Rating:  Summary: Entertaining Summer Flick Review: This was an excellent summer movie. Although I don't expect Jolie to contend for an Academy Award with her performance, she did a very good job with her part. The movie has a very good plot and executes well. Action scenes (there are lots) are well done and well placed. It's very easy to follow and no one should be confused while watching this movie. Go see this movie if you need 100 minutes of relaxing and some entertainment. Also, be sure that you like to look at Jolie because she is on screen for 90% of the movie.
Rating:  Summary: "Tomb Raider" changes the genre of "Video Game Movies" Review: In the past, Video Game movies have failed. They have been deemed as stupid movies and almost none of them have done well in the box office. It is true that they have been stupid, with thrown together plots and characters who no one would have much interest in. The reason that "Tomb Raider: Lara Croft" succeeds where all of the past films have failed is because in this film, there is a character that is believable in the ways that the original Batman is believable: an ordinary person with no superpowers but just a large checkbook. The difference is that Batman helped Gothom City with his money and Lara Croft(Wonderfully played by Angelina Jolie) uses hers to go on archealogical digs, have an in house hacker and robot builder, and pay for her many "toys". The plot of Tomb Raider is a mouthful; the Illuminati want to reunite the two halves of a sacred triangle that were seperated to opposite parts of the earth in order to control time if the "All-seeing eye" can be used at the exact minute of planetary allignment which happens every 5,000 years and if the "Tomb Raiders" can survive the challenge of retrieving each of the two halves. At the beginning of the film, it is revealed that Lara lost her father Sir Richard Croft(Jon Voight) who was "missing in action" in 1985. Lara lives in a lavish mansion complete with sports cars, a testing room so to speak where she can test herself, and a bungee system that is set up in her living room. One night Lara hears a faint ticking so she goes with her feeling and knocks down a wall with a large hammer. It turns out that the ticking came from a clock which holds the "All-seeing eye", the key which the Illuminati want for their own use. From here she is led on a clue here clue there quest in discovering the importance of the clock. She ends up finding her father's notes in the binding of a William Blake novel. From here the travels begin in search of the two pieces of the triangle. This film is pure eye candy, starting with great shots of Lara. It may be snowing and possibly under zero degrees Farenheit, but that doesn't stop here from wearing a tanktop. The special effects are great, but are not frequent enough to become annoying. Unlike "The Mummy Returns", Tomb Raider is not made of special effects, that is not all it has going for it. There is one last reason that this Video Game movie is different than the rest: the casting of Lara Croft. Angelina Jolie is a wonderful actress with real talent who is the winner of an Academy Award. Other Video Game movies have cast unknown actors with no real talent to portray the video game characters. With the success of this film(and there will be success) studios are planning to unleash a wave of Video game titles into movie theatres. You may be watching Joanna Dark and Duke Nukem in a theatre near you before you know it.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointed..... Review: This movie was very disappointing. Since it was one of the most anticipated films this summer, I ran out to see it. Instead of getting a "Tomb Raider" adventure, I was treated to a weak story line, a bunch of Jollie "lip" scenes with 4 action sequences. Simon West, (the director) was more interested in getting Angelina Jollie to pose in front of the camera. He should of thought about making her act as well. This movie lack depth, and at times I found myself nodding my head trying to pay attention. I think what killed it for me, was in the Ice scene, I started thinking "How does she keep from freezing"? Since she was wearing a sleeveless blouse and an open coat. My wife, who is a big action fan, fell asleep during the movie. The games are way better than this movie will ever be. Save your money and wait for the DVD.
Rating:  Summary: The ride of your life. Review: From the very begining of the movie I felt like I was on a roller coaster ride and I smiled during the whole of the trip. That is how I knew I was having fun, fun, fun. Just relax and let your imagination take over. Remember this is a video game so it is not supposed to be real. Enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Video Game Movie Ever!!! Review: Ok first off the this movie is not going to win any awards, certainly not for the script, but I think we all knew that going in. Angelina Jolie is not only one of the most gorgeous women today but is the best Laura Croft anyone could have asked for, she is LAURA CROFT. This movie is pure mindless fun. I think all of us Tomb Raider fans couldnt be happier. I just hope that the paramont exec's see that we all want a sequel, no matter what the critics say. Tomb Raider rocks go see it!!
Rating:  Summary: Jolie is HOT Review: Well this movie is excelent, it has an interesting plot with a few twist to keep you thinking, and Angelina Jolie looks amazing as larua croft, the action is great and so is Jolie, this is highly recomended... also if u like jolie check out gone in 60 seconds.
