Rating:  Summary: The One Movie...In the darkness bound me. Review: I rated this movie 4 stars initially (I was also #208) but after seeing it 5 more times (10 times total)I want to re-rate this movie to 5 stars. It clearly raises the bar on what kind of movies I wish Hollywood to make & show in the future. As a movie goer in my 40's, I've seen way too many junky movies to ever want to go another one. Consequently, I was prepared for the worst with LOTRs and was presented with the best.So in the hopes there is someone reading our reviews and passing this on to the "powers that be", I'd like to submit the things that over the course of 10 viewings have me still planning to return for an 11th. First off, the good stuff: 1. The close bond the cast developed over the long filming of this project is clearly evident in their performance together. The fellowship is not just a word for the 9 who acted out their characters. Indeed, the tattoos they received at the close of the filming shows their commitment to each other as friends. 2. Casting: EXCELLENT! Frodo, Gandalf, the Hobbits, the noble Legolas...all suburb! During my next reading of the trilogy, their faces will be there! 3. Makeup & costume: loved those ears and feet. And the Hobbit's hair and all the flowing capes and Gandalf's rustic robe and all that great long hair...just like I imagined it. The hobbits were kinda skinny, though, for how often they are supposed to be eating! 4. Soundtrack: WONDERFUL!!! As a music major and teacher, I always pay close attention to how the music helps tell the story. My favorite part was how the theme music for the fellowhip played throughout in it's various motifs, from sounding majestic and noble in the slo-mo closeup of the fellowship crossing over the hills, to Frodo's and Aragon's ride across the chasm caused by the collapsing bridge. Thrilling! Then there were the savage drums played in the scenes with Saruman and the Uruk-hai to the heartbreaking song softly sung as the Fellowship runs from the mines leaving Gandalf's fate unknown. Truly the stuff that makes a story more thrilling to the listener! 5. Favorite warrior in the Fellowship: no contest - Legolas Greenleaf. That elf is some archer! I'm not one for the gore of Aragorn's beheadings, but how about the way Legolas rapid fires his never empty quiver of bows into the Uruk-hai never missing, and once taking out 2 with a single arrow. Not in the book but Whoooo-hoo! Still exciting!!! 6. Length of movie: Well, it's 3 hours long and I've seen it 10 times already...so I've already invested 30 hours into this movie! Not to mention the tickets, popcorn and sodas. Hey, I'm one of those people who could watch this one until the Two Towers comes out in December 2002! The bad stuff: Alas there is a tad... 1. TOO VIOLENT FOR IT'S RATING!!! Way too many young kids were there without parents!! I've watched kids hide under the seats and sometimes even screaming out not in surprise but in sheer terror. Rethink TT and RotK. Young children watching other young-looking "kids" (aka the Hobbits) being chased by screeching, black horsemen while the grandfather figure has abandoned them...ooo. Too much! 2. TOOOOOOOO LOOOOOUD!!! I have to wear earplugs so I can hear when I leave the theatre. And epecially those Ringwraiths...Man! Have you guys ever put a dB meter on those guys? 3. Consider an intermission for a bathroom break. Some of the movie I have only seen 9 times! 4. Casting - only one I couldn't get used to was Hugo Weaving as Elrond. I always envisoned him as noble and strong, though jaded by what he has seen. But I can't get bad guy Agent Smith out of my head...but more important still, his speech to the council was over done and quite "Shatner-esque", if you get my meaning. 5. The not-so-special special effects...really guys...some of the CG overlays, well, YOU KNOW what I mean. The Hobbits keep changing size, lips (or beards) don't move in sync with the dialog, the glow around Frodo or the Hobbits when they are being injected into the scene, cuts between scenes that don't match up, and Hobbits that are often child extras. Messes with the mind! If Gary Sinese had no legs in Forrest Gump, I know you can work this out! 6. Did I mention the movie is too violent for young children? WAY, WAY too violent! If they really want to see it, wait for the DVD...you can monitor content better and also protect their hearing!!! All in all, this is a monumental film. I was there for the premire of Star Wars in the Summer of 76. Indeed, the first SW trilogy was awesome for it's day. Not since then have I been so entertained at such a high level. Long after the dust settles from the final movie we'll be talking about how it changed the film industry, and every person who Tolkein had never reached through the written word.
Rating:  Summary: Tolkien rules! Review: I read all the books of the Middle Earth's History and I encounter them fascinating, awesome, can't find words to describe it. When I heard about the movie, I was oh so excited. Have seen the cartoons but they're not so good. Anyway, I went to the Premiere here in Mexico, I have seen it like 4 times and I still find the movie awesome. Cna't wait to buy the DVD. I won a contestfa special package about the movie, I have some crystal cups and dolls, I'm emotioned with all this stuff. I want the DVD now, the movie in it's 180 (aprox) minutes, is totally the first book, is the best adaption for a book in the screen, thanks to all of you who made it posiible!
