Rating:  Summary: Awesome Review: This movie was the best movie I have seen in a long time. It's not only history but it has a love story involved in it. I would recommend this movie to anyone!
Rating:  Summary: I NEVER ENJOYED A MOVIE LIKE THAT BEFORE Review: when i heard about that movie i thought that i'll never go to see it and i hated it cause i hate ben affleck. but my friends saw the movie and they said "you have to see it" so after a long convince i agreed and went to the cinema with a friend and it was the 3 hours of "wow".i cried alot i never cried like that from a movie before.i'm waiting for the dvd and counting the days 'till it will come to me. and it did a huge thing to my heart because i'm going to the army soon so... the reviews in my contury was bad but i think they are wrong big time. SO GO TO SEE ITTTTTTT!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Why, Oh Why, Isn't 0 Stars an Option? Review: If the Japanese had dropped this movie on Pearl Harbor, Oahu would have sunk beneath the Pacific before the giggles in the theater subsided. What in the name of From Here to Eternity is going on here?? Yes, you can have a war story with a romance angle. No, you can't have a goofy soap-opera with a video game treatment of a real-life national tragedy like Pearl Harbor as an AFTERTHOUGHT! At least rename it Melrose Place Goes Hawaiian! Leaving aside the fact that this catastrophe is a travesty of history; its just amateur-night moviemaking! Unless, like Michael Bay, you believe that those darned Japanese are just there to harpoon Ben's chances of nailing Kate and...wait, there was SOMETHING else...uhhh, oh yes--thousands of Americans were slaughtered in a despicable sneak attack that changed world history.
Rating:  Summary: FANTASTIC! Review: This is an excellent epic. Well made, with great entertainment value. The battle scenes were awesome! Coming from a great democrate country myself we are grateful for a country like America without which the world would now have been ruled by tyrants like Japan\Russia\Germany\some Middle Eastern mad man. I cannot believe how ... some of the reviewers [were] expecting a movie to be 100% historically accurate. If it was then it would be called a DOCUMENTARY! ...This is a movie made by Americans, for Americans primarily! People who watch movies to be entertained, WATCH PEARL HARBOR!!
Rating:  Summary: To "David Bonesteel" Review: If you want a documentary, watch the discovery channel!! I'm getting real sick of people saying that, "oh well it was bad because it wasn't historically accurate." It is not meant to be a documentary, but to depict the pain of what happened to those at pearl harbor. This was its goal, and it fit the slot perfectly. And if your still not convinced, some people say that it is historically accurate, for the most part. They had to "Hollywood it" a little, but like I said, it is not meant to be a documentary.
Rating:  Summary: Pearl Harbor Review: I believe that Pearl Harbor would never be put to justice in a movie the way it was, Or the way I saw it happening in my mind. This movie shows the time that we were before and how we were after. How we believed that we were invanceble to foreign invasion. They put alot of time and money into doing this movie and trying to put into action what no one can put to words. No one ever has or ever will be able to do a better job than they did on this movie. The casting was great and the directors know what they wanted out of this movie. The love story at the beginning puts a twist in the movie but it shows how friendship will overcome and loyalty was there no matter what the circumstance. Ben Affleck and Kate Beckinsale were great together. They made you believe that you were back in 1941 in another time when we could fall in love with someone in just a matter of days. Cuba Gooding Jr. shows how he was looked at before the bombing by other men and how he was after the bombing. NOt many men would pick up a gun and shot it if they didn't know what they were doing and he was the charecter of a GREAT man. When it was at the piont of December 7, 1941 you could see on the acters faces the disbelieve of them being bombed and the fear in there eyes of dying. The look of many kids ,that were not any older than I am, that were suppose to pick up a gun and fire at airplanes that were dropping bombs. They showed you how they fought around the clock to try and get the men that were trapped on the boats drowning. They showed you how they were trying to get out and how they got there hands threw little holes trying to push there way out so they could get to air but never did. Then at the end they give us the Dolittle raid on Tokyo. We all know how the war turned out but we needed a little something to go home with. Those men were brave. They knew that they were going to be going on a suicide mission and how they got there mission acomplished knowing that they might not make it back. They also give you a look at the Japanees way of thinking. That they had to get us when we did not know that they were coming. We would have crushed them they believed much faster if we had are ships. We will never know about that but we will always remember December 7, 1941.
