Rating:  Summary: Repetative plot, & with each gruesome spiral more gratuitous Review: This movie is lacking in almost every way a film can lack. The irony of this film is not in the whining jabs, the obscene gore or the synonyms of hate, but in the film itself: That a film without a plot is set as the stage for a 'generation' described by the main character (Jordan), as he describes their new troublemaking bleeding dude friend: "...sorta like us, lost like he doesn't fit in"; WITLESS AND CHARACTERLESS. So, If you have a taste for the meaningless, and you want to watch a film with a meaningless plot about a meaningless trio "generation", who's actions are meaningless, hence the requisite sadism and comic book violence and you want to be left feeling empty, not because this film has acurately portrayed reality but because this pointless film hides behind the limited vocabulary of swaring and shock value as substitutes for it's lack of substance, if you think that what's cool in the 90s is: smoking; swearing; promiscuity; blood and guts; then this is the film for you.
Rating:  Summary: The "Eww, taste this!" reflex.... Review: ... in which, after tasting something gross, someone tries to get another to taste it to verify that it is indeed gross, is the main force behind this movie's popularity. The idea is good - a mysterious, violent stranger shows up in the lives of a young couple and trouble starts wherever they go, with lots of celebrity cameos and some seriously disturbing antagonists. Not villains, mind, but antagonists - there are no heroes here, which makes things more interesting. Amy (Rose McGowan) alternates between apathetic and mean, shows no real interest in her boyfriend Jordan, or any emotion at all other than anger. Jordan possesses an optimism and certain air of innocence that's compelling, but it makes him seem drastically out of place among the other characters, as if he's accidentally wandered in from some other movie. Xavier, or X as he is called, doesn't seem inerested in anything other than having sex and ruining people's lives. The music is good. Nine Inch Nails, This Mortal Coil, and similar provide the backdrop for the movie's descent into violent insanity. The presentation is what lowers the score to two stars. The conversations seem vacant and emotionless, the relationship between Amy and X seems to come entirely out of nowhere, and the end result leaves viewers titillated and disgusted at their own titillation. It's just a bad movie trying to pass for an intentionally-bad-for-comedic-purposes movie.
Rating:  Summary: This film stinks. Review: "The Doom Generation" is a piece of garbage. It tries to be so many things and fails on all levels. It's not art and it's not good entertainment. It tries to be as violent and funny as "Pulp Fiction" and "Natural Born Killers" are and it fails! "The Doom Generation" tries to shock the audience with violence and even there it fails! I guess one could call it a boring and cheesy comedy. The only thing to laugh about it's how predictable and boring it is. Still, I give it 1 star for the scene where the "heroes" of "The Doom Generation" show a bit of compassion for a dog. Otherwise, it's as boring as a rat's ass!
Rating:  Summary: Over-The-Top is the absolute understatement Review: I rented this movie basically because of the fact that it touted itself as a "road flick," a genre that I'm usually a fan of. I'll admit the gratuitous violence in the beginning had me laughing just because of how corny it was presented, but this wore itself out several minutes later. The film tries to loosely have some kind of "hell" theme by continuously referring to $6.66 as payment for different items they buy along the way. We get it. You didn't have to do it 7 times. I wasn't sure exactly what theme the writer was trying to convey, but it doesn't matter because the story it was based on was so bad anyway. The filmmakers try to use shocking visuals and group sex to (I guess) grab the attention of the audience, which is good because it diverts that attention away from the terrible story that's going on. Don't waste your time.
Rating:  Summary: What a waste of time and money Review: If I could give this less stars I would. So horrible. I can't believe that anyone would like this movie. It's only purpose is to try and shock viewers. I read the reviews where people say it's a thinking persons movie. No it isn't. I get the message it was conveying (you'd have to be blind not to) but it's an example of pseudo-intellectualism. Watch Natural Born Killers instead.
