Rating:  Summary: Almost as good as the comic ! Review: This Film is Semi- faithful to the comic. But, where is his skull symbol? You at least have to put that in the movie! Dolph Lundgren was not a real good pick. If You like Marvel,pick this movie up! Anyway,the thing I really hated was that his family was killed in a car bombing instead of in central park by mobsters.If you are a comic book\action person,then buy this film!
Rating:  Summary: This movie is a disgrace to the punisher Review: I have never seen such a mock off. The People who made this piece of crap were probably a couple back to the 60's crackheads who just took a glimpse at the front cover of a copy of the punisher comics and just said hey this looks pretty cool lets just destroy the original story of the punisher and make a completey not well thought of plot and the reason why I call them crackheads because HOW THE HELL CAN YOU THE BLAST'EN SKULL , I mean really the one question that I myself and whoever else actually read at least one of the stories of the punisher have got to ask is that did this movie had anything to do, was this movie suppose to be based on the comic book of the punisher? You know thank god for the new version of the punisher based on the real story of the punisher with the skull with a kickass better actor starring as the punisher and with my favorite actor, Jon Travolta starring as the kickass villian and if you don't believe me on that go watch Broken Arrow, Face-Off, and Swordfish.
Rating:  Summary: Worst comic book movie Review: Not true to the comic That is not the Punisher, and I'll you why. Don't let anybody tell you this was true to the character. 1.He didn't have the skull. 2.He didn't hid out in the sewers he hid in wear houses. 3.Where was the arsenal of weapons and bombs????? 4.They didn't even make him a Vietnam vet or even some type of soldier. Because cops are not soldiers. Cops are not trained on how to kill a person with all kinds of weapons and with their bear hands or to take life without mercy. 5.He didn't even wear Kevlar body armor. The Punisher has been wearing that scents the beginning. Wearing body armor is more Professional. 6.The Punisher is someone who is always on, always alert, always ready, always prepared, almost inhuman and someone who has a pissed off look on his face half the time. NOT someone who is SLEEPY and looks depressed and can't even talk right!!! 7.Where was his partner micro??? 8.Where was Jigsaw or the Costa family??? It was the Costa Mafia that killed his family. 9.His family was killed in New York Central park. Not in a car bombing. 10.The Punisher had a little boy and a little girl. Not two little girls. 11.His wife's name was Mary not Sharlene. 12.The Punisher has never talked to God or asked God why this happen. Never. 13.The Punisher has never once said in the comic books "If your guilty your dead." NEVER!!! 14.There were no other characters from the comic. Good guys or bad guys. 15.The story, the plot, the lines, and the other characters weren't based off of any Punisher story. Even the scenes were worst. At, the beginning of the movie where you see him standing in the house that's on fire. There wouldn't be enough oxygen left for him to be standing at all. The Japanese Mafia the Yakuza were not portrayed right at all. The, Japanese Yakuza nor do the Triads or the Tong they do not wear Ninja outfits to kill people. It's typical that an American film of the late 80's would think so. Also the real Japanese Yakuza do not take in women. They do not trust women and they feel that women are weak and should stay at home. And not only did the Punisher move in with the Ninja Turtles he was also fighting their fights. The Italian Mafia were not portrayed right either. The Italian Mafia, are very powerful and have armies of men around them with every power weapons with them like the M16, M4, M60, AK47, a Mac10, sub machine guns, shotguns and so on. Not just handguns and not just a few men. And if they were running low on men they would have called for other families from other cities like from Chicago, Detroit, Miami, Tampa, L.A., San Francisco, Las Vegas and so on to come and help send more men. Even today the most power Italian, Mafia is the Bonanno, Colombo and the Gambino crime family. Now even thou a lot of their bosses are dead or in jail they