Rating:  Summary: Great Movie! Review: The opening minutes left me wondering if this was a cartoon--lots of hype, as in a Super Bowl media blitz. It then settled into a comedic and enjoyable experience. Excellent casting and script with in-your-face camera shots that kept my interest.I save 5 stars for a movie I'd puchase. My first viewing was from a rental. This one is definitely worth having in my collection!
Rating:  Summary: Another One? Review: OK, now i love this movie... I saw it in the movie theater, loved every minute of it. So naturally when the DVD came out, i snapped it up.. along with every other cool movie i've seen lately. There's a trend building in the DVD world, and its double and even triple releases of a single movie. Now to me i find that unfair. I love all the extras that DVD has to offer, but if you go and buy the movie the minute it comes out, like you naturally want to do, your not necessarily getting everything you had hoped for. This is a prime example, the DVD when it was origionally released had a bunch of extra stuff on it, but they obviously found more to put in it cause here they are with yet another release. So me, as a buyer of many DVD's feels cheated, because now, if I want to see all the new features, I have to go out and buy the DVD all over again. I thik its unfair to assume that people will buy this movie AGAIN, and i hope this trend doesn't continue, because thats one of the main resons i buy DVD's, there's so much more than VHS. And if i'm not getting everything when i buy a DVD when it first comes out, I'm kinda upset that it has to be released again and again before you can get all that is possible. Shouldn't that be their goal when the movie is first released? Or is this just another ploy by the powers that be to pry more money out of the consumer's pocket? you be the judge. The movie is fantasic though, and if you haven't bought this DVD already, please buy because Oliver Stone delivers another kick-butt movie about the American Lifestyle in an inovative, and fresh star-studded way.
Rating:  Summary: See it! Review: It isn't necessarily a movie for everyone, but I loved it. The actors were great, the story was facinating, and the ending might have been cliched, but I enjoyed it
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Good!!!!!!! Review: I liked "Any Given Sunday" and I am not even a football fan but, once I got pass the football aspect of the movie I really enjoyed it. Jaime Foxx puts on an excellent performance, and I finally got to see him in a different light instead of the comedy roles that he usually does.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best sports movies ever Review: Firstly, all sports movies are cliched. To avoid a cliched sports movie would involve not making the thing in the first place. Oliver Stone has done a masterful job capturing football in it raw essence, while still appealing to the modern "pop-hip-hop" culture. A great cast is obviously a plus, but the main plus of the film is how Stone shows intertwining backgrounds and beliefs from many different characters (the aged coach questioning his position, the uexperienced rookie looking out for hiself, the grizzled veteran examining his past, the money-hungry team owner...). Any Given Sunday tops all other sports movies by telling a great story with jsut enough punch to keep auiences interested for the entire 2 1/2 hours. The rich cinema images and bone-crunching sounds are as necessary as they are exciting. Non-football fans should steer clear of this one, but for the rest, Stone has created an brilliant, very exciting cliche.
Rating:  Summary: Life As A Sport Review: This is not Oliver Stone's best movie, it is full of cliches, it is totally macho and often stereotypic, it is often pretentious in the way it is filmed. But if you ever poured your heart out into anything, if you ever fought for something through pain, disillusion and disappointment, if you ever put on cleats, or skates or basketball shoes or anything to go out with a bunch of guys and win a game this movie will touch you deeply. I guess you can always see the movie through the relatively simple plot but try instead to loose the perspective of a spectator and imagine yourself as one of those characters: the disillusioned coach who somehow fights through the emotional pain while it seems that there's nothing there left to keep him going, the ambitious, hotheaded and cynical thirdstring quarterback who wants to take on anybody and anything, the beleagured owner in the shadow of her father. If you can do that the film will be a rewarding emotional experience - if you can't it will be a somewhat old sports flick starring Pacino. It is easiest to understand the movie if you were ever involved in competitive sports but trust Pacino when he says that the game of football is just like life - or rather what life was supposed to be about. Try exploring the parallels between football and life - think of your job, your company, etc. If nothing else, listen to the coach's halftime speech towards the end of the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Best FootBall Ever Put on The Screen Review: The rocky path of pro foot ball taken in this great oliver stone picture could never have been seen from any other hollywood director.The Maimi Sharks are having mediocure year and they just lost ther first two quaterbacks, What to do, bring in jamie Foxx to solve your proplems. All of The performances in this film are top of the line. From Al Pacino as The ageing coach(over looked at oscar time for best actor which is one of his best performances), Cameron Diaz as the spioled bratowner of he team James Woods as the sleazy team trainer, LL Cool as over paid running back, Dennis Quad as the first sting quarterback at the brke of retirement and Jamie Foxx as third string quaterback (Great Turn from comedy to drama). Great charcter developement and powerful cast. Al pacino has never been better this one was deffinantly overlooked at oscar time two years ago. i can't wait for te special editin disc.