Rating:  Summary: It's a bad movie if you can't think for yourself! Review: When I first watched this movie I was reminded of Degrassi High (a canadian tv show featuring teens in school facing the difficulties of coming of age and the like). The acting was similar but the surroundings and the moods were of a different nature. No high school antics here....just one big road trip from hell story. In another summary of this film, one person said,"watching this movie was like falling asleep with the tv left on." This is also more or less an acurate synopsis. This movie has no real plot wich, in my opinion, has caused so many to hate this movie. There is some thought that need be applied when watching this movie (as well as an open mind). With the catch phrases that run throughout the movie (the rapture is coming, prepare for the appocolypse), and the nature of the dark yet strangely funny situations the characters find themselves in ($6.66 is the cost of everything, old lovers and clerks being hacked to pieces in moments of passion) there is a definite "the world is coming to an end" kind of feel to the movie. Such is the case in the lives of young adults and older too. All these dark situations are a reflection of society to those of us who strive for acceptance in a cruel and unrelenting world. Despite the many bouts of dark comical mischief and touchy sex subjects (masturbation, bisexuality, three way sex) there is an honest and rather "hard to swallow" message in the pudding that many fail to or would rather not see. The end of this movie kept me in the safe confines of my appartment for well over a week!! If you like plath, angst and controversy you really must give this movie a go for your money. If you prefer a story line to do all the thinking for you (and too bad for you if this is necessary) then forget it because I don't want to have to see another message about how bad this movie is. It's only bad if you can't think for yourself!!
Rating:  Summary: Amongst the worst movies ever produced Review: Most bad movies are forgettable and trivial, but sometimes we see a bad movie that redefines the bad movie. A movie that makes you want to throw your DVD player in the street and drive over it. They're as rare as the movies that change our lives, but they're out there. The Doom Generation is the biggest candidate in that column for me, an uninteresting hack compendium of pet indy subjects (murder sprees! ambisexual experimentation! hipster rock star cameos!) written and directed not so much with an eye for satire as a desire to nauseate. It's a movie that grasps its ability to offend as though it's the only card it's got, and indeed it is - the cinematography is nauseating, the dialogue laughably bad, and the teenage characters all played by late-20's actors doing bored deadpan of ennui or ennui deadpan of boring. The director, Gregg Araki, has never made a good movie, perhaps because he wastes all of his energy on candy-coating his set designs rather than making worthwhile scripts, but in The Doom Generation, he cribs from every movie he can pick up and hopes its chic counterculture-ness will connect. It does, like an all night vomit session.
Rating:  Summary: I hope someone actually gets to my review! Review: Even if one perosn reads this?? It means i got through to someone. Ok first off, IF you're a traditional "film fan" looking for a movie to crave a viewing for a "new one you havn't check out" DONT BOTHER WITH DOOM GENERATION. if you're looking for a film with a sense of style, and originality/// WATCH THIS MOVIE! Im tired of hearing how people thought it sucked because there was no PLOT, they didn't find the 666 thing too funny as it pops up aobut 7 times (items purchased in stores in the movie total up to six dollors and 66 cents LMAO, Ok if you don't like dark humor, you won't like it. And has not only a UNIQUE vision but a honest portral of agnst/ deliquency and VIOLENCE. especially the sick ending. SO i hope those who wine about BAD FILMS, stop writing reviews about what they hated, if you're going to be a critic on the "BAD SIDE" I hope you're getting paid for it, other wise, you're wasting time writing a bad review, in my case THIS IS A WONDERFUL ONE! Everybody in age range of 17-30 right now should see this movie. Greg Araki is an AMAZING FILM MAKER, he's just making films not tring to sell a message, which is always a good change.. I HIGHLY RECOMEND the UNCUT VERSION simply because you get to see Xavior eat his own (well, you'll have to watch it if you want to know what he eats. Enjoy and quit bitching about this movie or its content , or its violence (that is wacky) but was histerical and still had a different vision than most movies i had seen all my life, ALSO WATCH Totally Fu*ked up (the first installment by Greg Araki) and DEFFINENTLY SEE "NOWHERE" which is probably my favorite just for the opening sceene alone. cheers
Mikale Magill
(currently)student film maker
Rating:  Summary: A Fan For Every Film Review: Do you know anyone who actually enjoys watching Faces of Death, or Jackass, or Fox's Botched Surgeries II - This Time It's Brutal? (To be sure, these films have their audiences, but, to be even more sure, these are not audiences known for their discrimination, their artistic sensibilities, or their definitions of common sense and/or decency.)