Rating:  Summary: A Tomb of Disappointment Review: Lara Croft: Tomb Raider is one of those action movies where it doesn't know where it's going. The movie is bland and done cheaply. Angelina Jolie stars as Lara Croft, the British noblewoman from the hit video game series who wears skintight clothing and carries two automatic pistols and raids tombs for a living. I know that it doesn't sound bad but surprisingly it is. The opening action sequence is choreographed in an eventive way where she's mano a mano with a robot. After that the movie falls apart sadly. The basic plot is that it's the time when the planets are alinged(which only happens once every 5,000 years)and Lara has to piece together an ancient triangle that will give its possessor control over time. An adventurer named Manfred(Iain Glen)seeks the triangle as well on part of a secret evil society who want to dominate the world. It confusing how Lara seems to be working with him one minute and the next against him. Lara wants the triangle only so that she can go back and see her father(Jon Voight, who is Jolie's real-life father)who disappeared 16 years before. The movie tries to get emotional with Lara and her father but in a movie like this it comes out silly. The action scenes, when they happen, don't have any rooting interest in them either. The only thing I did like about this film was in one scene where Lara stubbles apawn a tomb filled with statues of monkey gargoyles. The art direction is very well designed for that scene but it's just that scene that stands out. Every other set looks uninteresting. Glen's is a villian that has no real menace or panache either. What this film needs is a much better screenplay and better direction from its director. Action movies either work or they don't. There all basically the same story. The film is better than last year's "Charlie's Angels" and "The Avengers" but it is a sad disappointment to see a hyped up movie like this to be such a bad film. It seems like every big movie that Hollywood makes these days just turn out to be big disappointments like this. By the way Jolie has signed on for two sequels so expect Tomb Raider II in two or three years.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome movie for Lara fans!!! Review: This movie is FOR THE FANS, and nobody seems to have understood that better than its main star. What a stellar performance by Jolie!!! I've loved playing the Tomb Raider games over the past four years, and the movie is spectacular in that it delivers a visual feast between Angelina Jolie's excellent portrayal of Lara Croft and the lavish set designs. From the moment of the first action sequence with Lara battling her robot, I was in awe at seeing Lara in a live action environment. Only a holographic projector in the movie theater could have made it look more three-dimensional and realistic. The film looks great! The plot and screenplay admittedly have some problems at times, but it's certainly no worse than any of the in-game movie sequences. Remember the source of inspiration for this movie, and that will help put everything about it into perspective. For _true_ Lara Croft fans, it should be a very positive experience indeed!!!
Rating:  Summary: Don't expect a movie, its all action and Jolie. Review: If you're willing to watch a movie based on a video game you shouldn't have high expectations. Then you may be pleasantly surprised. Saw it despite the mixed reviews in the Washington Post. The Baltimore Sun seemed to think it was OK. But don't think you're going to see a movie, no plot, just action and Jolie. For many that may be enough. Jolie has the body of a computer game hero so she fits right in. The sets were great, you get bit of a round the world tour. But at the end you may be left wondering if the game was superior. At least a game will involve you in the plot.
Rating:  Summary: What did you expect, Citizen Kane? Review: OK, classic cinema it ain't. It's not even to be compared to the best serious film sci-fi (e.g., Alien, Johnny Mnemonic, The Matrix). But for a summer-release sci-fi/fantasy flick based on a popular video game, this is about as good as it's likely to get. Angelina Jolie is appropriately hot of appearance and chilly of affect [except when she remembers her father], the scenery is good, the plot maintains a reasonable level of suspense, and there are some great interiors: Lara's study, with a King-Kong-sized telescope as its centerpiece; a wonderful old office crammed with cool-looking timepieces at the clock dealer / auction house; the Bat-Cave-like basement of Lara's manor house; & the insides of the hidden temples. (Maybe the only false note is the "office" of the bad-guy lawyer--it looks more like a huge hotel lobby inexplicably filled with partyers.) Angelina even takes her shirt off [a tasteful back view only, folks], and while you don't see much, the moment sticks in your mind [assuming you're bent that way]. Tons of fight scenes, but with enough elements of novelty to stave off boredom for those jaded by the modern cinema's excesses in this area. I saw it on one of the mid-sized screens in my favorite local cinema, then slipped suavely into the big-screen main theater for a 2nd viewing. (What the heck--I bought another soda, which is where your local movie-house makes its profit, in case you didn't know.) Well worth the 2nd go-round, although no deeper meanings suddenly surfaced. If you enjoy the general genre, I think you'll like this film just fine. Can't speak from a Tomb Raiders gamer perspective, but for this middle-aged male fan of Angelina's performance in Hackers, it filled the bill pretty well.