 1990 Blockbuster is based on the popular animated series and cult comic books, it's set in New York City where these four turtles stepped into radioactive material and transformed into mutant creatures who do good for the city. Highly entertaining and original motion picture that has great acting and good plot, tons of action and humor with drama makes this a must see for kids and adults alike. I was such a major TMNT fan when i was young, i did saw this movie in a theater and thought it was such a excellent movie yet this movie is and the Turtles will return in a new series this year. Also recommended: The Crow, Spider-Man, X-Men, Batman and Superman.
Rating:  Summary: A classic Review: Yes, this movie is a classic. I feel very lucky to have grown up when the Ninja Turtles first became popular. This was back at a time when thought and care went into children's entertainment. Unlike the stuff kids are watching today. All of the characters in the Ninja Turtles series have distinct personalities and they're all lovable in their own way. If you loved this movie when you were a kid you'll still love it as an adult. Sure, the movie looks dated but it is far superior to the recent kids movies out there like "Power Rangers."
Rating:  Summary: Quality Deep-Dish Action! Review: Yes, I'll always be a child inside. And if you're like me, boys and girls, you will love this movie. Like Mortal Kombat, the script is kind of funny, but dialogue doesn't always make a good movie. I was five years old when this movie first came out, and remember seeing it on TV later on. I had the comics, the action figures, watched the cartoon and loved all the movies. The truth is, TMNT never really went uncool, and it never will. I now own the DVD and still watch it regularly. The first movie follows the comics closely at first, and a little more loosely later on. I thought it was excellent, and it doesn't ruin the intentions of the comic book. It is not by any means a serious movie. That is what made it such a huge and long-lasting success. Just as in the comics, Rafael, Michealangelo, Leonardo, and Donatello live in a sewer with their mentor, a mutant rat named Splinter. They fall in with April O'Neill, a TV news reporter, to find the Foot Clan and its leader, their arch-enemy The Shredder. Casey Jones ("Wayne Gretzky? On steroids?") comes in later to help them find the band of thieves. The Shredder has his own elaborate underground hideout (complete with arcade and mini-skatepark), and recruits kids to join his army by allowing them to do whatever they want in there, on one condition. They have to follow his orders and train to become one of the "elite" ninjas. It's pretty funny that the kids playing poker and smoking all look about 10 to 12 years old. The pizza-loving Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ultimately have to fight to stop The Shredder and break up the Foot Clan. I can't even tell you how cool this movie is. See it if you haven't, buy it if you love it...it's radical, dude!
Rating:  Summary: Turtleriffic Review: This is such a fun movie. Got you drama and your humor. TMNT is a classic movie. Well-balanced between the comic versions and cartoon versions helped for this film to appeal to all turlte afficianados. Not too much extra on this DVD. The mini-game, one you can actually play on ANY DVD, is a nice innovative touch, although it can not amuse too long.
Rating:  Summary: A Fine Adaption of a classic comic book creation! Review: Just a quick update to sort something out - Amazon.com`s review says the Turtles origin was a Nintendo game - WRONG! The turtles were the stars of a cult black and white comic book created by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird, it mixed eastern philosophy, Martial Arts, Ninjitsu and a wicked sense of humour with a crazily surreal plot involving toxic waste mutated talking Turtles trained as instruments of vengeance against evil traitor Shredder by their master Splinter(giant rat mutated by the same toxic waste) and some very violent action scenes and dark subject matter to boot(It was later made a more kiddie friendly story with all the violence toned down). Anyone who likes the movies and the cartoon I urge you to track down the graphic novels of the original Turtles to see how the heroes in a half shell began life. The movie? it`s surprisingly good for such a difficult plot, the whole plot of TMNT is so surreal it would be easy to not get the mix of comedy and drama right but the creators did a fine job, funny one minute, exciting the next and at times quite touching (There are at least three scenes that bring tears to my eyes even now years after my childhood!)the fight scenes are well handled to say the guys performing are in giant suits that must severely limit their movement but it doesn`t show. Jim Henson`s creature workshop did a cool job on the Anamatronics that make the Turtle heads talk so convincingly and evil foe shredder is well portrayed and is closer to the more vicious killer in the original comic books. If you`ve forgotten the charms of the green heroes now`s the perfect time to get re-aquainted as Action god John Woo(Hard Boiled, Face/Off etc) is planning a computer generated action fest with Leonardo,Donatello, Michaelangelo and Raphael as we speak!. I have given an overall rating for the DVD rather than the movie as although the movie is strong the special features are a little weak(There`s only one feature that can be really classed as "Special". Movie good,DVD mediocre.