Rating:  Summary: Love It! Review: Bad Boys, Bad Boys what ya gonna do, what gonna do.... This movie is great! Lots of good action. And Martin and Will are so funny. Buy it! You'll like it.
Rating:  Summary: orignal is better Review: this one has more action and explosions and its really..really..really longer then the first one was..it clocks in to about somewhere around 147 minutes and what goes to show you is that's what killed it and some of the plot pieces...Will Smith is still Mike Larry and Martin Lawrence is still the other guy...some good action but did it really have to be this long...Michael Bay crunched it badly
Rating:  Summary: Who Cares Review: Who cares that its full of action and language and blood. THATS WHYS IT'S GOOD! Im in college and all of us couldnt wait for it to come out on dvd. We were at walmart at midnight tuesday morning so we could get it the second it came out. There was about 200 of us. This site is the first negative thing I've ever heard about this movie. I didnt expect it. No matter what anyone says, its still in my top 10 movies ever because I loved it. It's awesome.
Rating:  Summary: worst movie of the year? Review: well, what a waste of time. i'm not a very moral person, and this STILL managed to make me morally object to it. the destruction and potential deaths or innocent people caused buy an explosion-laden hunt to track down some drugs was in my opinion, compleatly not worth the risk, but is a point worth debating with someone intellegent at another juncture.A good movie can actually act as someone to debate with, if the material seems to actually matter to the writer and director of the movie. Hey, it's a Michael Bay movie, a man who is single handedly responsible for some of the worst American Movies ever made. It's a huge mistake to believe your mind will go any deeper than to think "i wonder how many millions of dollars this five minutes of freeway chase cost, and how many homeless people that could have gotten off the street. Which brings me to another point. This film reaks of money. It's soaked in it. It may remind you of the fat, ugly whiney kid you see at McDonalds, always demanding more of his mom. demanding more money from you. demanding more money from the studio that produced this epic piece of trash, that almost certainly went over-budget on every set and costume and action sequence, not caring because they knew EVERYONE would want to see it. Well, i'd recomend you tell michael to shove-it, and go rent Italian Job, an action movie with a litte class, and some real thrills.
Rating:  Summary: Bad Boys 2 has just gone bad! Review: I saw Bad Boys 2 over the summer and it was quite a traumatizing expierence. For real, the movie shot at me like a cannon. This sequel to the fun-filled original is loud,long, cramed with endless language and violence and did i mention long? The action sequences do look impressive but there are too many loud car crashes and bloodshed. In one huge scene, the police chase a cartel in the freeway and there's bodies and people dying.The filmmakers are absolute nuts! I'm speaking to u Jerry Buttheimer! Speaking of limbs, the morgue scene with Smith and Laurence picking out the dead's insides is outrageously disgusting.If this is your cup of tea have fun. as for me, im spending my time better in good use
Rating:  Summary: Good movie, but nothing new... Review: I was pleased with this movie; the humor and action factors were high, but it's all been done before. Martin Lawrence and Will Smith make a great comedic team, which keeps the movie moving along nicely. Some of the scenes made me laugh out loud, so the humor was done VERY well. The action was very good too, especially at the end, when they invaded Johnny Tapia's home. There were a few tense spots, but you knew they beat the odds. All in all, not a bad release. This movie is above average, but still falls short of being the best.
Rating:  Summary: Not Very Good Review: It is entertaining, but i was asking myself through the movie is all of this necessary? The language is very crude, which is not uncommon these days but i think they went a bit too far, please don't let small kids watch it. What was Jerry thinking? How they spoke to that teenager was just unnecessary and not even funny, and they about shredded a small city during a car chasing scene, looks like they killed tons of people, and i don't think they even mentioned anything about it, they make cops look careless. I would rent this first, before buying it.