Rating:  Summary: Too Long and Too Boring Review: I read all the rave reviews and decided to see what all the hype was about. Sure it has some cool graphics and special effects, but I have to admit after the first 2 hours and 20 minutes I dosed off in the theatre. I woke up to see that the movie had no ending. You must see the sequels to find out what happens. Frankly, I don't think I could sit through 6 more hours of boredom to find out if some boy throws a ring into a volcano or not.
Rating:  Summary: Give it a try, even if you are a hard core LOTR fun Review: I read Hobbit and LOTR trilogy back in late 70's. The books were probably the equivalent of Harry Potter's to my kids today. So were the movies. While Harry Potter movie retraced the book faithfully, LOTR movie has to pack the vast LOTR universe into... well three installments of three hour movies, and the creators did a pretty good job with it. The movie brought the LOTR world to the real life just as I imagined it would be. While the movie omits certain stories and characters here and there, let's not be too picky about it. After all, a movie is a movie, and a book is a book. I am turning the pages of LOTR again after more than 20 years.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best fantasies in a while Review: I read some of the books in the series, really enjoyed them. The movie was not even close to a disappointment, I usually get really disappointed with movies that are made after a book with a few exceptions. This is a great movie, you wouldn't regret buying this right off the bat. This is the kind of movie you can actually watch with the whole family or friends and it has something for everyone.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful movie! Review: I read the book and was reluctant to see the movie, assuming that it would very likely disappoint me. But on the contrary, I was greatly surprised when I realized that the movie faithfully respects the integrity of the original story and provides a beautiful glimpse into this wonderful book. I ended up seeing the movie three times in less than two weeks!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent movie Review: I read the book the year before the movie came out. And I was a little afraid that it would follow the book so closely that it would be redundant, like Beloved (Beloved was an excellent movie too, but shouldn't be watched right after reading the book). Anyhow, this is an excellent book to film! The special effects were nearly seemless and all complimented the story. The director didn't follow the exact ending as the book, but his ending works and has a greater emotional impact. Also, as any epic novel, the director had to cut out quite a bit and merge a few characters. But I didn't miss a single thing that was left out. I can hardly wait to see the second and third film. This trilogy is going to be a classic.
Rating:  Summary: Don't judge on small errors Review: I read the books & went to watch the movie with my friends who read the books too.When it was over,a few parts were left out.Tom Bombadil, but I thought that part was so slow of a part and agreed that skipping it was a good idea. The singing and melody making I expected in the movie would've made me nervous and embarrassed. Luckily it was left out.I had no problem with Arwen's part but the gift giving part from Galadriel being left out irritated me. All in all,it was a great movie and didn't really care about the special effects.
Rating:  Summary: The Greatest Movie yet made! Review: I read the books a week before the teaser trailer was realesed. They were very good books, but I had to wait another 8 months to see them come to life. The movie was great! They cut out all the borring parts from the books and added more action scenes. The casting, props, and setting were great. It started with an accurate prologue and ended with an awesome battle scene. This is a must see film!
Rating:  Summary: For Once, More Liberties Should Have Been Taken Review: I read the books and always thought that they could've been better. The movie adheres pretty well to the books which is a rare thing. However this is one book trilogy that could stand to have much of the repetitive scenes deleted. The fights were ridiculous with Frodo seeming to be near death multiple times. This little Fellowship of the Ring was no match for the hordes of warriors & creature out to get 'em, but lousy aim and apparently blind enemies make for triumph. My reaction: Oh come on now! I didn't believe it when I read the books and I believe it less from watching the film. I would have accepted our heros managing to dodge, run, maybe fight a little and survive--but the Indiana-Jones-type of narrow misses gets to be a bit much. I'd like to see all the useless charactors (Merry and Pippin especially) eliminated, as well as the endless run-fight-run-fight scenes condensed or re-worked. This done, one could put all the movies into one film that might run long but it would be great. Those are the bad things. The good things are the special effects, the New Zealand landscapes, the sets, Ian McKellen as Gandalf was perfection, Christopher Lee was perfection, Elija Wood was okay but I too must agree with one of the other reviewers by saying that Frodo was such a crybaby I wanted to slap him...then about 2 hours into the movie I just stopped caring about him. So, people will like this film, especially those who have posters and statues of unicorns and sorcerers in their homes and are overall found of the genre. This is about the best in that genre. Yes, and also kudos are due for Peter Jackson who made sure that this trilogy of films was made and completed all at the same time. I do agree that it is far better to have the films come out every year rather than wait for few years for a movie to made-or-not-be-made with-or-without the same director, stars, and production values. So if you are a fan, sure--see the movie because you will probably like it and buy the toys & collectables. To me, I'd say it was pretty to look at and certainly ambitious (and that is what almost makes me feel guilty about being so critical of this film) but that's about it.