Rating:  Summary: Don't cast your Pearls before American swine! Review: Blew it, absolutely blew it. Could have been made into a brilliant historical flick. I love my war movies and my history, but this was bad. I'm curious, what does this tell most Americans about an important aspect of their history, apart from the fact you can't trust the ever perfidous Japanese? Secondly, the love story was 'gushing god awful'. It made me appreciate cynicism and the company of a dog! More imporantly, outside some razzi special effects and a half decent attack on PH, the rest was .... Why didn't the idiots who made the film concentrate on the breaking of the military and diplomatic codes, the fact that Admiral Richardson (prior to Kimmel) was run out of town for suggesting PH might be the likely point of Japanese hostilities? So much could have been done. By the way, what was Starbuck Affleck doing in the Battle of Britain? Since when do you train and spend millions on elite pilots to have them fly suicide missions? Oh yeah, what happened to the pilots who were captured, of which Hirohito intervened and spared 5 out of the 8 lives committed to death? AND my Yankee beauties, it was a Japanese fishing vessel, not naval, that gave 'Dude-littles' follies away. Get it right lads!! Frankly fellas if you're going to spend a prodigious amount of money on such a movie, at least with Titantic we saw Kate's bodacious 'fun puppies'. Sheesh, didn't Americans show a bit of skin back in 1941, after all you've had 200 plus years to get over the Puritants! By the way, when did you sneak in the cross-Atlantic rail system?? Frankly stick with 'Tora Tora Tora' or a 'Bridge Too Far', and failing this, go to PH. By the way, I didn't see many locals in the film, maybe 1 or 2. Where were they, or did the Asian Immigration Restriction Act still apply in 1941? To be fair, there were some good pieces in the film, but over all it was butchered and the drivel for the first 1.20 hrs spoiled it. You might as well had Dan Akroyd playing Hirohito, given that historical accuracy wasn't on overriding feature or concern. Yrs disappointed. JN
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful movie that is way under-rated. Review: This is how a true war movie should be mad.e Not all about the war and killing going on around the people, but a story about people before the war, so it shapes around them. Thats how Pearl Harbor is. It fills the story in at the beginning. The movie starts out showing the childhood of Affleck and Hartnett and how they are friends and wanna-be pilots. Jump ahead a few years and now they are pilots. Then Affleck meets up with Beckinsale and they fall in love when they meet each other at a party. They go out a few times and Affleck learns he has to go help the British in the Eagle Squandron flight team. Hartnett fills Afflecks place and they both end up in Hawaii. While there, they think Affleck is dead, so they both then fall in love. But guess what? Affleck wasn't dead, and he is stationed in Hawaii. He learns of the two's relationship and basically gets pissed. Then the bombing happens and when the action picks up. This 40 minute portion of the film is amazing. The plane models are excellently done. Bravo on that part! The rest is a sappy, but well done ending that I will leave you to watch if you haven't seen it yet. Overall, a very well done movie for anyone in the mood to a see a lenghty war-romance.
Rating:  Summary: THE BEST MOVIE OF THE YEAR!! Review: I'm a big fan of war films and let me tell u pearl harbor is the best one ever! when i saw the trailer i knew instantly i had to see it. the movie isnt really that much of a love story, i mean almost every movie has somewhat of a love story to it. the special effects where good and i thought the attack was portrayed in accurate accounts and details. the music was great, and the acting was supurb!!! This movie is very sad but really showed how unprepared we were that day and how much we wanted revenge, which was expressed in the dolittle raid. all in all this movie was excellent and i think it deserves a few oscars. peace
Rating:  Summary: Decent visual and audio effects DON'T make a good film. Review: Pearl Harbor is a movie that tries too hard to make too much money by giving us harrowing battles, Hollywood hunks, and a Hollywood romance. It's real focus should be to honor those who died at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Michael Bay's flashy direction is quite evident here. In many of his shots it is quite apparent that he is "borrowing" from Titanic and Saving Private Ryan. Unfortunately, Randall Wallace's screenplay is overly cliched and is chalk full of one-dimensional characters. The lines of dialogue are really annoying and melodramatic. The performances, like the screenplay, are also pretty bad. Ben Affleck needed more expression and emotion both in his speech and facial expressions. Kate Beckinsale and Josh Hartnett aren't much better, when they try to be emotional it's painfully clear that their emotions are forced and fake. Cuba Gooding Jr. overplays his character but his screen time is minimum so he's not as annoying as he would be. Thankfully, Jon Voight is very convincing as President Franklin D. Roosevelt. He gives the best performance of the film. The pacing is both poor and good. The beginning of the film is rather slow. There's simply too much there and yet what is there is quite hollow. It tries to be funny and dramatic but it doesn't succeed at any of these. On the other hand, the editing for the battle scenes is appropriately face-paced and riveting. The CGI work was pretty good; the plane crashes were a little repetitious in their execution. The sound effects and sound effects editing are pretty good. John Schwartzman's cinematography is reasonably good. His use of the `shaky cam' technique is reminiscent of Saving Private Ryan. Hans Zimmer's melodramatic musical score suits the vast scale of the film nicely. With a little more care placed in the editing, better actors, and a tighter script; Pearl Harbor MIGHT have become the gem it was made out to be through its overly extensive advertising.