Rating:  Summary: Very Entertaining Review: If anyone says that this is a bad movie, then they are totally WRONG! "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" is truly wonderful and yet PHENOMENAL! It is even better than it's prequel and has a lot of action and adventure in it; making it very intertaining. .....
Rating:  Summary: I Was Blown Away! Review: The astounding award winning visual effects, the wonderful music (score), and the brilliant plot "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" has to offer is exactly what a good movie needs. It is even better than it's great prequel "The Fellowship of the Ring". "The Two Towers" followed "The Lord of the Rings" book trilogy, by the author J.R.R. Tolkien, in a great way. Though I will say that director Peter Jackson, and his crew, have made some minor changes, cuts, and added parts to the movie which made it a little different, but better, than the book trilogy. The major parts that were at the end of "The Two Towers" book and were expected to be at the end of the movie, but weren't, will be at the beginning of "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" movie: which will be the third, and last installment of "The Lord of the Rings" movie trilogy. "The Return of the King" will be a HUGE phenomenon. Now lets talk about "The Two Towers". "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" is one of the best, if not the best, movies of 2002! It is filled with: action/adventure, drama, romance, fantasy, fun, excitement, and a lot of anticipation. I cannot wait to buy both the Theatrical Release and the Special Extended Edition for DVD when they are released in stores! They will be awsome!
Rating:  Summary: Awaiting For It To Be Released On DVD Review: I loved this movie when I first saw it in theaters. It was just plain awsome and full of amazement! Now I cannot wait to buy both the Theatrical Edition and the Special Extended DVD Edition of "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" when they are released in stores. I bought both the Theatrical Edition and the Special Extended DVD Edition of "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", "The Two Towers" brilliant prequel, and I loved both of the editions. Now I know that "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" Theatrical Edition and the Special Extended DVD Edition will be magnificent!
Rating:  Summary: It Couldn't Have Been Any Better! Review: "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" was good enough! It amazed me, and I was very excited and filled with anticipation, while I watched it in theaters. The visual effects, music (score), action, adventure, drama, romance, fantasy, and fun in this movie was even better than it's great prequel "The Fellowship of the Ring". This movie is not a disgrace to literature and the author J.R.R. Tolkien would not have been spinning in his grave. I have read the books myself and liked them. All I will now say is that this is as close the movie could get to follow the book trilogy well. Ignore the reviews of the Tolkien Purists! ...
Rating:  Summary: Incredible! Review: This movie is incredible! I was amazed, and stunned by the great visual effects, throughout the entire movie while I watched it in theaters. It had more drama and romance than it's prequel. And the music (score) was wonderful! "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" had intense action and adventure: which was the best thing in it. I can't wait to buy the Special Extended DVD Edition of "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers".
Rating:  Summary: What An Adventure! Review: I love action/adventure movies. I don't have much to say about this movie. All I will say is that this movie is a wonderful sequel to the first "Lord of the Rings" movie. "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" was great. But it's sequel, "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers", is even better!
Rating:  Summary: A Masterpeice! Review: How wonderful can a movie get?! Thinking that "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" was my favorite movie ever: in pops "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers". "The Two Towers" was even better than it's prequel and had even better visual effects and a better music (score). The action and adventure was brilliant! And all I can say is that this movie really did amaze me. It is my favorite movie until "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King". That movie will be a HUGE phenomenon!
Rating:  Summary: ... Review: Don't listen to the negative reviews about this phenomenal movie! This movie is even better than it's prequel, "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring". "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" had more action, adventure, drama, romance, fantasy, and fun than it's prequel did. Though I will say that "The Fellowship of the Ring" was a brilliant movie. But "The Two Towers" is better. And all I can say to you is to ignore the negative reviews, ...and buy this movie for DVD or VHS when it's released in stores.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful movie! Review: I just had to write a review of this movie after reading other reviews below. Most people seem angry that any so-called "purists" should be upset about changes from the book, but I disagree. I think there is nothing wrong with being annoyed by what I consider to be some serious, and inexplicable, departures from the original story (the Ent storyline, the elves at Helm's Deep, etc.). However, at the same time I would agree with everyone else by stating that the movie is not the books (obviously) and is good enough that it can be loved in its own right.The Two Towers is an amazing movie. It is well worth seeing AND owning. I myself don't like it as much as The Fellowship of the Ring, but it's a close race. Two Towers is one of my favorite movies and I've seen it six times, despite my Tolkien-purist mindset! It really is incredible. I still wish I could magically make it a little more faithful to the book, but what are you gonna do? I still love it! No one can perfectly adapt a book into a movie, so you have to give Peter Jackson and crew props for doing a fantastic job. Few movies are as enjoyable and as well made as The Two Towers. It has beautiful cinematography, incredible special effects, moving emotional scenes, and great action! Gollum in particular was a wonderful accomplishment. He looked completely real about 95% of the time, and his (or rather, Andy Serkis') acting was just as good as any of the other actors. They all did a great job. The cast is perfect, not to mention extremely talented. So, overall the screenwriters could have done a tad better (in my opinion), but this effort was not too shabby! In fact, it wasn't shabby at all! And Return of the King is bound to be even better (with fewer changes from the books, from what I hear).
Rating:  Summary: A 5-Star PLUS movie Review: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers is by far one of the best movies ever made. It rates right up there with The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring. In my 44 years I have only 1 other time actually paid out my very hard-earned money to go to the theater to see a movie more than once - even before the advent of video tapes - that was for Life is Beautiful. Mr. Jackson never claimed, nor even pretended, to make a completely faithful adaptation of the book. And I believe Mr. Tolkien would have thoroughly enjoyed the film adaptation - by far more than the animated versions, but I guess that goes without saying!!! I may not have read the books 37 times (YET) but I find that with each re-reading since watching the movies I so completely am engrossed with the literature that the movies serve only to aid my imaginations. I have to say a wholehearted THANK YOU to Mr. Jackson. I wish I could sit down with him and talk about these movies. THEY ARE SUPERB.