Rating:  Summary: An open letter to Michael Bay Review: Dear Michael Bay: What were you thinking with this film? It's bad enough that you insulted the memories of WWII veterans who died on December 7th 1941 with PEARL HARBOR. Now you have to make one of the ugliest, meanest, and sickeningly violent flicks with BAD BOYS II? What is wrong with you? You are an extremely talented director. That is undeniable. You proved that with your Cleo award winning "Got Milk" ad. You proved it again with a music video you directed for Meal Loaf in 1993. Your feature film debut BAD BOYS, while not a complete success, did have some entertainment value to it. Then you made THE ROCK, which was one of the best action films of 1996. Even ARMAGEDDON in 1998 was entertaining. But first PEARL HARBOR in 2001 and now this film? Couldn't you find a better plot than the old tired one of an international drug lord who wants to control the city of Miami, kills everyone who betrays him, takes someone important to the heroes as hostage, blah, blah blah? And speaking of the heroes, all they do is shoot thousands of rounds of ammo, destroy every building they walk into, constantly use the f-word and the N-word. They're nothing more than a couple of overgrown 12 year olds with badges and guns. They have no chemistry together, no home lives worth caring about. One of them is secretly dating the other's little sister. That's big character development. You even have your own cameo in the film with a line of dialogue describing Martin Lawrence precisely: Freak. What were you thinking with the scene where the date of Martin Lawrence's daughter rings the doorbell and both Lawrence and Smith verbally abuse the young kid, pull their guns on him, and ask him if he is a virgin? It's just plain sick. "Ever dated a man? Want to?" asks Smith. Was this your idea? Did you actually find this funny? For that matter, what were you thinking in the climax where Smith and Lawrence drive the bad guy's Hummer through a shanty town, destroying every building in their way? People have to live there, and they just drive through those houses. By the time this scene arrives we've already seen bodies flying everywhere, an unbelievable number of shots fired all during the film, and really graphic depictions of people shot to death with blood everywhere. I'm actually amazed you didn't show bodies of residents that surely would have been killed. The same week BAD BOYS II premiered in theaters there was a shocking tragedy of an old man who mistakenly stepped on the gas instead of the brake of a car and drove right through an outdoor market, destroying everything in front of him and killing 12 people. When this tragedy occurred, you didn't make any announcements to the press that your film contained a scene that resembled it. You never offered any condolences to the families of those victims. Are you a completely remorseless person? I know what you think about film critics. We're a bunch of 40-something elitists, and your audience consists of young kids who don't care what critics say. Guess what, Michael Bay. I'm younger than 40 and I am a critic. I know about your attitude towards critics because of your commentary track in Criterion's ARMAGEDDON. "My movie grossed $138 million in 2003. That's how you address critics. Show them that audiences don't care what they think." I am sure that's what you're saying to yourself as you read this review. Disney thought the same thing when PEARL HARBOR made over $100 million. Well, Michael Bay, I can counterpoint that with something David Mamet once said on the internet--a filmmaker and writer a lot smarter than you. He said that he had written mass entertainment and enjoys it. But it's the opposite of art. A mass entertainment filmmaker's job is to appeal to the audience's taste, to seduce the audience, and to let them know everything they believe is correct. But an artist's job is to step back and say, "Wait a minute. This is wrong. Let's reexamine this. Let's think about it a different way." Even when you are at your best like THE ROCK you are NOT an artist. You are a mass entertainment filmmaker. Believe me, there is a difference. Jean Luc-Godard said the only way to criticize a movie is to make another one. And coming out on video two weeks after BAD BOYS II is another cop film that does exactly that. It's called S.W.A.T. Ironically, it was released by the same studio that did BAD BOYS II: Columbia Pictures. I suggest you watch this film and see what I mean. If after reading this open letter you are still scoffing at what I'm getting at, and plan to continue making disgusting movies like BAD BOYS II I've only got one thing left to say. Someday you're going to find yourself without a career. And you will have nobody to blame but yourself.
Rating:  Summary: Enjoyable Action Movie Review: Since the release of Bad Boys I, I have been waiting for the sequel. I was not disappointed in this movie in the slightest. It gave me what I wanted, a simple action movie with Will Smith and Martin Lawrence once again playing off each other. (I think these two make a great team.) Full of action and humor, Bad Boys II opens with our heros in a KKK camp. You must see it to truly enjoy Will Smith playing with these individuals. If you don't want to buy this movie, rent it. It is worth the money.
Rating:  Summary: one of the worst movies ever watched so far Review: how two young punks, thugs alike or high school drop-outs alike with fowl mouths and endless blabbings would qualify and become plain cloth detectives and doing whatever they like is totally beyond my comprehension. this pathetic action movie no wonder only got poor ratings in almost all the movie critics and reviews. those fire fightings scenes are totally unnecessary and drag on way too long. this film is so absurd, so naive and so childish. and how and why this ridiculous bad boys titled junk needs another sequel is also clueless to me. this movie is the ultimate insult to those real detectives in the realistic world. if these two thug alike guys could play believable roles as miami detectives, then all those drive-by shooters in south-central los angeles are actually plain-cloth l.a. detectives. give me a break.