Rating:  Summary: Superb Appendices in extended edition Review: I think it's needless to say this is one of the most exciting films ever produced. I would like to concentrate my comment on the Appendices in the Extended Edition in DVD.Peter Jackson and his team present the delightful adventure of doing the three Ring films. Starting with a Vision by doing an extensive analysis of Tolkien's writings, the Appendices present every step in the film production of this Middle-Earth saga. Every step is carefully presented in one of the best documents of contemporary film-making. The Appendices present the struggles in generation of the script; the artistic design; the design of orcs, trolls, goblins, and fiery demons; the design of minatures and sets; the digital effects; the production of weapons -fake and real-; the selection of locations, and all other steps of this magnificent feat of craftsmanship that is the production of The Lord of the Rings. I was dazzled by the Fellowship of the Ring, but the Appendices blew my mind. A document of unparalleled value.
Rating:  Summary: the best ever Review: i think lord of the rings is execting and exqusite it has a lot of information on it it's brligty showed it's a masterpeice
Rating:  Summary: lord of the rings review Review: I think lord of the rings is the best movie I've ever seen.I liked the action and the characters and I can't wait till the next 2 come out. I don't understand the people who said harry potter was better than LOTR. I was looking foward to harry potter but I found it a major disappointment. Also I very much agree with Casey from morree's review. Lagolas is SO hot. A bad point though is that the movie didn't tell much about the characters. Lagolas and Grimle were suppose to end up friends but it didn't really show that in the movie
Rating:  Summary: Everything DVD's should be! Review: I think most everyone will agree that special features and extra footage are the goodies we all look forward to with a DVD. Sure, we're excited to see the movie in all its widescreen glory, too. But the extra stuff is what really sets DVD's apart from VHS. This DVD version of the movie has it all. First, the movie itself has over a half hour of extra footage. And it's integrated into the film. They added the musical score and special effects to this extra footage. So you're really getting an extended version. Then there are two other discs full of behind the scenes stuff, interviews, commentary, etc. This extended version of the first Lord of the Rings movie truly raises the bar for movies on DVD, and I thank the producers for it. We originally bought Lord of the Rings in regular widescreen DVD, and I thought it would be silly to get another copy of the same movie. I'm so glad that we received it as a gift! Even if I would have gone out and bought the movie myself, it would have been worth every penny. The movie is an outstanding portrayal of Tolkien's epic. I can't wait for the extended version of the next two movies!
Rating:  Summary: Good...very,very good Review: I think that every actor/actress did exceptionly good in this movie...and i cant wait till Two Towers comes out...unfortunatly i hear its only gonna be mostly about Argon....and not Frodo..i have no idea how that is going to work out..but oh well
Rating:  Summary: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. Review: I think that lord of the rings is the best movie ive ever seen. Elijah Wood just is Frodo, aside from being really cute. I think the other actors suited their parts really well and that the movie is just so real. The costumes and special effects are much better than perfect and that it follows the book pretty well. I cant wait til it comes on video!
Rating:  Summary: The Best! Review: I think that Lord of the Rings is the best movie! I have read the book by J.R.R. Tolkien, and the movie is almost the same. I'm glad the director did not twist the plot around and add some not needed stuff. The music by Enya is touching and sets the mood for the movie. If you have not seen the movie yet, you should!
Rating:  Summary: The best movie ever Review: I think that Lord of the Rings was an excelent movie. I thought that it followed the book very well.I saw this movie 14 times and I know one person who saw it over 20 times.One of my friends saw it 12 times. So acording to me and my friends Lord of the Rings was the best movie that we have ever seen.
Rating:  Summary: What is the big deal? Review: I think that the "Lord of the Rings" was highly overratted. It was a good story line but they took the plot and stretched it out for far too long. The movie wouldn't have been bad if the film wasn't three hours long and if all the special effects didn't look computer animated. You could very much tell that Frodo (Elijah Wood) wasn't small. You could tell that they weren't in the snowcapped mountains. I have not read the books, and mabe after I do my mind will change. But for right now I would just like to say that if the next 2 movies are anything like this one I am not going to waste another $14, nor am I going to waste another 6 hours of my life. I would not recommend this movie to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: absolutely magnificent!!! Review: I think that The Fellowship of the ring was just great and was the best movie of 2001. This should have won an Oscar for best picture, actor, director, and even supporting actor. All of the acting was great, and everyone was perfect for their role. The only problem of this DVD are the theatrical trailers: there weren't any. In the two-disc DVD, there were theatrical traiers, and all of the TV commercials. That was great and should have been on the four-disc set. What's the point of having four discs for one DVD, if all the special features the buyer really wants aren't there? Hopefully, the four-disc extended version for The Two Towers will have all of the previews and commercials. Overall, I would recommend this DVD to everyone.