Show him/her The Doom Generation. I'm sure they'll get a kick out of it.
Reviewers have noted this film for its "art" and for its "postmodernism" and for its attempt to slash apart the various diseases of Generation X and expose them for audiences to the soundtrack of a dozen or so angry bands. I have even read a reviewer who claimed that the film was "supposed to be bad" and that it was the next wave of absurdism in entertainment.
This, if I may put it delicately, is crap. Both the reasoning and the film.
Playing out like a fever dream, this movie attempts to cleverly and darkly walk the edge of the modern teenager's condition, speaking to the heart of the confused and pimply masses across the nation with it's total lack of coherent sense and its indulgence on pointless sex and excessive violence. Toss in a few "dude"s and "far out"s and you have yourself the next generations take on Dazed and Confused.
Except this movie teeters on the edge of pretention, in spite of its glorious embrace of Nonsense as Cool. (And let me say, right now, that I am as much a fan of the type of Troma-team B-movie goofiness that you can find in Buckaroo Banzai or the Reanimator as I am a fan of the classier and more subtler types of entertainment and art to be found in movies such as Eternal Sunshine and Platoon, for example.) What the makers of this film didn't realize was that, in order for a Bad Film to be good, it must just be bad, and not loathesome, or weak, or trite, or ridiculously metaphorical. Intellectual plug-ins do not a diverting movie make.
There are movies that attempt to answer the same questions that this film seeks resolution for: watch Living in Oblivion, Fight Club, and even (in an abstract sense) The Big Lebowski. These are movies that do not insult their audience. These are films that actually pose possible answers, instead of dwelling aimlessly on the drek and drudge of the question itself. These are movies with good dialogue, excellent cinematography, and fantastic actors, none of which the Doom Generation can come close to boasting of.
There are those who decry the negative reviews as having been written by those people who don't "get" the film, but the truth is, as much as there is to get, I have gotten. And they can have it back. Perhaps the Doom Generation could've been redeemable at some point (I'll give it the benefit of the doubt), but the whole piece is wrecked by the same sort of mental masturbation that created garbage like House of 1000 Corpses. That is, the director had an idea for something he wanted to see (aimless violence and Rose McGowen's breasts), and he tailored a movie to that specific desire without considering things like "art" or "insight" or "a plot." Just like Rob Zombie's pointless circus of death, this film spirals around one man's favorite wet dream, and does nothing else.
Let me clarify one last thing: I am not against a director bucking all normal trends and defying normal conventions to create a film unique to his vision, as long as that vision has a point, or a reason for existing. Just because someone feels like making a movie, doesn't make it diverting, entertaining, or worthy of creation, though. If you're interested in films created by those men and women who flaunt conventions and yet, still manage to say something important, watch Requiem for a Dream or Pi or Mulholland Drive.
And if you're one of those people who DO like the Doom Generation, may I recommend to you the extended, uncut DVD of Jackass?
Rating:  Summary: This film stinks. Review: "The Doom Generation" is a piece of garbage. It tries to be so many things and fails on all levels. It's not art and it's not good entertainment. It tries to be as violent and funny as "Pulp Fiction" and "Natural Born Killers" are and it fails! "The Doom Generation" tries to shock the audience with violence and even there it fails! I guess one could call it a boring and cheesy comedy. The only thing to laugh about it's how predictable and boring it is. Still, I give it 1 star for the scene where the "heroes" of "The Doom Generation" show a bit of compassion for a dog. Otherwise, it's as boring as a rat's ass!