Rating:  Summary: Our Ed Wood? Review: I've spent years trying to figure out the appeal of Oliver Stone films. I've now seen this film twice in that effort, and I hereby give up. This is trite, full of overblown cliches aimed at...who knows? Does anyone really enjoy this goop? There's 4 times more fun in an Ed Wood movie than this plodding morass. Can anyone name me a single moment of Fun in this pretentious exercise?
Rating:  Summary: SAME PERFORMANCE, DIFFERENT MOVIE Review: You know, I like Al Pacino, I really do, but I am sick of him playing almost the same role over and over. It does not matter if he is a Mafia man, a football coach or a 60 Minutes producer... I think in each of the films (Donnie Brasco, Any Given Sunday, and The Insider, respectively), he has been someone's protector, insisting almost verbatim, "I fought for you..." In Donnie Brasco he takes Donnie (Johnny Depp) under his wing and mentors him and feels about him as though he were a son. In the Insider, he is a passionate 60 Minutes producer who convinces Jeffrey Wigand to be a whistlerblower on tobacco companies. When 60 Minutes will not air the piece, Pacino is livid and when confronted by Russell Crowe (as Wigand) he yells, "I fought for you..." In this film, Any Given Sunday, he feels paternal about his aging quarterback, Dennis Quaid, and tells him how he will fight for him and how he feels about him like a son. How many times do we need to see the same performance? I know, I might be stomping on hallowed ground. Pacino has paid his dues and I should not criticise, but has this thought occurred to anyone? That he has been playing and replaying the same roles? Of course, he is a prolific actor and there are many roles he has played which have no resemblance to these, but I am just picking out a pattern. Cannot be ignored. And he is superb in all these performances, so I am not complaining. I liked this film. It was an interesting look at football and its place in American society. I think, personally, that it is taken far too seriously, and I don't care about it. But to see that it warrants this kind of attention is a fascinating thought. It is interesting to see Pacino as a coach who appears to be in the twilight of his coaching career. He is being driven out by his traditional views, by the rich, young and aggressive woman who is in charge of the team (Cameron Diaz in a spectacularly bitchy role). Ageism is at work. She wants to push Pacino out to make room for Aaron Eckhart as coach. This has an interesting directorial style, probably because it was directed by Oliver Stone... you can always count on him for something at least a little out of the ordinary. A good, solid film, but by far not the best film Pacino has done nor is it the best film about football.
Rating:  Summary: This is what home cinema systems were made for!!!! Review: This is perhaps one of Oliver Stone's finest directional masterieces recently. I was never really a fan of American Football anbd still I wouldn't stay up during the night to see a game.....but this is just sensational. The movie puts you in the hotseat not only in the game itself but in all aspects from locker room tension to that felt in the characters. The script is well crafted, the acting very genuine and the action is vibrant. Having first watched this movie on board an aeroplane, I was anxious to see it again with the full ensemble of home cinema magic and it really paid off. Apart from the movie being excellent, there's enough extra stuff amongst special features to keep you entertained even more. (I recommend the special edition region 1 or region w disc). There's nothing more to say. I may not a film critic but I do appreciate superlative entertainment especially when directed by a genius. As mentioned before.....your home cinema system is not complete without this so go get it!