are still every powerfully. So a, 125 deaths in a 5 year time period of the Italian Mafia's people is nothing. The only other Mafia or gang that's been really been able to go up against the Italian Mafia in a gang war are other Italian families or the Colombians and Mexicans Cartel or the Russians. At one time the Yakuza were just as powerful as the Italians but not anymore these days. The, part where he's running to catch up with the van. The van looks like it was going at almost top speed but he some how caught up to it with no problem. I didn't know the Punisher had superhuman speed. He shot the shotgun too many times. At the most that shotgun is going to hold 9 shots. Not 15. And they didn't show him reloading. When he's at the casino, there's a lame kick he gives to a guy when he comes down. He throws the knife pretty stupidly. And he hits somebody with it with the first throw. And when he's shooting up the place with the M60, a guy goes running by and he shoots with a grenade launcher and the guy does flying in the air like some cartoon character. The guy would have been blown in half. The M60 with the grenade launcher is an unrealistic weapon. And a grenade launcher like that is only going to hold one grenade at a time. Not a dozen. The Punisher walked into a place there he doesn't know how many people he's going up against and he only walks in there with a shotgun and only one handgun. When he's being tortured, they came up with a really dumb reason on how he got loose. When the bad guys are shooting at the bus, half those kids would have been dead. The bullets would have gone right threw it. When a guy does somehow manage to get inside the bus he runs right up to the Punisher and the Punisher throws him out. Why didn't he just take one of the kids and threaten to kill them if he didn't stop???? Or why did he have a gun or some type of weapon with him???? There would have been a bunch of cops riding with the Punisher when they were taking him to jail. And a normal car is not going to run that off the road. When the women cop is knockout a slap it not going to knock someone out completely. They didn't show how he got down off that building. That was like a skyscraper. I somehow don't think that the DVD will out sell the Spider-Man DVD or the Finding Nemo DVD. If you want to see movies that show the real Japanese Mafia then get movies like Sonatine, Brother and American Yakuza. If you want to see the real Italian Mafia then get movies like the Godfather 1 and 2. Goodfellas and Casino.
Rating:  Summary: Not true to the comic Review: That is not the Punisher. And I'll you why. Don't let anybody tell you this was ture to the character. 1.He didn't have the skull. 2.He didn't hidout in the sewers he hid in wearhouses. 3.Where was the arsenal of weapons and bombs????? 4.They didn't even make him a Vietnam vet or even some type of soldier. Because cops are not soldiers. Cops are not trained on how to kill a person with all kinds of weapons and to take life without mercy. 5.He didn't even wear Kevlar bodyarmor. The Punisher has been wearing that scents the beginning. Wearing bodyarmor is more Professional. 6.The Punisher is someone who is on, alert, always ready, always prepared, almost inhuman. NOT someone who is SLEEPY!!! 7.Where was his parnter micro?????? 8.Where was Jigsaw or the Costa family??? It was the Costa mod that killed his family. 9.His family was killed in New York Central park. Not in a car bombing. 10.The Punisher had a little boy and a little girl. Not two little girls. 11.His wife's name was Mary not Sharlene. 12.The Punisher has never talked to God. 13.The Punisher has never said if your guilty your dead. NEVER!!! 14.There were no other characters from the comic. Good guys or bad guys. 15.The story, the plot, the lines, and the other characters weren't based off of anything from the comic.
Rating:  Summary: Words can't describe... Review: ...how much this movie sucks. Post-Batman, it's a transparent attempt to jump on the comic book movie bandwagon. Dolph Lundgren demonstrates the acting ability of a brick wall, and Louis Gossett Jr.'s talent is wasted. Just say no to this, and wait for the new movie version that is supposed to start shooting soon. Better yet, go buy the comic books. They're infinitely better written than the screenplay for this piece of tripe.
Rating:  Summary: Dolph Castle, meet Frank Lundgren. Review: Due to the influx of comic book movie hysteria initiated after the release of the lackluster blockbuster SPIDER-MAN, the viewing public is getting bombarded with everything super-hero (mostly the MARVEL variety). This craze has seen it's ups (X-MEN 1&2, HULK, BLADE), and downs (DAREDEVIL counts as three bad movies). Now it seems THE PUNISHER is to hit theaters in 2004 starring the 'shark wrangler' from DEEP BLUE SEA as the executor of all things mob. Why? The DOLPH LUNDGREN powered Austrailian made version of the same Marvel comic is good enough. That's right, good enough. Sure, my man Dolph delivers lines like "The guilty must be punished" like he's chomping on his kickboxing mouthguard, but he still kicks ass. The body count in this flick is what you'd expect if you have read the ultra-violent comic, and the action is well staged and fast moving. Loses some polish for okay acting, some cheesy momments, and a cop out two guys hugging with the gun that goes off "who got shot?!?!" showdown, but the filler is plush. The badass mute karate chick is great and the way she's dispatched even better. LADY TANAKA is way over the top, but fun to watch and it's nice to see a couple of main villians that are ruthless women. Dolph is Dolph, but I can't help but not see him as THE PUNISHER in this film. He does a good job bringing the ex-cop turned tough vigilante to light. So, my point is; why remake it? I'm a firm believer in 'if it ain't broke don't fix it'. Hollywood has apparently run the idea mill to the nub if there are intended remakes of films such as this as well as a remake of SUPERMAN (what's wrong with the 1979 CHRISTOPHER REEVE version? Fx? I find the non-CG fx endearing and the story was great and engaging). The same applies here; decent story, fun mayhem, and LOU GOSSETT JR. Remake CAPTAIN AMERICA instead, I'm sure it's unanymous that the 1989 version of that film was bad enough to warrant one, because THE PUNISHER is a decent DVD distraction and worth the ten bones.
Rating:  Summary: the guilty will be punished Review: To start off, i would just like to say how underated i think this movie is. Because it really is a good movie. And Lundgren rock at the title role! Another thing, shure the movie is low-budget and he dosen't have a skull shirt (look at his face, if you notice it makes a shape of a skull). So to end this review, see it, you don't have to own it or anything like that, just rent it-It's worth the money!
Rating:  Summary: Really bad movie Review: I'm a fan of the Punisher comic book series. This movie is a let down. The acting and script is just plan horrible. This is a disgrace to the Punisher comic book series. I just hope the Punisher 2004 movie is better, besides could it be any worse?
Rating:  Summary: Good for what it is and isn't. Review: The Punisher seeks revenge on the the mobster who killed his family. The Yakuza (Japanese Mafia) step in to take over. They then kidnap the American mob bosses' kids. The Punisher must save the children and side with his family's killer to stop the Yakuza. This is another movie I saw on cable, and I must say that I was a bit surprised. True, it's not the best comic book movie adaptation, but it is definitley far from the worse. What makes this movie work is that it stays true to The Punisher's origins and Dolph Lundgren is a total badass and can really act (to an extent, of course). While it is not without its flaws, it is definitley worth checking out. Again, I like it for what it is and isn't. Well, here's to next year's remake, which I hope does better than this did.
Rating:  Summary: The punisher wanted for over 125 murders. Review: This movie is great family movie; I recommend it to ages 4-10. It is such a good children's movie thing I think Disney should buy the rights of this movie and make a sequel. Not! Let me restart this recommendation. Children beware, whenever you see this movie for sale you are in the wrong part of the store. I say this for one reason and that is' it is the most violent movie out there. It's got everything blood, nudity, bad language, action not suitable for kids, and a lot of killing. But that doesn't mean that it isn't the most perfect action movie ever made, it is the perfect action movie ever made. I was shocked when I found this DVD in the 5-dollar DVD pile at Wall Mart. I have to admit I wasn't going to get it until I noticed the words 'based on characters from MARVEL comics' and chaching Wall Mart had made another 5 bucks. This movie is awesome, this 'Punisher' guy is an ex MARINE and COP who fell into the line of revenge. His motto is 'If your guilty your dead'! And he means only that. Nothing can stop him if you are guilty he will kill you, and to prove that he faces the Mafia and Japanese Mafia alone. So I hope you enjoy this most excellent of a special movie 'THE PUNISHER'!